From university lecturer to chief academician.

Chapter 318 International organizations want to overtake on a curve?Major test of anti-gravity aircr

Until now, Wang Hao has not called the edge effect of the superimposed force field a 'strong annihilation force area'.

Other people, other organizations, and even some academic journals have called it that.

Wang Hao never said this, because the thin layer on the edge of the superimposed force field, the distance becomes a strong annihilation force area, and there is still a key condition, which is to solve the intermittent problem of the field force.

What is field intermittency?
This still has to start with 'communicating gravity'.

Anti-gravity is essentially AC gravity, and the word AC of AC gravity refers to AC.

An AC point is different from a direct current in that its direction changes over time.

Just because of the constant change of direction, the microscopic shape inside the superconductor will be constantly topological, as if a balloon will inflate itself, and the outside world will give intermittent pressure, squeeze, inflate, re-extrude, and re-inflate.

Such continuous extrusion forms an anti-gravity field.

At the same time, it also caused a problem. The edge of the anti-gravity field has a strong annihilation force area, and the effect is not continuous, but intermittent.

To put it simply, one is a continuous force, and the other is intermittent, which also causes discontinuity in the effect of the strong annihilation force area.

If you want to create a real strong annihilation force field, or rely on a high magnetic field to squeeze the area where the strong annihilation force acts to the extreme and discover new phenomena, you must solve the problem of field force intermittency.


I can think of a very direct method, which is to create 'DC gravity' based on DC.

Direct current does not change periodically, and the anti-gravity field created on this basis must be continuous.

However, the crux of the problem is that the creation of an anti-gravity field requires constant extrusion of microscopic forms, just like a balloon, even if it can inflate itself, it can be pressed with a continuous force, and self-inflation is meaningless , there will be no anti-gravity field, and naturally there will be no strong annihilation force area.

The two are contradictory.

Wang Hao has been thinking about intermittent problems, but he hasn't found a solution yet.

Other anti-gravity research groups in the world are not even aware of the 'intermittent problem', let alone solve it.

Now Philip Rolle is calling for the establishment of an international organization for antigravity research, no doubt hoping to research in the direction of strong annihilation force, what they can do is to build large-scale superimposed force field equipment and create a higher stable magnetic field , to increase the repulsion of the magnetic field to the edge of the superimposed force field.

The ultimate goal is to see some new phenomena.


This is impossible.

Wang Hao didn't receive the invitation letter to organize the meeting. Not only did he not care, but he breathed a sigh of relief. Since he didn't receive the invitation letter, he didn't need to send someone to attend the meeting.

If you really send people to the meeting, set a plan to raise funds together and do research toward the goal.

When the time comes, to join or not to join?If you join, you will spend a lot of money in vain for the unachievable goals, and you will also intrigue over the right to speak in the organization.

do not join...

Other experimental groups will definitely be puzzled, everyone is doing research together, why don't you join?Do you not want to contribute to the development of international science and technology?
Wang Hao felt relieved that he did not receive the meeting invitation.

Others don't think so.

The anti-gravity research group is not just an experimental group. It is backed by the official endorsement of Huajia, so that the top leadership can pay attention to anti-gravity research.

A senior leader called Wang Hao directly and asked about the organization meeting initiated by Philip.

Wang Hao said, "Don't worry at all. Even if they study together, it doesn't make sense to invest more money."

"Why?" The senior leaders were puzzled.

Wang Hao affirmed, "Because their research direction lacks the necessary conditions, it is fundamentally wrong."

Wang Haowan

I am not optimistic about the anti-gravity research organization initiated by Philip Rohrer, but it is definitely a big deal internationally.

Anti-gravity research has always been the most popular direction. After a lot of reports and publicity, even an ordinary person knows that anti-gravity research represents the future of human science and technology. Many experimental teams have jointly established a research organization, which must be very attractive. people thing.

The establishment of the organization this time was called by Philip Rorel, and his team has the official background of American, which means it was called by American. The international influence of American must be recognized. Those who received the invitation letter The team sent representatives, and even some national science and technology development officials came to the meeting together.

Some teams are well-informed and some teams are not.

So some representatives didn't know until before the meeting that the team of florists was not invited to the meeting, which made them feel very dissatisfied.

Annihilation physics was created by Wang Hao, and his contribution to annihilation physics alone can even be said to far exceed the combined level of other people.

The anti-gravity phenomenon is indeed the theory originally published by American scientists, and later discovered by the Holland-Land team through superconducting experiments, but the anti-gravity phenomenon is directly related to annihilation physics. The team has the most say.

Under such circumstances, the establishment of an international anti-gravity organization did not invite Wang Hao's team?

no doubt.

Now the so-called establishment of an international research organization is no longer purely academic, but has added the factor of national disputes, and it has occupied a large factor.

Immediately, a team representative questioned Philip Laurel, but Philip Laurel could only say that he could not solve it, and said, "I am a pure scholar, and everyone knows it."

"At the organization meeting, I did not have the right to speak. I just called for the establishment of an organization and hoped that more people would join in the research."

"In terms of research direction, we have been very clear."

In order to increase his persuasiveness, he even revealed in advance the content to be disclosed at the meeting, "The reason why we called for the establishment of a research organization is because of the major discoveries in the experiment, that is, the contents published by scientific journals. It's concrete data."

"Everyone should know how amazing and amazing that discovery is..."

The experimental findings released by the "Science" magazine have indeed aroused international heated discussions.

The various anti-gravity teams are also very clear about what a discovery of that level represents. As long as further research is done, new discoveries are likely to be made.

New discoveries may well represent new technologies.

This is different from the study of particle collisions. The purpose of the study of particle collisions is to improve the standard model of particles, which is the study of quantum physics and microphysics.

If you go to contact with real technology, the most you can do is to manufacture quantum computers and develop quantum technology.

However, there are many problems in quantum technology. There are already many quantum computers, but they cannot be widely used in a short time.

In addition, fundamentally speaking, the development of quantum technology is not directly related to the research of particle collisions. The related theories, even without the research of particle collisions, are sufficient to support the development of quantum technology.

The research on anti-gravity and strong annihilation force is different.

Anti-gravity is a technology that can be directly used, and strong annihilation force is also effective, for example, it can directly cause the magnetization reaction of matter.

This is just an initial discovery.

When a physical phenomenon is discovered, the next ten years will definitely be a strong explosive period, and many new phenomena will be discovered.

Then the research on strong annihilation force in the future is likely to be directly linked to human technology.

Now the strong annihilation force is related to the high magnetic field, to figure out the relationship between the two, and to discover new physical phenomena through experiments, and even associate the application of strong annihilation force technology.

When Philip said that he would disclose the specific data found in the research, it naturally attracted all the teams and made them look forward to the meeting.

Those dissatisfied team representatives can only suppress their dissatisfaction and look forward to the meeting.

at the meeting.

Philip Rohrer did what he said, and disclosed the specific data found in the experiment, so that everyone can have a more intuitive understanding of their findings.

They made full preparations for this, and also established a shape model of thin-layer transformation with strong annihilation force, which aroused a lot of discussion in the venue.

What Philip Laurel can think of, of course others can too.

"Look at this shape change model. If the strength of the magnetic field is increased, or the strength of the force field is superimposed, will the raised part erupt?"

"Maybe it can squeeze out the strong annihilation force field like launching something?"

"When the time comes, what will happen?"

"That's a force field, not matter. Even if it erupts, it won't affect it, right?"

"It's hard to say..."

"This brand new physics, I think I can only ask Wang Hao to explain it..."


When everyone was unable to predict, many people thought of Wang Hao again, but unfortunately, Wang Hao was not invited to the meeting, not even a representative of the team.

After everyone discussed, a Los Alamos official stood up and talked about the direction of collaborative research.

"We want to set up an international research organization to conduct research together."

"Obviously, everyone should understand that if we want to see new physical phenomena, we must build large-scale equipment, superimposed force field equipment, high magnetic field equipment..."

"So let's work together!"

Philip Rohrer's idea is to follow CERN and establish a similar international research organization. Research in the direction of strong annihilation force is definitely new physics research, and the establishment of an international organization is a matter of course.

However, there are still problems.

Since everyone is conducting research together, the related technology should not be kept secret any longer, it must be made public, otherwise how can we build a higher superimposed force field?
In this regard, Philip Rorel also discussed with the responsible officials, and decided to provide the new organization with anti-gravity technology and share a certain degree of anti-gravity technology.

Simply put, the standard is 50.00%.

They will take out the technology to create a 50.00% anti-gravity field, so that every team that joins the organization can have the relevant technology.

This is the means to buy people's hearts.

But at the same time, it also involves great interests, because the anti-gravity technology they disclosed uses superconducting materials produced by American ASC. It is to expand the market.

After many teams understand the technology, they are eager for more teams to understand, and even hope to make it public directly.

In this way, there will be more anti-gravity research, and there will even be some companies that hope to rely on related technologies to realize some technological ideas.

At that time, ASC will definitely have a larger market, and will be able to obtain higher Lilan.


The Los Alamos Laboratory, led by Philip's team, organized an antigravity conference that was very successful.

Using public technology to buy people's hearts, by the way, preparing for the opening of the superconducting material market, and formulating a clear research and development direction, so that all participating teams want to join.

They also drafted the framework of the organization at the meeting, and made a series of work preparations, and also confirmed that the second meeting will be held one month later.

At that time, some issues will be clarified, such as how much money each team contributes, where to build large-scale equipment, how to participate in experiments, and so on.

After the meeting ended, good media also reported on it.

When there is a lot of public opinion, it seems that in the field of antigravity and strong annihilation force research, the new "annihilation physics organization" is the most authoritative, and they have the most
A large number of participating teams naturally has the largest number of scientific researchers, and has also formulated a clear direction and goals.

Wang Hao's team was forgotten for a while.

Of course, no one will really forget Wang Hao. Everyone knows that Wang Hao's team, that is, flower growers, has mastered the most advanced anti-gravity technology, and related research has always been leading.

Therefore, when some international public opinion talked about Wang Hao and anti-gravity technology, they even shouted, "'The Annihilation Physics Organization, after it is formally established, will definitely develop rapidly and achieve a series of breakthroughs in related research. "

"At that time, in the field of superconductivity and anti-gravity, whether it is theory or technology, we will be able to achieve corner overtaking..."

Overtaking on a curve?

When Wang Hao saw the words in the media report, he couldn't help curling his lips.

This term was previously used by florists.

Now it has become an international establishment organization, and they come together to overtake him and his team in a corner. It feels like he has become a big villain boss, and many heroes form a group to try to defeat him as a boss.

Wang Hao also just paid attention to the news, and didn't continue to pay attention, because he didn't know how to solve the intermittent problem for the time being, and if he didn't find the direction, no matter how much he studied, it was meaningless.

So he still devoted his energy to the research of anti-gravity aircraft.

The main shaft manufactured by Hanshi Industry has been delivered.

After the completion of manufacturing, Hanshi Industry conducted a series of inspections on the spindle, and the inspectors were very excited after receiving the data.

The performance of the spindle has far exceeded expectations, and some parameters have exceeded the highest international standards.

After the spindle was delivered, Wang Hao saw some testing parameters, and finally let go of his worries. With the support of high-strength, high-precision spindle, they can actually apply the design discussed before.

A month later.

The anti-gravity aircraft has undergone a major transformation, and many internal components have been continuously tested. The aircraft has been transported to the experimental site, ready for the first high-speed test flight experiment.

This experiment is very important. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Aviation Group have sent leaders to watch the experiment.

Because the aircraft has to fly at a high speed, and there are some operations such as turning and control, the departure distance will exceed [-] kilometers.

In order to ensure safety, it cannot be completely electronically controlled.

A young pilot was sent here, and he went through a week of training. In fact, the aircraft did not have complicated operations, and most of them were controlled by the ground. The pilot only went up to deal with emergencies.

This test flight experiment is just to let the aircraft fly at high speed, rotate a circle and then return to land.

In addition, the aircraft is equipped with some necessary guarantees, such as an ejection function on the seat, which allows the pilot to eject the control cabin and open the parachute in case of danger.

Of course, no matter how guaranteed, there must still be some dangers.


Under everyone's gaze, the aircraft started to rise slowly, until it reached an altitude of [-] meters, and then began to accelerate slowly ahead.

The acceleration of the aircraft is very fast, but it is not fast when viewed from the ground.

The ground control room also kept reporting, "Altitude 130 meters, speed 110."

"Altitude 133 meters, speed 243."

"Altitude 180 meters, speed 319."


In the end, the aircraft accelerated to 650 kilometers per hour, almost reaching the limit speed, mainly due to the poor performance of the electric propulsion.

Of course, the maximum speed is not the focus of the test. There are many ways to increase the speed and acceleration. The easiest way is to increase the performance or number of electric propellers.

The current experimental test is to let the aircraft run at high speed, then return to slow down and land safely.

After flying for a period of time, the aircraft returned to the field of vision soon, and many people

Seeing the aircraft from a distance, he let out a sigh of relief.

At this point, it can be said that the experimental test was successful.

Subsequent landings have been tested many times, and there are basically no problems.

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