Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 729 729 Change Some Vegetables

"Twenty to thirty thousand?!"

Song Tan's voice suddenly became louder!
Although 3 to [-] yuan is nothing compared to her [-] mu of land...but it's just a set of mulch!

"Does it have to be used?"

The 20 yuan I finally earned has not yet been fully credited to Taotaobao, and it has almost been spent in the past few days.

Tang Xiaodong winked: "I want to focus on quality when I'm engaged in agriculture. That's it... Mulch film is still needed. The silver and black two-color can keep moisture, that is, keep heat and moisturize, and can also repel aphids and reduce weeds... Buy it, the initial investment is indispensable. of."

Song Tan also sighed: "I understand the truth, but it hurts to spend money... What else do you want to buy? Let's talk about it together!"

"That's more!"

The three students gathered around, each holding a small notebook, chattering all over the place: "Buy a lot of brown sugar, I didn't prepare enough at home."

"Rice bran, oil meal, bone meal, fish meal, organic lime... let's bring three hundred catties each! We need to make some anaerobic fermented fertilizer to reduce the obstacles to continuous cropping, and we need to topdress and supplement the base fertilizer later."

"Have all the big pulverizers been transported up the mountain?"

"If those fermentation tanks can be used, burn more plant ash first?"

"No, no, now the village is monitored by satellite, so don't let it burn..."

"Then what should we do? What about the branch secretary? You have to apply! Our green farm can't do without this... we can't buy plant ash, right?"

"I can introduce places to sell..."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. The kitchens up and down the mountain are slowly accumulating. It's almost enough..."

"Oh, hurry up and collect fallen leaves! Tian Ye didn't think there was any work when he was here. As soon as he started school, he seemed to be short of manpower immediately..."

"I also think... oh! There are too few people working here!"

"Have you prepared enough storage barrels?"

Song Tan's head is as big as a bucket, and the balance has returned to zero. He can only hope for the wax gourd sticks in the pot and the perilla that hasn't grown in the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Yanping, who was numbly mixing lime water and waiting to soak winter melon, suddenly felt that his shoulders were getting heavier.

That is to say, from this day on, Lao Song's family once again entered the busy farming season.

Of course, the busiest one was actually Song Tan.

For a heartless person like her, the fruitless peach trees on the mountain and the watermelon vines with only stubble melons have long been out of favor.

The vegetables in the field can only last for a month or two at most, and every night when she goes to accompany Three Treasures and Four Treasures, she fools around and gives a little spiritual energy.

The real big ones are tea mountain and chestnut—because of the tight distribution of aura, even black fungus and white fungus, which are not high in summer production, are not willing to give more!
Instead, it was directly distributed to perilla and wormwood.

"Tsk." She sighed in the middle of the night - when will the mountains grow to a large scale!
She is now able to integrate the spiritual energy into the water. Originally, she planned to use the reservoirs surrounded by several springs opened on the mountain to melt the spiritual energy in case Professor Song and the others got to the bottom of it, and through irrigation...

In this way, the land can be slowly infiltrated, and it can also save yourself from running around every night, and it can also gradually make everyone feel that the land of your home is good and the feng shui is good.

As a result, the development program on the mountain was much more complicated than she thought, and it was only now that it was completely finalized.

It happens to be sporadic again...

No, in the middle of the night, she was still sneaking in the wormwood field!

Of course, it's already September, and the wormwood is not born to make moxa sticks, but Professor Song wants to use it as green manure, and he will have to borrow it to make fermented fertilizer later.

But he didn't say earlier that all the sporadic wormwood fields on the mountain have now been cleared up and dug up. She found this in a field in the middle of the night.

The night after the beginning of autumn is cool, the bright moonlight falls on the shrubs and grass in front of you, the slightly melting white on the mugwort leaves sways with the wind, and there is a fragrance of grass and trees in the air.

Song Tan hides in it and will not be discovered by anyone.And with the slow release of spiritual energy, her whole body gradually calmed down, and gradually merged with nature...

It wasn't until the east was pale and Dabao and Erbao yelled on the mountain that Song Tan slowly stood up and returned home without a sound.

When it dawned at five or six o'clock, she followed in everyone's footsteps and lived a fulfilling day again.

Zhang Hong and Aunt Chen, who were called by Ulan, and Li Lanhua from Zhou Maozhu's family looked at the large wormwood field, full of surprises:

"Oh, it's such a big area... It's far away from ours. Fortunately, the old Song's family was able to find it."

"Too much is not good? We have so much wormwood that we can work for several days! We can easily earn 50 yuan in the morning by working until the sun rises, which is more money than picking tea leaves."

Summer tea and autumn tea are not that expensive, and Maojian only weighs 31 jin. If you dry it all day, you may only earn a hundred and ten yuan.

In contrast, just picking some young leaves of wormwood can earn fifty, which is really a good job!
Aunt Chen was very appreciative: "What are you afraid of? I'll go pick the leaves for their house after picking them. It's an easy job!"

The money for scraping the dead leaves in the mountains is not much, 80 a day—but this job is easier than picking mugwort leaves. Picking mugwort leaves has to be tender, but picking leaves can be done with any kind of leaves, just take a rake for a while Take a sack.

Since Zhou Tianyu came back in the summer, Li Lanhua has never been more eager to make money than ever before!Don't look at her earning 50 yuan this morning, when the sun comes out, she will still pick tea leaves under the sun!

She has made all the plans, now she can earn 60 a day picking tea, 50 here at Lao Song's house, and more than [-] a day.

After a while, the mugwort leaves will not be picked, but the price of Bailu tea will be higher, and you can earn almost 100 yuan a day!

That's it...

"Ulan said that in the past two days, I will fertilize the bottom of the mountain, and follow the machine to sprinkle fertilizer into it, 130 a day...Which one do you think I will do?"

This job is not heavy, even the autumn tiger in September is quite strong, a bit sunburnt.

well!After the marinated bags were almost ready, they were free for half a month!

Now it's a good thing, the work is coming again, how should I choose?

Speaking of this, Aunt Zhang Hong had some ideas:

"You said, I will work for their family for two days, and then the vegetables in the vegetable garden will not be planted. How about asking Ulan to share some seedlings with me?"

"Look at the hot weather, the vegetables in their vegetable gardens are growing well... No wonder their things are expensive, it really makes sense!"

It stands to reason that they are all in the same village, and everyone grows similar things in their vegetable gardens. It is not a problem at all to open their mouths to order seedlings or seeds.Like radish and cabbage, when the seedlings are thinned, there will be piles of extra.

But the problem is...

The seedlings and seeds of the old Song family were pointed out by great experts. It is inevitable that they will be a little inappropriate if they open their mouths now.

We have guests at home!delayed.besides.

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