Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 781 781 Breeds of Cattle

Chapter 781 Chapter 781. Breeds of cattle
The rest of the journey was uneventful.

The father in the back seat was probably frightened. He fed the chestnut to his son bit by bit like he was feeding ants. The shiny colorful shoes were roughly stuffed into his pocket. It seemed that he would not let him go before getting off the car. I'll wear it again when I get a chance.

The only thing that was tangled was that Yan Ran held on.

For breakfast, we had rice balls with noodle soup. It sounds simple, but the rice balls were stuffed with chopped tea eggs, pickled beans, watermelon sauce, cucumber shreds, fish floss, and pickles...

There are even sweet ones stuffed with spring cherry jam!

Yes, it was the one at the door of our house that was coveted by both squirrels and Lao Xu. Because the local cherries were really intolerant, but we were too busy to take care of it at that time, so the seventh cousin just made the sauce.

He didn't say anything to anyone, and it just stayed in the kitchen.Because there were so many delicious things, they were gradually piled in a corner.

Did the old Song family think that someone ate it or gave it away?Thinking that a tree would not bear many fruits, Lao Xu worked hard and tried his best, so it was not a loss for him.

Now it was dug out, a large jar of sauce was eaten all morning.Xin Jun, who has always been the most stable, couldn't help but overeat. Yan Ran would be even more inconspicuous if she ate more.

In short, who can stand up to such a rice ball?

So Yan Ran comforted herself with the excuse of "I have to go on a long trip and my lunch may not be on time" and showed off four of them in one breath!

Otherwise, why would you not even eat anything when you get on the bus?
It's better now. In order to educate the children, I ate a lot of chestnuts at first, and then half a tea egg.

But after the child's education was over, he couldn't stuff half the tea egg back, so he had to eat it with difficulty.

Now I can only sit with my head held high and my posture upright like a soldier.

Fortunately, we finally arrived!
Everyone got off the bus with simple luggage and followed the flow of people. When they exited the station, they found that the young father holding his child was following them without saying a word.

At this time, Professor Song pointed at the man in front of him: "Look, my student!"

The young father behind him also pointed at the man: "Look, uncle is here!"

Then everyone looked at each other: "..."


After doing this for a long time, they were still a family.

Everyone got into the van with unlimited space and had a great time listening to the young cattle boss talk about his farm and business.

It was only then that Yan Ran asked curiously: "Boss Niu, does your brother... also work at your cattle farm?"

Boss Niu’s surname is Niu, and his name is Niu Ben.His younger brother's name is Niu Jia.

According to Mr. Niu, when he was born, his family’s biggest wish was to buy three cows so that he would not have to work so hard when farming was busy, so he specially invited a cultural person to name him.

By the time his brother was born, the family still had no cattle.So his parents thought that they might have asked too much from the gods before, but this time they asked for land instead.

Well, two sons and two pieces of land each, how wonderful!

As for whether it is useful...

Boss Niu told the truth: "When I came back from college, they had no land and no cattle."

Now that he heard Yan Ran's question, Boss Niu also laughed and said:
"Yes, I studied agriculture in college. When the teacher heard that I wanted to raise cattle, he introduced me to the Animal Husbandry Institute."

"The veterinarian my brother studied at opened his own pet clinic. He adopted stray cats and dogs and neutered them and put them on the farm." "The cat showed me the forage, and the dog showed me the cows. When he had nothing to do, he came to do my cows. Physical examination and treatment of minor ailments. Not to mention, my brother has a very good reputation. People from all over the country go to him if there is something wrong with their animals! His store also has a very high rating."

Can't see it!
The three of them turned their heads together and looked at Niu Jia, who was holding the child in the back row: Looking at the way he looked on the high-speed train, he really didn't look like the kind and caring pet doctor everyone thought.

Niu Jia blushed and stared back: What's wrong, can't pet doctors say bad things about people?

Everyone turned back.

Because after thinking about it, except for sterilization, the domestic animals are in excellent health, and it seems that there is no need for a doctor at all.

Boss Niu didn't pay attention at all. Instead, he once again exposed his brother to his mentor:
"We are also destined! There are so many trains, but you are on the same train as my brother. When he comes back, he plans to take his child to live in my house. The child is at home, and his grandparents are all spoiled by him, and he doesn't care. , the mother of the child will drive them back..."

The central idea is just one: Both father and son should re-educate me!In short, it will never work if you get used to it!

Everyone nodded in a long voice, and then agreed:
"Indeed, neither father nor son can get used to this!"

After saying this, Boss Niu quickly realized that something happened on the high-speed rail. At this time, he was smart enough not to ask any more questions, but laughed out loud:
"Yes! That's the truth! He went astray when he was a child, and I taught him with a stick! Now that he is a father, I don't know if the stick still recognizes him."

Song Tan laughed - Professor Song, don't talk!He has really good eyesight.From what I can see so far, all the students are wonderful people!
The car was swaying on the suburban road, and as far as the eye could see, the grassland was green.

“Are these all pastures?”

"Yes!" Boss Niu didn't hide his secrets at all: "Rye, alfalfa, sudan and corn grass... there are probably more than a dozen types anyway, and there are also some original weeds. These are all sown at will."

"There is also a piece of land specially planted with high yields, which will be used to prepare feed in winter."

The car drove deeper into the pasture, and cattle of various sizes and colors could already be seen on the roads on both sides.

"What kind of cow are these? Are they delicious?"

At this time, Niu Jia, who was holding her child in the back seat, spoke:

"This is a Jiaxian red cow. It belongs to the yellow cattle breed. Its red coat is easy to recognize. This kind is easy to raise, has a large body, and the meat is tender. It is very popular in the market."

"Those colorful cattle over there are Simmental beef cattle. They are also very good. They are better as breeding cattle. They are all-around cattle. They are big and strong and easy to raise. Their reproductive ability is also very strong, but the meat quality is a little bit worse. .”

"If you want to buy a lot of cattle, just three or five cows will be enough. You don't need to buy more."

He was talking eloquently and his expression was full of confidence. Even the child in his arms was staring out the car window intently, his chubby little hands still pressed on the car glass:

How pleasing it is to look at!

Song Tan pointed to the end in front: "What about that one? It feels very similar to our rhubarb, but it's bigger."

Niu Jia looked at it and said, "Those are Luxi cattle. The rhubarb you are talking about should be the native species, right? The native species are small in size and are only used for genetic improvement. The ones on the farm now are the improved varieties."

"If you buy cattle, choose more Luxi cattle. This is the most exported breed. The meat is particularly tender and has many layers."

Simply put, delicious.

 Update two!Three may still be at night.

  Today is another awesome day!
(End of this chapter)

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