Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 739 Chapter 739

The stars and the moon hang high, the night wind blows, and the crickets in the grass outside the courtyard are chirping loudly.

While Wulan skillfully lit a small moxa stick, he rubbed his belly and walked around, and at the same time, he did not forget to recite:

"Tan Tan, isn't it too casual for us to feed the princess in front of them tonight? We didn't even put a few pieces of meat in there. After we go back, we won't sue and ask us to get the dog back, right?"

She regretted while talking: "I knew I would give them two more bowls of rice. Don't they all say that eating people is short-sighted?"

Song Tan laughed: Still flourishing? !

The two of them ate their bellies round, chewed two hawthorn pills and walked around the yard for more than half an hour before they dared to drive.

If I really want to eat another bowl, I don’t have to leave tonight. I still have to go to Dr. Guo’s place for an acupuncture treatment to eliminate my food.

Song Tan comforted: "It's okay, the dog must belong to our family, don't worry."

When Xiao Zhu came back, they covered it up because the dog had just arrived and the matter was not 100% settled yet.

But now that the person in charge and the breeder are here, it depends on the state of the dog, and no one can say that their family is perfunctory.

Besides, no meat and bones were added to it at night, but their family also cooks a pot of meat every day to feed the dogs, so they really didn't miss anything.

Ulan felt relieved after hearing this, and complained a little at the same time:
"If you want me to say, it's normal for them to raise their dogs poorly. Look at the princesses, the injury hasn't fully healed yet! As soon as they came here today, they let the training springboard, and let the training drill circles crawling what..."

"I said they were tired, and told them to rest. He insisted on checking the status of the princesses... What is the status? Isn't it enough to retire and be healthy?"

Song Tan laughed, thinking that they have leaders above them, and they have to deal with the dissatisfaction outside. If they don't make more videos, how can they prove that the dog is right for them?
What's more, today's filming is good, and if there is such an adoption next year, do you still think about your own home?

She then explained: "It's okay, Mom, the intensity is nothing to dogs. Didn't you see a few of them having fun with this training?"

"Before, they were always idle in our yard, and I think they didn't get used to it, but it will be fine after a while."

When the pasture grows, at the end of the month, she and Professor Song will go to pick some cattle and sheep back. Their task is heavy!
Just as he was talking, Guo Dong came to the door suddenly:

"Song Tan, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Everyone strolled around the yard to eat and chat, while Song Tan was pulling a piece of grass to tease the cat——

A few little oranges were running around very fast. Two days ago, when the cows were delivered to the pond, they even dared to squat by the pond and jump in!

Cooperating with her, she raised a nest of thieves for her family!


It's so cute, it's acceptable to steal two small fish and shrimp, right?

For example, at this moment, no one in the world can resist Furry, and Guo Dong is no exception.

After she finished speaking, she squatted down, picked up a kitten and rubbed it in her arms with the same familiarity, and said:
"Isn't our moxa stick very effective? It was agreed to be treated by the villagers at the beginning, and a manual fee of 10 and 20 yuan will be enough."

"I don't think it's cumbersome, but their seven aunts and eight aunts all came from other villages, and I haven't lost any people in my clinic in the past two days."

"We don't have much moxa in the first place, so how many people can use it?"

"No one listens to me when I say this, why don't you discuss with your aunt how to deal with it."

Although she is a doctor, she is too young. The elders and ladies in the village brought her here and said a few soft words... In addition, the moxa sticks were not bought by her, but given by the old Song's family for free. There is no way to refuse.

Song Tan thought for a while: "This matter is simple. Tomorrow, you will say that there is no moxa stick, and it is used up. Whoever wants moxibustion, let him come to our house by himself." As for their house, there must be no moxa sticks. .The dog days have passed, and the villagers have adjusted all that can be adjusted after this period of conditioning. It doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

But if you don't restrain yourself, everyone will bring their seven aunts and eight aunts, and the seven aunts and eight aunts will bring their relatives... that will be really unbearable.

Doctor Xiao Guo nodded, and still couldn't help but praise: "Your family's wormwood is really effective! Next year, it will really be more variety-do you know? This mosquito repellent effect is better than all mosquito coils!"

"Since moxibustion started in my clinic, there hasn't been a single bug in the whole house."

"I know." Song Tan said casually: "Brother Yanping said that a number one fan smoked this in the live broadcast room before, and all the bugs in the room died the next day. He also strongly suggested that we develop mosquito repellent products... ..."

Guo Dong listened, and suddenly sniffled: "Why is there such a strong smell of Ai?"

She turned her head and saw an iron plate on the small table in the yard, and a small moxa stick happened to be stuck in the plate, wisps of smoke were spreading around!
"You are..." Doctor Xiao Guo couldn't believe it!
"Mosquito repellent." Song Tan held the dog's tail grass and teased the cats around, and said indifferently.

"Mosquito repellent?!"

Doctor Xiao Guo's shout made everyone in the yard look over, but she pointed at the moxa pillar in disbelief:

"Do you know how effective your moxa stick is?!" "If I sell it out, just this one, you can sell it for 20 yuan, believe it or not?! How can it be used as a mosquito repellent?"

Wouldn't it be good to light a mosquito coil?
"Don't get excited, don't get excited," Song Tan quickly comforted, "Didn't you smell something different?"


Doctor Xiao Guo sniffled and told the truth.

If Ai Zhu could distinguish so well, there wouldn't be so many people analyzing smoke, ash, and color... Finally, they bought a bunch of fake three-year-old Ai Zhu.

And now this...

"It really smells like your home's Ai smell!"

Song Tan laughed: "You can't count Aizhu - the leaves are not troublesome enough to rub."

"This is the wormwood stalk left over from the leaves before. After it was dried, it was crushed with a shredder. There were some mulberry paper left over, and they were all rolled up and used as mosquito coils."

"Didn't you say that high-temperature blades will damage the medicinal properties of wormwood? It doesn't matter if you use it to repel mosquitoes."

Doctor Xiao Guo stood there blankly, and then took a closer look at Ai Zhu, his eyes were shining brightly at this moment:

"Song Tan, you really belong to me! Why didn't I think of repelling mosquitoes like this?!"

"You really are, don't give up until you squeeze it clean! But the method is so good, I really hate dead mosquitoes. Next year, next year, I must make more! Make more of this kind of mosquito-repellent incense, and many people will definitely buy it!"

Song Tan thought to himself, I am planning to set aside a piece of such a precious mountain to grow wormwood, if I don't use it, how can I be worthy of her aura?

Speaking of which, the wormwood that was cut last time on this mountain has grown again.The young leaves were picked up by them to ferment fertilizer, and at the end of autumn, can they still cut back a few bundles of pole leaves to make mosquito coils?

They can't use it here, but it's indispensable in other cities!
If you want to put it this way, the high-quality mugwort leaves in spring are used as moxa pillars, and the ones grown in the rest of the time are used as mosquito repellent. Isn't this also an infinite shortage for future generations?

Good guy!
This wormwood also fits the surname Song!

Make up for yesterday's.The remaining two shifts for today are estimated to be in the middle of the night again.

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