Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 784 7843 calves

Chapter 784 784. Three calves

Although what Boss Niu said makes sense, but introducing customers...

Song Tan declined: "That's not necessary. I have plenty of customers. If you need it, I can help introduce them. As for the quality... so far, the quality of our family has not been doubted."

Isn't it?So confident?Are there any customers?
Boss Niu was very suspicious.

Which customer is not hidden like a treasure? If Teacher Song hadn't missed him so much, he would never have been able to say such heartfelt words!
Now, it's good to meet someone crazier than him.

Unexpectedly, Professor Song nodded: "You don't have to worry about this customer and quality. She still has some strength. Niu Ben, just watch and arrange seventy or eighty cows."

Professor Song said this, but Niu Ben became more and more curious.But thinking about those tea leaves, it seems that there is really no need to worry.

He only sells a calf for 3000 to [-] yuan, while a half-pound of tea leaves cost [-] yuan and are still worthless.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself for being a master of his own craft.

Then he became serious: "Okay, let's talk about the cows - come on, let's talk about the fodder before looking at the cows."

"Look at this trough. It has a certain depth. If you keep cattle in captivity in winter, you need to proportion the feed. You have to pay attention to it. It must be evenly crushed."

He took everyone around the cow pen: "Cows are not stupid. There are sweet and bad-tasting forages. If you crush them unbalancedly, they will choose the ones they like and eat them, which will lead to unbalanced nutrition." , it won’t grow well in winter.”

Professor Song listened silently.

Yan Ran took notes furiously.

Song Tan: ...Although it is unlikely that such a thing will happen, she should learn from it.

"Then there's the quarantine area."

"People will get sick if they eat whole grains, and the same goes for cattle. But because our cowshed has ventilation on the roof, so we can avoid infection to the greatest extent, so the isolation area has to be arranged in another direction."

He led the crowd: "As you can see, we usually choose this corner. The vent is at the window, not at the top."

In this isolation area, there are three little oxen lying sleepily in the corner. They are quiet when they see people coming, and their big eyes are a little dull.

"It's so cute..."

Yan Ran came closer cautiously: "Are you seriously ill?"

"That's not true." Niu Ben said helplessly, "I don't know when the fence on one side of my pasture was broken, and these three naughty ones ran out."

There is someone else's vegetable patch over there, and they have just been treated with medicine. If you eat it like this, it will be bad.

The calf was induced to vomit and given intravenous fluids when he came back. Now his stomach is damaged and his energy is poor. He won't be able to raise him back in a year. I'm afraid he has to deal with it early.

They are thieves and can be eaten. With such a large vegetable field, Boss Niu still has to pay for it.

"Anyway, that's how business is. There are always various situations."

Yan Ran was a little curious: "Since it takes a long time to raise the cow and the lifespan of the cow is long, why not raise it for a few more years before selling it?"

Niu Jia, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth to explain:

"My brother must be raising cattle to make money. It is difficult to sell such weak calves at the current big sales - in the past, if they were bought and used for farming, there might be people who would be willing to raise them for two years."

"Keep it in your own hands. To raise it for two years means that it won't grow in one or two years. How much fodder can they eat in two years? These are all costs."

He has sold healthy calves here for more than 5000 yuan, some for more than 3000 yuan, more than 2000 yuan for them, and occasionally [-] yuan for them, mainly based on their weight, physique, and strength.

It will be cheaper to raise cattle in captivity, and the price is different in each region. Now that he has gained a good reputation, he relies on quantity to win, so the price is not that high.

So let’s do some calculations. At what point can this cow be sold at such a high price that someone would be willing to raise it for two years?

Then again, these two calves weigh about 300 kilograms, and the meat yield is about half. The ones sold at the sale are cheap, so it is better to kill them yourself and eat the meat.

When it comes to raising cattle, the situation is somewhat different every year, and Niu Ben handles it with ease.Even Niu Jia, who would help cows get medical treatment whenever he was in his hometown during the holidays, now speaks eloquently.

"Besides, we all know that the toxins are quickly vomited out in the stomach, and the rest can be metabolized, but customers don't know. If you have money, you must buy health."

Calculating this, these three cows still need to be dealt with early.

Song Tan thought that she was really sleepy and gave her a pillow!Her old Song family is suitable for such a calf!
Others are afraid of her, but she is not afraid. When these three animals are grown, they will be kept at home to eat!

So he asked enthusiastically: "How much does this calf cost?"

Niu Ben was surprised: "These three?"

"Yes," Song Tan said confidently, "Didn't you say a big sale? I am willing to raise it for two years."

"What kind of fire sale?"

Niu Ben looked at Professor Song and then at Song Tan: "Are you picking the cow?"

Isn’t this girl an expert at raising cattle?I’m afraid the knowledge is all newly learned.

Song Tan shook his head: "What is the specific matching method? You can discuss with Professor Song what kind of cows to buy. I am only responsible for paying. But you can buy additional three cows."

Niu Ben: ...

Look, it’s really just a two-handed knife. It’s probably because the two girls looked at the calf with pity...

He kindly changed the subject and led everyone to the pasture, chatting while looking for cows:

"We have more than 100 acres of river beach land. If we remove a dozen acres of reed tidal flats, we will have 100 acres left. Another ten or twenty acres will be left free for permanent planting of pasture..."

Niu Ben calculated: "Okay. 80 acres of land, with 70 calves, is more than enough. Didn't Professor Song say that he wanted to raise some sheep along with it? You can also have forty or fifty sheep."

"As for the 70 calves, my suggestion is 40 Luxi yellow cattle, 20 Jiaxian red cattle, and 10 Simmental cattle."

Niu Ben explained it in detail. Nowadays, the mainstream of the market is still scalpers. It is safer to raise more.

"You will be paired with three females and seven males of Simmental cows. This is because the advantage of using this cow as a breeding cow is greater than selling it directly."

"Luxi scalpers and Jiaxian red cattle...Teacher Song, do you plan to sell them within a year to get back your money, or do you plan to keep them slowly?"

While they were talking, everyone had already approached a calf.Niu Ben touched its back and then explained:

"If you want to sell them back that year, then choose more bulls. As long as the bulls have the right feed ratio and they grow very fast, they can be sold within a year."

"If you want a long-lasting business, then we should choose more cows. The cows will give birth to one calf a year. If you give birth to a few more years, you can get your money back even if you don't sell it."

It just takes a lot of effort and the timeline is quite long.

Professor Song thought for a while and suddenly looked at Song Tan cheerfully:

"Which meat is more delicious, bull or cow?"

 Every time before writing, I have to look at what I just wrote...I can't even compare to a fish when it comes to memory.

  Popular science: Fish’s memory lasts more than seven seconds.Just like if a hedgehog has fruit stuck on its spines, they will most likely not feel that there is food, but will die...

  Regarding feed, the data source is still the CCTV Agriculture Channel.

  Regarding prices, prices vary in each region and time period. Captive, free-range and breed of cattle all affect prices.For example, the 2000 head mentioned before is also available.It's true that there are more than 1 per head.

  The recent national average price for calves is 17/jin.

  There may not be any updates today, so good night in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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