From university lecturer to chief academician.

Chapter 372 Cosmic Expansion Theory

Chapter 372 Cosmic Expansion Theory

Paul Phil-Jones talked about his research with Huang Zhen. They linked space short-wave theory with cosmic microwave radiation.

Cosmic microwave radiation, also known as background radiation, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that fills the entire universe.

In the early 60s, American scientists Penzias and RW Wilson built a highly sensitive horn-type receiving antenna system to improve satellite communications, and they used it to measure the radio intensity of the halo gas.

In order to reduce the received clutter, they even removed the bird droppings on the antenna, but there is still centimeter wave background noise that cannot be eliminated.

Penzias and RW Wilson believe that these microwave noises from the universe with a wavelength of 1.875 are equivalent to 3.5K (black body radiation). One year later, they corrected the microwave noise to 3K and made this discovery public. This won the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Later research found that the characteristics and absolute temperature scale of cosmic microwave radiation are the same as the black body radiation at 2.725K, and the frequency belongs to the millimeter wave range in microwave.

The cosmic microwave background is one of the cosmic background radiations. With conventional optical telescopes, the space (background) between stars and galaxies is pitch black.

However, a faint background glow visible with sensitive radiation telescopes is almost identical in every direction and has nothing to do with any stars, galaxies or other objects.

The electromagnetic spectrum of this light is strongest in the microwave centimeter wave region.

Regarding the existence of cosmic microwave radiation, the field of astrophysics believes that cosmic microwave radiation is the product left over from the "big bang" in cosmology, and the similar primordial gravitational wave is the gravitational wave radiation left over from the "big bang".

Now on the issue of annihilation energy transmission, both Paul Phil-Jones and Huang Zhen believe that cosmic microwave radiation can also be used as a medium for space short-wave transmission.

"The annihilation energy conducts and expands through cosmic microwave radiation and primordial gravitational waves, making it evenly dispersed in the universe..."

"This would support the expansion theory of the universe."

Paul Phil Jones' explanation attracted everyone's attention.

This explanation is amazing.

Cosmic microwave radiation is considered to be a remnant of the Big Bang, and it has become a recognized matter in astrophysics. As a result, Paul Phil-Jones and Huang Zhen boldly imagined that cosmic microwave radiation is the medium of annihilation energy space transmission.

This view is very novel and very imaginative, and at the same time, it will definitely become a challenge to the explanation of the original astrophysical phenomena.

Wang Hao was very surprised. He didn't expect that Paul Phil Jones and Huang Zhen could do this kind of research together. He nodded frequently and couldn't help but smile on his face.

What made him even more happy was that the system also refreshed the information in time——
[Task 7, inspiration value +[-]. 】

very good!

Wang Hao gave Paul Phil-Jones a thumbs up to express his approval of their research.

Paul Phil Jones immediately glanced at Helen proudly.

Helen stared back in disbelief, and immediately talked about their research, "I think space is composed of special particles, and the energy of annihilation is directly transformed into space particles..."

Helen put forward a point of view, "The basic composition of energy is the mass point, and the structure of the mass point, including the splitting of the photon structure, can no longer be called energy."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wang Hao.

This assumption is not necessarily correct, and even she feels a little uneasy, because no one can be sure what the minimum composition of energy is.

Wang Hao nodded and agreed after thinking, "This point of view cannot be denied. The mass point is the basic structure of matter and energy. It is smaller than the mass point, or it is a split of a certain topological structure. Even if a large number of similar tiny components are piled up, It’s really hard to turn it into energy.”

Helen suddenly gained confidence, and she gestured to Ding Zhiqiang with her eyes.

After Ding Zhiqiang received the signal, he immediately picked up a stack of printed materials and distributed a copy to everyone.

Helen explained, "The above is the construction work completed by Ding Zhiqiang and I. It describes the process of transforming annihilation energy into space particles, and later also describes the process of space particles dispersing and jumping."

At this time, Wang Hao interrupted, "Follow-up, there is no need for it. In terms of transmission, your basic definition is wrong. Even if space is composed of particles, the jump of space particles must be limited by speed."


Helen didn't understand why she was directly denied, and she didn't say what she wanted to say in the end.

Wang Hao ignored Helen's mood. He lowered his head and looked carefully at the contents of the information, and found that it was the mathematical analysis of the transformation of annihilation energy into space particles.

The first part of the analysis is the transformation process, and the latter part is the transfer process, but the description of the transfer process is basically defined as 'space particles can jump at will, and the speed is not limited'.

This is wrong.

Wang Hao is very sure of this, because new experimental results prove that the conduction of annihilation energy is limited by speed.

This is why strong laser irradiation increases the release distance of F-rays.

If the conduction of annihilation energy is not limited by the speed, it is impossible for strong laser irradiation to affect the release distance of F-rays. Now that a definite conclusion has been made, the subsequent description of conduction can naturally be ignored.

But Wang Hao is still very satisfied, because the system has a prompt again——
[Task 7, inspiration value +[-]. 】

It is also a 7-point increase!
Wang Hao also gave Helen a thumbs up, and praised, "Helen, you and Xiaoding have done a good job. Your work is of great help to the research!"

Helen exhaled softly immediately, and nodded slightly towards Wang Hao.

Paul Phil-Jones frowned, and he asked Wang Hao, "We have different understandings of spatial performance, why are we all 'doing well'?"

He felt that he and Helen had to decide whether they were right or wrong. Their work was affirmed, and he felt like a student who was deceived by the teacher.

Helen asked, "Mr. Wang, what is your understanding of the manifestation of space? Do you support my particle theory, or Paul's short wave theory?"

Everyone else got serious.

The dispute between Helen and Paul Phil-Jones lies in the difference in viewing the manifestation of space, whether space is regarded as a particle or as a wave.

It's a bit like the debate over whether photons were particles or waves hundreds of years ago.

Wang Hao said with a smile, "Whether particle theory, short-wave theory, or other ways of looking at it, it is the same to me."

He said seriously, "I am from a practical point of view. No matter what kind of way of looking at it or what kind of theory, as long as it can explain the experimental findings, it can be used."

"So I think your work is excellent, Paul, and it's important that your work explains space energy conduction."

"Helen, the second half of your research actually does not match the experimental conclusions, but in the first half, the explanation of annihilation absorption is very clear, and the mathematical structure is well done."

After he made his comments, he continued, "Our research is based on experimental conclusions, but the content is still within the scope of theoretical physics."

"Theoretical physics, whether it is string theory, cosmology, or the big bang theory, is an explanation of existing physical discoveries. As long as it cannot be proven wrong, it can be temporarily considered correct."

"You have different ideas about the representation of space. But, from the point of view of theoretical physics, you are both correct."

The others immediately understood.

Helen and Paul Phil-Jones have different views on the form of space, but their research is no problem, even if they submit a paper, they can be published in top physics journals.

Theoretical physics is originally an inclusive field, and it is a research that exists under many assumptions.

They need to provide theoretical explanations for the experimental conclusions, because the experimental conclusions are limited, and it is almost impossible to fully dig out the mysteries of deep physics by relying on a small amount of experimental conclusions. It is still based on existing physics and imagination to construct the underlying mystery.

So both Helen and Paul Phil-Jones are correct.

Wang Hao really thought so too, and even the inspiration value of the system task has increased, which shows that there is indeed no problem with the research of Helen and Paul Phil-Jones.

He can understand it if he thinks about it carefully.

The current research is based on personal views on the form of space, which sounds like nothing but imagination, but for theoretical physics, as long as the conclusion can be analyzed mathematically, it is completely sufficient.

That's not necessarily true and accurate, like some physics research.

For example, photon architecture.

The photon structure is a combination of mass points plus a [-]-dimensional topological structure, and the [-]-dimensional topological structure is described as a 'prime number point arrangement', which is composed of numbers.

So is the 'tail structure' of photons really composed of numbers?
Of course it is impossible.

Mathematics is just the expression form of theoretical physics. Similarly, theoretical physics can also be understood as the expression form of physical phenomena. As long as the physical phenomena can be reasonably explained, it can be considered as walking in the right direction.

Next, the meeting entered the formal content.

Yan Jing took out the report and briefly talked about the latest experimental findings, "Through a series of experimental methods, we have come to a conclusion that the transmission of annihilation energy in a strong annihilation force field will be restricted by speed."

"Although no specific verification can be carried out, the lowest conduction speed is the speed of light, and the highest is limited by the strength of the strong annihilation force field."

This conclusion made everyone's eyes widen immediately.

Everyone is surprised.

Helen immediately asked, "Professor Yan, how did you come to this conclusion?"

Huang Zhen asked three times in a row in shock, "The experiment has detected energy transmission in space? How did you detect it? Can space detect it?"

Yan Jing turned to look at Wang Hao.

What she said was just a simple conclusion, and the specific experimental process definitely couldn't be said, and it couldn't be answered at all.

Wang Hao said, "This is an inference I made based on the experimental findings. The specific experimental content cannot be made public for the time being."

"However, there is nothing wrong with this conclusion. You take it as the basis of your research, and the space conduction after energy annihilation will be limited by the speed."

The others looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

At this time, Helen understood why Wang Hao directly denied the second half of the research just now, because the basis of their research is that the jump of space particles is not limited by the speed, which is inconsistent with the experimental conclusion.

Wang Hao not only talked about the conclusion of the speed restriction, but also talked about the speed, "It is related to the strength of the annihilation force field."

Everyone else understood immediately.

The strength of the annihilation force field affects the maximum speed of particles. The conventional maximum speed is the speed of light, but in the antigravity field, the speed of light will be weakened, and a strong annihilation force field will naturally increase the speed.


The research meeting lasted for two and a half hours, and everyone was actively speaking, not only explaining their own work, but also explaining their ideas in the follow-up discussions.

This has also made great progress in research, and the most direct response is the increase in the inspiration value of system tasks.

【Task [-]】

[Research project name: Experimental study of annihilation physics based on laser irradiation with strong annihilation field (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 49. 】

"Nearly half."

While Wang Hao was happy, he also felt a little emotional. There are a group of geniuses in the research team, and the feeling is really different.

These geniuses can do a lot of work spontaneously, as long as they are given a clear direction, results are almost inevitable.

Of course, his contribution is the greatest, because he guided the research in the right direction.

The research they have done can be named "Annihilation Theory-Theory of Cosmic Inflation".

The theory of cosmic expansion, simply explained, is that the annihilation energy can expand the space, and continuously transmit and disperse the entire cosmic space, thus leading to the occurrence of cosmic expansion.

The research is based on the theory of annihilation, explaining the cause of the expansion of the universe from another angle, rather than attribute the expansion of the universe to the continuation of the 'big bang'.

"But we don't completely deny the big bang theory. Perhaps inflation itself can be understood as the process of the big bang."

"Maybe the Big Bang didn't happen in an instant, at the moment of a singularity, but it happened all the time."

"In addition, we can also relate the phenomenon of accelerated expansion of the universe..."

The last point is to expand.

The big bang theory in theoretical physics is not perfect. For example, the big bang theory is difficult to explain why the expansion of the universe has been accelerating. If you imagine the explosion as a routine, it must be the fastest and most responsive at the moment of the explosion, and the follow-up will be Slower and slower.

However, astrophysical research shows that the expansion of the universe is likely to accelerate.

Regarding the accelerated expansion of the universe, the big bang is not a good explanation, but the research they have done can even think of several reasons.

For example, Helen put forward a point of view, "If the big bang has been going on, maybe the annihilation force has been increasing."

Energy and matter are constantly annihilated by space, and they all become nutrients for the expansion of the universe. Just like powder dissolved in water, the volume of the solution will increase, and at the same time, the concentration of the solution will also increase.

Of course, no matter what kind of explanation it is, it cannot be proved now, and it can only be attributed to the 'theory'.

Therefore, the prefix of the name of the research is 'annihilation theory', not 'annihilation physics', they are just doing the underlying theoretical analysis based on the experimental findings.

Even so, everyone who participated in the research was still shocked, because their research overturned some traditional astrophysics views and demonstrated a new cosmology.

As long as the research results are released, it will definitely cause a big shock in international physics.

Wang Hao believes that this research will become an important basis for the annihilation theory and provide basic theoretical support for further experimental research in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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