Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 210 Department of Mysteries

Chapter 210 Department of Mysteries

At night, the Ministry of Magic was empty, and almost no one stayed here anymore. They all went home to rest, and even the portraits on the wall fell asleep.

But don't think that no one shows that the defense of the Ministry of Magic is very lax, it's just that the artificial guards have become the magic prohibition guards, and this also gives some people who are interested.

Like Rookwood and Ike.

Lucius had basically mastered the guarding situation of the Ministry of Magic a long time ago, so he could figure out a way to bring Nagini and later Rookwood into the Ministry of Magic.Now there is just one more Ike, which is not difficult.

Very easily, Ike came to the ninth floor of the Ministry of Magic, walked through a simple corridor, opened a simple black door, and finally arrived at the destination of his trip - the Department of Mysteries.

To the eye, it is a circular hall, the ceiling, floor, walls and the twelve doors are all black, the doors are exactly the same, there is no mark on it, and there is no door handle.Some candles with blue flames hang on the wall, and the candles are very weak, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

"So, in fact, you guys haven't made any progress at all." After listening to Rookwood's narration, Ike sighed in a low voice, "Don't you even know what's in these doors?"

"I'm sorry, little master." Rookwood lowered his head in shame, "We can't get here without hiding from all the guards. Sending Nagini here is already the limit."

Ike was silent, and waved his hand, and Lukewood retreated when he saw this, quietly acting as a naked eye outside.

It's helpless, but it's the status quo. Comrade Lao Fu's servants are very biased.Good at killing, spreading fear, and torturing people, but it's a joke to say how good their magic is.In fact, even Lao Fu himself is a bit biased.

In this case, Ike's "all-rounder" is very precious, and this is the main reason why Lao Fu sent him here. After all, the road of controlling a silent person to get the prophecy with the Imperius Curse has failed. .

"The one with the energy to conquer the Dark Lord came closer...born into a family that defeated the Dark Lord three times...born in July"

More than ten years ago, when Trelawney made this prophecy that changed the entire wizarding world, only these three sentences were overheard by Snape and relayed to Lao V, which also led to him trying to kill Harry. At that time, he was defeated by some kind of magic that he did not understand, which led to the defeat of the First Wizarding War.

Therefore, after being successfully resurrected, what Comrade Lao Fu wants most is to get the full content of the prophecy, so that he can adjust his plan according to the content of the prophecy and avoid another failure.

It can be said that everything he has done and planned in the past six months is to obtain that prophecy.

Ike stood quietly in the middle of the hall, looked at the twelve black doors around him, and chose a door at random without any consideration.After putting down a gold coin at the door, he pushed the door open.

To the eye, it is a very small room, only a desk and a cabinet, messy, a lot of parchment randomly placed.

Ike picked up a sheet from the table, and the text on it was very fragmented, with one sentence and one sentence.Turned it over again, and it was the same.After searching carefully, there was only parchment, not even a book.

Leaving in embarrassment, the things here are of no value to him, fortunately he searched carefully.

The first thing to do when you go out is to look at the ground, but the gold coin appears in front of the third black door from the left.Seeing this, Ike couldn't help frowning.

This is not easy, he didn't expect the door here to move.

After putting down another gold coin under his feet, Ike walked directly to the black door where the previous gold coin was, stretched out his hand and pushed it violently, but the door didn't move at all. He tried twice more, still the same.Without hesitation, he just gave up, took a step back, and pushed open the door.

Stepping in, the door behind him closed automatically, and his surroundings were surrounded by bright stars.Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, all the stars he knew in astronomy class can be found here, and there are many others he has never seen before.

He waved his hand tentatively, and the stars moved rapidly along their established trajectories. The chaotic scene made Ike dizzy.


A star in the distance suddenly exploded, and immediately triggered a chain reaction, like fireworks, followed by a large number of stars exploding.

This scene was very shocking, because every time a star exploded, it was in front of his eyes, as if there was a force pulling him, pulling him to the doomsday scene.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ekela opened the door behind him and ran out directly.

It was so scary, it took a long time for the heart to fall from the throat to the chest.

He glanced at the gold coins on the ground again, and as expected, the position changed again.Ike made up his mind, raised his hand to recall the gold coins, and then pushed open the door next to him.

There are no rules at all, and there is no way to leave any marks on the door, it is pure luck.

The next room was a large pit, and stone steps went around the whole room, extending down section by section, each section was very steep.Ike knew it well, jumped directly from the top, and fell straight to the stone platform in the center below.There was an arch over which hung a tattered black curtain that was moving slightly.

"Death..." Ike murmured, his eyes fixed on the slowly swinging curtain.Going around the arch, the front and back are the same.

To be honest, he really wanted to know what was behind the curtain, but after all, he didn't have the courage to reach out.

Another room, with rows of shelves up to the ceiling, filled with dusty crystal balls.Some flickered with a soft green light, while others were blurry and dark, as if they had lost their power.

Ike leisurely paced among the crystal ball, casually scanning the small yellow label on it.Almost all the prophecies in the history of magic are collected here, the earliest even reaching the barbaric era.As expected, that one was completely darkened, with no light at all.

After turning around a few times, Ike left here. Looking for the prophecy that Lao Fu needs in such a room is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. He simply doesn't have that much time to do it.

Pushing open another door, after seeing the things in the room clearly, a smile suddenly appeared on Ike's face.

There are also a large number of shelves, but there are various clocks and watches on them.The big ones are like wall clocks, and the small ones are like pocket watches and hourglasses, with bright light flowing on them, and the busy ticking sounds in your ears.

In the innermost part of the room is a tall crystal cover, inside which is a small jewel-like egg that is pushed up and down by a soft air current.At the bottom, it is an egg, and as it rises the egg cracks, and a hummingbird is laid out, and when it reaches the top, it becomes dirty, and then it changes as it falls, and finally turns back to the egg. Gem eggs.

Standing quietly in front of the crystal cover and looking at it for a while, Ike left reluctantly, searched on the surrounding shelves, and after picking up a delicate pocket watch, Ike finally found the one he was familiar with. A golden necklace with a small hourglass shining golden.

(End of this chapter)

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