Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 A New Dreamland

Chapter 217 A New Dreamland
When it comes to mischief, no one at Hogwarts is better than the Weasley twins.And when they deliberately made a detailed plan, the effect was even more outstanding.

With the sound of crackling, a huge fire dragon made of green and gold fireworks flew in the corridor.It is vivid, spraying gorgeous fiery red fireworks all the way.The colorful wheel-shaped fireworks are like flying saucers, surrounding the fire dragon, coupled with the rocket-like silver meteors, this fireworks show, which took a lot of effort to pull out the fireworks, is perfect enough.

People cheered loudly and shouted indiscriminately.The seniors stood aside with a little bit of reserve, but the lower grades were different, chasing the huge firework dragon and running around in the corridor.

After seeing this scene, Umbridge was completely stunned, and stood on the stairs with Filch who went to tell her, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Damn! Who did this! Who did this!"

Umbridge yelled, but no one paid any attention to her, especially those little beanies who were chasing dragons, and they didn't care about anyone who was having fun.

Suddenly, a wheel-shaped firework flew straight towards the heads of the two of them. Umbridge and Filch squatted down quickly, and even almost fell because they were too anxious.The fireworks miraculously exploded above their heads, and countless sparks scattered down, like a rain, which immediately attracted the praise of those little bean dings.

"Quick! Filch! We have to find a way to stop them!" Umbridge yelled, drawing her short wand, aiming at a rocket with a silvery tail. !"


The spell precisely hit the rocket, and the rocket stopped for a moment, then suddenly became bigger, and rushed directly to a painting on the wall at a faster speed, directly blasting a hole out.

"Damn it, don't use the Stunning Charm, Filch!" Umbridge yelled at Filch, then at a wheeled fireworks, "Quickly disappear!"

This time it was completely over. The fireworks hit by the Vanishing Curse split into more than a dozen and flew towards all directions of the castle at a faster speed. One even went straight to the eighth floor along the moving stairs and exploded at the highest point.

"She shouldn't have used the Vanishing Charm, tsk tsk tsk..." Fred laughed in the corner, "That would only make things worse."

"Yes, I saw it, she really shouldn't have done that." Harry and the others covered their stomachs, they were already laughing a little uncomfortable.

All day, Umbridge and his investigative operations team have been busy dealing with these flying fireworks, but even a busy day has not solved them all.The next day, during Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, a fire dragon broke in.

Even though it could be easily dealt with, Professor McGonagall chose to send a student to Umbridge.After Dumbledore was driven away, all the professors hated Umbridge to the extreme, and Professor McGonagall, who was upright, was also happy to find some small troubles for her.

The twins' pyrotechnic shenanigans were finally quelled after much effort by Umbridge, and they were all wiped out before lunch.But this did not affect them being regarded as heroes by the lion cubs, and even held a party for them in the common room, and everyone praised them loudly.

That is, at this party, the twins gave the cubs a surprise: they still have stock!

Fred dragged out a big box, opened the window of the lounge in front of the lion cubs, and let out the fireworks.Huge firework dragons flew around the castle, and Umbridge's exasperated voice could still be heard faintly amidst the crackling sparks, which made everyone even happier.

It happened to be Friday, and everyone played very late, and Harry didn't return to the dormitory until midnight.He yawned and climbed onto the bed, stretched his waist after taking off his eyes, and wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, but his mind was full of Umbridge's distressed and frantic appearance, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth .

He didn't know how long it had passed, but in a daze, he felt his body was floating, as if he was flying, and he was a little dizzy.

After floating around for a long time, his feet finally touched the ground.Here he had dreamed about before, it was the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, the difference was that this time he did not wander in the corridor, but walked along the corridor to a circular hall.

"Open it...find..."

Faintly, there was a voice echoing in his ears, Harry unconsciously took steps, and opened a door around the rotunda.

There are strange lights inside, there are strange ticking sounds, and sometimes there are golden lights flashing past.

He didn't stop, and opened one door after another, and finally stayed in a room full of shelves.

This room is very strange, like many little fairies glowing green, twinkling, indescribably weird.He kept walking, passing through the shelves, and suddenly saw a number on the shelf: 97.While secretly guessing the meaning of this number, a person suddenly appeared in front of him...

It was Ike!

Harry watched as Ike waved his hands, trying and failing to catch a green crystal ball, like a clown.

"not like this……"

Suddenly, he thought to himself, and there was an urge to push Ike away to get it himself.

"I can't get it like this..."

Harry took a few more steps, almost touching Ike.As he watched helplessly, he stretched out his hand uncontrollably, pushed Ike aside, and then slowly stretched towards the crystal ball...


The scar on his forehead was in severe pain, and he seemed to hear an angry roar in a trance. The next moment, Harry woke up from his dream and sat up directly.When I covered the scar with my hand, it was actually hot, even a little hot.

"I was dreaming again..." Harry whispered to Hermione and Ron early the next morning, "I went back to the Department of Mysteries, and this time I saw that thing, a crystal ball!"

"Also, I saw him..."

"Harry, you shouldn't be dreaming there anymore..." Hermione's expression was very serious, "Seriously, have you really learned Occlumency?"

"I swear, I really learned Occlumency, and even bounced off Snape's Legilimency last time!" Harry said confidently, "And it doesn't matter, the point now is that I know what Voldemort is looking for Already!"

"But..." Hermione was about to say something, but was interrupted directly by Harry.

"No but, Hermione..." said Harry, "Look, Voldemort sent Ike to get that thing, but the truth is Ike couldn't get it!"

"However, I can get it! This is what we will try to do next..." Harry patted the table and said firmly.

"We need Voldemort to get the crystal ball first!"

(End of this chapter)

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