Chapter 327

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

In the dark snow field, a team of ten tauren braved the heavy snow and quickly moved forward.

On the mace, sledgehammer, and big ax they held in their hands, pieces of red ice had condensed in the ice and snow.

The smell of blood rushed to the face, but none of this could stop the eager gaze in the eyes of the ten tauren.

In today's battle, they won a complete victory. The 20 human legion was defeated by their Tauren legion and fled scattered in the snow.

After desperately chasing and killing them to reap military merits, they have all obtained at least one military merit now.

This means that each of them will become at least a soldier after returning from this war, get five acres of land, and two or three slaves, and complete the transformation from slave to slave owner.

They are extremely excited now, and the excitement in their hearts is about to burst out.

His morale was high, and he chased and killed the human rout on the opposite side, of course he was full of energy.

Therefore, even though it was already night and the blizzard was still falling, they were willing to take risks and keep chasing forward.

The tauren commander held a giant machete about two meters long in both hands. The bull's eyes were wide open, and his nose kept smelling something in the air as he moved forward.

Suddenly, a familiar smell of blood rushed into his mouth and nose.

He raised his head, and hurriedly shouted at the ten subordinates behind him:
"Hurry up, I can smell the group of human soldiers."

"And I also smelled a special fragrance. I have never felt that fragrance. Those guys definitely have something good to say."

"Kill them, we can not only get rich, but also obtain precious treasures."

"Whether it's cannon fodder or a strong one, let's see this wave."

The ten tauren commanders were very excited. He thought that it would be quite good to get ten heads this time, but he didn't expect that besides the heads, he could also get unexpected gains.

This is simply a pie in the sky, if he doesn't get the pie, he will feel sorry for himself.

"What? There are treasures."

The tauren's eyes widened one after another, and their speed increased a lot.

While running, a tauren clenched the giant double-sided sword in its hand and said: "I remembered, when we chased that group of humans, there was a person running desperately behind his back."

"And even if I cut off four fingers of that guy and almost lost his life, he still doesn't want to give up."

"That treasure must be the guy he is protecting."

Speaking what the tauren said, invisibly verified the inference that there is a treasure ahead that the tauren ten husband said.

The atmosphere became completely heated.

The tauren spewed out puffs of white air from the noses of the bulls, and the exhaustion from chasing for a day was swept away by them.

In front of the treasure, what fatigue?That is all false.

They can run at full strength for another three days.

What is the strongest of their tauren?Beyond strength, that's endurance.

For the treasure, they fought hard today.

In the dark cave, seven human soldiers huddled together to keep each other warm, together hugging Winlester in the middle, warming his body.

Suddenly, a long dragon formed by clusters of torches appeared in the distant forest.

The vigilant human soldiers hurriedly woke up their companions.

A group of awakened human soldiers came to the entrance of the cave one after another, looking at the torch dragon that was speeding towards them below, they almost scolded their mothers in their hearts.

The young man couldn't help but said: "Boss, it's late at night and it's still snowing heavily, why are those tauren still chasing them?"

"Don't you die?"

"We didn't kill their parents or their daughter? Is there any need to keep fighting with us?"

"We didn't do anything to slaughter the village."

Young people, their hearts are full of speechlessness.

The desperate pursuit during the day had already exhausted him, and at night, he finally managed to rest for a while, but before he could rest for a long time, the opponent caught up again.

There is no deep hatred between the two sides. It is very dangerous to advance in the snowstorm at night, and it is completely unnecessary.

The seven human soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, wishing to chop up the group of tauren on the opposite side into a pile of meat paste.

During the day, they were already miserable, killing and injuring countless brothers, and finally escaped, but the other party didn't even let them rest, so they directly chased after them at the risk of dying in the heavy snow.

The arrogance that it's either me or you will die really makes their teeth itch with hatred.

The ruthless flames shining in the snowstorm in the distance kept flickering in the pupils of the ten commanders. He turned to the human soldiers behind and said:

"Put that money-losing item on your back, and let's continue walking. We must not be overtaken by those tauren."

"Otherwise we're dead."

He is very aware of the physical condition of the group of brothers under him now.

A year ago, they were still a group of farmers or slaves farming in the fields. After several months of training, although they already had certain military capabilities.

But compared to the group of dependents of the dragon alliance with military exploits on the opposite side, the gap is really too big.

Fighting with the same number of people, they must be the ones who die.

Because in addition to being more desperate than them, the opponent can withstand an astonishing [-]% of casualties, which can be called an absolute elite fighter who is not afraid of death.

And they can only bear [-]% of the casualties at most.

Their weapons are not as good as theirs, their morale is not as good as theirs, and their ability to withstand casualties is not as good as theirs. If they can win, there will be ghosts.

To be able to fight against the opponent before, it was the advantage of having a large number of people.

But now there are six or seven torches on the opposite side, and there are at least seven people on the other side.

It's simply not something they can deal with.

The wind and snow flew along with the whistling of the storm, and the two teams, one in front and the other in the back, kept heading northeast.

One team is the escapers and the other team is the chasers.

Both sides have reasons for having to move forward.

The team in front is to live, to keep their own lives, and keep moving forward.

The tauren in the rear, for the sake of military exploits, fiefdom, and the chance to reach the top of the extraordinary, desperately chased forward.

"Ho ho, ho ho, ho ho!"

The young man resisted the exhaustion in every part of his body, tightened the money-losing goods on his back, and continued to rush forward with his head buried.

My heart is full of broken words:
"Why am I carrying this guy? Do I owe him anything?"

"No, he owes me. I carried him for a while and was saving his life."

"He owes me his life no matter what."

"I swear, when I get to a safe place, I will definitely beat him a dozen times head-on, and then snatch his shoes and clothes back."

"You can't let go of those shiny glasses, it's a good thing to see."

"I saved his life, and he gave me these things, it's not too much."

"Certainly not too much."

The young man who kept shifting his sense of fatigue in his heart gritted his teeth and moved forward desperately, squeezing out all the energy in his body.

A group of teams has reached the brink of collapse at this time.

Expeditions for hundreds of miles consumed most of their physical strength, and a sudden war ravaged them severely, leaving them half dead.

I ran for a whole day, didn't eat a bite of food, and continued to run at night.

A body of iron can't bear it under such circumstances.

The ten chiefs of the human race took six people and one loser, and finally climbed over the snow mountain in front of them.

Looking forward, I saw at the foot of the mountain, huge military camps densely packed for hundreds of miles standing on the ground.

The neatly arranged bonfire general camp was brightly illuminated, and thousands of patrols guarded the general camp without leaking water.

Looking at it at a glance, it would take a million people to fill up the densely packed tents.

"Boss, we ran to the right place."

The young man sat down on the ground and said with extreme excitement.

He really didn't expect that across the mountain, there were millions of troops from their human camp on the opposite side. They really kicked their lives into their pockets, and they were safe.

The youth's optimism did not affect the Human Race Commander, who looked at the huge military camp in the distance, and then at the money-losing goods that rolled to the ground as the young man sat on the ground.

Turning his head and cursing at the soldiers behind him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Run quickly."

"The tauren haven't given up on killing us yet."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the money-losing product Win Lester, and ran towards the human army camp under the snow-capped mountains.

The other six soldiers subconsciously looked down the snowy mountain behind them, and saw ten tauren, staring at blood-red bull eyes, holding various heavy weapons, still rushing forward screaming, looking like today Even if they are dead, they will kill them with a desperate appearance.

"My dear mother."

The young man jumped up in an instant, and hurried down the snow-capped mountain just like his uncle.

The faces of the five soldiers were full of tragedy, and one turned over and rolled directly to the bottom of the snow mountain.

It was too late to run, and they didn't have the strength to run, so they could only roll down.

The tauren commander had just climbed up the snow mountain, when he looked down, he was stunned with a bull face.

But in an instant he woke up again, looking at the group of human soldiers who were rolling down below, he rushed down, begging for mercy while running: "Please stop, let me put You hacked to death."

"Don't run away."

The ten men of the tauren spoke incoherently, but the seven human soldiers who were running down cursed in their hearts at the same time after hearing the other's words: "You are idiots if you don't run, please stop, we are so stupid! ?"

Seeing the human soldiers on the other side who not only did not stop, but also accelerated their running speed a little under his kind persuasion, the tauren commander became anxious.

Although the seven military achievements are precious, treasures are the real valuables.

As soon as I came here, the scent became more obvious, and it was obvious that the baby was right in front of me.

People can walk, but babies can't.

Ignoring so many tauren captains, they started to roll down.

The other nine tauren also desperately chased down at the same time.

A life-and-death battle continued to erupt.

The two teams, chasing and fleeing, rushed towards the human army camp under the snow mountain.

But on the original snow mountain, a large group of pandaren buried in the wind and snow were stunned.

"Did something run over my head just now?"

"My head seems to have been stepped on hard, am I wrong?"

A pandaren kicked another pandaren next to him with his own foot, with an uncertain tone in his tone.

He fell asleep just now, and was suddenly awakened by someone stepping on him in his sleep. He didn't know what happened before.

"That's not your illusion. Just now a few humans stepped on you a few times from above, and then a large group of tauren came over and stomped on you a few more times. Why are you awake now?"

The chubby pandaren spoke speechlessly to his fellow clan who barely woke up after being trampled dozens of times.

The pandaren who was stepped on was a little confused, what?He was not just stepped on, but dozens of feet.

Still being stepped on by that group of tauren idiots, Shi can bear it, but pandas can't bear it.

Regardless of his disregard, he stood up from the snow and was three meters tall. Yuan Gungun was wearing a pitch-black iron armor, a round helmet on his head, and a four-meter-long sword in his hand.

Looking at the tauren below who was still desperately running forward, the panda's face turned black and white from anger.

"You idiots, I will make you pay a heavy price."

After speaking, he drew out his giant four-meter-long saber.


The majestic bear howl resounded in the mountains, and he rushed out immediately.

Wearing iron armor and holding a saber in his hand, he was like a tank at this moment, smashing through countless snowdrifts as it passed.

The bear roar seemed to be a signal.

Accompanied by the roar of the bear, it spread along the snow-capped mountains for hundreds of miles.

The densely packed pandaren stood up directly from under the snow at this moment. At this moment, the pitch-black snow mountain was lit by fire.

Millions of pandaren like tanks showed their eyes of brutal fighting to the human barracks below.

"Wang Youling!"


The deafening sound of the horn scattered countless goose feathers and heavy snow, and the roar of countless pandas occupied the entire mountain at this moment.

Mighty, like an avalanche, the armored torrent rumbled towards the human barracks below.

For a time, the barracks composed of millions of troops was in chaos.

"Goddess of fate, what kind of bad luck are we having?"

The young man turned his head and looked at the mighty, countless faces rushing towards him with cruel expressions, and the armored torrent holding a four-meter saber, his face was turned into a liver-colored face.

Do you want to be so shameless?
You have so many pandas, why are you hiding on the snow mountain?

Wouldn't it be better to kill them early?We can also escape in another way.

Now it's all right, as soon as it leaves the cow's mouth, it falls head-on into the four-meter-slashing saber of an army of millions of iron-clad pandas.

(End of this chapter)

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