Magical Studies at Hogwarts

Chapter 104 Several conjectures about the timeline

Chapter 104 Several conjectures about the timeline
Wizards are a group of very closed and conceited groups. For a long time in the past, wizards have walked in the world as "gods".Even if the group of wizards is closed due to various reasons, this sense of superiority is still clearly reflected.

For example, the name Muggle actually has some derogatory meanings in it.

And this sense of superiority is even more vividly displayed in the Muggle Studies class.

Perhaps in the world of ordinary people, almost everyone has imagined what it would be like if they knew magic, which made those wizards born in ordinary families unconsciously assimilated after entering Hogwarts, even Muggles It seems ridiculous to Ike to study the arguments in this course, but it does not prevent some young wizards from ordinary people from listening with relish and nodding from time to time.

However, there are still some merits.At least in Ike's opinion, the most important thing about Muggle studies is actually wizards' and ordinary people's views on the same thing, and the means of dealing with the same thing.

It is undeniable that many things are indeed more convenient to be handled by magic.

But like the saying goes: magic only blooms in a few.

After all, this is not universal, and perhaps it is one of the reasons why wizards have closed themselves up now.

After the Muggle Studies class, Ike ran directly to the corridor on the left side of the fourth floor.Instead of going carelessly, he put a disillusionment spell on himself and hid in the innermost part of the corridor.

As soon as he hid, he saw another self rushing in, pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

In the next second, an inexplicable sense of exhaustion surged up, and within a short while, the exhaustion doubled.

"Sure enough, three quarters are better than one..."

Ike sighed, took a deep breath on the spot, and then walked to the dormitory.

The exhausting accumulation confirmed one of Ike's points: Time-Turner does not open up new timelines, but folds and layers the same timeline.

Briefly speaking, every time you use the time converter, you will leave a node on the timeline, and it will be a point that will automatically read the file.That is to say, at the same node, two events of "leaving" and "returning" will happen at the same time.In the entire timeline, there is one and only one Ike jumping left and right.

It's like listening to the chorus part of a song three times, and the song is still the same song, but from Ike's point of view, what he heard is a song with two choruses on both sides.

In Ike's own time, there is a period that is repeated twice, and can continue to repeat.

As long as he chooses to use the Time-Turner again.

"It's worth studying..." Touching the Time Converter in his clothes, Ike felt that he was full of energy and was already on fire.

Since there is no "parallel time and space", Ike decided to step up his efforts.Just walking halfway, I turned back to the Room of Response on the eighth floor, and used the time switch again to go back to two hours ago, that is, when the morning charm class just ended.

I stayed in the Room of Requirement for about 10 minutes, which is the time it takes for little wizards to walk from the classroom to the auditorium.Then he opened the door and left, went directly to the library, found a corner and started writing today's homework.

As he expected, when the time came to around 1:50, Ike felt tired again.

This time I couldn't bear it a bit.With all his calculations, Ike has studied continuously for more than 250 minutes, which is more than 4 hours.

Normally, it's time for dinner.

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Back in the dormitory, he took out the pile of cockroaches he collected last night, ate a few to satisfy his hunger, and then went to the place where he often sat in the common room, holding a book and quietly reading it.

In the evening, Ike rarely went to the restricted area.Firstly, it was inappropriate to violate the school rules on the first night of formal class; secondly, he was really sleepy.

Studying will make people happy, but "staying up late" will make people tired.

It can also make you bald.

The next day, Friday, Ike's class schedule was even tighter.

In the morning, there will be herbalism and transfiguration in all four courtyards. In the afternoon, there will be a section on arithmetic and divination, followed by Defense Against the Dark Arts.

There is nothing to say about herbalism. Professor Sprout led everyone to plant a very ferocious magic plant called "Balgan Sweet Bean".When the balgan sweet beans pass the juvenile stage, if they are not divided into bowls and pots, they will fight with each other, and the winner will eat the loser until there is only one left in the pot.

During this process, even wearing dragon leather gloves, there is a risk of being bitten or fractured. This group of cruel magic plants will take off the gloves.Therefore, when the Balgan sweet beans are in their infancy, that is, when they just germinate, they will be divided into pots.

This time, probably next week or so.

Professor McGonagall was still strict in the Transfiguration class. First, he randomly checked the things he taught last year and the year before. After reprimanding a few little wizards who returned the knowledge to her, he started a new class.

The difficulty has naturally increased a lot.

In the past, such as turning matches into needles and beetles into buttons, etc., it was only a change in shape and nature. This year, changes in size and quality have been added.

One made a button and turned them into a slap-sized mouse...

Without exception, even Ike overturned in this class.Until the end of get out of class, Ike could barely turn a button into a mouse, but it was still as light as a button.

Arithmancy and divination in the afternoon can be said to be the least magical subject in Hogwarts.This method of divination, which originated in ancient Greece, only needs a piece of paper, a pen, spelling, and the ability to add and subtract. It is very scientific and materialistic.

Different from divination classes, arithmetic divination requires memorizing a lot of words, which are the meaning and symbol of each number in different divination problems.You must know that arithmetic divination has a history of more than 2000 years. During such a long period of time, countless divination problems have appeared, and each problem must record the symbols of the nine numbers 1-9.

Just looking at the third-grade must-read list issued by Victor, the professor of arithmetic and divination, Ike felt a little bald on the top of his head.

But the good news is that arithmetic divination is not very difficult.Following the rhythm of Professor Victor, Ike just tried it a little bit, and the words "Arithmetic Divination LV1 has been learned" appeared on the waste notebook system.

It is a typical example of easy entry and difficult mastery.

After finishing the arithmetic and divination class, Ike went straight to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the fourth floor.

At this time, the classroom was full of people, but no one seemed to be expecting what Professor Lupine would teach everyone.

The painful experience of the past two years made almost everyone not have too much hope for this. After all, Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not reliable, and it is famous throughout Europe.

Ignoring Stuart and the others guessing how Lupine would make a fool of himself in front of everyone, Ike wondered if he would face Boggart in this class as he remembered.

And what is it that you are most afraid of?
(End of this chapter)

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