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Chapter 574 won't be there, will it?

Chapter 574 won't be there, will it?
Listening to Lu Feng's tone on the phone, Su Yourong felt very upset. She is like a bomb that might explode at any moment, but she has to endure it.

Even if you don't want to endure it, what can you do?
From the very beginning, she was willing to be Lu Feng's pawn in exchange for her own life, even if she failed and fell to pieces, she would have no regrets.

Su Yourong didn't dare to call for too long, but just told Lu Feng that Mr. Chen's funds had bottomed out, and that he would embezzle some funds with other companies recently, and told her everything she knew.

After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone.

Lu Feng sat on the sofa and put down the phone. Regarding the capital situation of Chen's capital, it was not much different from what Lu Feng had guessed. The financial company was playing around with other people's money.

With Mr. Chen's control over the capital, she now feels that she has landed safely, but she doesn't know that the hunt has just begun.

In the living room of the Feng family, Mr. Feng had just talked with Feng Zhiyao on the phone. After putting down the phone, Zhenkun sat opposite and poured a cup of hot tea for Mr. Feng, and said, "Lu Feng took Zhiyao to Aide Securities to open an account. That's right."

"This person is young and thoughtful." Mr. Feng took a sip from his teacup and said, "Maybe it's too boring, and I want to open the window paper for this matter to let in some air. Since it's a cooperation, I have to allow it." With small moves, the situation is now basically clear and harmless."

"Do you think this person is reliable?" Zhenkun pondered for a while and said, "It's better for you to make a will or set up a fund and put the money in it."

"If the children and grandchildren are capable, I don't have to worry about it. If the children and grandchildren are not capable, what kind of funds and trusts are set up will just let him live for a few more days." Mr. Feng sighed and said: "I know my body, and it only takes two or three years. Putting the pressure on Lu Feng is also a gamble, and the future is uncertain."

"Do you think Jiafeng Electronics may not succeed?"

"I can't rule out this possibility. Although the probability of success is high, there is nothing [-]% in this world. This is my investment in Zhiyao. He needs time to grow. Zhiyao is very smart, but he has experienced too much. Less, I can't wait for his late blooming year."

Mr. Feng began to cry as he spoke, with tears running down his face. He really liked this little son from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't say that, you are in good health!"

Mr. Feng took a deep breath, stopped his emotions and said: "My own body knows it. In fact, my prediction for Jiafeng Electronics is that the first-tier brands in the mainland, based on the current GDP and development speed of the mainland, are the second largest. Ten years later, it is estimated that it will reach one-tenth of Xiangjiang’s per capita GDP, calculated according to various aspects of market consumption potential, within twenty years, as long as there are no major problems, Zhiyao can grasp it in his hands.”

Zhenkun sighed, and could only say that he felt sorry for the parents of the world, after twenty years had paved the way for Feng Zhiyao, if he still failed to grow after twenty years, it could only be said that Mr. Feng tried his best.

"Go to bed early, you will attend the financial banquet tomorrow night." Zhenkun stood up and supported his arm, helped him up, and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

It was already late at night, Jiang Xiaoyan couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning, she got up and glanced at the month card, went to the toilet again, and stood in the living room muttering to herself.

"It's already the [-]rd, why don't you come?"

Aunt Liu got up at night, saw Jiang Xiaoyan standing in the living room muttering to herself, stepped forward and asked, "Boss Jiang, what's wrong?"

"My one hasn't come yet." Jiang Xiaoyan frowned.

"Postponed, it's normal, it will come in a few days."

"It's almost ten days late. I used to be very punctual." Jiang Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.

"Go and have a checkup. Don't worry about gynecological diseases. We women have many diseases in this area, and it's troublesome to treat them. We have to go to the hospital one after another."

When Jiang Xiaoyan heard the word gynecological disease, she felt even more uncomfortable. She was clean, how could she have gynecological disease, and said that she would go to see it tomorrow, and went back to her room to rest.

The next day, Heung Kong Economic Weekly was released heavily. The cover was a photo of Mr. Chen, with the words on the cover saying: In the year of fate, still sharp as a sword. Exclusive interview with Ms. Chen Shufeng, executive chairman and founder of Chen Capital.

Many newspapers also brought Chen's capital back to the headlines again, but this time it was not sex news, but positive publicity, especially the promotion of Mr. Chen's struggle history.

The eight failed marriages were portrayed as free marriage, daring to love and hate, and erecting the image of a strong woman. Many descriptions are completely different from reality.

There is a passage in which Mr. Chen married the fourth husband of a wealthy businessman, and she became a full-time wife. As a result, her mother-in-law looked down on her, thinking that there were too many women who could do housework, and she was not worthy of entering a wealthy family. Mr. Chen quit immediately when he heard this. In anger, he stepped into the business world again. In three years, without relying on the wealthy businessman's husband, he became worth tens of millions by himself.

In the end, he angrily dumped the rich businessman's husband and told him that you are not worthy!

Married eight times along the way, divorced for various reasons. Regarding being together with Su Yourong now, the interview said that Mr. Chen is too disappointed in the men. Those men are superficially beautiful, but in fact they can't support her at all. Home, so we need to support a woman with a home.

This interview reveals the character of a strong woman, very storytelling and provocative, some small newspapers are much more straightforward, and the headline directly scolds Lu Feng.

A week ago, Lu Feng, the richest man in mainland China, uttered harsh words to bring down Chen's capital, but he didn't speak out for just a week.

The richest man in mainland China faced Chen Shufeng, a tycoon in the top girls' high school. Mr. Chen made a phone call, and Xiangjiang's financial circle was shocked by the news. Lu Feng was so scared that he didn't dare to make any movement.

The richest man in the mainland is vulnerable, and Mr. Chen only took out a few billion, and he was frightened stupid.

For this kind of newspaper, Lu Feng only read the headlines and watched the excitement, put a stack of newspapers in his hand on the table, stood up and said: "Mr. Chen is really good at public opinion, when it comes to packaging , she is also unique."

"It's not like someone actually regards her as an idol, right?" Feng Zhiyao put down the newspaper and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, and there must be a lot. The power of the media is there. It can cover a person with a non-existent appearance. As for the reality, ninety-nine percent of people will never come into contact with her in their lives. I don’t even know him.” Looking at the sunny outside, Lu Feng said, “This is just a common method used by celebrities.”

"You can use it too?" Feng Zhiyao asked curiously.

"Sure!" Lu Feng turned his head, the sun shines on his face, smiled and said: "In the future, I will become a philanthropist, an inspirational model, and many small stories about me will appear, such as a certain leader I look down on my company and don’t approve some things for me. I don’t want to join forces and do it myself in a fit of anger. In reality? Am I just flattering behind the leader’s ass?”

"Or, poach someone's corner, I can say, I think he is underestimated, very heartbroken, coming to me can make him release the greatest energy, when I want to fire some people, I say, I want to Society exports talents, and the most difficult thing to believe in this world is words, and it is better to look at a person's primary purpose than to listen to what he says."

Feng Zhiyao sneered when he heard these words, and said, "This world is too hypocritical."

"No, no, no!" Lu Feng disagreed with his words, and said: "If you look at it from a distance, you will feel very hypocritical. As long as you are in it, you will find that this world is a bloody reality. When you get closer If you feel that a person makes you admire, it means that the farther you are from him."

Feng Zhiyao raised his head and stared at Lu Feng for a while and said, "Brother Feng, I admire you a lot."

Lu Feng laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I hope you can always worship!"

Tonight's financial banquet was highly anticipated. It was the first time Mr. Chen participated in the financial banquet, and Sun Hung Kai announced that Lu Feng would also participate.

This was the first confrontation between Lu Feng and Chen Shufeng. Many people believed that the matter was a foregone conclusion. Apart from being humiliated, Lu Feng had no second ending tonight.

Tang Zhongren has been very busy these days. After attending Mr. Chen's private banquet, he got in touch with several financial bigwigs. He often attended high-end receptions. He was dressed in suits and leather shoes every day, and the people who clinked glasses with him were not bar swingers. The girls, but all kinds of business bigwigs.

The words in his mouth became more advanced. He opened his mouth and shut his mouth with hundreds of millions of funds. After drinking too much, he came back to brag to Old Tang. Mr. Tang had an illusion that his son was really going to be a blockbuster?

Tang Zhongren couldn't wait for Lu Feng to go tonight. He wanted to show Lu Feng how he is now, how to drink and clink glasses with the boss. He wanted to tell Lu Feng that a clown will always be a clown, and he wanted to meet the upper class. Touch, and as soon as he touched it, his rotten egg fell to pieces.

What Tang Zhongren wants to show Lu Feng is the class, which is his pride and directness, because he belongs to this class since he was born, no matter how smart Lu Feng is, no matter how hard he works, he will never be able to compare with him.

In the morning, Jiang Xiaoyan called the manager of Huasha Cosmetics Factory over to ask about the recent production situation of the factory. She would go there occasionally, but she didn't stay in the factory all day.

I wanted to go for an inspection, but it was noon. After eating, I sat on the sofa and turned on the air conditioner.

She is highly educated and knows a lot.

Jiang Xiaoyan picked up the phone and called Zhang Fengxia. The phone office picked up the phone, saying that Mr. Zhang was having dinner and would tell her later.

Half an hour later, Zhang Fengxia called and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, what's the matter?"

"Fengxia, are you busy?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked.

"I'm not busy. I just have a meeting in the afternoon. Do you have something to do?" Zhang Fengxia moved the phone forward, leaned on the boss's chair and said, "What's the matter? I've only been away for a few days, so you think about it?"

"No, I didn't think so!" Jiang Xiaoyan's voice was full of emotion.

Zhang Fengxia was taken aback when she heard that, and secretly cried out that it's broken. Could it be that she heard about the incident in Xiangjiang?

"Did you watch any entertainment news recently?" Zhang Fengxia asked tentatively.

"No, that's the one. It's been almost ten days since I didn't come." Jiang Xiaoyan whispered.

When Zhang Fengxia heard her description on the phone, she was pleasantly surprised: "You won't be pregnant, are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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