Chapter 125 Cracks
Harry couldn't remember exactly how long he had heard Ron complain last night, but he remembered that it was late when he crawled into bed, and he couldn't keep his eyes open.

He didn't sleep well, and Ron's complaints seemed to be in his ears all the time in his drowsiness, as well as the images that kept flashing during the process of learning the Patronus Charm, Voldemort's grinning smile, his parents' begging, and the bright green light .

"Get out! You bloody cat!"

A roar suddenly exploded in his ears, Harry sat up in a daze, and saw Ron throw something on the bed at a cat like crazy.He put his left hand on his chest, holding a mouse tightly.

"Stop! Enough! Ron!"

Harry woke up instantly and jumped off the bed, standing between Crookshanks and Ron, for which he was hit on the head by a sock.

It doesn't hurt, it just tastes bad.

"It's come to harm poor Banban again!" Ron's left hand was still holding Banban tightly, his eyes were red, and he let out a deafening cry, "It just came back, it came here today!"

"I'm going to kill it! I'm going to kill it!"

"Calm down Ron! Calm down!" Harry kept Crookshanks behind him, trying to calm Ron's emotions.But obviously, the current Ron couldn't hear anyone at all.

"Harry! Get out of the way!" Ron pulled out his wand and held it tightly. Harry could even clearly see the blood vessels on Ron's right hand.

Very deep green, very similar to the dazzling green that night.

"Come on Ron..." said Harry, "it's just a cat, it won't hurt Scabbers..."

"Get out of the way, Harry!"

Ron was unmoved, and his whole body was exerting force, and Harry even saw Scabbers roll his eyes from the one he was holding in his left hand.

"Wait, Ron! Scabbers! Scabbers!" Harry was a little incoherent, he had never seen Ron like this, "You let go, Scabbers is about to be strangled to death by you!"


With a scream, Ron loosened all his strength and sat down on the bed, holding Scabbers who was gasping for breath.

"It's okay, it's okay, Scabbers..."

Seeing Ron like this, Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief.Looking back at Crookshanks who was behind him, he couldn't help but sighed softly, touched his foot lightly, and whispered, "Go, go, go back to Hermione..."

Crookshanks looked up at Harry, then at Ron sitting on the bed and the strange mouse in his hand, turned around and slipped away.

After a while, Ron's mood finally stabilized.Harry wisely didn't mention what happened just now, but only told him to wash up quickly so that we could have breakfast together.

It's just that as soon as the two of them walked out of the dormitory, they saw Hermione standing in the lounge in her pajamas, holding Crookshanks with a cold face, and Neville on the side was a little flustered, standing beside him at a loss.

"Hold...Sorry, Hermione heard it all just now, I...I wanted to remind you, but..." Neville glanced at Hermione secretly, his voice became smaller and smaller, "The result was stopped..."

"I heard that you are going to kill my cat?" Hermione was expressionless, holding Crookshanks with her left hand, and stroking her right hand rhythmically.

"Hermione, listen to me, just now when Crookshanks sneaked into the dormitory, Ron was a little excited..." Harry was just halfway speaking when Hermione raised her right hand to signal him to stop.

"Tell me, Ron, are you going to kill Crookshanks?" Looking directly at Ron, Hermione suddenly made Harry feel like he was facing Professor McGonagall.

"That's right!" Ron suddenly stiffened, perhaps thinking of what the cat did to Scabbers.

"Let me ask you, has Banban ever been hurt by Crookshanks?" Hermione said coldly.

"Why not!" cried Ron, "at the Leaky Cauldron..."

"That's Scabbers you kicked when you were chasing Crookshanks."

"Then last semester..."

"Crookshanks never chased it."

"This morning..."

"Look for yourself..." Hermione looked at the handprints that were still faintly visible on Banban's body, "You made them."

"I..." Ron was at a loss for words for a moment, and he suddenly remembered that this was indeed the case.Although Crookshanks has been looking for Banban, it has never really chased Banban. On the contrary, it is himself who often hurts Banban.

"Ron Weasley, I've never been so disappointed." Hermione's tone was very calm, but she didn't say anything else. She looked at Ron calmly, then turned to Harry and said, "Harry, you Hurry up, or you will have to go to class hungry."

The three men watched Hermione return to the dormitory as if under a petrification spell, and then shivered in unison.

"That's... scary!" said Neville.

"Yeah, I've never seen her like this." Harry sighed and patted Ron on the shoulder, "Ron, go and apologize, we were wrong about this..."

After hearing this, Ron's face suddenly flushed red, and he hugged Ban Ban without saying a word.Harry pushed again, still unmoved.

"Okay, let's go eat first, or we will really be hungry."

Pushing again, this time Ron didn't resist, and followed Harry out.

It's just that he kept his head down and didn't see it. Before leaving, Harry winked at Neville and pouted in the direction of the girls' dormitory.

Neville stood alone in the common room, heaved a sigh of relief for a while, sat on the sofa and waited quietly.

Not long after, Hermione came out in her school uniform, and Neville hurriedly said, "Hermione, I..."

Hermione smiled and replied, "I know, Neville, it's none of your business."

"Let's go and eat."

"Oh ah?"


When they came to the auditorium, Hermione and Neville sat at the long table as usual, chatting while eating as if nothing had happened.But Harry still felt a little strange, as if something was different.

" hurry up, Buckbeak's case is about to start, we promised Hagrid to collect information for him." Chatting, Hermione talked about the hippogriff Buckbeak In Ke's case, the subconsciously commanding tone was exactly the same as before.

"I know, but I haven't found many precedents. There are too few contents in the library about this." Harry scratched his hair worriedly.

"Harry, you didn't look for it hard. Maybe you can try to go to the Fantastic Beasts area. Sometimes they use cases to show the dangers of Fantastic Beasts." Hermione said.

"Okay, I'll go," Harry agreed.

Hermione nodded when she heard the words, drank the milk in the glass, then got up and said: "Then you have to hurry up, the date of the trial is not far away, I can't finish everything."

After speaking, he left with his textbook in his arms.

The three of them watched Hermione leave again, and it wasn't until she walked out of the auditorium that Harry said, "I always feel that something is different about Hermione today, but I can't figure it out."

"Me too," echoed Neville.

"I don't think there's any difference, she usually looks like this." Ron was visibly sulking, with thorns in his words, "Let's go, the first section is Transfiguration, if you eat it again, Professor McGonagall will become very fear."

All morning, even in the Transfiguration classroom, Harry wondered what was wrong with Hermione, and even observed it during lunch, but still didn't find any clues.

It wasn't until night, when he was lying on the bed in a drowsy sleep, that he suddenly woke up.

"I see!" Harry yelled.

"Shut up, Harry, go to sleep..." Ron muttered, turned over, and soon fell silent.

Looking at Ron's bed, Harry looked inexplicably lonely.

Because Hermione hadn't said a word to Ron all day.

Not a word.

(End of this chapter)

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