From university lecturer to chief academician.

Chapter 361 Can I finally leave the West Sea?Century Lecture!

Chapter 361 Can I finally leave the West Sea?Century Lecture!

For mathematical proofs of major and complex problems, even if more mathematicians participate, it will always be a few top mathematicians in related fields who can make judgments.

The research team formed by them can review papers faster and more accurately.

But judging still takes a lot of time.

The public is awaiting a verdict from a major international body, but there has been no news for several days.

Many people couldn't help but wonder, "Is Wang Hao's proof of Riemann's conjecture correct? Will those authoritative institutions recognize it?"

Institutional accreditation is critical.

Even the research done by the top mathematicians must be recognized by large institutions to confirm its authenticity and accuracy. This is the case in the academic field. Only a few top mathematicians can understand extremely complicated mathematical proofs. Whether there is any problem in the process can only wait for their judgment.

In the past, there were several media reports that the Riemann conjecture was proved, but there was no follow-up news.

This kind of problem often occurs in the proof of complex problems.

Many people think that waiting for a few days is too long. In fact, for the proof of a major international mathematical problem, a few days cannot even be counted as time.

For example, the Fermat conjecture proof of Andrew Wiles.

As early as 1993, Andrew Wiles announced at a major meeting of the Newton Institute that he had completed the proof of Fermat's conjecture. Afterwards, the Institute held a special lecture for him, and more than 200 mathematicians listened to him. speech.

It is said that only a quarter of the people at that time could fully understand the meanings expressed by the Greek letters and algebraic expressions on the blackboard, and the rest came here just to witness the truly meaningful moment they were looking forward to.

In the end, Andrew Wiles completed the proof of Fermat's conjecture, and the audience applauded for it.

But later, the paper he submitted to the journal "Mathematical Invention" was reviewed for more than two months, and the reviewer found a small flaw in the proof in Chapter 3 of the paper.

For mathematical problems, 'little bugs' can be big problems, and mathematical absolutists demanded that Wiles demonstrate beyond doubt that every step in his method must work.

Then, another two years passed.

In two years, Wiles made countless revisions and invited his tutor Taylor to work together. He finally revised the small problem and published the paper in the "Annual Journal of Mathematics".

Only then did Wiles' proof gain international recognition.

The Poincaré conjecture is even more difficult.

The difference is that the verification of the Poincaré conjecture is difficult, mainly because of the idiosyncratic nature of the mathematician Grigory Perelman, who directly posted the proof of the Poincaré conjecture on the Internet, which caused some controversy. Attribution disputes, which turned out to be internationally recognized, he also refused to publish in any academic journals.

Wang Hao is not Andrew Wiles. He does not need to make reports in advance, and he can still publish papers in top academic journals.

He's not Grigory Perelman either, and he doesn't post the proof process and leave it alone.

But the same point is that the proof process is very complicated.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that after Wang Hao, Ding Zhiqiang, and Qiu Huian completed all the proofs, they spent more than three days sorting out the materials, and it took three days just for sorting out, let alone slowly understanding from beginning to end. .

Several top mathematicians in related fields sit together to study, and want to completely sort out all the proof process, and the speed of completing it in one month is already very fast.

After all, a dissertation is just a dissertation.

What is published in the paper is the "abbreviation" process of the proof. Some complex proof processes have been simplified, which leads to the need to study carefully in some places to understand.

This requires more time.

Therefore, within a few days after the paper was published, the international mathematics community was quiet, and there were a few voices of doubt in public opinion, while Wang Hao received a large number of emails.

Some of the emails were sent by mathematicians who studied proofs, hoping that he would explain a certain part of the paper so that they could understand it.

In the beginning, Wang Hao gave a reply patiently, and posted some detailed content, and also made text annotations.

Later, they simply did not reply.

He thought about it carefully, and knew that the proof process was indeed very complicated. It would not only take a long time but also consume a lot of energy to understand it slowly by only reading the papers.

"never mind."

Wang Hao shook his head helplessly, but decided, "Let's hold a report meeting!"

After thinking about it carefully, he sent an email to the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, asking the department to help arrange the report meeting.

The reason why the report meeting is not held at Xihai University like last time is because many foreign mathematicians will come.

For one thing, the traffic in Xihai City is very inconvenient.

The two universities have anti-gravity behavior research centers, and some research related to superconducting materials, which is not a good place to hold large-scale mathematics lectures.

Therefore, Wang Hao still prefers to ask the Department of Mathematical Physics to help organize the report meeting, and explained that the time should be as fast as possible, "It is best to be before next week, and after a while, it will be very busy."

He is really busy.

The application for the 'extreme pressure experiment' of the strong annihilation force field of the Antigravity Behavior Research Center has already been submitted, and after finishing the report, it will definitely be devoted to the preparation of the extreme pressure experiment.

At that time, it will be busy for a long time.

If there are new discoveries in the 'extreme pressure experiment', he may not have much thought to prepare for any report meeting.

The Department of Mathematical Physics quickly gave a confirmation that the report will be held at the venue of the Capital Convention Center next Thursday, and the specific venue will be adjusted according to the number of scholars who come.

After the news was confirmed, Wang Hao found Ding Zhiqiang and Qiu Hui'an, and assigned them a part of "explaining" work, asking them to sort out the content and prepare for the report meeting.

Ding Zhiqiang and Qiu Huian are responsible for explaining part of the content respectively.

After Wang Hao assigned the work, he also explained, "Just sort out the parts that you are responsible for in this research process, and treat it as a doctoral dissertation."

Ding Zhiqiang almost cheered when he heard it, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

Qiu Huian also laughed.

The two walked out of the office together, and Ding Zhiqiang happily thought of 'finally graduating', only to realize that Qiu Hui'an's smile was a bit forced, and he asked suspiciously, "Why do you seem unhappy?"

Qiu Hui'an pursed his lips and sighed, "I'm about to graduate!"

"How wonderful..."


"Trouble? Why?" Ding Zhiqiang looked at it full of doubts, completely unable to understand.

Qiu Hui'an said, "After graduation, everything will be different. If I have been studying for a Ph. D., I don't have to think about those troublesome things."

"What's the trouble?"

"Work!" Qiu Hui'an explained, "Now that you are about to graduate, you don't want to think about work? Where do you work? What kind of work..."

"You don't stay in school?"

Qiu Hui'an shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. My family is Shanji, and I stay in Xihai to work. What about my parents? They are not very old, but my parents are definitely not willing..."


Ding Zhiqiang nodded seriously. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly became happier. "After graduation, I have to think carefully about finding a job. My family is Hetang. close."

"Do you think that if I go to Shuimu University, Shou University, Jinkai University, Nantah University, etc., I can find a permanent job directly?"

Qiu Hui'an gave Ding Zhiqiang a strange look, and said, "How many people in the world can leave their names on the Riemann Hypothesis proof? Not to mention, you are still the author of the third paper."

"That's right~~"

Ding Zhiqiang suddenly became more confident.

He even began to imagine the beautiful life of leaving Xihai, going to universities such as Shouda University and Jinkai University, and being an associate professor or professor.

Qiu Hui'an asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to stay?"

"Of course...I'll think about it." Ding Zhiqiang glanced behind him, suppressed the joy in his heart, and his face became sad again, "Actually, I really want to stay and follow Teacher Wang Hao for the rest of my life. I really can't bear to leave!"

"You also know that my family is in Hetang, my parents are old, and Xihai is too far away from home!"


He said with a look of distress that 'loyalty and filial piety can't be both'.

Qiu Hui'an nodded in understanding.

Helen is not a flower grower for the few people who followed Wang Hao to study Ph. D. Helen is the same whether it is Xihai or the capital. The reason why she came to grow flowers is also because of her recognition of Wang Hao.

It's just that Helen's 'recognition' is a bit strange, as if she has never given up...

cough cough.

Chen Mengmeng is from Xihai. Her home is only two intersections away from Xihai University. Leaving Xihai University as Wang Hao's assistant is the best job for her.

The two of them are different.

Qiu Hui'an was thinking about things after graduation, and couldn't help but look at Ding Zhiqiang.

He knew that Wang Hao admired Ding Zhiqiang very much.

"If Ding Zhiqiang leaves, Teacher Wang Hao will definitely be very sad, right?" Qiu Hui'an thought, "But Ding Zhiqiang decided to go back... That's right, after all, his home is in Hetang."

"If you have time, let's talk to Teacher Wang Hao, let him have a mental preparation in advance..."


Wang Hao did not prepare much for the report meeting. For him, all the proof process is already clear, and he only needs to go on stage to explain it.

He has been discussing with Paul Phil-Jones, Helen and Chen Mengmeng about the shaping of its quality points.

This is the main direction.

Wang Hao did not have a clear direction for the next step on the problem of mass point shaping. He just expressed his opinion, "the second problem of high-order particle functions."

"But it is not a proof, and there is no need to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers."

"I think that the existence of prime number docking points itself can be used as the mathematical basis for mass point shaping. We need to substitute prime number docking points, study the functions associated with different prime number pair nodes, and connect them to physical problems."

"For example, start with the photon structure and shape it."

Based on mathematics, linking with certain physical content is the general direction of research.

This is true of theoretical physics.

In fact, the prime number docking point itself, including the photon structure, is just a form of expression of the existence of microscopic physics, and it does not mean that the photon is composed of the real number arrangement.

Mathematics is the analytical means of physics.

"If we start from the structure of photons, the research will become extremely complicated and full of uncertainties."

Helen expressed her opinion, "Because the standard model of particles itself is not perfect."

"We definitely can't start with a single photon, but also connect other particles, including neutrinos, gluons, etc., but the existing research is not necessarily true."


Wang Hao gave Helen a thumbs up, affirming her thoughts, "So there is still uncertainty about the specific direction, and I'm still thinking about it."

"What if we start from the perspective of strength?" Paul Phil-Jones thought.

"Electromagnetic force?"

"It can also be strong."


Several people thought together.

Strong force is indeed a good starting point, because strong force is more obvious than weak force, and it is much more direct than electromagnetic force.

In addition, the existence of Qiangli is very special.

For example, the strong force can hold quarks together, and there are no single quarks in the universe.


Maybe we can use the quark structure constructed by the mass point to analyze it in connection with the annihilation force.


The thinking and discussion of Wang Hao and others did not have a definite result. They just did the initial research, talked about each other's ideas, and then went to study and think individually.

In the eyes of others, it may be that they have found the direction, but the inspiration value has not improved, which means that the direction is uncertain.

As the report meeting approached, Wang Hao also began to make preparations.

on Tuesday.

Wang Hao, Ding Zhiqiang, Qiu Hui'an, and the accompanying Chen Mengmeng, Luan Haiping and others flew to the capital by special plane.

A group of people soon arrived at the conference center.

The report meeting was organized and arranged by the Department of Mathematical Physics. It was originally set in the fifth small hall, and later changed to the second side hall, mainly because too many scholars were confirmed to arrive.

The Department of Mathematical Physics opened the application for participation, sent invitation letters to some top mathematicians, and also sent invitations to internationally renowned universities and institutions, but it was completely unexpected that the number of scholars who came would exceed 600 people.

This is the result of rigorous review of individual applications.

Every scholar who came here had at least the title of 'Professor of Mathematics'. More than 600 mathematics professors gathered together, and the scene was even comparable to the International Congress of Mathematicians.

This is only for scholars in the field of mathematics. The participants also included some officials and representatives of institutions. They came here with invitation letters purely to 'witness the historical moment'.

Wang Hao did not expect so many people to come.

The day before, many people came from the No. [-] side hall of the conference center. They came to collect their personal ID cards. When they met Wang Hao on the way, they naturally wanted to exchange pleasantries.

As a result, Wang Hao walked all the way and said that it took a long time to meet Shen Chunming, the head of the organization.

Shen Chunming is the director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences. He is responsible for many daily tasks. He let Wang Hao go to the side room, where there are several old academicians of the department.

After exchanging pleasantries, Shen Chunming sat down with a wry smile and said, "This is really the lecture of the century!"

Others also said, "Yes, the number of participants exceeds a thousand! There are more than six hundred scholars."

"I really didn't expect that a math report..."

"That's the Riemann conjecture!"

"Academician Wang Hao, you are a star in the mathematics world!"

Wang Hao smiled politely.

In fact, it is very normal. The report of Riemann's conjecture proof has too much influence, and most people think that the report will probably confirm the proof.

Because it was Wang Hao who gave the report.

It is also because, in the past period of time, no organization has stood up to confirm the proof, but no organization has come forward to point out the problem.

Although the proof process is indeed very complicated, but no organization has come forward to point out the problem, which means that they have not found the problem for the time being, and they are not sure because they do not fully understand it.

Therefore, the report will probably confirm the proof, and after the meeting, the Riemann Hypothesis will become Riemann's Theorem.

In any case, such a large-scale report meeting can definitely be called the lecture of the century.

(End of this chapter)

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