Taoyuan little fairy doctor

Chapter 661 The Naive Wei Xuelan

Chapter 661 The Naive Wei Xuelan
Xia Ruyan, who is as beautiful as a fairy in a painting, and Wei Xuelan, who is almost as beautiful as her, the two of them didn't listen until they were exhausted from laughing.

"That bad thing is really charming. Tell me, what did Chen Hao think? It's a human thing to beat back?"

Hearing Xia Ruyan's words, Wei Xuelan's expression also became extremely charming.

"Sister, don't you always say that you are as lonely as snow? Well this time, with this guy who doesn't play cards according to common sense, you shouldn't be lonely anymore."

The middle-aged female assistant on the side couldn't help but smile.

"That's right, I've never seen such a man. He must be a capable person. I've seen a lot of them. They are either serious and upright gentlemen, and they must be reasonable in everything."

"Otherwise, it's the kind of hero who doesn't think about anything when doing something, but only thinks about the result."

"This Chen Hao, you can call him a hero. He behaves quite well, and even gives people a very passive and Buddhist feeling. If you don't kick him, he won't move."

"But such a seemingly harmless, seemingly lazy guy, hit a vital point as soon as he made a move. It was obviously us who led his army. It turned out to be a good thing. We became a joke, but with the wisdom of the princess, It must be very simple to come back, so don't worry too much."

Hearing this, Xia Ruyan, who was already tired from laughing, sat helplessly on the sofa, under the cold light, looking at the other side of the rain curtain outside the window, the green trees in the sky garden of Haotian Building, smiled and said .

"This game, we can't turn the game over."

The short-haired middle-aged female assistant was taken aback when she heard the words. In the past thousands of years, she had witnessed Xia Ruyan's comeback more than once. She admired Xia Ruyan's wisdom very much, and even worshiped it superstitiously.

She was surprised when she heard that it was impossible to turn the tables.

At this moment, Wei Xuelan who was on the side immediately said.

"It's not difficult to turn things around, as long as we prove that the video Chen Hao posted is fake and the video we posted is real, isn't that all right?"

Hearing this, Xia Ruyan smiled, looked at Wei Xuelan and said something.


That's all, and ignored her doubts, but made a phone call in person, and warned all Xidele members in the province to start home leave with pay, and it is forbidden to go out at will, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

And it is required that no matter whether the store is smashed or beaten or scolded, it must be done. Do not fight back when beaten, do not fight back when scolded, and do not allow any friction with Wansheng.

Wei Xuelan, who was listening to these contents, couldn't hold back immediately when Xia Ruyan put down the phone, and asked directly.

"Sister, that's Chen Hao's fault. Let's find a way to explain it clearly. If you don't fight back when you hit me or scold you, isn't it true that we did it? Who can bear such grievances? ?”

Hearing this, Xia Ruyan laughed at herself.

"This matter is outrageous. We should have won, but we lost. Do you know why I said you were naive? In this situation, whoever explains it will lose everything."

Wei Xuelan was puzzled, and said: "Jiang Lingwei killed the person, as long as we prove that she killed him, how can we not win."

"Can't win."

Xia Ruyan said.

"To prove that what we said is true, we must explain the trajectory of Mr. Zhong's actions. Before his accident, he came to me."

Wei Xuelan said.

"What's wrong with coming to my sister? He wants to, so what does it matter to you?"

Xia Ruyan smiled: "He pledged his loyalty to Chen Hao in public during the day, and came to me at night to pledge his loyalty to me."

"That's right." Wei Xuelan asked truthfully.

Xia Ruyan smiled: "Do you think Wansheng's arrogant appraisers can accept that the person they respect the most, eats inside and out?"

"If they can't accept this fact, they will definitely spare no effort to deal with us. If they can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem."

"Isn't that unreasonable?" Wei Xuelan was surprised.

Xia Ruyan smiled: "Naively, for the sake of profit, how many brothers turned against each other? For the sake of face, how many people are at odds. Even if Zhong Sankui is old-hearted, even if he is double-faced, even if everyone in Wansheng knows it in his heart, he will never allow us speak out."

"It's like, you bought a high-quality imitation luxury product, you know it well, but you are still very happy, my friend, if you say this in public, you will feel ashamed, at least you will retort, and at worst you will fight. "

"Zhong Sankui's disciples all want to make Zhong Sankui a god, so as to highlight their noble status. In the end, you stand up and say that he is a double-faced villain. Don't worry, as long as you dare to say it, his disciples and grandchildren will use up some of them." There is a way to make you shut up, even if it means killing people to silence you, I will not hesitate."

Looking at Wei Xuelan who was stunned, Xia Ruyan continued: "Take a step back, even those people in Wansheng are modest and gentlemen. They accepted your explanation and Zhong Sankui's double-decker thing."

"And then what?"

"Blame Jiang Lingwei, clean up the house?"

"No! The real answer is that they will be completely crazy! Including Ma Anqi, they will blame all the reasons why Zhong Sankui betrayed Wansheng and Chen Hao on our Xidele."

"They will believe that everything was designed by us to force Mr. Zhong to come to the Xidele Building. In the end, he was killed and could not enjoy his old age in peace."

"So, there is no way to turn this game around, we can't win. Now bear with it and seek peace with Chen Hao. Our loss is the smallest. If we stand up and explain at this time, or force it with Chen Hao, it will definitely lead to a full-scale war. .”

Hearing this, Wei Xuelan hesitated and said.

"Sister, are you afraid of Chen Hao? Could it be that Xi Dele is afraid of Wan Sheng?"

Xia Ruyan looked at Wei Xuelan kindly with the eyes of caring for a fool, and said.

"Fortresses are breached from the inside. A strong foreign enemy will only make the inside become extremely united. Do you understand?"

"In the absence of foreign enemies, the two departments of Wansheng will compare each other, fight each other openly and secretly, and intrigue, but once a foreign enemy threatens them, then they will become extremely united."

"Now that Zhong Sankui is dead, regardless of whether the video is true or not, the appraisers of Zhong Sankui and Han Chengping, who are ready to fight among themselves, have already realized that Xidele is the biggest threat, so they will definitely choose, Let go of internal conflicts first and resolve external enemies."

Sighing helplessly, Xia Ruyan smiled self-deprecatingly, looked at the Haotian Building on the other side of the rain curtain and said.

"Chen Hao, obviously knows this very well. In order to resolve the internal conflicts, this cunning evildoer will fight us without hesitation. Wansheng, who is united as one, must be as imposing as a rainbow and unstoppable. Therefore, in Chen Hao In the matter of Hao taking over Wansheng, we have already suffered a complete defeat, not only have no chance of turning the tables, but in the future, we can only ask him to give him a noble hand, otherwise, Xidele is already in jeopardy."

(End of this chapter)

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