Entertainment: The opening and the official announcement of the national goddess

Chapter 938 The box office exceeded 6 million in the first week

Chapter 938 The box office exceeded 60 million in the first week

When Zhang Xiao saw Cheng Gang's post, it was already noon.

For this despicable guy, Zhang Xiao didn't want to talk to him at all, but Yang Mi was really a little bit aggrieved about it.

"Honey, how are you going to fight back against Cheng Gang?"

Zhang Xiao smiled, and said lightly: "This guy is trying to touch porcelain. If you fight back, you will be fooled by him."

Yang Mi said: "But you can't just do nothing, right?"

Zhang Xiaodao: "Have you seen when I suffered a loss and didn't return it?"

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and said: "I feel that your words are a bit inconsistent, don't you fight back?"

Zhang Xiao explained with a smile: "I just don't want to get into a scolding war. It's not that I don't want to fight back. I just need to expose Cheng Gang's purpose. From today onwards, as long as it is my domestic cinema It will only give Chen Gang the lowest cuts and box office cuts, as for overseas ones, don't even think about it."

Yang Mi smiled and said: "This Chen Gang is really a dog skin plaster, you should have done this a long time ago."

Zhang Xiao nodded, took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and directly posted a post: "The director surnamed Chen, who has not been very popular recently, suddenly came out to attack my "Avengers 4", which surprised me."

"Later I heard that he was going to shoot a fairy tale drama, and only then did I understand his intentions."

"It's not uncommon to use heat to promote this kind of thing in the entertainment industry. It's not a shameful thing. Using this way of insulting other people's movies to promote it can only show how despicable the character of the director surnamed Chen is."

"However, I will not quarrel with him, because quarreling will only fall into his trap. The harder I scold, the happier the director surnamed Chen will be."

"No way, he just said such a shameless person, but I will not let him step on me to promote like this."

"So, starting today, for any works directed by Chen, Sunshine Cinemas will only give him the lowest cuts and box office share in China."

"As for the foreign theaters, TV stations and video sites under my banner, none of his works will be released."

"I said before that I would not block any Chinese filmmaker, so even if I didn't like the director with the surname Chen, I didn't block him."

"However, he has now abandoned his ancestral home and became the director of the Lighthouse Country, so I'm sorry."

"The last sentence, I hope that the movie directed by Chen will be better. If the reputation is not good, I will mobilize all the promotional departments of Sunny Entertainment to scold you to death on the Internet."

After his Weibo was posted, it immediately attracted the attention and discussion of countless fans.

"Hahaha, God Xiao is sold."

"For a person like Chen Gang, God Xiao should have banned him long ago."

"It's really satisfying."

"I don't understand why Xiao Shen still arranges for him in China, just like in foreign countries. Can't he be blocked?"

"The Department of Culture once drew up a film arrangement agreement, and everyone signed it. If Xiao Shen violated it, it would definitely be inappropriate."

"In the past, when the entertainment companies banned them, they were basically sneaky, but God Xiao was lucky enough to say it outright."

"As long as Chen Gang's movie is not good, Xiao Shen will ask the propaganda department to scold him. This is really funny and domineering."

"It's enough for Chen Gang to act honestly. If he insists on provoking Xiao Shen, it's self-inflicted and he can't live."

"Chen Gang may have thought that he scolded God Xiao, and God Xiao would not do anything to him due to his status. He forgot that he is now the director of the Lighthouse Kingdom, how could God God be polite to him?"


Regarding the scolding battle between Xiao Shen and Chen Gang, Huaguo fans all stood on Zhang Xiao's side with a clear-cut stand.

The main reason is that Chen Gang joined the Beacon International and became a complete traitor. Everyone will spontaneously stop speaking for him.

After Chen Gang read Zhang Xiao's post, he flew into a rage.

After discussing with Caiyun Entertainment Company behind him, he posted another post.

"Someone shouldn't think too highly of themselves, Sunny Cinemas can't cover the sky with one hand."

"Since you are so domineering, from today onwards, I will announce that all my movies will not appear in Sunny Sky Cinemas. If you block my movies, I will block your theaters. Let's see who can have the last laugh."

Zhang Xiao just took a look at Chen Gang's post, and then ignored it, so as not to be rubbed off by him.

the next day.

The first-day box office of "Avengers 4" came out.

A total of 11.49 billion US dollars worldwide.

As soon as this number came out, the global entertainment circle was in an uproar.

The single-day box office of 11.49 billion US dollars has broken the record for the highest first-day box office of all movies in history, even the previous "Zhu Xian" failed to do so.

For this result, Zhang Xiao was quite happy.

Although the production cost of "Avengers 4" exceeded a lot, it was only [-] million US dollars.

Judging from the current situation, it will take about two days to pay back.

A movie pays back in two days. One can imagine how terrifying such a rate of return is.

Today's movie circles are spreading this saying that the only one who can break Zhang Xiao's box office record is himself.

"Avengers 4" confirms the correctness of this sentence.

It won a box office of 13.88 billion U.S. dollars on the second day, directly breaking the first-day box office record set on the first day.

On the third day, although the global box office dropped a lot, it also took in 9.36 million US dollars.

On the fourth day, the global box office of "Avengers 4" was 9.51 million US dollars.

On the fifth day, $8.69 million.

A week later, the global box office of "Avengers 4" reached 60.66 billion US dollars, which is very auspicious.

Seeing such box office results, everyone went crazy.

"The box office of "Avengers 4" won't be faked, right?"

"It broke $60 billion in its first week, oh my god, that's horrible."

"Xiao Shen is the great god in the film industry, no one can beat him."

"Before Chen Gang actually asked director Hua Guo not to make a movie like "Avengers 4". I was really speechless."

"The box office of "Avengers 4" broke through tens of billions of dollars, which is basically a certainty."

"These two Hollywood Marvel movies are among the top two in the global movie box office. I feel more or less uncomfortable."

"You don't have to worry about it upstairs. Marvel used to belong to Hollywood, but its current owner is Xiao Shen, and Xiao Shen is completely from China."

"I look forward to the day when "Avengers 4" breaks through the tens of billions of dollars."


Not only netizens, but also those big directors and superstars in the industry also expressed their congratulations to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Yimou said on his social platform: "Congratulations to "Avengers 4" for breaking through $60 billion at the box office in its first week."

Liu Huade: "Mr. Zhang is the best artist I have ever seen, bar none."

Li Liangjie: "It's normal for him to get such a good box office. If the box office is not good, it's a strange thing."

Wu Jin: "Zhang Xiao is a person who is good at creating miracles. No matter how high the box office of his movies is, I will not be surprised. What I really look forward to is that he can make a movie that loses money, so that I can laugh at him. .”

Huaguo TV's news took 3 minutes to introduce in detail the achievements of "Avengers 4", and also interviewed some movie fans.

These fans are full of praise for "Avengers 4".

Xiao Wei, an old friend of the movie channel, came to interview Zhang Xiao again.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations on your "Avengers 4" breaking through the box office of 60 billion US dollars in the first week."

Zhang Xiaodao: "Thank you, this is mainly due to the face of the fans."

Xiao Wei chuckled, and said, "Your words make me feel like those gang bosses in the movies of Young and Dangerous."

Zhang Xiao shrugged and said: "This is why I don't like participating in talk shows. If I'm not careful, I will say some inappropriate things."

Xiaowei said: "We like guests like you."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiao was speechless, and said, "Master Wei, I feel that you are interviewing me now, and you are acting more and more casually."

Xiaowei said: "I mainly want to adapt to you. Closer to home, Mr. Zhang, "Avengers 4" has achieved such a good box office result. Did you expect it?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "I just expected that the box office of this movie would definitely explode, but I didn't expect it to be so explosive!"

Xiao Wei said: "Netizens believe that the box office of "Avengers 4" will exceed 100 billion US dollars, do you think it is possible?"

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and replied: "To be honest, judging from the current popularity of movie viewing, it should be able to break through the box office of 100 billion U.S. dollars in less than two weeks, because just half an hour before our talk, I just got the attendance rate of "Avengers 4" in major theaters around the world, which is only a little less than yesterday."

Xiao Wei said: "I remember that the box office of "Avengers 4" was 7.22 million US dollars yesterday, so can today's box office also break through [-] million US dollars?"

Zhang Xiaodao: "This depends on the viewing situation at night. Even if it can't break [-] million US dollars, there shouldn't be any problem with more than [-] million US dollars."

Xiao Wei said: "Some people say, "Avengers 4" is a Hollywood Marvel movie, not our domestic movie. Fans don't need to be excited about the box office results of this movie. What do you think about this?"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "All the copyrights of the Marvel superheroes belong to Disney, and I am the president of Disney. Strictly speaking, "Avengers 4" should be Zhang Xiao's personal movie."

Xiao Wei said: "But I have to admit that "Avengers 4" promotes the culture of the Beacon Country, which seems to contradict your previous efforts to promote domestic films, right?"

"No contradiction!" Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said, "The Huaguo film market was not number one in the world before, but now the Huaguo film market is already number one in the world."

Xiao Wei asked puzzledly, "Is there any necessary connection between this matter and the question I asked?"

Zhang Xiaodao: "As the old saying goes, the sea is open to all rivers, and tolerance is the greatest. The world's number one must have the world's number one mind and stomach. Whether it is the culture of the lighthouse country or European culture, we should treat them equally."

"The ultimate goal is to allow the cultures of countries all over the world to blend in China and become the center of global culture."

"Avengers 4" is mine, it belongs to Beacon Country, and it should also belong to Hua Country. Some netizens on the Internet regard "Avengers 4" as promoting the culture of Beacon Country. I think it belongs to them Mentality has not adjusted.

"Please remember that we are the leaders of the future culture."

"Papa papa!" Xiaowei clapped his hands and applauded: "You are too encouraging. Yes, Hollywood culture only represents the past, while our Huaguo culture represents the future."

Zhang Xiaodao: "Why doesn't the Department of Culture restrict foreign films from entering Huaguo? The main reason is their confidence in Huaguo culture. As I said before, Hollywood movies are already in decline, and their style has been popular for decades. , and now everyone is almost tired of watching it."

"The box office hits of "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4" do not mean that Hollywood culture is superior to Chinese culture and other countries' culture."

"The biggest factor for their success is that I have invested in special effects regardless of the cost. I even dare to say that they are the culmination of the development of special effects technology in the world."

"If there are no amazing special effects, just judging from the plot alone, let alone a box office of tens of billions of dollars, I'm afraid it won't even get a tenth of it."

"Some time ago, I held a mid-to-high-level meeting at Disney and asked them to look for the release of future Hollywood movies. Do you know what the final result is?"

"What is it?" Xiao Wei asked curiously.

Zhang Xiaodao: "The way out for Hollywood movies is not the end, but the script. Special effects technology has developed to this day. It is not an easy thing to continue to break through."

"But if you shoot according to the current mode, it is basically the same, so you can only touch people's hearts through good stories."

Xiao Wei said: "I think the film industry in Huaguo should also develop in this direction."

"That's not entirely true." Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said, "Hollywood movies have dominated the world for decades, relying not on literary and artistic films, but on commercial blockbusters."

"Because they were too brilliant before, their current commercial blockbusters have no new ideas. If you are a movie fan, then you will definitely find that most of the scenes in Hollywood action movies and science fiction movies are similar."

"Even in those movies that get high scores, there are only a small number of scenes that make you feel amazing."

"That's right, that's true." Xiao Wei nodded with a blind face.

Zhang Xiao continued: "This is the problem caused by the inability to update technology. Unlike Huaguo movies, our directors have not combined action movies, martial arts movies, fairy tale movies, magic movies, and war movies with the existing special effects technology. The potential for deep integration is huge.”

"I was very disdainful of the director of the Beacon Country, surnamed Chen, who mocked "Avengers 4" on the Internet, but I have to admit that he is a very good director. Very accurate."

"Isn't he going to shoot a Xianxia drama next time? As long as there are no problems with the script and Caiyun Company is willing to invest, then I think his Xianxia movie has a very good chance of becoming a hit at the box office."

"Of course, it depends on whether he can make a perfect combination of special effects and Xian Xia..."

Xiao Wei said, "Like "Zhu Xian"?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, and said: "It's not that I look down on him. With his director level, it is basically impossible to make a film of the level of "Zhu Xian" in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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