Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 293 He Never Hurt You

Chapter 293 He Never Hurt You

Harry and Ron, as well as those who participated in DA last semester, were no strangers to silent spells, and they all knew that Hermione had a deep knowledge of this area, and could even be compared with the guy who had left school.

They can all call out the name of the spell, but they are actually casting another spell. At the same time, they have also mastered the more difficult spell-casting technique of the non-armed spell.

Therefore, no one would practice against Hermione last year. After all, what they wanted was to improve their spellcasting skills, not just to be beaten.

Snape naturally knew about Hermione, far more than Harry and the others.There are things that Dumbledore and Ike will tell him, and they are not afraid of revealing the secret.He knew very well that Hermione didn't need to study this class at all.

Of course, you can't just watch.

Snape picked up the quill on the podium, wrote on a piece of parchment, rolled it up and handed it to her.Without saying anything, he waved his hand and let her go aside to study by herself.

Little tricks he'd invented, which he thought would work for Hermione now.

Snape would not spend too much time on Hermione, Harry was the focus of his attention.Because someone accidentally discovered that Snape's attitude towards Harry became worse, and of course Harry did as well. Their relationship did not improve because of the Order of the Phoenix.

Besides, Sirius is still alive.

Walking around the classroom with disgust and contempt, and deliberately stopping next to Harry and Ron, so that they couldn't cheat like everyone else.

Although more than half of the students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had been taught by Harry last year and learned the Iron Armor Charm, none of them tried to use this magic silently.This is true even with the example of Hermione around.Right now, I can only recite the spell in a low voice, just muttering in my mouth, trying not to be heard by others as much as possible.

There was no way this behavior could have been successful with Snape standing next to him.

Ron's face was flushed from suffocation, and he kept his mouth tightly shut, for fear of being tempted to say a spell and attract Snape's vicious words.Harry raised his wand to be vigilant, although seeing Ron like this, the curse would definitely not strike.

"That's terrible, Weasley." Snape looked at it for a while, the disdain in his eyes was undisguised.

He drew his wand, and turned it abruptly on Harry.Harry reacted quickly, and immediately turned around and shouted: "Armor protection!"

The Iron Armor Curse released with all its strength directly bounced off Snape's curse, knocking him unsteady and backing up again and again. It was Hermione who helped him so that he didn't crash down on the table in embarrassment.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the whole class, and they all looked at the angry Snape and the fierce-looking Harry.

"Potter, do you remember we were practicing silent spells?"

"Yes." Harry replied.

"So this is the silent spell you understand, Potter?" Snape flicked his robes and broke free from Hermione's still holding hand, "I really doubt that your brain, which is smaller than a troll, Can you understand what I'm saying..."

"Confinement! On a Saturday night, in my office," he said. "I won't allow anyone to be rude to me, not even the savior!"

Hearing this, Harry had an indifferent expression on his face, and the moment he fought back, he knew that confinement would not escape.However, what he didn't expect was that he was not the only one who was going to be confined.

"Miss Granger, do you remember what I asked you to do earlier?" Snape pointed at Hermione, who looked normal, without any gratitude for her holding him up just now.

"Remember, you showed me what you gave me," Hermione replied.

"So, why didn't you do it?" Snape snorted coldly, "Confinement, come to my office tonight!"

"Now, keep practicing! I won't say stop, don't stop!"

Seeing this, everyone in the class knew that Snape was really angry, but Harry was also angry.

He rushed directly in front of Snape, and said angrily, "This has nothing to do with Hermione, you are just taking revenge!"

"You forced yourself into another day of confinement for contradicting the teacher." Snape said, looking at Harry coldly.

Harry was about to say something, but Ron held his mouth and pulled him back. He didn't want his good friend to get into big trouble on the first day of school.

It's better to accept it as soon as it's good, when Snape doesn't deduct points from Gryffindor.

This incident affected everyone in the classroom. In the following time, no one successfully used the silent spell.But no one complained to Harry, instead he sent his blessing immediately after class.

"That's great, Harry!" said Ron. "It's a joy to see the old Bat look so pissed off!"

"You shouldn't have said that, Harry." Hermione had a different opinion, looking calmly into Harry's eyes and asked, "What were you thinking at the time, and why did you act like that?"

"Didn't you see, Hermione, he wants to cast a jinx on me!" Harry said excitedly, "You really shouldn't have helped him, you should have let him hit the table hard! Your love even punished your tight confinement!"

Harry didn't give Hermione and Ron a chance to interject, and continued, "I've had enough of him! That's how it was in those Occlumency classes last year, and I was his guinea pig, punching bag!"

"Before, Sirius and the others all came to fight with us, and finally even Professor McGonagall came, where is he?"

"Dumbledore must be confused, he would choose to believe him!"

"Didn't you hear the way he talks about the Dark Arts? He loves them! There's so much variety and variety..."

"But you have to admit, Harry, that Snape did teach you Occlumency. And, he's right..."

"He's right?" Harry's eyes widened, looking directly at Hermione.

Hermione looked at him calmly, and then said, "Yes. Think about it, that's what you said when you told us how to deal with Voldemort."

"You said that it is useless to rely on spells alone, and you need a flexible mind and courage... This is the same as what he said today about how to deal with black magic, brave and quick thinking..."

Harry was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Hermione still remembered what he said not so long ago, which made a trace of guilt suddenly appear in his heart, and his anger suddenly subsided a lot.

"I think you shouldn't continue to look at Snape with tinted glasses. Think about it carefully. In fact, he didn't do anything to hurt you."

"Okay, let's go back first, put the books back in the dormitory, and then go to the auditorium for dinner," Hermione said.

"I have to go to confinement at night."

(End of this chapter)

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