Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 291 NEWT Course

Chapter 291 NEWT Course
This may be the first time in so many years that Dumbledore has completed his speech at the opening dinner in a very serious tone.

The effect is very good, and most people feel anxious.But it was hard to say whether it was the speech or the attack a few hours earlier.

The benches were pushed back with a screeching sound, and the students began to leave the auditorium and walk towards the dormitories.

Hermione left first to perform her duties as a prefect, and returned to the dormitory with those little bean dings who had just been assigned to Gryffindor.Because of this, Ron was able to accompany Harry who was unwilling to leave first.

Of course, he also had something to say to Harry.

"Hermione hasn't spoken, Harry," said Ron.

"What? She said it just now." Harry was a little confused.

"I mean when we were at Hogsmeade Station." Ron looked at the people around him vigilantly, and whispered, "I think she has something on her mind..."

"Ron, that's obvious."

"I know, but what I want to say is that we may have all underestimated the influence that person had on her..." At this time, the people in the auditorium had almost left, and Ron and Harry whispered as they walked out.

"Ike?" Harry nodded thoughtfully, but quickly shook his head again, "Ron, it's not convenient for us to enlighten her, maybe Ginny can?"

"Maybe, but there are some things we can't talk to Ginny about..."

"Hi, Harry!" Just as they were speaking, a voice sounded from behind the two of them, and when they turned around, it was Hagrid.

"How are you guys? God, I was so worried when I found out!"

"Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey's treatment is very good, but there are still some bruises." Harry showed him his arm, and asked, "I saw you were a little late just now, did you go to the hospital?" what did you do?"

"I was with Glop, you remember him." Hagrid said, "He now has a new home in the mountains, which was arranged by Dumbledore. It's a beautiful cave. He likes it very much. Lin was much happier... and because of this, I didn't have time to save you."

" don't blame me, do you?"

"How is it possible, Hagrid!" Harry shook his head, comforting, "No one would have thought that Voldemort's lackeys would do such crazy things..."

"I hope you don't say that name again, Harry." Hagrid immediately interrupted Harry and said seriously.

Harry didn't take it seriously, and said stubbornly, "Dumbledore just called him by his first name!"

"Yes, but you also said that it was Dumbledore." Hagrid said, "And, according to what I just heard, I think you should stop saying the name of the person who attacked you today..."

"Hagrid, is this a bit serious?" Ron asked puzzledly, "He's not at the level of You-Know-Who, I've seen it with my own eyes. I made a hole!"

"But apart from Dumbledore, none of you are his opponents, are you?"

Harry was about to refute something, but Hagrid stretched out his right hand to block Harry's face, interrupting what he was about to say.

"I know what you're trying to say Harry, but just in case, listen to me, especially if you're not at Hogwarts."

After finishing speaking, Hagrid smiled again, patted the shoulders of the two with his big hand, and said happily: "Okay, that's all, see you tomorrow!"

"First class in the afternoon, come early!"

He raised an arm, shook Harry and Ron, then turned and walked out of the hall, leaving Harry and Ron looking at each other.

"You're not going to take Care of Fantastic Beasts, are you?" Harry asked.

Ron shook his head and asked, "You don't choose either, do you?"

Harry shook his head too.

"Maybe Hermione is the only one to choose. I think she might challenge to win all twelve NEWT certificates."


They looked at each other with helplessness on their faces.Qiqi sighed and walked towards the dormitory.

After a sound sleep, they met in the common room before breakfast the next day, but they only talked about the selection of courses for the new semester.Neither Harry nor Ron mentioned what happened yesterday, they haven't figured out how to speak yet.

As they chatted and walked towards the auditorium, Harry told Hermione about the conversation he had with Hagrid last night.

"I won't go to the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class anymore." Hermione took an egg sandwich at the Gryffindor long table and said, "The Ministry of Magic has no time-turner, and I can't do what I did two years ago." Finished all classes."

"Also, even if I can still apply for a time-turner, I'm not going to take Care of Fantastic Beasts anymore."

"Yeah," said Ron, eating. "We like Hagrid, so we work hard and are the most enthusiastic in his class, but who would have thought he'd think we liked that stupid class."

"Who do you think will take his class?"

Both Harry and Hermione shook their heads when they heard that. It was clear to everyone that no one in the sixth year liked Care of Fantastic Beasts and no one wanted to take it again.The experience of last year was really terrible, and no one wants to go through it again.

While chatting, Hagrid left the professor's seat, and waved happily to Harry and the three of them.The three of them were a little embarrassed and just waved their hands hastily.

After breakfast, they didn't leave, they were still sitting in their seats, waiting for Professor McGonagall to come over.The sixth grade courses are very troublesome, because each professor has different NEWT requirements for his subjects. Professor McGonagall needs to confirm everyone's OWLs test scores to ensure that the minimum requirements for the NEWT courses to be selected are met.

Hermione's is the simplest, twelve O grades meet the requirements of all courses, and what to take depends only on Hermione's own choice.So it was quickly settled that Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbalism, Arithmancy, Divination, Ancient Runes and Potions, in addition to History of Magic, Astronomy, Muggle Studies and Protection of Fantastic Beasts , she must continue to study.

It is still very busy, and it may be the one with the most courses in the entire sixth grade, but it is much better than the previous two years.

"It's a very good choice. In fact, if you continue to choose to take all the courses, I will also advise you to give up a few of them." Professor McGonagall handed Hermione the scheduled schedule, and said, "This is very good now."

She flipped through her notes again, looking at Harry.

"Next, Potter..." she said, "Spells, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbalism, can pass the grades."

"But why don't you continue studying Potions? I remember your ideal is to become an Auror."

"Yes, but you told me I had to get an O in Potions," said Harry.

"That's true when Professor Snape taught this class," said Professor McGonagall, "but Professor Slughorn is willing to accept students who get grades E, so are you willing to continue taking Potions?"

"Willing is willing, but I didn't buy textbooks and materials..."

"That's okay, I'm sure Professor Slughorn can lend you some." Professor McGonagall handed Harry the confirmed schedule, "By the way, twenty students have already applied for the Quidditch team Alright, I'll give you the list later, you take the time to arrange the selection."

A few more minutes later, Ron's timetable came down, the same as Harry's.

After receiving the schedule, they left the auditorium together.

(End of this chapter)

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