Chapter 118 The seven-day covenant, the first of the four items (please recommend and collect)
Wu Jin replied with a wry smile: "I said so, but my brother is going to defeat you within a week, so he is right to say a few days."

"Hahaha!" Hearing Wu Jin's words, Chen Ming burst out laughing.

Are you kidding me, they come to the special brigade, they have been screened through layers, even an ordinary soldier in the brigade, he is also the king of soldiers in other departments, this little boy actually said that he will defeat the special brigade after a few days of training?
Just laughed out loud.

So Chen Ming said with a smile: "It's enough for a man to be able to say that. Regardless of whether you can do it or not, your self-confidence really impresses me."

"To tell you the truth, apart from Wu Jin, there are not many men in your entertainment industry. I hope you don't let me down."

Zhang Xiao let go of his heart, looked at Chen Ming and said, "Captain Chen, don't worry, I'm not good at anything else, but I'm a fast learner, so I won't let you down."

"Okay!" Chen Ming nodded, and continued: "Come on, I'll take you to the dormitory first, after lunch in a while, training will start in the afternoon."

"Okay, no problem!" Zhang Xiao responded, and followed Chen Ming to the dormitory with Wu Jin.

At noon, under the leadership of Chen Ming, Zhang Fan and Wu Jin finished their lunch in the canteen of the brigade.

In the afternoon, Wu Jin left. These days he has been busy preparing for various matters of the crew, and the venues are almost discussed, mainly because there are still some venues abroad that have not been negotiated.

So Wu Jin took advantage of the time when Zhang Xiao was training, and he went to Africa to find a suitable filming location.

Zhang Xiao stayed behind to participate in the training with Chen Ming's special fighters.

Zhang Xiao quickly mastered various military items and was able to use them proficiently.

The agreed seven days, not more than one day, not less than one day.

After Zhang Xiao came to the military area and trained with Chen Ming and the others for seven days.

On this day, on the playground of the Southeast Military Region, more than a dozen senior officers and hundreds of special forces soldiers stood on the playground, looking at Zhang Xiao, Chen Ming and several other best special forces soldiers in front of them.

After seven days of training, at this time Zhang Xiao's various sergeant movements are already more proficient than veterans, and with his fierce aura, no matter how you look at it, he looks like an iron-blooded soldier.

At this time, Chen Ming looked at Zhang Xiao and said, "Zhang Xiao, you have practiced martial arts all year round. We are indeed not as good as you in terms of physical fitness, but in terms of marksmanship, you are not good enough. After all, you have only touched a gun for a few days."

"That's why I advise you to practice for ten days and a half months before challenging us!"

While Chen Ming was speaking, although his eyes were on Zhang Xiao, the movement of his hands did not stop at all, and he skillfully loaded bullets into the automatic rifle one by one.

Zhang Xiao said confidently: "Brother Chen, you don't need to speak out against me. If I'm not more than [-]% sure, I won't apply to the military region for graduation."

"Wait a while, I will let you know the world of geniuses, which you mortals cannot understand."

"Hehe!" Chen Ming was amused by Zhang Xiao's words, and said, "That's fine, how about I let you come first?"

"No problem!" Zhang Xiao was not hypocritical.

What they are going to compete this time is the 100-meter sports target rapid fire.

Everything was ready, Zhang Xiao stood on the shooting range, holding two magazines, waiting for the sound of the starting gun.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, Zhang Xiao started to move.

A series of military actions such as lying, kneeling, standing, changing magazines, moving and shooting, etc. are like flowing water, making people look like a veteran.

Soon, Zhang Xiao finished shooting all the bullets in the two magazines, and the next step is the time for the results.

Soon, the people in the shooting range reported: "Zhang Xiao, in 28.3 seconds, all [-] targets were hit, [-] rings."

As the target announcer's voice fell, there was thunderous applause and applause at the scene, and the leaders of several military regions kept nodding their heads in praise:
"Okay, okay!"

At this time, Chen Ming, who was on the side, heard Zhang Xiao's result, his face became extremely solemn, and he whispered: "28.3 seconds, [-] rings, how is this possible?"

For the 30.35-meter moving target, the best time in the Southeast Military Region was 2.05 seconds, while Zhang Xiao was [-] seconds faster, and he still hit the target. This result is simply too scary.

However, although Chen Ming was very surprised, it is impossible to admit defeat.

After adjusting his mentality, Chen Ming and other team members stepped forward and began to fight.

He and his team members are also very good. Not a single bullet missed the moving target 100 meters away, but their speed is far behind Zhang Xiao. It took 30.58 seconds.

Moreover, of his 28 rounds, only 10 rounds scored 9 rings, and two rounds only scored [-] rings.

The final outcome is obvious, Zhang Xiao won.

After the shooting competition is over, the next step is fighting.

On the side of the Shenlong Special Brigade, Chen Ming sent the most powerful fighter in their team, named Zhou Qiang.

on the fighting arena.


Following the referee's order, Zhou Qiang took the lead, and after a loud roar, he raised his leg and kicked towards Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao leaned back, dodged Zhou Qiang's whip kick, and then quickly came to him, displayed a small grab in the military fist, grabbed Zhou Qiang's arm as quickly as lightning, and slammed pull.

Zhou Qiang's body weighing two hundred catties turned somersaults in the air, and finally hit the ground heavily.

"Ah!" Zhou Qiang screamed dissatisfied, got up from the ground, and continued to attack.

However, next, Zhang Xiao fully demonstrated the military boxing that he had learned in the past two days, while Zhou Qiang was thrown to the ground by Zhang Xiao time and time again.

As the saying goes, one method is mastered, ten thousand methods are known, Zhang Xiao himself is a master of martial arts, and the martial arts boxing, which is spiritually powerful, is too simple for him.

After defeating Zhou Qiang, the next step is to compete against tanks.

Not to mention this competition, Zhang Xiao directly drove the tank out of the feeling of a sports car, and actually drove the tank to play elegantly in the field.

But the leaders of the military region who were watching were very happy. They didn't expect that the equipment of the military region has become so powerful that they can do elegant movements.

At the same time, I also feel ashamed, there are so many tank soldiers in the military area, and the members of the Shenlong Special Brigade are all omnipotent gods of war, but no one dares to drive a tank like this.

There is no doubt that Zhang Xiao has also passed the level of the tank.

As for the last item of off-roading with heavy loads, it is not a problem for Zhang Xiao.

Relying on his strong physical fitness, Zhang Xiao won the race again with a speed of 215 seconds ahead of No.

After the four military competitions, Zhang Xiao got the first place in all of them, successfully completed his goal, and obtained the graduation from the military region.

However, his performance in the competition even alarmed the leaders of the military region. In the evening, he personally invited Zhang Xiao to a meal in the cafeteria of the military region, encouraging him to film "Wolf Warrior 2" well, and displaying the momentum and prestige of Hua Guo soldiers. Shoot it out.

(End of this chapter)

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