Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 299 The Past

Chapter 299 Before (Part [-])

"...your son Morfin attacked a Muggle last night..."

"'s illegal for him to show a dirty Muggle a little bit of color..."

"...Look at this! The jewel bears Peverell's coat of arms... Salazar Slytherin! We are his last living descendants..."

"...every time the Muggle passed by, she was watching him over the fence..."

"...Is this true! My daughter, a pure blood descendant of Salazar Slytherin, is pursuing a dirty Muggle..."

Like a drama, the ups and downs of what happened in the Gaunt family made Harry never relax for a moment.

Finally, the plot reached its climax. The pure-blood Gaunt's daughter, Merope, fell in love with a Muggle named Tom. Mr. Gaunt was furious and pulled out his wand to clean up the house, but was stopped by Ogden. As a result, Ogden Gordon was beaten by Morfin's crazy attack and ran away in a panic.

Harry waited to read, but Dumbledore pulled him out of this memory, and they returned to the headmaster's office.

"What happened in the back? Sir, the girl?" Harry asked.

"Oh, she survived." Dumbledore greeted Harry to leave the secret room where the Pensieve was placed, and sat back behind the table, and said, "Ogden Apparated back to the Ministry of Magic, and in 15 minutes he brought the Ministry of Magic Reinforcements came back to the old Gaunt house, and arrested both Morfin and his father, old Gaunt."

"Morfin attacked Muggles many times and was sentenced to serve in Azkaban for three years, while Marvolo was sentenced to six months for hurting several officials of the Ministry of Magic..."

"Marvolo?" Harry caught the key point in Dumbledore's words, which earned him an appreciative smile.

"That's right, that's what you think." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Old Gaunt is Voldemort's grandfather."

"Marvolo, Morfin, and Merope are the last descendants of the Gunter family." He said, "The Gunter family is a very old pure-blood family, known for their restlessness and violence, which may be due to their habit of inbreeding Related. That young man you see, the one Merope is madly infatuated with, is Voldemort's father."

"Is he the one Morfin attacked?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but that's not important compared to the rest of the story," said Dumbledore.

"You should have noticed that when Merope broke the vase at the beginning, she used the Restoration Charm twice to restore it. In fact, it was because of Marvolo's high-handed rule, which limited Merope's magical ability .”

"It was like squeezing a spring hard. After Marvolo and Morfin were imprisoned, Merope was completely free and let himself go."

"Guess what she did to make Tom forget his Muggle lover and fall in love with her?"

"Emotion potion?" Harry thought of the potion shown in Slughorn's class, but added another answer considering the distorted views of the Gaunt family.

"Or... the Soul Seizing Curse?"

"I'm more inclined to be a love potion." Dumbledore said, "It's easier to operate. You only need to persuade Tom to drink a glass of water when he passes by one day. But no matter what she did, we saw it just now. A few months after that scene, Tom and Merope eloped."

"It's more interesting later, when Tom returned a few months after they eloped, alone, without Merope, claiming to have been lied to and hoodwinked."

"I think he meant that he was under magic, but there was no way to say such words at the time, and others would treat him as a lunatic. However, his departure and return were too strange, and the villagers also speculated that it was Merope tricked him into getting pregnant with his child and forced Tom to marry her."

"But, she did give birth to Voldemort!" Harry said, "But, I remember that Voldemort grew up in an orphanage, didn't he..."

"That's what we don't know." Dumbledore said, "Merope didn't show up afterwards, and he should have died shortly after giving birth to Voldemort."

"It's a tragedy, Harry, and the power of magic can never be a substitute for true human emotion."

"When you decide to use some means to play with emotions, you will definitely suffer a very serious backlash."

"Undoubtedly, Merope loved Tom so much, that's why he used magic to make him fall in love with her and gave birth to a child for him. But also because of this kind of love, she felt that her husband loved her the same way, so she chose Stopped the love potion."

"Perhaps, Merope felt that Tom would at least stay for their children."

"But the truth is, she was wrong," interrupted Harry.

"Yes, that's the truth." Dumbledore nodded. "Since then, Tom has never looked for her, nor has he asked how his son is..."

"Wait!" Harry sensed Hua Dot, "Voldemort's father knew he had a son?"

"Yes, but that's another story," said Dumbledore.

Harry was lost in thought, completely lost in the story Dumbledore was telling.He suddenly understood why Voldemort was so crazy. He was born in such a family, and still had the crazy and violent blood of the Gaunt family on his body. Maybe just a little change is enough to make him what he is now.

Recalling what Dumbledore once said about his first meeting with Voldemort, maybe he was already what he is now at that time, but he was just hidden at that time.

At this time, Harry remembered an inconspicuous thing in his memory just now, and subconsciously looked at Dumbledore's left hand.

His actions were noticed by Dumbledore, and then he stretched out his left hand and shook it, so that Harry could see the ring he was wearing more clearly.

"Sir, is that the ring that Marvolo Gaunt showed Ogden?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore nodded and replied, "That's right, it's that one."

"But...has it been with you all this time?"

"No, I got it recently," said Dumbledore, "just a few days before I went to pick you up from your uncle and aunt."

"That's when your hand was hurt..." Harry looked at Dumbledore's right hand again, and only then remembered that it had been healed at the back-to-school dinner.

"How is it good?"

"That's another story." Dumbledore stood up, looked at the time, and said, "But it's too late, I'll tell you next time."

Dumbledore walked Harry towards the office door, but Harry stopped as soon as he opened the door.He turned around, looked into Dumbledore's kind eyes, and asked, "Sir, can I tell Hermione and Ron what happened tonight?"

"Of course, but you have to make sure that they can't tell other people about these things." Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and said, "Some things are not suitable for too many people to know."

"No sir, I promise!"

"I believe you...but now, you should go back to the dormitory to rest." Dumbledore patted Harry on the shoulder, "Good night, Harry."

"Good night, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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