Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 339 339. Do you eat pig's trotters?

Chapter 339 339. Do you eat pig's trotters?

The vegetable market in the evening was lively again.

Those who just got off work, those who took their dogs for a walk, and those who are fully equipped and ready to walk for fitness... The wind blowing by the river, with the hot and humid summer, a few young men and women whizzed by on a battery car , When the car stopped, I looked left and right, but I couldn't find a place where people gathered together.

Let’s look at those watermelon sellers who have set up stalls—this one is an old man, this one is a young guy, and this one is an old lady...these are not the owner’s house!

Not to mention that the spot where the pickup truck of the little boss used to be parked has already been taken by someone carrying a basket of fairy peaches.

Everyone looked left and right, and finally looked at the stewed goods owner who was thinking in front of the counter next to him, and asked cautiously:
"Boss, please ask, the little girl here who often sells vegetables and drives pickup trucks, is she not here today?"

"Yeah," someone behind me also muttered anxiously: "Didn't you say that watermelon is sold today? Did you buy it in the mini program?"

"too expensive."

"I'm not willing to place an order online, I'm going to try it first..."

Watermelon, what watermelon?
The owner of the stewed goods was shocked, thinking of the balance in his bank card that flew out, and now he looked at the 6 small watermelons at his feet. He didn't know how to reimburse his wife at the moment, so he said sadly at this moment: "You guys come late Yes, it's already sold out."


"Didn't we come a little after 6 o'clock? Why is it gone?"

Seeing the expressions of several people getting anxious, for some reason, the owner of the stewed goods suddenly burst into a sense of complacency——

Look, I bought the watermelon that you couldn't buy!
This somewhat comforted his feeling of losing money today, so he said angrily: "I came here before 5:30, and there were people waiting in line here before I came. Half an hour later, a cart full of melons was sold out. "

In fact, this is because it took some time for everyone to weigh and pick, and when you tasted the watermelon, you pushed and shoved... If a few policemen from the nearby police station came over and circled twice, there might be a quarrel .

However, even though there were so many distractions, when the little policemen went back happily holding a little melon egg, the girl simply put the car back together, sold it and left immediately.

Now these few young men and women who are hesitant and hesitant rush over again, because the car exhaust can't even eat it.

Thinking of this, the stewed goods owner cheered up:

"The melon is gone, do you want braised pig's trotters? My marinade is so old!"

"If you want to buy it, I'll show you the melons I bought."

The young girl in front of me can't be fooled: "Boss, are you showing the melon, or are you reselling it to me?"

Reselling... that would cost more!
The boss looked at the young man in front of him, thinking that melons were so expensive, if he would definitely buy them, he would have already placed an order with the mini program, and they probably wouldn't be able to add much.

So he said, "Of course I want you to take a look."

Several people dispersed in a rush.

After taking two steps, the leading girl turned back again:

"Forget it, I told my mother to buy watermelon, and if I don't buy it, I can't return it empty-handed-give me two of these braised pig's trotters."


The owner of the stewed goods smiled happily: "Let me tell you, my braised pig's trotters are eaten in tropical soup. They are very soft and tender! One bite and it melts in your mouth!"

"If it's cold, it will be chewy, and the flesh will be chewy! It's delicious!"

"But if you put it in the air fryer and fry it for another three to five minutes, good guy, it tastes so good! The skin is chewy, and the meat inside is hot. It's not greasy at all, and it's not soft. The taste is especially suitable for drinking, with a ball game or watching a movie in the evening, absolutely perfect!"

"Besides, if you can put it in your bag and bring it into the movie theater, when the lights are turned off and the big screen is on, you will be chewing on it, and everyone in the movie theater will have to smell the scent, so you're not good at it?"

Good guy!
Bring pig's trotters into the cinema, the boss is so immoral!
But... Suck... I really want to...

After the words fell, several young people who hadn't gone far also hesitantly gathered around.

As soon as the person left, the boss pulled the calculator, 6 big trotters, at least 2 melons.

After thinking about it, he simply put all the melons on the counter.


And here, Song Tan finished work early, and now he has pulled the car to the nearby Fengfeng Express.

This is a large melon that she picked one by one, so unripe, it is suitable for express delivery.

It's a pity that if it's not with brother Zhang, the delivery price will be much more expensive.

However, Brother Xiao Zhang only delivered one shipment every afternoon, but this wave of Xiao Zhu's branch secretary was in a hurry, and it was going to be shipped today-fortunately, she paid for the courier fee.

Thinking of this, Song Tan felt at ease.

The courier of Fengfeng Express was busy recording the order, when he saw someone coming, he just pointed:
"Send a courier? What?"

He just asked subconsciously, but he didn't expect the young guy behind him to hug a round watermelon:
"Send a lot of watermelons."

The courier boy was stunned.

It took him a long time to react: "Send watermelon?"

Words are full of incredible.

Song Tan nodded: "Can you pack it? It can't be broken."

This Fengfeng express station is quite big, and everything is complete.The guy hesitated: "Yes, there is, it's the courier fee, it's not cheap to go by air..."

How can I not buy watermelon now, it's really impossible.

Song Tan waved his hand: "It's okay. As long as it can be sent away tonight."

"That will definitely work!"

Song Tan pointed to the back seat of his car: "There are 20 in total, please pack them."

Delivery boy: ...

As for the rich people these days, there are so many eccentricities, and the things they do are really strange!
After such a toss, when it was really time to give the watermelon, it was getting dark.

Song Tan asked Qiao Qiao: "Are you hungry?"

Jojo opened the pouch on his chest: "Cucumber!"

Well, there is still water.The siblings each touched a cucumber and gnawed on it. He put Ultraman Zero behind Jojo in the back seat of the car, obviously not that much in love with him.

After eating a cucumber, Song Tan also came downstairs to the aunt's house:
"There are three big melons in total. I'll hold two, can you hold one?"

Qiao Qiao said arrogantly: "I can report two!"

Song Tan: "...OK, you hug two."

She reached out to grab one and went straight upstairs.

When the aunt received the call, she had been waiting at home for a long time. Now when she saw someone coming, she couldn't help sighing:
"Tell me, watermelon is so expensive at this time, you have to sell more before it's on the market! If you really want to give it away, can't you wait until it's hot? It's not easy to sell melons at that time."

After all, I can quickly pick up a few melons in my hand.

Song Tan liked Dagu's straightforward character, so he also laughed at the moment: "It's okay, Dagu, I'll let you taste the first batch of melons."

 To tell you the truth, in the middle of writing, I went to air fry the leftover braised pig's trotters for 5 minutes. ! !

  Thank you for your support last month!Entered the annual list today (for the first time ever!)

  I'm going to work hard this month! ! (Except Chinese New Year...)
  Everyone, I will continue to work hard when I complete the update.

(End of this chapter)

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