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Chapter 677 Reverse Travel

Chapter 677 Reverse Travel

The whole place was in an uproar, and it was Luo Yan who made an earth-shattering confession on behalf of Shen Leling.

Everyone understands Shen Leling's thoughts, but Yan Nu doesn't.

They looked at Shen Leling, who was currently sleeping soundly, and was automatically flowing around Yan Nu in the form of a clear spring.

Everyone was bored at the banquet, and they could only play on their own. Anyway, under the eternal peace, they still had countless fun things they had not tried. When you get tired of one, throw it away and pursue others.

But Shen Leling chose to sleep, and would rather reject those wonderful things than to stop loving Yan Nu one day.

Luo Yan's eyes were burning as he walked towards Yan Nu.

"Throw it away when you're tired of it? Just forget it if you can't do it? No, there are some things you absolutely don't want. At least for me now, I never want it!"

"My idea has not been realized yet, why should I give up on it?"

"I don't want to! When I think that over a long period of time, I will become strange and disgusting to my current self, I would rather become an Eternal."

Everyone was surprised: "Do you want to twist your mind?"

"An Qisheng has the supreme Taoist heart, and the last choice is death. And you won't let everyone die, you can only allow them to change and accept other dreams."

"Does this happen over and over again indefinitely?"

"You guys can't adapt to Taiping in the future, then I will adapt to a Taiping that allows you to adapt."

Everyone suddenly shuddered.

Yan Nu was not angry, but showed a bright smile: "If one day, you really feel that this is not good and are disgusted with this kind of peace, then it means that this kind of peace is not the true eternal peace."

"I have always firmly believed that anything that becomes absolute or extreme will have its drawbacks."

Everyone was shocked, Emperor Yan was really determined, he would never be hindered by difficulties.

Yan Nu said categorically and domineeringly: "The Taiping order has changed many times, and it had certain limitations in the past, but I will adapt to the changes in the world and build a better Taiping."

"But when people make this choice, doesn't it mean that people are no longer able to adapt to eternal peace?"

"But Yan Slave, do you think that everyone wants to be like you and never change?"

"Do you hope that in the end, everyone will be the one who keeps the banquet going forever?"

Therefore, if you set yourself a mental cliff-like characteristic, it will never change.

"Perhaps you can delete your memory and start over? Like you, if the sun dies, just let it return to its original state?"

"The whole world is nothing more than changing from a dead body expanding in a straight line to a circular dead body."

Luo Yan sighed: "Is your mind twisted? Yes, I plan to do this."

Luo Yan looked at An Qisheng in the crowd: "I know some people are willing, even I am willing, but not everyone is willing."

"When everyone becomes an absolute personality, no longer changing like you, then eternal peace will be an eternally expanding corpse."

"It doesn't matter, I will definitely establish a truly eternal peace and solve all problems that arise."

His words were so serious that he directly described eternal peace as a dead body.

"If all sentient beings hope to establish a more peaceful order, then I can reverse the past and conquer the world again."

In theory, everyone has omnipotent information.

Everyone was shocked, Emperor Yan was really strong.

Yes, this is an absolute adaptor, an unprecedented pioneer of peace.

The current peace is not his ultimate.

This is just an improved version of the previous Universal Taiping. It can continue to be improved and there can be even better versions.

Yan Nu has done this kind of thing more than once.

The old peaceful order seemed good in the past, but then it was slowly discovered that it was imperfect and needed to be changed.

And every change negates the imperfect world of the past, which is tantamount to overthrowing the old peace and creating a new peace.

Luo Yan said bitterly: "Yes, I know, this is you."

"You will definitely be able to create peace. You are the eternal pursuer of peace."

"But what is the most peaceful thing? There is no most peace, only more peace."

"Because you are the Xingtian who always fights with his arms and legs, you will always be full of fighting spirit and always carry out the dream of 'creating peace'."

"This is your original self, and you will carry out this original intention and never stop."

"Any peace will sooner or later become the so-called 'old peace', just like the abominable world you once defeated."

"You will defeat the old world, saying it is not truly peaceful, and then build a world that is more peaceful in your eyes."

"This is you, a peace pioneer who never stops."

Yan Nu asked: "Isn't this bad?"

No one else understands it either, so what’s wrong with that?

At first, they were a little uncomfortable with the thought that eternal peace would disgust them. As a result, Yan Nu firmly said that he could always drive Taiping, and he immediately felt relieved.

However, Luo Yan sighed: "I dare not say that this is not good. Let alone the most perfect peace, I can't even imagine what it is like to have peace."

"After all, even... you don't know."

"If you knew, why didn't you just create the most perfect peace?"

Yan Nu said: "Eternal and perfect peace exists. I will definitely realize it." Luo Yan had something else to say.

Yan Nu waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, I actually know what you want to say."

"I don't want to stop you, I just want to tell you that I stand in eternity and can travel in reverse to the endless past."

"The information of the entire 'field of existence' we are in is like a straight line, the past is infinite and the future is infinite."

"And I can decide at will which possibility it presents. All of this is included in my Yandi gene. I can both look back into the future and travel in reverse."

"I have encompassed the entire information age that exists in every modern age and decided that it is all about eternal peace."

"But I have traveled back into the endless future, and I have also traveled backwards into the endless past. The entire information age is not as perfect and peaceful as you think."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, showing a picture of infinite narrative layers, not only the present, but also the past and the future.

Every period has been peaceful, and every period has Yan slaves.

He is the only true absolute characteristic, guarding the entire information era.

From a time perspective, it is endless and is an eternal entity.

Luo Yan smiled bitterly: "Is it true? You can't even find perfect peace yourself."

"Even if you are as infinite as every digit of pi...and stand erect in eternity, you still have not seen the most perfect peace."

"That kind of peace under true [full] possibility, so it is false from the beginning."

"You can't reach the most perfect result if you never stop trying to achieve peace."

Yan Nu smiled kindly: "Don't worry, there are still some strange points."

“Once an information singularity occurs, many things will change, symbolizing the entry into a new information era.”

"For example, if it appears in past information, the future information will be completely different, and countless other possibilities will appear."

"Singularity is irregular and unpredictable. It is information that belongs to the realm of true and endless unknown."

"Don't look at this information era. It is infinitely long now."

"But information singularities will appear in any of these places."

"It could even be hundreds of billions of years ago, well, it suddenly appeared in a universe during that time period."

Everyone was shocked, how many billions of years ago? What does it mean? Already appeared?

But I quickly understood that, let alone the present past, even if it appears in the future, it is actually the past to Yan Nu.

Because the Yannu to the entire endless narrative layer entity is actually equivalent to standing upright in every digit of pi.

For him, any single digit can be equivalent to the 'past', the 'future', or even the 'present'.

He has mastered the entire information age, past, present and future, as well as the endless possibilities of 'unrealized'.

The singularity is like an event suddenly inserted into the entire pi, not 'one of the original possibilities'. So this will cause a lot of information to disappear, or return to endless unknowns.

And there are countless new possibilities emerging from the endless unknown.

"Already appeared? What incident was it?"

"Why didn't you say something so important?"

After everyone asked, they found out that the singularity had appeared once.

Yan Nu shrugged and said: "A true absolute characteristic, the carrier is a space. It can probably be described as absolute wealth, or it can be said to be absolute poverty..."

"The specific effect is difficult to describe to you succinctly, but it is not important. I have solved it..."

"I cover eternity, and it makes no difference to me no matter how far in the past it appeared."

"I integrated it the moment I was born, and it's now my identity."

"Ah..." Everyone blinked, just...is it that simple?

Eating hot pot and singing songs with them, solved an information-level absolute characteristic that appeared in the singularity event?

A space? Also, a singularity event is not necessarily a living entity.

For Yan Nu, who controls the entire information era, this is actually no different from giving away a true absolute characteristic for free...

Yan Nu said calmly: "Don't worry, I said I won't let the singularity endanger peace."

"With me here, even if there is a singularity, the lost possibilities in the endless narrative layer will not really return to the unknown."

"After all, it is all my information. I am absolutely adaptable to the recorded information. It cannot really disappear. I can adapt to it."

"On the contrary, because of the emergence of singular points, I have more possibilities, closer to [all]."

As he said that, he looked at Luo Yan.

"So, Luo Yan, although I really can't do it, I can directly create the most perfect peace."

"But I really can continue to create a more perfect peace."

"You said endless is not complete, that's right. But I can absolutely adapt indefinitely, adapt to every information age! Adapt to every singular point event, infinitely close to [True Omnipotence]."

"Believe me, I will definitely defeat every information era! Establish the most perfect peace."


(End of this chapter)

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