Black Dragon Country

Chapter 347 War broke out, screening rules

Chapter 347 War broke out, screening rules

Years go by, time goes by.

The crazy construction project of the Great Wall defense line has been built for 20 years in the blink of an eye.

In the past 20 years, under Ace's dominance, the dependents who have slowly grown to a scale of hundreds of billions, regardless of casualties, have frantically built the Great Wall on mountains, mountains, and mountains.

The Great Wall expanded towards every part of the entire dragon alliance at an alarming speed.

But the family members of the dead and injured are also countless, hundreds of millions.

However, the sacrifice is worth it in the end.

Within the [-] million square kilometers of the Dragon Alliance's territory, the remaining territory that has not been expanded into plantations has all been turned into various plantations.

The expansion of 700 billion mu of land plantations has resulted in an unprecedented increase in the grain production of the entire Dragon Alliance.

The population has also grown to hundreds of billions with sufficient food supply.

At the same time as the population grows, the energy of the blood sacrifice keeps skyrocketing along with the population growth.

Today, the legends of each race have exceeded 840, plus 140 nine legendary monsters, the combat power of the legendary level is close to a thousand.

There are more than ten thousand first-tier extraordinary legions, nearly one thousand second-tier extraordinary legions, and more than three hundred third-tier extraordinary legions.

The strength has soared more than ten times.

In a floating city with an overall area of ​​more than a thousand square kilometers, it was comparable to a small island.

Ace sat on the magnificent throne, looking up at the sea of ​​clouds below, this is an extremely powerful force that has exploded with countless potentials under his leadership.

A dragon face is full of joy.

"A population of hundreds of billions, an army of tens of billions, countless extraordinary people, plus more than three hundred third-tier extraordinary legions that can rival the peak demigods."

"From ancient times to the present, there has never been such a powerful force in the mortal world."

"It's like a dream!"

He said proudly.

In the past 20 years, he has used his absolute prestige, coupled with the temptation to let whoever works hard, to let whoever goes on the battlefield first, to make the entire dragon alliance run like a clockwork machine.

The skyrocketing food supply brought about a skyrocketing increase in population, and the skyrocketing population brought about a skyrocketing increase in the energy of the blood sacrifice, which in turn brought about a skyrocketing increase in the number of superhumans.

Under the virtuous circle, the entire giant dragon alliance is developing in a good direction every moment under his command.

And amidst this, his own strength has also ushered in a period of rapid growth.

About a quarter of the blood sacrifice energy brought by the entire dragon alliance every year is his dragon, and the remaining three quarters are the share of the other two little dragons and all other extraordinary people of the dragon alliance. For 20 years, with the help of abundant blood sacrifice energy.

The area of ​​his small world has exceeded [-] million square kilometers, and the area has quadrupled.

Although he still can't do middle-level divine power now, weak-level divine power is no longer his opponent.

Generally speaking, his strength is still rising like a rocket.

On the crystal throne on the left, Eliza, who was shrouded in countless huge magic screens, looked at Ace with a joyful face.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up and said: "Ace, the war between us and humans should begin."

"In recent years, those ancient evil gods don't seem to support that group of humans too much. Their strength growth rate, although compared with before, is still incredibly fast."

"But compared to our dragon alliance, it is much, much slower."

"The population so far is only 900 billion, which is billions of people less than our dragon alliance."

Eliza licked her mouth.

Like a beautiful princess who saw a delicious cake, she couldn't wait to share the beautiful strawberry cake in front of her.

Without the absolute support of the ancient evil gods in the dark or in the open, and the human world without a unified order, although some state-level water conservancy projects have been completed in recent years.

But there is no water conservancy project at the mainland level.

Because of ethnic disputes, land disputes, and where to build projects, every decision in the human world is very difficult to implement.

Although the major powerhouses in the human world are anxious about the ever-expanding power of the Dragon Alliance, their own interests cannot be compromised even a single step.

Every step that is lost is the loss of hundreds of millions or even billions of blood sacrifice energy.

You can't let it die.

Under various conditions, the development of various projects is quite difficult.

It's not like the Dragon Alliance at all. Ace gave an order, even if millions of dependents die, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dependents, they still have to complete the project for me.

If you don't do it well, you won't have your share in the war.

Naturally, there is no more living space.

The dependents were desperately messed up.

With the flesh and blood of the people, the Great Wall was built on all the mountains and mountains within 20 million square kilometers of the entire Dragon Alliance within [-] years, so that the irrigation system of tunnels and canals brought by the Great Wall can spread to every part of the territory. Rapidly increase food production.

One is absolute centralization of power, and the other is a state of disunity, where everything is fought for the sake of interests, and the alliance centralized power after the fight.

The difference is clear at a glance.

Ace's scarlet eyes flickered, and he said, "The cubs are waiting impatiently, some of the younger ones have already died of old age."

"Wait any longer, and the 800 billion excellent and strong dependents who worked hard under the abundance of food and built various projects will die of old age."

"We can't do business at a loss!"

"Let's set the goal this time at the southern border!"

"I have not spent these 20 years in vain. I have never forgotten my old profession of farming."

He is quite proud now.

As an extremely powerful farming dragon, it is still an excellent farming dragon that has increased the gross domestic product of the entire continent by dozens of times.

20 years of sobriety is enough for him to think about the planting rules for how to turn grasslands and Gobi areas into granaries.

The word holy, he can't let people call it for nothing!
On the throne on the right, Elena, who was extremely bored and was in deep sleep when she heard a war, squatted up instantly, her eyes glowed and she said, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and gather the army to kill them!"

"Those dependents who have been building the Great Wall for at least 20 years, their long construction experience has made them physically strong and at the same time possessed a certain degree of discipline."

"Give them some weapons and armor, and they will become elite fighters."

"Before human beings reacted, we gathered an army of tens of billions and pushed the southern border in one wave."

"Guaranteed to beat them miserably!"

Elena didn't talk nonsense.

Construction is inherently a work that requires discipline and requires listening to orders.

After building the Great Wall for 20 years, most of their dependents now have a certain degree of discipline.

Distribute some weapons and armor casually, and they will be more elite fighters.

Not to mention these dependents, they are almost crazy about war, and they still think about it for 20 years.

It is conceivable how crazy they will be after they are issued weapons and armors and asked them to cut down the human beings on the opposite side.

"Then let's fight!"

The majestic voice echoed in the palace.


The army marched south, washing inexhaustible blood and pouring inexhaustible will to fight.

February of the 85th year of the Dragon Calendar.

The horn of war was sounded again.

The densely packed construction corps of various ethnic groups with a number of more than 700 billion lost their construction tools at the moment when the war horn was sounded again.

Wearing armor, holding a sword in hand, they lined up in a neat formation, along the Great Wall, frantically heading towards the border between the Dragon Alliance and the human world.

Above the Great Wall in the south.

The densely packed pandaren cavalry corps, numbering more than 30 billion, wore fish scale armor and held a variety of heavy weapons, and marched rapidly along the Great Wall towards the south.

"Speed ​​up, His Majesty has an order, whoever runs to the border of humans first will be the vanguard."

"Those who want military merits, go for me!"

A third-tier pandaren aristocrat strode forward, waving his hands and roaring at the hundred thousand pandaren behind him.

As he stepped on the Great Wall and advanced rapidly, the figures in suits of armor gleamed fiercely, and rushed forward in an orderly manner.

The Great Wall trembled at the sound of their footsteps, and the deafening howl resounded through the sky and the earth.

In the tunnels and canals under the Great Wall, large ships loaded with all kinds of war materials have already crowded the tunnels, and they kept moving forward amidst countless pandaren's horns.

As for bulk goods such as food, because the Dragon Alliance has turned all their land into plantations, in their own land, they have no shortage of food at all, and they can eat it wherever they go.

The granary along the Great Wall in the south is enough to support an army of billions in battle for ten years.

Not to mention that as time goes by, the plantations in their direction can also continuously provide them with food as time goes by.

The 30 billion pandaren cavalry army advanced rapidly.

On the other hand, the two battlefields in the east and the north, where heavy troops had gathered early, started fighting hard at the moment the horn of war sounded.

The members of the 50 billion dragon alliance, under the leadership of their own legend, control countless extraordinary legions, pushing towards the human fortress defense line.

The war broke out instantly.

The entire front line has become a living hell.

Everywhere are members of the alliance of humans and dragons who are fighting for their lives.

In a generation of 20 years, the high-level human beings on the opposite side used time to eliminate the impact of sending countless human beings to the front line to die.

Today, they use food, money, official positions, extraordinary resources, exercises, and blood sacrifice energy to continuously improve the morale of human soldiers on the front line.

Facing food, facing money, facing official position, facing extraordinary resources, facing extraordinary skills, facing the temptation brought by countless benefits such as blood sacrifice energy and so on.

The human legion, who had had enough benefits, also exerted all its strength and frantically fought against the dependents of the dragon alliance.

You cut me with a knife, and I stab you with a sword.

In short, it is endless.

With both sides desperately fighting, casualties inevitably rose rapidly.

The entire continent can be described as a mess.

Within the hall of the gods!

180 The five ancient evil gods looked at the countless human soldiers fighting in a group on the magic screen and the densely packed family members of the dragon alliance.

Each of them looked extremely dignified.

The God of Civilization said: "The 5000 million high-quality true spirits that Ace, the ruler of the Dragon Alliance, have not yet arrived."

"Now we must not just watch!"

"Otherwise, once the Dragon Alliance takes over the entire continent and the 5000 million high-quality true spirits don't come, we will be at a loss."

Twenty years is a blink of an eye for these gods who are hundreds of thousands of years old, millions of years old, or even tens of millions of years old.

Therefore, they were not in a hurry, nor did they doubt that the other party would not get 5000 million true spirits.

After all, where did it go in 20 years?
It used to take hundreds of years for them to take a nap.

But in the face of the 5000 million true spirits that the opponent still hasn't obtained, they are unwilling to lose their basic assets right now.

The sun god agreed:

"We must help. In the past 20 years, the Dragon Alliance has taken advantage of the great unification and has far widened the power gap with the human world."

"In the current human world, collide with them head-on. If nothing else, the three hundred third-order extraordinary legions that are comparable to demigods can push them horizontally."

"In other words, they all have a population of more than 900 billion, and the difference is not much different."

"Our blood sacrifice energy will definitely not be less than that of the Dragon Alliance."

"How come the human beings on our side have a total of only a hundred Tier [-] Transcendent legions, why does the opponent have more than [-]?"

"What a bunch of iron waste."

The sun god was very angry.

Even if gods like them didn't help in these years, the human world had a population of 20 billion 600 years ago. Even though it is less than the Dragon Alliance now, it still has a population of 900 billion.

It is 40 billion lower than the Dragon Alliance.

The difference is not that big at all.

The populations are not too far apart, so of course the energy of the blood sacrifice is not too far apart.

The three giants of the Dragon Alliance on the opposite side took [-]% of the blood sacrifice energy of the Dragon Alliance's overall blood sacrifice, and they, the ancient evil gods, also took [-]% of the overall blood sacrifice energy of the human world.

Both are [-]%, the blood sacrifice energy in the human world is no less than the blood sacrifice energy of the dragon alliance's family members.

However, the birth ratio of the strong on both sides is so large that it is hard for them, the ancient evil gods, to understand.

Three times the gap, this is still a hammer.

In fact, these ancient evil gods also know the reason.

It is nothing more than that all the existences in the Dragon Alliance that can obtain extraordinary resources are stepping on mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the survival of the fittest is slowly rising from countless military achievements on the battlefield.

Talented dependents, as long as the war breaks out, they will be desperate enough to have their day.

On their human side, class, wealth, connections, strength, inheritance, everything is desperately restricting their geniuses.

The utilization of resources by both parties is not at the same level at all.

A resource for a genius can be used as two, three, or even ten, while an ordinary person can only be used as one, or half, or even a fraction of a resource.

This situation has existed since ancient times.

It can only be said that they underestimated the absolute militarization rules of the Dragon Alliance.

He only saw the opponent's increase in the morale of the army, completely ignoring the excellent screening rules in him that can make countless geniuses stand up very easily.

(End of this chapter)

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