Chapter 11 Gives an Unconscious Feeling

At the charity gala, everyone has seen the image of Su Chen.

What Su Chen wore that night was very cheap.

At that time, it was rumored on the Internet that what Su Chen was wearing was a cheap and popular Bingxi suit.

Everyone never imagined that to participate in "I am a singer-songwriter", this guy is still in such a suit.

However, this guy gave people a feeling of ignorance.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is Zeng Yike.

The moment Su Chen appeared, Zeng Yike turned his head away.

The other singers and composers at the scene just complained secretly when they saw this situation, but they didn't dare to show their emotions in front of the live broadcast camera.

Since participating in this show, everyone's perception of this brother Zeng has not been very good.

He always pretends to be an old-timer, and speaks coldly and hard, which makes everyone feel quite boring.

It's just that everyone can't say much about this person.

People are used to doing their own way, and they dare to risk the disapproval of the world.

Everyone can only wait a little longer.

Moreover, Su Chen still came to surprise her, so it's strange that this one can give her a good face.

At this time, Zhang Yixing was even more enthusiastic, and held Su Chen's hand:

"Brother Chen, come, sit by my side, hello my brothers!"

Su Chen didn't resist either: "Okay."

For Zhang Yixing, Su Chen had a mediocre impression, saying that he has no talent, maybe he is not, but his fame far outweighs his strength.

The reason why Zhang Yixing is so enthusiastic is still a little selfish.

He just wanted to know more about what kind of person this handsome guy who composed seven popular songs within half a year was like.

Of course, jealousy is inevitable.

In this variety show, he is in charge of traffic, but his attractiveness to the audience is declining as the show progresses.The ratings are getting worse and worse.

Otherwise, it would not be at this time to invite Su Chen, who is the most popular.

Zhang Yixing: "Brother Chen, can you guide me to create? Recently, I have found that my inspiration is a bit exhausted."

Su Chen: "It's not easy."

Inspiration is inherently elusive, and Su Chen has no experience in teaching others, so he politely declined the other party.

As soon as Su Chen said this, the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

Su Chen's fans, of course, are on his side.

"Zhang Yixing's question is so stupid!"

"The ability to eat, can I teach you casually?"

"Brother Chen has such a personality! I feel that people don't talk too much!"

However, Su Chen's attitude immediately annoyed Zhang Yixing's fans.

"What's the matter with this guy? He's cold and hard, how can he be in the entertainment industry!"

"Brother Dandan, he is also his senior. How could Su Chen do this?"

"Is Su Chen creating a character on purpose? I hate it!"

"Brother Dandan humbly asks for advice, Su Chen doesn't know how to flatter you!"


When Zhang Yixing heard this, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when they heard this.

Zeng Yike revealed a schadenfreude smile.

This kid really doesn't know how to be a human being. It seems that he doesn't need to do anything himself, and he is about to become a street rat.

But fortunately, the chief director, Che Che, has already greeted everyone. Su Chen is a bit cold, so everyone should take care of him.

Everyone secretly slandered.

Who told people to be so talented?

To be honest, among the few people present, apart from Brother Zeng, everyone admired Su Chen's talent very much.

These people, known as singer-songwriters, have created many works.

But it is also a famous work, and it can be on the stage.

On the other hand, Su Chen, since his debut, the first song released has been a big hit.

This is beyond their reach.

Zhang Yixing also knew that what he said was a bit presumptuous.

If you just give me some pointers on creating this matter, there will not be so few top musicians in this world.

But at this moment, the door was opened, and a head poked in.

Chen Lichong waved to everyone and walked in.

Everyone shifted their attention:
"Sister Li, you are here!"

"Hi! Beautiful girl!"


In order to resolve his embarrassment, Zhang Yixing greeted him again:
"Mr. Chen Li, you look thinner and much more beautiful!"

Chen Li jokingly smiled:
"real or fake?"

Look like you'll kill me if you lie to me.

Zhang Yixing cooperated and made a look of fear:
"of course it's true."

Chen Li showed a satisfied smile:

"You are sensible. But let me tell you, I really lost weight, five catties!"

Everyone laughed.

After Chen Li finished speaking, he went straight to Su Chen and stretched out his right hand:
"Hello, Teacher Su Chen! I like every song of yours very much!"

Of course, Su Chen would not refuse.

He shook hands with Chen Li:
"Thank you!"

Before coming, director Che Che told them about Su Chen's situation. Chen Li actually saw the live broadcast just now, and knew that Su Chen was such a person.

So after saying hello, I sat aside to avoid boring myself.

Immediately, Zheng Yun, the last singer-songwriter of the show, also walked in.

Everyone stood up:

"Good morning, Director!"

"The head teacher is here."


As the oldest person on the scene, everyone gave Zheng Yun the highest courtesy.

Su Chen also stood up and waved to Zheng Jun.

Although he is reticent, he still has the courtesy he should have.

After Zheng Jun waved to everyone, he sat down generously.

Teacher Gai took the initiative at this time, chatting with Zheng Yun:
"Mr. Zheng, my parents told me that they really like your song "Lost Youth". I also really like it."

Zheng Jun smiled lightly: "They remembered their past, right?"

Teacher Gai: "Yes, very sad."

"My dad was born in 1956."

At this time, the director shot was given to the online audience.

A: "This should be Chen Ge's first time on a variety show, and it's also the first time to sing! I ran into him, I'm so lucky!"

B: "Finally I can see Brother Chen up close, Brother Chen is so handsome!"

C: "Su Chen has such a personality, she seems to stand out from the crowd."

Ding: "Zheng Yun is worthy of being an old gun. Teacher Lao Gai's parents all like Zheng Yun's songs!"


In the background, Che Che, the program director, watched the dynamics on the Internet, and couldn't help secretly delighting.

It seemed that his move was right.

The focus of the netizens was on Su Chen.

In particular, the number of online viewers at this time has exceeded 500 million!

Compared with the 300 million viewers in the same period of the previous period, it has almost doubled!
(End of this chapter)

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