Urban Shura

Chapter 786 The city that never sleeps, the golden cave!

Chapter 786 The city that never sleeps, the golden cave!

Jiangzhou City!
Night City Entertainment Center!
A red Mercedes-Benz parked directly in front of the bar.

"Shouldn't you make a phone call first?" Mu Xue turned her head and glanced at Ye Mulong who was sitting in the back row, and asked.

"No need, Ye wants to see what Zhang Chao is like in Jiangzhou." Ye Mulong replied, opened the door and got off the car, and stood at the entrance of Evernight City Entertainment Center.

"Isn't it rich?" Mu Xue also got out of the car, stood side by side with Ye Mulong, looked up at the signboard of Evernight City Entertainment Center, and said, "This is the largest and most luxurious entertainment center in Jiangzhou City. Everything in it, all the experiences, it’s all there.”

"Which company's industry is this?"

The scale of the Nightless City Entertainment Center is really too big, even in Kyoto City, there is no such huge entertainment center, Ye Mulong couldn't help asking.

"Which company's industry?" Hearing Ye Mulong's words, Mu Xue immediately raised her eyebrows, turned her beautiful eyes to Ye Mulong, and asked, "Mr. Ye, do you still think that Zhang Chao is just a gangster? The Nightless City Entertainment Center is not the property of any company, but the personal property of Zhang Chao, who is the boss of this Nightless City!"

Mu Xue's words smacked somewhat of irony. Who would have thought that Zhang Chao, a local ruffian, could make such a big name just by borrowing Ye Mulong's name, which is a bit ironic in itself!

"Go in and see!"

Ye Mulong didn't say much anymore, just frowned suddenly, walked into the entertainment center of Evernight City!

"Hi sir, welcome to the city that never sleeps. Do you have a membership card?"

As soon as Ye Mulong stepped into the city that never sleeps, a waitress immediately came forward to greet Ye Mulong with a smile, but after seeing the waitress's attire, Ye Mulong and Mu Xue almost frowned at the same time.

I saw that the waitress was wearing a very transparent tulle all over her body. Apart from that, she had no other clothes, and her graceful figure could be seen at a glance. This also sent a signal to all the guests who entered the Night City Entertainment Center. Here is Extravagant place!
"No!" Ye Mulong replied with a cold expression.

At this moment, his impression of Zhang Chao has dropped to a negative number!

"Sorry sir, our place is membership-based, and you can't enter without a membership card. If you want to experience the top services of the Evernight City Entertainment Center, you need to apply for a membership card here. Our entry-level membership card fee is 20."

With a charming smile on her face, the waitress introduced to Ye Mulong the consumption level of the Night City Entertainment Center.

And hearing this price, even Mu Xue, the chairman of the group, couldn't help but frowned, and asked directly, "20? So expensive?"

Jiangzhou City is only a third-tier city, and it is naturally incomparable to the bustling cities like Kyoto and Shanghai. The price of 20 yuan here is definitely a sky-high price!
"Is it very expensive?" Hearing Mu Xue's question, the waitress's eyes flashed with disdain, and she said, "What I introduced to you just now is only the basic membership price of our Everbright City. There are senior members and diamond members, if you think the price of the basic member is too expensive, you can go out and turn right, there is a wild cat bar next to it, the consumption there is very cheap."

The waitress spoke with contempt and sarcasm between the lines, and her expression was even more disgusted. Overall, there were two words, disgust!
Anyone who can come to this city that never sleeps is not a high-ranking official, why did he meet two bumpkins today?

"Today, Ye Mou came here not for entertainment, but to find someone!" Ye Mulong frowned, not wanting to continue entanglement with this waitress, and directly explained his purpose of coming.

"Looking for someone?" The waitress crossed her arms and hugged her chest, looked Ye Mulong up and down with disdainful eyes, and said, "Who are you looking for? Brother Bin, or Master Jiu?"

Brother Bin?Jiuye?
Hearing these two names, Ye Mulong frowned almost instinctively, because he had never heard of these two names before, and he had no idea who these two people were!

And at this moment, the waitress seemed to see the clue, and said with a sneer, "I don't think you know these two elder brothers, listen to a word of advice, where do you come from, and where do you go back, the consumption level in this city that never sleeps is very high, don't you?" Perfect for two!"

As soon as the voice fell, the waitress lost her patience and turned around to leave.

She comes here to make money, only the kind of customers with spending power are worth her time to receive here, because they can get a high commission, and people like Ye Mulong are just wasting time!

"Brother Bin, Master Jiu, Ye doesn't know each other. Ye came here today to look for Zhang Chao!"

Seeing the waitress turned to leave, Ye Mulong frowned, and said Zhang Chao's name unhurriedly.

And as soon as the name was uttered, Ye Mulong became the focus instantly, and countless pairs of eyes were fixed on him in an instant, as if the word Zhang Chao here was some kind of taboo!
"What did you say?" The waitress also stopped, suddenly turned around and looked Ye Mulong up and down, and said, "Who are you looking for?"

"Zhang Chao!" Ye Mulong said these two words unceremoniously.

In an instant, without waiting for the waitress to reply, all the guests in the entire hall began to erupt into astonishing discussions, and began to point and point at Ye Mulong.

"Is this guy crazy? He dared to call Chaoye's name directly!"

"Fuck, I've seen someone who is not afraid of death, but I've never seen someone who comes to your door looking for death! Is Chaoye's name easy to call?"

"Don't worry, someone will come to clean him up soon, if you dare to call Chaoye by his name, Brother Bin and Master Jiu will not spare him lightly!"

Listening to these pointing discussions around, Ye Mulong's brows were about to condense together, and the expression on his face became extremely gloomy.

In less than half a year since I left Jiangzhou City, Zhang Chao has already used his name to be so arrogant?

Even the mention of his name caused such a frantic discussion!
"Who said you want to find Chaoye?"

However, in the midst of this discussion, a man's rough voice also sounded!

In an instant, everyone's gazes were all turned towards the direction of the sound, and they saw a tall, burly man who was nearly two meters tall and wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, walking slowly from the night city. , came to this hall, and was staring at Ye Mulong fiercely at this moment!
"Brother Bin, it's this guy. He doesn't spend money when he comes in, he doesn't apply for a card, he just opens his mouth to find the Chaoye, and he's very rude!" Seeing Brother Bin coming out, the waitress hurriedly stepped forward like a baby, and at Brother Bin Scratching one's head in front of one's face.

(End of this chapter)

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