From university lecturer to chief academician.

Chapter 363 This kind of wisdom is incomprehensible, witnessing a historic moment!

Chapter 363 This kind of wisdom is incomprehensible, witnessing a historic moment!

Scholars present at the 'Mathematics Roundtable Conference' became a little depressed after thinking carefully about the so-called 'creative tool', but they had no way to refute it.

Because Wang Hao was telling the truth.

The era in which Einstein lived can be said to be an era of vigorous development of mathematics, an era of vigorous development of scientific theories, and an era of vigorous development of science and technology.

In recent decades, it has been an era of information explosion. The development of computer technology has changed the world and is considered as the information revolution of mankind.

But the information revolution is not a theoretical revolution.

No matter how many changes computer technology has brought to human beings, it is only a technology, not a theory.

In recent years, the development speed of basic theory has indeed been very slow, far behind the prosperous period a hundred years ago.

If you compare Einstein and Wang Hao together, Einstein's luck is indeed very good. When studying the general theory of relativity, he has been troubled by "mathematical tools". He hopes to have a special geometry as a general theory. The carrier of the theory of relativity, so as to conduct an in-depth analysis of its research content.

Then he found Grossman.

Grossman was a classmate of Einstein.He suggested that Einstein study Riemannian geometry and tensor analysis.

At that time, it was not the modern age of information explosion. The Riemannian geometry created by Riemann 50 years ago was hardly famous at that time, and it was considered as a "hypothetical" mathematical research. not easy.

But with the help of Grossman, Einstein immediately got the content of Riemannian geometry, and then completed the shaping of general relativity on this basis.

From this, we can understand how important "mathematical tools" that meet the requirements are for theoretical physicists.

If a physical theory cannot be supported by mathematical tools, it is almost impossible to accomplish.

Just like the thought of Alexander Grothendieck, his research and development of algebraic geometry is to create "mathematical tools that can be used". He believes that the main direction of mathematics is in-depth theoretical research to create a large number of 'Math Tools'.

In this way, research in other disciplines can find suitable mathematical tools.

The significance of mathematical theory research is reflected here.

Annihilation physics is a brand-new research direction, just like Einstein's research on relativity theory, a brand-new direction naturally requires a brand-new 'mathematical tool'.

When it comes to shaping the most basic and core mass point in annihilation physics, it is naturally necessary to find suitable mathematical tools.

Arguably, annihilation physics has been lucky.

Because Wang Hao was the one who researched the physics of annihilation, and he himself is the top mathematician. He didn't have any mathematical tools to use, so he simply researched it by himself...


Everyone else let out a long sigh, and everyone's expressions became very complicated.

Wang Hao is really telling the truth. He is more interested in annihilation physics. The direct purpose of studying higher-order particle functions is to construct mass points.

Mathematical results are just incidental.

If possible, he would like to skip the mathematical research stage and directly find the 'suitable tools' to construct mass points.

The atmosphere of the round table meeting was silent for a while.

Wang Hao continued to talk about the problem of mass point shaping, "I think that the directly related research is the second problem of high-order mass functions."

"It's not to prove the second question, but the study of prime numbers on nodes can support the shaping of quality points."

After he gave a brief explanation, he also gave the others a chance to speak, and they immediately started talking.

Everyone here is a top mathematician in the world, and they have all studied higher-order particle functions, so they can naturally express some personal opinions.

Among them, Flott-Alsos said the most. Alsos's research direction was completed in advance by others, which made him feel very depressed, but he cherished the opportunity to communicate with Wang Hao, "I have been researching high-level particle function."

"If you talk about shaping quality points, Mr. Wang Hao, because it involves the distribution of prime numbers to nodes, or some kind of characteristics?"

"Talking about the law of distribution, maybe we can compare another similar mathematical problem - Mersenne prime numbers."

Flott-Alsos said, "Although I didn't do in-depth research, I thought of this. Mr. Wang Hao, you once had a study on the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers."

"I have read that paper, the calculation function and the decision function. If we can study the distribution of some prime numbers in this way, maybe it can help the research of quality points?"

What Alsos said made Wang Hao's eyes shine.

The two started discussing immediately.

Others also occasionally said a sentence, and expressed their views one after another.

In the process of constant discussion, Wang Hao even discovered that the task of quality point research, with the increase of "two points" inspiration value, he immediately discussed it more actively with others.

Lunch is spent in discussions.

After the meal was over, no one got up to leave, and they continued to discuss. They talked about the question of "whether super large prime numbers are meaningful to node research".

Wang Hao said, "I think that for the study of quality points, prime numbers are meaningless to the number of nodes. Whether it is a large number or a small number, it may only represent a mark."

"It's like a student's student number, everyone's identity number, it's just a mark, and the number is just a code expression for each point, and its underlying characteristics may be the same."

This is also the last meaningful content.

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he looked at the time, got up and said with a smile, "Let's stop here for today's round table meeting. We can continue to communicate tomorrow and the next two days, but now, I have to go to rest."

The others also exchanged a few words immediately.

Wang Hao had to go to rest. He had been busy all morning and had to report for more than two hours in the afternoon, so he had to go back to refresh himself.


The time was close to three o'clock in the afternoon, and the report meeting officially started at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The main consideration here is the problem of taking a break at noon. It is easy to make people sleepy during the noon time period, so we should allow more time for the scholars to rest, so that they can listen to the afternoon report more energetically.

When the time was approaching, Wang Hao walked in through the side door together with Qiu Huian and Ding Zhiqiang, and then Wang Hao took Qiu Huian to the stage and gave an introduction, "This is my student Qiu Huian. On the second question, his work has contributed a lot to the content of the field of number theory.”

"In the afternoon, Qiu Hui'an will explain the initial content..."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he stepped off the stage.

Qiu Huian stayed on stage with apprehension. His situation was better than that of Ding Zhiqiang, because Ding Zhiqiang was the first to come on stage, and he already had Ding Zhiqiang as a reference.


He doesn't seem to be as popular as Ding Zhiqiang.

This is mainly related to research contributions. Ding Zhiqiang provided the most important ideas. For cutting-edge research, a good idea and a sudden inspiration are more important than follow-up efforts, just like making an investment. As long as you are looking for If you are in the right direction, you can still make money even if you make a lot of mistakes. If you don’t find the right direction, no matter how much effort you put in, you can guarantee that you will not lose money in the end.

Of course, as long as you give an explanation on stage, you will definitely become the subject of discussion among scholars in the audience.

Qiu Hui'an is also famous.

"This is another student of Wang Hao, who is amazing. He completed the proof of Legendre's conjecture a few years ago."

"Legendre conjecture? Amazing!"

"It's really remarkable. It is said that he was still studying in graduate school at the time... But now, he is only studying for a Ph.D...."

"Wang Hao is very good, and his students are really good."

Legendre's conjecture is far inferior to Riemann's conjecture, but it is also a difficult problem in the field of number theory. The proof of Legendre's conjecture is enough for many universities to get professorships.

Now Qiu Hui'an is explaining the beginning of the proof of the second problem of higher-order particle functions. Most of the content is number theory, and part of the corresponding geometric analysis is also included.

In short, he explained the basic analysis of the proof.

Standing on the stage, Qiu Hui'an was obviously a little nervous. Even if he had enough mental preparation and Ding Zhiqiang's explanation as a model, facing a group of international mathematics experts, just being on the stage alone was stressful.

Every sentence that Qiu Hui'an said must be carefully considered first, for fear of being pointed out as a mistake.

There is no such thing as "discipline" in academic reports and academic conferences.

When many academic reports and academic conferences are in progress, if the speaker makes a mistake, the scholars in the audience will point it out on the spot. Scholars are not bureaucrats, and they don't care about "face" at all.

When some academic reports are in progress, it is not unusual for the presenter to flirt with the scholars who pointed out the problem because they feel that they are being 'picked up' by the audience, or even put on a martial arts scene.

Fortunately, scholars still give Wang Hao face.

Even when Qiu Hui'an made an explanation, he occasionally made mistakes or made mistakes, but only when he was pointed out in a friendly manner made the explanation go on smoothly.

Qiu Hui'an's explanations are indeed not too profound. Most of them are the analysis of numerical laws similar to the sieve method, and the follow-up involves some functions, corresponding geometry and other issues.

These are the basis of the proof.


After an hour, Qiu Hui'an had been carefully explaining, so it was slightly delayed.

Some math bosses in the front row were very dissatisfied, because the content of the explanation was relatively easy, and they all read the papers, and they all felt that it was a waste of time. I hope Wang Hao will come up quickly and talk about the most important content.

Under such pressure, Qiu Hui'an still finished the explanation, then turned around and bowed slightly, and hurriedly walked to the side.

Only then did Wang Hao walk onto the stage.

He was not in a hurry to continue explaining, but said, "Everyone, take a break first. Regarding the content just now, anyone who has any questions can ask them now, and I will answer them."

This is to allow time for scholars to rest and ask questions.

Qiu Hui'an's explanation was not very clear, and some scholars in the back row still had problems, especially when it came to functions and geometry, there were several key points that were not easy to understand.

After someone stood up to ask questions, Wang Hao explained it in detail.

When it was replaced by Wang Hao's explanation, the scholars in the audience felt suddenly enlightened, and some things that they couldn't figure out also understood.

Many people sighed, "This is the gap!"

"Wang Hao's explanation is obviously much clearer, perhaps because Wang Hao has a deeper understanding of the process..."

"Yeah, after listening to the explanation just now, I immediately understood."

"That doctoral student is still not good..."

"Of course, compared to Wang Hao, no one can..."

The Q&A break lasted for 10 minutes, and then Wang Hao entered the follow-up content.

At this time, he became very serious, because the follow-up content has a lot of analysis of five-dimensional graphics, it is not easy to understand, and it is also the most difficult part of the proof process.

He stood on the stage and said earnestly, "We use these comforts to express the trend of graphics. Let's see, this column..."

"We use the method of shaping the figure rotation. A line, a surface, or a four-dimensional figure will have a direction, and we found in the research that the direction will be reversed..."

"The research is on the overall graph, not a single function. Let's fix the above functions..."

"In this step, you can see that the intersection line of k3 and K4 is on the complex plane, and then transform it to express..."

"This is how the complex plane is generated. Let's continue the analysis based on the conclusion in the morning. The next step is D..."

"Let's see..."

When Wang Hao was explaining endlessly, the audience in the audience listened very carefully, and they followed the steps step by step, slowly understanding the process.

Time flows in earnest.

After explaining a major difficulty, some scholars in the venue have been able to confirm that the proof is completely correct, because they have already understood the follow-up content.

One of them is James Menas, a leading scholar in the field of analytic number theory, who won the Fields Medal for his work in understanding the structure of prime numbers and Diophantine approximations.

At this time, Menas was already lying on the chair with his arms folded, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

Qiu Chengwen was sitting next to him. He took a sip of the water in front of him, then rubbed his forehead vigorously, turned his head and noticed Menas, and said, "Should we be sure?"

"I'm sure."

Menas nodded affirmatively, and sighed, "The Riemann conjecture has also been conquered. Goldbach's conjecture, Riemann's conjecture, plus the achievements of Artin's constant, hail conjecture, etc., in the analysis of number theory problems, Wang Hao It can be well-deservedly called No.1."

Qiu Chengwen also had a lot of sighs in his heart, but in the end he could only say, "It's incomparable..."

Menas said, "Before today, I always thought that the smartest Chinese was Terry (Terence Tao)."

"Why?" Qiu Chengwen didn't understand.

"Terry is different. He is really that kind of super genius. I have met him several times, and every time I am impressed by his intelligence. Wang Hao has more achievements, but genius does not necessarily depend on results. I know Terry , so I think so."

"But now, I have changed my view. I don't know if you have noticed that in the whole process of the report, Wang Hao didn't even make a small mistake. Regarding the argumentation of some complicated issues, he gave the result without even thinking about it. .”

Qiu Chengwen nodded in thought.

"This is a very complicated research, with three papers of [-] pages, involving the demonstration of high-dimensional graphics and complex functions."

"Even if the research has been done, it is very complicated to sort out the whole..."

"Wang Hao...I believe he can rewrite the thesis on the spot without making any mistakes."

"This kind of memory, this kind of understanding of research, this kind of wisdom... is incomprehensible!"

Menas described it as 'incomprehensible', which is enough to explain the shock in his heart.

The two sighed together.

On the stage.

Wang Hao finally completed the last step of the argument, and also said the last sentence, "According to formulas 7, 8 and 9, theorems 3 and 6, and statement 5, two points can be proved, first, the smallest prime number pairs all prime numbers of node functions The points are all on the β plane, and in addition, if you substitute a prime number with value a, you will definitely get another prime number.”

"The above is all the proof."

As he spoke, he put down his pen, walked to the center of the podium, and then said two words to everyone in the audience, "Thank you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience boiled!

The applause lasted for a long time, the cheers were everywhere, and the lights in the center of the podium were shining, recording this historic moment!

Everyone present also witnessed the moment when Riemann's conjecture was proved.

(End of this chapter)

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