Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 The Most Painful Among Us

Chapter 178 The Most Painful Among Us

When Draco accepted Ike's subtle guidance, Harry, who was ordered to stay at his uncle's house, finally ushered in a glimmer of light in the darkness.

This holiday is really not friendly to Harry.

Like a nightmare, he could barely breathe that night in the cemetery.By the way, he also encountered the dementors with Dudley.What happened afterwards made him feel that he was a fool, and everyone could play him around.

Mrs. Figg is a Squib, she will go to the Ministry of Magic for trial on August [-]th, and Aunt Petunia, who has always been mean to her, seems to know something very important.

And that Howler letter to Aunt Petunia, who the hell sent it?
"It would be great if Hermione was here, she would definitely be able to figure out these messy things." Faced with this messy reality, Harry would always think so, but unfortunately, no matter whether it was Hermione or Sirius and Luo Well, the letters sent to them are like sinking into the sea.

However, things took a turn for the better.

One night, when Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley were out, Moody, Lupine, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt and others came and took him away A place he was tired of long ago.

Riding brooms, they raced through the town and along the highway until they came to a small square.This is a very dilapidated place, the surrounding houses are gloomy, and some even have broken windows.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked, looking around curiously.

No one answered him, and Lupine just told him to wait.Not long after, Moody shoved a piece of parchment roughly into his hand.

"Read it and remember it!"

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​located at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

"What's this? What's a phoenix..." Moody interrupted Harry just halfway through his sentence.Being pulled to a row of dilapidated houses, Harry only saw numbers 11 and 13.

He subconsciously remembered the note, and saw a tattered door popping up between No. 11 and No. 13, followed by walls and windows, and No. 12 appeared in front of him.

"Come on, don't move around, and don't go too far." Lupine pushed him from behind, and Harry followed Moody into it in a daze.

The house was dark, but there was a distinct smell of decay.Lupine lifted the Disillusionment Charm on him, Moody didn't know what to do, and the dim light came on.

"Harry, I'm so glad to meet you." On the other side of the hall, Mrs. Weasley walked over in twos and threes, hugging him in his arms, "You look a lot thinner, you need to eat more Some, but dinner will have to wait a while."

After finishing speaking, he whispered to Moody and others: "The meeting has begun."

Harry watched suspiciously as the group of suddenly excited wizards walked towards the door that Mrs. Weasley came out just now, and was about to follow, but was stopped.

"Only members of the Order of the Phoenix can attend this meeting, Harry, you can't go in." Mrs. Weasley said, "Hermione and Ron are upstairs, you can wait with them until the meeting is over."

"There is still a little voice, be sure to lower your voice."

Without giving Harry too much explanation, Mrs. Weasley led him directly through the corridor and up the stairs, pointed him in the direction of the room, and hurried downstairs.

Pushing open the door of the room, Ron rushed over excitedly and gave him a big hug. Hermione also smiled and waved to him, and even Crookshanks yelled at him.

"God knows how much we wanted to reply to you. After you sent the last two letters, Hathaway pecked our hands several times because she didn't get our reply." Ron kept talking, "But Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything..."

"Yeah, so I don't know anything..."

Suddenly, the joy of seeing a good friend disappeared, and Harry became a little impatient for no reason.

"... Dumbledore may think that it is safest for you to stay with Muggles, and he even photographed the Order of the Phoenix following you..." Ron was still chattering, and Harry also responded without saying a word. As he continued, he became more and more irritable and unable to control his inner anger.

"Enough!" Harry interrupted Ron roughly, "You've been together, hiding here comfortably, and I'm all alone in Privet Drive, rummaging through trash cans. Looking for newspapers, just to get a little bit of poor news..."

"We haven't always been together," Hermione interrupted suddenly.


"We haven't been here all the time. In fact, I've only been here a week before you." Hermione looked at Harry calmly, and that look somehow made Harry even angrier.

"Really, where did you go? But I think Dumbledore and the others must have allowed it, and no one will follow you all the time." Harry suppressed his anger and tried to calm himself down as much as possible.

"Actually, Tonks has been following me since the holidays, of course that's not what you care about, is it?" Ron pulled Hermione, but Hermione dodged it.

"Yes, you witnessed the resurrection of the mysterious man, you almost lost your life, and you were attacked by a dementor..."

"Everyone knows you're in pain, but Harry, you weren't the only one who was hurt that night."

"Enough Hermione, stop talking." Ron winked at Hermione frantically, he saw Harry's hideous face now, although not long ago, he also had a small fight with Hermione because of this matter .

But obviously, neither Harry nor Hermione, Ron can help them say what they want to say.

"I went to Gloucester, Harry."

"Glouster? You're looking for that traitor!" Harry suddenly shouted, standing up from the bed.

"No, no, no, Harry, calm down and listen to Hermione..." Ron quickly stood up and stood between Harry and Hermione, "Didn't Hermione go to find Ike, I'm going to accompany Mrs. Julian, the dean of Ike's orphanage..."

Hearing this, Harry suddenly froze, and stood there blankly, the anger in his eyes faded a little, and he became a little more dazed.

"Anyway, at least we can't blame innocent people." Seeing that Harry calmed down a little, Ron said, "I was also full of anger when I found out about it, and I had a big fight with Hermione. But haha Leigh, what Ike did has nothing to do with Mrs. Julian..."

"And..." Ron leaned closer to Harry and whispered in Harry's ear, "Don't forget, he and Hermione..."

Looking at Hermione with a calm face, Harry's anger suddenly disappeared.Suddenly, he felt that the most painful one among them was not him.

(End of this chapter)

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