Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 304 Charlie

Chapter 304 Charlie
"Minister, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Kingsley got up and bowed slightly, and after obtaining Scrimgeour's consent, he turned and walked out of the minister's office, closing the door behind him respectfully.

After arranging the robe on his body a little, he walked directly to the elevator.Until I took the elevator and came to the lobby of the Ministry of Magic, I didn't see a colleague who looked relaxed, and they all looked bitter and bitter.

Grabbed a handful of Floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, yelled "The Leaky Cauldron," and green flames engulfed him.When he reappeared, he was already in a still deserted bar.

Nodding to Old Tom, Kingsley pushed open the door of the bar.I looked left and right in the alley next to me, and saw no one apparated and left again.

Kingsley stood in the small square, surrounded by Muggles hurrying around, they didn't seem to see him.Walking forward, the row of houses in front of him slowly moved to both sides as he approached, and an extra old-looking house appeared out of thin air.

Knocking on the door, it opened from the inside after a while, revealing a thin face.

"Is no one following you?" Sirius asked vigilantly.

"No, I'm very careful." Kingsley shook his head.

Sirius nodded, ducked to the side, let Kingsley in, then quickly closed the door, and the two walked inside together.

"Mad-Eye and Tonks are here, and Molly is preparing lunch..."

"Where's Dumbledore? Is he there?"

"Just arrived not long ago..."

They walked through the corridor, keeping their voices down, and pushed open the door of the room under the stairs.Looking up, he saw Dumbledore throwing a pile of cockroaches into his mouth.

"Oh, Kingsley, would you like one?" asked Dumbledore.

"No." Kingsley shook his head with a smile, greeted Moody and Tonks in the room, and then sat down on the chair.

"The minister has decided to deal with the werewolves," he said.

"It's about time." Sirius said angrily, "For such a long time, he has distributed a pamphlet that is completely useless, and then he was burned by those guys."

"The Ministry is short of manpower, and Arthur knows that." Kingsley didn't refute Sirius, but just explained with a smile, and then said to Dumbledore, "Recently, he should contact you."

"I see, this is a good thing." Dumbledore nodded and said, "We really can't let the situation worsen, and it's time to take some counterattacks... By the way, you don't know yet, do you? According to the news brought back by Alastor just now, many followers of Voldemort have entered the UK from the south."

Kingsley looked at Moody, saw Moody nod slightly, and said, "That's right, there are about a few hundred people, and most of them are werewolves who are down and out abroad, and they were picked up by that nasty kid."

"I think Rufus will receive the news by tonight at the latest," said Dumbledore.

"Then his plan is going to fail?" Sirius interrupted. "Hundreds of werewolves! That's not easy to deal with."

"The minister's intention is to capture and kill those werewolves as much as possible. The main goal is to capture Fenrir Greyback. After all, he is the leader of the werewolves. If he can be caught, he can also give some explanations to the people. sighed Kingsley.

"If it's really successful, it's okay, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch Greyback." Moody said hoarsely, "Don't forget that nasty kid, he has done more evil things than those gangsters recently. The Death Eaters have done more over the years!"

"Except for Albus, none of us are his opponents." Moody looked at Dumbledore and asked, "When the time comes, can his little girlfriend come?"

"We cannot and should not involve students who are still in school, Alastor." Dumbledore shook his head, his tone a little heavy.

"What about Snape? What news from him?" Moody asked again.

"Severus has not received any new news, nor does he know of Stryde's whereabouts and mission."

"That's going to be difficult..." Moody spread his hands and shrugged again, "I don't know if my old bones can stop that kid..."

The room fell silent, and everyone realized their biggest shortcoming, which was the lack of top wizards.The battle a few weeks ago had shown that Dumbledore had lost the power to take on the Dark Lord and Ike at the same time, and that the others were no match for those two at all.

If this problem cannot be solved, no matter how many things are done, it is actually futile.

Seeing the seriousness on everyone's faces, Dumbledore smiled suddenly, picked up a pile of cockroaches and threw it into his mouth, feeling the pleasure of bursting pulp, and said, "Gentlemen, are you thinking too complicated? Rufus hasn't told me about it yet."

"But Kingsley..."

Before Sirius finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Kingsley just said that Rufus has this intention, and whether he will do it or not is still uncertain."

"That's true. I can see that the minister still has some concerns." Kingsley nodded.

Seeing this, Dumbledore smiled again, and said in a relaxed tone: "So gentlemen, we don't need to get too entangled here, and I am also prepared to meet with Rufus and have a talk. To facilitate this matter as much as possible..." He put away his smile again, and said seriously: "But at the same time, we must also be prepared to do it alone..."

"No matter what, we must suppress Voldemort's arrogance..."

Just as he was talking, there was another knock on the door.Everyone followed the sound and couldn't help but smile.

"Is dinner ready, Molly?" Dumbledore asked, "I'm already hungry, you won't let an old man like me continue to be hungry?"

"Sorry Dumbledore, you may have to wait a little longer," said Mrs. Weasley, with a smile on her face.She gave way to the side, pulled a person from the side and pushed in, and said excitedly: "Good news, Charlie is back!"

"My God! This is really good news!"

Everyone cheered up, warmly hugged Charlie who was happy with the sun, and called him to sit down.

"You guys chat first, I have to go and see the stew in the pot."

"Okay, Molly."

As soon as Mrs. Weasley closed the door, Dumbledore asked Charlie, "Charlie, there must be something very important to bring you back at this time, right?"

"Yes, tell me quickly, I urgently need good news now." Sirius echoed from the side.

Charlie nodded when he heard the words. Although he was still a little tired, he could still hear the excitement and excitement in his words.

"That's right! There are more than a dozen foreign wizards who are willing to help us fight against the Dark Lord, and they have come to England!"

"And, I brought back a dragon..." Charlie asked, looking at Dumbledore.

"Sir, do you remember Norbert?"

(End of this chapter)

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