Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 267 The Agreement with the Dursley Family

Chapter 267 The Agreement with the Dursleys
"At times like this... Maybe we should have something to drink."

Dumbledore looked at Harry next to him, and then at the three trembling people on the opposite side. With a light wave of his wand, a wine jug and five wine glasses appeared on the coffee table.

The jug automatically filled the glass to [-]% full, and then floated to everyone in the living room.

"Ms. Rosmerta's best mead tastes very good, you can try it." Dumbledore took the lead to take a sip from the glass in front of him, and an intoxicated look appeared on his face.The Dursleys panicked and hid back, but the cup obviously wouldn't let them go, and it went straight into their hands.

This scene made Harry laugh uncontrollably, thinking that it was a little bad to just laugh out loud, so he could only hold up the glass as a cover, and it had absolutely nothing to do with his wanting to drink this mead.

"Okay, now we can talk." Dumbledore put down his glass, and the flagon filled it automatically.He pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes fell directly on the huddled Dursleys.

"You... what are you going to talk about?" Vernon mustered up his courage, but his voice was still trembling.

"You should also be aware that Harry will come of age next year..."


Before Dumbledore could finish his sentence, Aunt Petunia said, "He's not yet of age! He's a year younger than Dudley, and Dudley won't be until the next year!"

"Actually, in the wizarding world, one becomes an adult at the age of 17." Dumbledore shook his head lightly, "It's different from your side."

"This is really absurd." Uncle Vernon also shook his head, but his hand was holding on to Aunt Petunia, who was in a state that Harry had never seen before, and it was very strange.Only Dudley was still dazed, still dodging the cup that jumped into his hand anxiously.

Dumbledore glanced thoughtfully at Aunt Petunia, and then said, "You should also know that now, the wizard named Voldemort has returned to this country, and the wizarding world is in a state of open warfare."

"Since his return, there have been multiple attempts to kill Harry."

"It can be said that Harry's situation is more dangerous now than when I put him on your steps more than ten years ago."

"At that time, I left you a letter, hoping that you could take care of him as your own child and raise him up."

"But... you obviously didn't do that."

Dumbledore looked at the Dursleys calmly, with a bit of coldness in his tone.

"You never regarded Harry as your own son, and often ignored him and abused him."

The Dursleys got closer together, and Uncle Vernon wanted to refute, but the words didn't come out of his mouth.It was Aunt Petunia who said, "But he has grown to such a size under our protection, you can't..."

"I don't deny that." Dumbledore raised his hand and interrupted Aunt Petunia, "15 years ago, when I sent Harry here, I cast a spell, and when Harry still brought Harry here When he has a family, he will have the greatest protection from the evils of the wizarding world, especially Voldemort who has returned now, can't really kill him."

"Combined with the magic that Harry's mother Lily put on him before she died, it is enough to keep him safe."

"However, for some reason, Lily's magic failed, and Voldemort was able to touch Harry. This means that the magic I cast was the only guarantee Harry had before he became an adult."

"That is, when Harry turns 17 and becomes a man, this last safeguard will also disappear."

"And I, the only request to you is: Before Harry's 17th birthday, you will allow him to return here again, and ensure that the protective power I exert continues until then."

After speaking, Dumbledore kept staring at the expressions of the Dursleys, waiting for their feedback.But none of the Dursleys said a word.Dudley frowned, still struggling with the cup.Uncle Vernon frowned tightly, his expression unnatural.Aunt Petunia opened her mouth as if to say something, but Uncle Vernon pulled her back and closed it again.

"Okay..." Dumbledore understood, waved his wand and put away the flagon and cups, which really gave Dudley a sigh of relief.

"It's time for us to go, Harry, where's your luggage?"

"It's still upstairs, I've already packed it."

Dumbledore nodded, and Harry's luggage floated down the stairs with a wave of his wand.He straightened his cloak, waved to the Dursleys, and said, "Goodbye, then." Then he left the living room quickly.

"Goodbye." Harry also waved his hand, hurriedly said goodbye to the Dursleys, and hurriedly chased after Dumbledore.

They walked out of the room, flanked by Harry's pile of luggage, Hedwig's cage on top, flapping his wings at them.

"It's inconvenient to take them with us later, I'll send them to the Burrow." Dumbledore looked at Hedwig who was still thumping, and pulled out his wand, "However, you can take yours with you." Invisibility cloak, we might use it..."

Hearing this, Harry struggled to find the invisibility cloak from the box, and stuffed it into his pocket casually.Seeing this, Dumbledore waved his wand, and the messy suitcase and Hedwig disappeared immediately.

"Okay, this time we can really go." Dumbledore said, walking forward first, followed by Harry.But before he had gone very far, Dumbledore stopped, and Harry nearly ran into him.

"What's the matter, Professor?" Harry asked.

"Get your wand ready, Harry," said Dumbledore.

"Wand? But I can't use magic outside of school, Professor." Even so, Harry took out his wand with a puzzled face.

"I allow you to use any magic and spell you can think of, if we are attacked. You also know what the situation looks like now." Dumbledore said and shrugged, "However, I think you It shouldn't be used anymore, just in case."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because you are with me, Harry, and I will protect you." Dumbledore said in a very calm tone, "However, we have to avoid certain things that may happen with extremely low probability..."

He turned his head, looked into Harry's ignorant eyes, and said softly, "For example, if we meet Voldemort and your former classmates, it will be very bad."

"So, before going to our final destination tonight, we need to pick up another person."


"Miss Granger."

(End of this chapter)

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