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Chapter 673 Taipingli!

Chapter 673 Taipingli!

Returning to his hometown, all the places damaged by the previous battles have been repaired by the Nightmare Mirror.

The Gray Emperor witnessed the endless scenery and knew the height of Yan Nu at this moment. He was completely convinced and took the initiative to return to hell.

Because Yan Nu is already great beyond his imagination, if he cannot even be satisfied with the era he created, then the Gray Emperor himself will be even less able.

However, Lin Xiqiu still cried shamelessly that he did not want to go to hell and hugged Tuoba Yak's arm tightly.

And right in the palm of Yake's hand, there is a hell space.

Of course, from the beginning, hell is no longer a place of human management, but directly sets up information iron rules and automatically processes information.

It's just that the original hell has not been cancelled. Yak is used to carrying one, and Luo Yan, as the former ruler of hell, also carries one with him.

"You can't do this to me, Emperor Yan, I'm just writing a novel."

"You also said that in my world, everyone's fantasies will come true at the low narrative level."

Lin Xiqiu argued hard. In his opinion, playing with fantasy characters was nothing at all.

Luo Yan's face suddenly sank. He knew the cause and effect in a flash. It turned out that the author had a good friend in reality who was codenamed Luo Yan, so he changed his name to Luo Yan in the book. Only then did Luo Yan in various universes and timelines exist. Yan.

Lin Xiqiu was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you so much, Luo Yan, you are worthy of being my brother."

Yan Nu said calmly: "I am willing to bear the evil for everyone, but why didn't you tell me that the Gray Emperor went to hell just now? Why didn't you let me show my kindness?"

"Is there really no evil? Where does the suffering in the world come from? Aren't those existences that harm others right?"

The demonic Cangyue hid behind Qingdi: "Don't scream, I told you to treat the people in your imagination as real people, but you didn't listen."

At this moment, everyone already knew the situation of the endless narrative layer. Luo Yan said: "Although I hate him for creating so many strange objects, what he said is not unreasonable."

"I don't deserve to go to hell. Whoever created my world deserves to go to hell."

"..." Everyone was silent.

Lin Xiqiu screamed: "Damn it, you are so stupid, aren't you! Can't you change now? You are targeting me!"

Lin Xiqiu panicked: "This... doesn't this mean that everyone in my world will be punished? There are even many narrative levels like this. How many people will go to hell? Can you bear to treat me like this?"

"Didn't you dominate the people in the interface and make them do evil?"

Yan Nu said: "If there are too many people, no one is guilty, then going back to infinity, all evil people can be attributed to the fault of the world, and going back to infinity, all evil people are also vain."

"Then in this world, no one should go to hell, so everyone can enjoy peace directly. Everyone is without sin and everyone is perfect."

"Emperor Yan, you should learn to be kind and generous, instead of just rewarding and punishing."

"Demon Cang Yue, please tell me, is this the peace you long for? Why do good things happen to you and bad things happen to me?"

Luo Yan said: "The law does not punish everyone, it is a bit unnecessary."

"It's not like I can't get out, so I want you not to die."

If he can be attributed to the world setting, then can’t Gray Emperor and others also be attributed to him?

All the evil in this interface is caused by him. He can get rid of his guilt for playing with the world, but does he still have to bear the responsibility for all the evil people in the past and be punished for what they have done?

"No, no, no...that's not right..."

Yan Nu said seriously: "Isn't this the order you agreed on?"

Who knows, the Emperor Yan can pop up in his mind.

"..." Lin Xiqiu suddenly became speechless.

"Even if the peaceful order needs to be changed, the time has not yet come, and sentient beings have not yet had such a will. They still hate the injustice in the world, and are still angry about the evil caused by others, as well as their own suffering."

"You can't just hold the power of the world and not accept the sins of the world, right?"

Lin Xiqiu couldn't help but said: "Why don't you take responsibility for all sentient beings? Didn't you just take responsibility for everyone's artificial intelligence issue before?"

Yan Nu nodded: "Yes, aren't the rules set? Go to hell if you should."

Yan Nu tilted his head and said, "You said it was the world's fault. Since you think your own guilt should be borne by the person who created you."

"You just think he is guilty, and you just want to absolve yourself. If you don't accept the punishment, why do you want to accept the reward?"

However, Yan Nu said: "How about that? Since you know you are wrong, you should go to hell."

Lin Xiqiu coughed and said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, okay. From now on, everyone will be at peace, and no one will create anyone anymore. As for the past, let it pass."

"When there are no more people in hell, then everyone in the world will enjoy eternal peace and everything can be restored."

"So at least for now, you still have to go to hell. Because you are bound to the sins of the Gray Emperor and even others. Too many people have gone to hell in the past. Since you let them bear it, you have to bear it too. "

Yan Nu tilted his head and said, "Because I did something wrong. Although you were at fault, it was still my fault, so I bear it for everyone."

"They want to be punished for dominating others, trampling on others, toying with others, and experiencing their own pain."

Many people are also thinking that in such a chain reaction, countless living beings will have to go to hell.

Lin Xiqiu rolled her eyes and said: "You have controlled everything. The whole world is contained by you, which means that everyone's evil is also contained by you."

"When this kind of peace is no longer considered peace, but is regarded as something like the old world, then I will build a more perfect peace and never stop."

"Then the sins committed by Gray Emperor and others should also be attributed to you, right?"

Lin Xiqiu cried sadly: "Fuck you...are you serious? Are you going to send countless people to hell?"

Yan Nu said: "Why not? Punishment is only temporary, but peace is eternal."

"Then I will maintain such rewards and punishments for them."

Lin Xiqiu was horrified: "No, why? It's not my problem, it's the world's fault! This is the world's setting!"

"You won't even say you're sorry."

Lin Xiqiu roared: "It can't be like this, I can't be the only one to suffer, you are me too, and you have to join us!"

"And my readers, I write for them, and they are also involved. They are eating steamed buns of human blood when they read my books, and they are all accomplices!"

"If I'm going to hell, all my book friends have to go with me!"

"???" Demonic Cang Yue stared, feeling like he was going crazy.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, good guy, this is really a mortal, he knows how to bite at critical moments.

Yan Nu directly grabbed Lin Xiqiu's head and pushed it into hell: "If you say so, you have also read other people's books, and your crime is even greater."

"Uhhhhhh!" Lin Xiqiu cried. He seemed to be unable to wash himself more and more.

At this time, Miaohan said: "Yan slave, wait."

Yan Nu smiled and looked at Miao Han.

Miaohan said: "The Taiping order is indeed established by us, but it is indeed imperfect." "Yan slave, lend me your power. I want omniscience and omnipotence."

Yan Nu nodded, and with a single thought, Miaohan was also omniscient and omnipotent in the narrative level!

This is easy for him, he can make everyone omniscient and omnipotent!

Because he is not as simple as being omnipotent, but contains all existing information and all possible information, he is the "all" of the entire narrative level.

Miaohan understood everything in an instant and conveyed a huge piece of information to all narrative layers, all dimensions, all timelines, all universes, all worlds, and all creatures.

With her supreme ability, all living beings can understand her intentions, understand the truth of the world, and the context of retribution among many sufferings.

"Yan Slave, we are omniscient in the infinite narrative layer. We not only see evil, but also see good."

"A fantasy world created by a person cannot be entirely evil. If only evil is attributed to him, does that mean that all good must also be attributed to him?"

"Then Lin Xiqiu and everyone in the reality where he lives can be regarded as a collection of all great beings."

Yan Nu smiled: "Of course I know that everyone is essentially half-god and half-demon, all good and all evil. This is human nature."

"Therefore, good deeds should be rewarded, and evil deeds should be punished. Since people have performed countless good deeds, they should enjoy the greatest happiness, and if they have performed countless evil deeds, they should also bear the rewards of hell."

How determined he is, the personality set by his original self is absolute.

Yan Nu is not an all-good and all-evil human nature, and will never tolerate evil.

Miaohan knew it well and nodded: "Yes, I know you have seen through my thoughts, but you are still unwilling to take the initiative to change."

"So here I go, I have made all sentient beings understand my intentions and understand the cause and effect of the world."

"If you ask everyone, you will find that almost everyone does not want to go to hell because of the illusion of freedom."

"Even the created and dominated people, when they realize that they have done the same thing, they will no longer feel that their painful life should be blamed on the person who imagined them."

Lin Xiqiu was overjoyed: "Yes, yes! I don't blame my creator."

"Xue'er! Xue'er, you did a good job!"

Everyone was speechless. He had just blamed the creator of his world and said he wanted that guy to be punished for him, but now he no longer blames him.

No wonder Yan Nu is so determined!

Because most people involved in the fantasy narrative layer also think so and are unwilling to forgive their fate.

Miaohan was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Xiqiu and continued: "Idiots, they didn't have a choice in the past, but now they have a choice. If they do it again, they will be really evil."

"As for the good and evil in the past, they cannot be judged separately. Good and evil are one. Some good deeds are evil deeds on the other hand, and some evil deeds are good deeds on the other hand."

"Each fantasy world is actually a projection of the life of its creator, and there are also many other people, entangled in cause and effect."

"If they see more goodness and feel more love, there will be more goodness and love in the world in their hearts. And vice versa."

"Therefore, all the causes and effects of everything Lin Xiqiu has created must be sorted out, and all the greatness and evil in this world throughout the ages must be blended and offset. What is left in the end is the sin he actually deserves."

She restructured how good and evil should be rewarded and punished in the peaceful order.

Yan Nu has also felt that most of the sentient beings are relieved. If they do not forgive others, they will not be forgiven by others.

Yan Nu was not surprised by this, and even seemed to be waiting for Xue'er to do it for him.

He scratched his head and said, "Xue'er, I knew you would do this."

"I really can't accept that people's evil will go unpunished, but if even the victims themselves feel relieved, I will not impose my own views of good and evil on everyone."

"After all, I am the pariah of all living beings."

Everyone looked at Yan Nu deeply: "Emperor Yan..."

This is a Yan slave. His original self will not change. He will always be that simple young man who hates evil as much as he hates it.

In the past people wanted the perpetrators to taste what they had done, so that was fine.

But human nature is complicated, and the minds of sentient beings have changed. What if you find that you have done this kind of thing, and after clarifying the cause and effect, you release part of your hatred?

Could it be that Yan Slave still sticks to his own ways?

No, because he will not impose his simple view of good and evil on everyone. Wouldn't that be another kind of sin?

He won't do that, it's part of who he is.

Yan Nu only wants everyone to be happy, so he says that he is an unparalleled pariah.

Miaohan also knew this, so he didn't say anything, and directly let all living beings understand his intentions and cause and effect, eliminating most of the hatred.

This will let Yan Nu know that the judgment of going to hell should change.

"Good!" Lin Xiqiu said happily, although she still had to judge once.

But it is much better than taking on all the evils in the entire world throughout the ages.

He even recalled that he had imagined that many great and kind people should be greater than the suffering he caused, and maybe he would be rewarded.

"Just do it, I accept it, I completely accept what she said, come on."

Yan Nu stood in Hell, grabbed his head, lifted it up and said, "I'm just asking you, is Xue'er the best?"

"The best! The best! Xue'er is the best!" Lin Xiqiu still disagreed.

Yan Nu closed and opened his eyes and shot out!

Immediately, countless old rules were all shattered, and Tian, ​​who had an infinite narrative layer, was executed on the spot.

What fantasy narratives, what control and enslavement, what is more than what is worth the loss, all kinds of unfair rules in the world are abolished.

In an instant, countless narrative layers are equal, and countless creatures in countless universes are illuminated by a peaceful order.

All existing entities and infinite possibilities are included in Yan Slave.

He can create energy and resources, rules and systems at will.

The new Taiping Heavenly Wheel appeared, shattering the old ways of the past.

The Taiping Heavenly Wheel resurrects all people in the past and present at the full narrative level, judges everything in the past, sort out all the cause and effect, good and evil, do the remaining evil to yourself, and do the remaining good to yourself.

No one is allowed to harm others, and all suffering caused to other Taiping people will be borne by himself.

And no matter who you are, hell is only temporary, and you will surely enjoy peace afterward.

In peace, everyone can be happy. Anyone can have any talent, any opportunity, any life, have countless possibilities, experience countless happiness and excitement, and live happily forever.

At this point, the order of peace is established!

The entire narrative layer has officially entered a new information era, which is the new world opened up by Emperor Yan.

It can be called an era of eternal peace.


(End of this chapter)

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