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Chapter 664 I’m not done yet

Chapter 664 I’m not done yet

Yan Nu's original intention will never change. He will love the days he and A Weng lived in the countryside for the rest of his life, and they will not fade away after a long time.

Now he lives with Xueer, his sister, and Aweng. The family is happy and it is the best time in his life.

However, only three months later.

The warm wind blows on the earth, and hundreds of flowers bloom, giving it a spring color.

Yan Nu, Miao Han, and Shen Leling were playing by the river, and Aweng was fishing, but his eyes were blank and seemed very boring.

Even when the fish took the bait, he didn't react, his mind was not here at all.

Yan Nu hadn't noticed it yet, but Miao Han noticed it and pulled Yan Nu and the others to sit next to A Weng.

"Aweng has been out of energy these days, but is he feeling bored?"

Awen came to his senses and said, "Ah, no, it's just that I'm getting older and it's easy to get sleepy when basking in the sun. Let's go back early and rest today."

He packed up his fishing gear and seemed to want to sleep.

Miaohan smiled and said: "Aweng, are you really going to sleep? Or are you killing everyone in your dream?"

Aweng was startled and looked at Miaohan.

Miaohan apologized: "Ah, don't blame me for being too sensitive. Although I live an ordinary life, there are some things that cannot be hidden from us."

"I know that you stayed awake every night and created a permanent dream world in which you fantasized about a different life."

"Actually, why bother? Now that the world is at peace, we should pursue everything boldly. People in the world don't have to just think about it in their dreams."

Awen was a little embarrassed when he was told that his thoughts were broken: "I...I didn't...actually, just think about it."

Only then did Yan Nu know it, and he hurriedly said loudly: "What else does Aweng want to do? Just go ahead and do it."

Aweng waved his hand and said: "I just miss the time in the Qiankun dimension. The days of fighting side by side with Qingdi may be the most exciting moment in my life..."

"Every time I think about it, I feel so nostalgic. But now that the world is peaceful and there are no disputes or wars, I can only think about it."

Miaohan smiled: "Who said that? In fact, there are countless people who think like Aweng."

"Who doesn't like the pleasure of grudges, and who has never thought about traveling around the world and doing great things?"

"Aweng was born in the military and was once a man. It is normal to have such thoughts."

"Emperor Yan carried the dreams of all sentient beings and ended all wars, but it does not mean that these dreams cannot be realized."

Aweng was surprised: "Oh? What else can we do?"

Miaohan said: "Like Aweng, it is a way to permanently solidify a dream and materialize all the virtual feelings in the dream."

"But dreams exist in one mind after all, and virtual universe technology has been around for a long time. Now it can be the same as reality and can interact with other people."

Awen muttered: "I know, so you want me to go directly to the virtual world..."

Miaohan shook his head: "No, the virtual world, after all, virtual, we can create the world now, why bother to stick to virtual programs?"

"Most people's choices directly create their own multiverse."

Aweng was shocked: "Create your own multiverse?"

"Yes." Miaohan waved his hand and conveyed a lot of information.

In an instant, the scene of enjoyment of all sentient beings in endless dimensions was roughly displayed in a coordinated manner.

The entire interface has been peaceful for half a year. Except for a few Taoists who are immersed in the ocean of knowledge, most living beings have already begun to enjoy the good days of being fully satisfied with their material things.

The things they could not hope for before and the dreams they tried so hard to realize can now be realized.

People of different civilizations, different levels, and different ideas choose happiness differently.

Just like the world that rulers want, the world that scientists want, the world that practitioners want, the world that workers want, and even the world that perverts want, must all be different.

Because they grew up in different environments, have different cognitions, different moral values, and different goals in life, they naturally think that the standards of "good" are also different.

The stronger a person is, the more he likes to make the whole world conform to his values ​​and world view and run according to his will.

But now, everyone is about the same strength, and no one is stronger than Yan Nu.

They can either live according to Yan Nu's moral values, or they can only bear the price of their crimes.

Therefore, this choice divided the Taiping people into two major factions.

One side is the supporters of Emperor Yan. They worship Yan Nu extremely and are willing to accept his moral values. They even become more and more like Yan Nu. They can be called the 'Yan Emperor Sect'.

The other side is willing to accept the power and benefits given to them by Yan Slave, but is unwilling to accept the constraints and rules that come with it.

But what if you don’t accept it?

In the end, they have only one choice, which is to break away from the social collective and form their own civilization and country!

The whole society is on its own.

There are quite a few such people, so civilization begins to gradually collapse and society begins to fall apart.

Anyway, you get what you want, and people don’t have to rely on society for survival. So isn’t it good to live your own life?

Miaohan said: "Some people who have never enjoyed mortal bliss are still in the midst of lower-level desires."

"In the past, the nobles bullied them and they had to bear all the pain. Now that there is peace, most of them will not be satisfied with 'no more suffering'."

"But thinking about... role reversal."

Aweng and Yannu were stunned.

Shen Leling's expression remained normal: "This is natural, they will think...in the old days, those people enjoyed the blessings and we suffered. Now that there is peace, do we all enjoy the blessings together?"

Yan Nu said: "No, if you really did evil in the past, you will have to be purified in the underworld before coming out."

Shen Leling said with a smile: "That's not the point. The point is that people who have been stepped on cannot be stepped on again."

"Although those people have received evil retribution, can't I live the life of being aloof like those people?"

Miaohan spread his hands and said, "Of course."

"They desire to be high and above the weak. It is best for them to have everything, while countless others continue to be the same as before."

"Because only the gap can make you feel satisfied."

"But in today's world, faced with the rules of Yan Slave, if they don't want to go to hell after doing it, there are only two ways."

Yan Nu asked: "Isn't it just to let other people voluntarily help? If you help others realize their dreams, you can get more credits and become more capable. This is your idea."

Miaohan smiled: "This is limited to some reasonable dreams, but in fact, many of the lives I dream of are not humane to outsiders!" "It's... unspeakable."

"Even if others are willing to cooperate, I will not be willing. For example, someone wants to create a chaotic world, and he wants to dominate this world with no disadvantages, secretly cheat, and give himself countless benefits, and everyone seems to be able to catch up with him , but in fact it can never be matched.”

"He can be a big demon king who is being punished by the world, and he can look at the weak heroes and try his best to challenge himself."

"You can also be a revered emperor, get drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, wake up and hold the power of the world, and when you have some free time, a little benefit will flow out of your hands, attracting all parties to pursue you."

"Moreover, he can be a mastermind behind the scenes, living an ordinary life on the surface, but in fact he is inciting all forces to fight, causing chaos in the world. He is frightened by what he has created, and he secretly watches the show..."

"Things like this are considered good. There are many more lives that are not worthy of outsiders' treatment."

"In this case, if you ask others to cooperate with you, even if you delete the memory, won't you be embarrassed afterwards?"

"However, it is precisely this kind of dream that most creatures in the universe long for."

"They are more eager to have a private space. No matter what their dreams are, they don't want people who are equal to them to know."

Yan Nu's eyes were sharp: "So what did they do?"

"Is it possible to create a world, forcefully oppress and toy with the world, and then go to hell?"

Miaohan shook his head: "Only the more extreme and bold people would do this."

"Even so, it can't be done well, because even the creatures they created from the beginning of the world will sense your Taiping Heavenly Wheel..."

"Except, artificial intelligence."

Yan Nu was stunned.

Yes, artificial intelligence does not have a real spirit, is not included in its Taiping Order, and is actually unable to sense its Taiping Wheel.

Miaohan said: "They used characteristics to strengthen the artificial intelligence, making its intelligence and emotions exactly the same as ordinary people."

"Then using this as the basis of living beings, we created worlds one after another."

"And they are the Gods of Creation and Creators, wandering around in various worlds as they please."

"They can design billions of races, create billions of worlds, and experience billions of lives, whether epic, ordinary, earth-shattering, or drunken and dreaming."

"For them, artificial intelligence is already very real. Coupled with information capabilities, their mechanical parts are removed and directly injected into real bodies. In fact, they are no different from real people."

"It's nothing more than labeling consciousness as artificial intelligence in the information, and then not being able to sense your peaceful order."

Yan Nu was shocked and angry: "If it is the same as a real person, and the only difference is noted in the information, then isn't it a real person? It is nothing more than a unique race."

Miaohan pursed her lips and said, "Sakyamuni thought so too."

"Yan Slave, do you want to incorporate this kind of intelligence into the Taiping system?"

Yan Nu asked, "Isn't it possible?"

Miaohan said: "You know Sakyamuni, you think artificial intelligence is also a human being, but why don't you let it be included in the Taiping system?"

"The thing is that most people, I can even say, the vast majority of people... don't think they are human beings."

"This is almost something that supports the dreams of countless people. Gautama Buddha can't come up with a substitute. His virtual Buddhist kingdom is dismissed by the world."

Yan Nu was shocked: "Use characteristics to give artificial intelligence real emotions and physical body, then it will naturally become a real person, and it must enjoy peace."

"Substitute? I'll do it! If you have to bully me, then let the whole world bully me!"

He is so versatile that this kind of thing is a piece of cake.

However, Miaohan said: "Wait a minute! Yan Nu, didn't I say it? What they really desire is to have a private space for themselves."

"A world where one truly allows oneself to do whatever one wants, and no matter what kind of behavior it is, one does not want people who are on equal footing with oneself to know about it."

"Let alone... let you know."

"Understand? What they really long for is to live a life that they want in front of others and follow their own desires. This mask is the key."

"Are you going to replace countless artificial intelligences? That level of embarrassment... Believe me, countless people would rather deliberately violate the Law of Peace and go to hell."

Yan Nu was stunned.

Miaohan continued: "Sakyamuni has never thought of looking for you, but he has never thought of doing nothing."

"Sakyamuni transformed himself into billions and sneaked into the worlds of all 'Creation Gods' to save those suffering artificial intelligences."

"Tell them that everything is in vain. After death, they will enter his Buddha's kingdom and enjoy ultimate happiness to repay the suffering in life."

Yan Nu pondered, if someone really couldn't stand this world, he would be able to sense it.

But he didn't get any feedback, indicating that this was indeed a situation that everyone accepted.

People with low-level fun want this, but people with high-level fun don't care at all. There is basically only one person in the whole world who cares about artificial intelligence as much as he does, and that is Gautama Buddha.

Gautama Buddha was a man of great wisdom. He did not choose to find Yan Nu to rescue the artificial intelligence. Instead, he took action and walked through countless worlds to save the artificial intelligence.

Aweng sighed: "What a Buddha."

Miaohan said: "Sakyamuni can't come up with a substitute, and he is not willing to let you change it day and night. After all, if he asks you to change it, you will change it. Then countless living beings have asked you to change the rules. Will you change it?"

"If you completely comply with the 'people's heart', I'm afraid Taiping will be in chaos."

"The 'world' in the past never prescribed how people should live, but only provided an environment for everyone to find their own way."

"It is an individual who creates civilization and systems, and builds things that nature has not fed to his face."

"Today's world environment is a peaceful order."

"Sakyamuni directly chose to take action and save the people who should be saved now. This is the Buddha's choice and is a supplement to your peace."

Yan Nu said in a deep voice: "So... this is still not the peace I want!"

"I'm not done yet!"


 p.s: Sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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