Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 327 End of August

Chapter 327 327. End of May

A series of barking dogs sounded from the back mountain, and Zhang Yanping and Sun Shouping rushed down the mountain in a panic and quickly disappeared.

The person in charge at the nearby construction site immediately pricked up his ears: "What's wrong? Has something happened in the back mountain?"

He became alert-if something happened in the back mountain, and he was the first to find out, and he would help in the middle, would he still be able to go home for two more meals later?
I blamed him for being too superficial before. It shouldn't be said that the excavator guy is a talent!I knew it was so delicious...

Tears were streaming from the corners of his mouth.

The person in charge stood up and looked at the back mountain that was eager to try. The worker who was resting next to him looked at him and said with a smile: "There is a dog so big on the mountain. I will put one paw in the field for you. Don't join in the fun."


He sat back sullenly.

Not long after, I saw the big dog guarding the back mountain also rushing down, like a rampaging wild boar, ran all the way to Song Youde's house, and opened his mouth to complain:

"Wow woof woof woof..."

"what happened?"

Song Tan hurried out to take a look, and saw the king standing in the yard aggrieved, the small bib around his neck was crooked, and two strands of floral cloth hanging from the side, looked rustic and scribbled.

"What's going on here?"

Wang Lifen also came out, and then laughed when she saw the king's appearance: "Who took off our king's bib?"


The king walked up to her, and rubbed his big head against Wang Lifen's ear, making the old lady's heart melt, and quickly patted him:
"Come on, sit down, I'll re-tie it for you."

He said he was sitting, but in fact the king knew that he was tall and strong, so he proficiently lay down on the ground.

At this height, Wang Lifen moved a stool to sit on, just enough to tie a bib on it.

The two cloth strips on the back of the neck can't be tied simply, they have to be flattened out like a windbreaker belt, and a bow of suitable length should be pulled out.

It has to be attached to the neck, otherwise it will be too flippy and easy to hang on the bushes.The cloth strips hang too long, affecting the king's eating...

Of course, being able to maintain it so well is all thanks to the king's careful coming and going on the mountain.

Until then, Sun Shouping and Zhang Yanping came back as if nothing had happened.

The king became angry when he saw the two of them, and now he let out a stern bark, accusing who was the instigator.

Sun Shouping sprinted behind Zhang Yanping: "It's not me! He took off the bib!"

Zhang Yanping:? ? ?

What a good brother.

Zhang Yanping looked at him, and smiled viciously at this moment: "Tan Tan, your grandson wants to buy a catty of our tea, buy a catty of tea and get a can of beef sauce."


Song Tan also laughed: "I won't give it away to other people. It's not easy for Brother Sun to come all the way, so I have to give it away—by the way, 1 yuan a catty, did you say it?"

"Brother Sun, our family can't swipe cards yet, how can we pay?"

Sun Shouping: ...? ? ?
In the evening, Sun Shouping held tea, white fungus, honey and green pepper beef sauce in his hand, and hugged a cucumber gifted by his good brother in his arms. As soon as he took a bite, he felt that it was not the juicy cucumber, but his own poor heart.


At the end of May, the cicadas are singing, the rain is completely stingy, and the progress of the house is also changing day by day.

Zhao Fangyuan came here early in the morning with her father's truck.Now I come to the building where the main frame has been completed, and carefully do the final acceptance and measurement.

Of course, it is still far from completion, so far only the main building has been built, and there are only frames in other places.

As for Zhao Fangyuan's visit this time, on the one hand, she was looking at the quality. On the other hand, she wanted to get all the decoration, water and electricity in the main house in place while the construction team was building the side house.

If we don't do this two-pronged approach, how can we let people live in with peace of mind in July?

Although the houses in the village are brighter and more breathable than those in the city, and are made of environmentally friendly materials, how can we feel at ease if we don’t hang them out to dry?

But Song Tan was not worried at all, and instead helped to pack vegetables for the vegetable vendor Lao Zhao.

I haven't seen him for a while, and Lao Zhao looks more and more energetic. Those who know him know that he is a vegetable seller, but those who don't know think he is a businessman!

Song Tan looked at him picking up money, and asked curiously: "How is it? It's much more comfortable to rent a small shop to do business now, right?"

To be honest, if it wasn't for the difficulty of leaving his parents' homeland, Song Tan really wanted his parents to sell vegetables, not to mention anything else, to work less and rest.

Now... I have no choice but to take advantage of Lao Zhao!
"Comfortable is comfortable," Old Zhao sighed half-truthfully, "It's just that you have too few things in your house. If you say this cucumber, you can give me two hundred cucumbers once - good guy, all the things you buy at the stall are just fruits. Food! Not enough at all."

"There are also these peppers. There are so few peppers. I sell them by the number. I don't want to mention you when I come to the eggplant. It's only 200 for one time-you must be stuck with this number, right?"

"Also, last time I saw that there were cowpeas in your garden, why didn't you give cowpeas?"

How much do cowpeas sell for?They are everywhere in summer, and they ate enough when they were young, which is not uncommon.

Song Tan is more concerned now: "I'm going to make sour cowpea and sell it online."

This is convenient for price increases and storage.

Anyway, their license has already come down, and the green pepper beef sauce is selling fast every day. While leaving a message in the comment area, everyone keeps screaming and buying, and the greedy one is drooling!

Old Zhao: ...

So their friendship will disappear, right?

He walked around the yard twice, and then he said unwillingly: "You should expand your scale next year anyway, with just this little stuff, we can't sell enough in the urban area. You still put it on the Internet..."

Song Tan thought to himself: Originally, she was mainly for her own food, and making money was secondary.

Besides, at that time, I just built a mountain and owed money to the village. How could I expand the scale?
Not sure about next year though.

But she didn't say anything dead at this moment: "I'll see you next year, anyway, you're indispensable."

With her words, Lao Zhao felt relieved, threw his daughter away, put two pork buns with chili sauce in his arms, and hurried back to the city by car.

On the other side, Zhao Fangyuan held a porridge bowl in one hand and a big bun in the other, sniffing while eating, it was spicy and enjoyable.

She has already done three, unlike her father, who eats three and still has two, hum!There wasn't enough for her to eat in the pot!

At 6:00, when it was already bright, the village gradually became noisy again.

Seventh Cousin looked at the fresh beef that was delivered early, and nodded in satisfaction.

Aunt Lianhua and her mother-in-law were sitting together, wearing thick gloves and a mask with a smile on their faces, cleaning the green and red peppers one by one, and then putting them into the large-capacity blender aside. inside.

The beef was also chopped into small pieces and put into another machine.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound of the two mixers, the whole yard slowly filled with that choking and spicy atmosphere.

 Tonight... how about good night, we can't let everyone stay up late!Try to let the hero come out tomorrow.

  The watermelon is ripe too!
(End of this chapter)

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