Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 333 Key Memory

Chapter 333 Key Memory ([-])

Harry's upcoming holidays have been in a state of trepidation, not only him, but everyone.

The next day's "Daily Prophet" published the current appearance of Diagon Alley. The tragic scene was simply palpitating, especially the series of death lists, which was simply shuddering.

Mrs. Weasley forbade Harry and the others to go out, not even to let the wind in the garden for a while.If Mr. Weasley hadn't had to go to work, he would have been confined at home by her.

After all, no one knows where the mad Voldemort and his followers will strike next.

In this tense atmosphere, Harry finally survived the New Year and could go back to Hogwarts.

This time, the Ministry of Magic did not send a car, but temporarily connected the Floo network between the Burrow and Hogwarts, in order to allow students to return to school safely and quickly.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny lined up by the fireplace by the kitchen, and only Mrs. Weasley saw them off, and everyone else had to go to work.

Mrs. Weasley couldn't help crying, as she had done from time to time since Percy was driven away by the twins and Ron and Ginny on Christmas Day.And obviously, the parting atmosphere at this moment crushed Mrs. Weasley's tears that had fallen to the bottom.

"Don't cry, Mom..." Ginny said, hugging Mrs. Weasley, patting her on the back, "It's okay..."

"Just, don't worry about us," said Ron, this time he didn't dodge Mrs. Weasley's kiss.

"We'll be safe, don't worry." McGonagall's tone was complicated, with an unquestionable expression on her face, but all of that was shattered by Mrs. Luo Qianghe's tight hug.

At the very beginning, Mrs. Hogwarts hugged Luo Qiang, and she was already weeping loudly.

"Promise you to take good care of yourself and don't cause trouble..."

"You hate a quiet life, he knows that, Mrs. Hogwarts." Hermione said solemnly, successfully making Mrs. Hogwarts laugh.

You entered the front, and the first exhorted: "Everyone be well..." Then you watched Hermione and the others disappear outside the fireplace one by one.

The strange feeling of dizziness hit, but Hermione didn't feel comfortable in the slightest. I haven't gotten used to that feeling yet, so I stopped firmly outside Professor Neville's fireplace.

That scene should not have happened very many times today, and just behind Luo Qiang, Harry, McGonagall, and Ginny were standing outside, Professor Luo Qiang was so moved that he even raised his head.

"Good evening, Potter, don't get too little dust under the rug."

"Yes, Professor, you are very careful."

Luo Qiang put on his glasses and sorted out his own image. The seven of them bowed to Professor Neville, left your office, and walked towards the Gryffindor Tower.

"It's worth every penny." Harry said confidently behind the fat lady's portrait.

"That's right." The Fat Lady looked paler than before, she didn't have any energy.

"What's right?" Luo Qiang was taken aback for a moment before he could react.

"The password is correct, the password has been changed." The fat lady rubbed her head, as if startled by Harry's small voice.

Hermione and the others had time to take care of Luo Qiang, who was staring at the fat lady with small eyes, and we looked at each other with blank faces.Generally speaking, for McGonagall and Ginny, this is the first time you know the password of the common room.

In other words, you "Ron".

"Hi Hermione, Luo Qiang, Ginny, Harry..." Just as he was thinking, the real Ron appeared at the other end of the corridor with a thick book in his arms, and ran over while greeting us, " Did they have a good Christmas?"

"It's wonderful." Hermione shook her head, "Not too many things happened..."

"Yeah..." Ron sighed, "Before the accident in Diagon Alley, your grandma even allowed you to stay out of my sight...even when you were going to the toilet..."

"Ah, this is really wonderful." Hermione and Harry sighed in unison, and Luo Qiang also looked like the past was worth looking back on.

When the eight little gentlemen fell into some strange memory, McGonagall asked aloud: "Ron, does he know the new password?"

"Know!" Ron became inexplicably excited, and blurted out, "Quit drinking!"

"Correct." The fat lady still looked energetic, but she still showed us the portrait hole.

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked curiously as we retreated to the hole one by one.

"Christmas is so crazy," said Ron from behind, "it looks like you and your friends drank up the wine that wasn't left outside the painting of some drunk monks in the corridor of the Charms classroom." ..."

"Ah, it's strange..." Hermione nodded when she heard the words, and then went to answer everything.

I don't think it's weird, I've seen even more outrageous things, such as the portrait of the knight in the Potions classroom and the duel of the knight outside the portrait in the corridor on the eighth floor. The whole castle.At first, it was Dai Lisi Devante, the post-Weslets headmaster who cured us.

The Fat Lady and your good friend Violet Mister getting drunk are nothing compared to that.

"By the way, you almost forgot, Mr. Dumbledore told you to give that to you." Stepping into the common room, Luo Qiang said while looking through the pockets under his body, but he couldn't find it at all.Then he frantically shook the book in his hand, and then a piece of parchment fell out of the book.

"Here, it's not that." Ron bent down and picked up the parchment and handed it to Hermione, who quickly took it and opened it, read it once and then closed it.

"Tomorrow night," I said, "that time was very slow."

"It's very unusual, after all, such a good attack happened during the holiday." McGonagall shrugged.

Except for Ron, everyone else looked like they didn't care, which obviously slowed down Ron.Seeing this, Hermione directly told me that Dumbledore had dismissed me from get out of class. Hearing this, Ron's face showed no sincerity of being unhappy for his friend.

"This is really great!" said Ron, with a look of envy in his eyes.But that's all. I'm very ignorant of my talent under magic.

So, just not envious.

Hermione paid attention to Ron's expression, and discussed with us about Diagon Alley.It didn't stop there, Hermione also told about Scrimgeour's request for my help, which immediately attracted criticism from Xiaojia.

We all agreed that before Luo Qiang suffered so much last year, he still asked me for help and let me stand on the platform, even if the minister changed, it would be an extremely eloquent thing.

"Thick-skinned." That was how Ron felt.

"Standard politician." That was McGonagall's summary.

(End of this chapter)

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