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Chapter 617 Breaking the Limiter of Materialism

Chapter 617 Breaking the Limiter of Materialism

The Creation Land is a realm that cannot be described in words.

It cannot even be described as a ‘region’, but a ‘cognitive domain’.

Physics doesn't work here, because there is no matter at all, there are only singularities.

Physics is completely helpless here, and even mathematics can't really explain this area.

The answers to all the ultimate questions in the legend, such as ‘What is outside the universe?’ and ‘What was the world like before the birth of time?

There is no time and space, no rules.

But it does not mean that when a person forcibly exists at this time, his time will stop and his body will stop.

That is actually a fallacy that is taken for granted.

If time stands still, it means that time still exists. If the body stops, it means that there are still laws of mechanics and other laws.

This is actually the area where the two concepts have truly disappeared.

If time and space are gone, how can we talk about time standing still?

The real situation is that Yan Slave exists here forcefully, and the body's operation no longer requires the support of any external things.

When it moves, it is moving, and it cannot be described in conjunction with the external concept of time.

After Yan Nu resisted the nature of "treating everything as a singularity" here, he seemed to have penetrated some kind of boundary and got rid of some kind of restraint.

Everything that comes with it can still function, but it is no longer supported by ‘nature’.

He is the source, he is the rules, and he is his world.

This is a very wonderful situation. At any time in the past, people have always relied on nature, reality, environment and other settings to exist.

But in a ‘metaphysical’ realm like the Creation Land, all ‘metaphysical’ constraints are pale.

This is the end of materialism and the paradise of idealism.

He exists only for himself.

Because he is here, he is here.

Because he can move, he can move.

Because he is thinking, he has no time to be still.

Thoughts create cause and effect on their own, they exist forever, they exist forever.

However, changes have also been lost.

What kind of body he has when he comes here has its own rules.

If you are not in the fifth dimension when you come here, you will never be promoted to the fifth dimension. There is no concept of super dimensions at all. Concepts that he does not have can never be created here.

"It's amazing."

Yan Nu felt extremely free.

However, it is extremely unfree.

Because he had nowhere to go and nothing to touch.

Suddenly looking back, he could see, or feel, the existence of the universe.

It was very majestic, but he could only sense its four-dimensional appearance and below. More parts could feel their existence, but could not be seen.

In the four-dimensional multiverse, the center is a human figure sitting cross-legged.

Lines composed of billions of four-dimensional matter flow and outline the appearance of the gray man.

"It looks like the Gray Emperor, but it's just a time and space body."

"Where did his body go?"

Yan Nu remembered that the original four-dimensional universe was destroyed, and it was the Gray Emperor who re-opened a space-time after going beyond the dimension.

It has become the ‘four-dimensional first universe’, which is the one in front of us.

"There are other universes, which are voids."

In addition, Yan Nu discovered other four-dimensional universes, all of which looked like void vortexes.

One after another, one after another, too many to count.

Moreover, it is still increasing.

The void created many universes in the three-dimensional period. Now that it has become a super-dimensional space, it actually brings them all into a super-dimensional space.

"I should be able to, too."

Upon seeing this, Yan Nu also raised his mind to the universe and evolved into the fourth dimension.

In an instant, an independent universe belonging to him appeared in the multidimensional four-dimensional universe sea.

There are more than 10,000 four-dimensional universes in total, he and Gray Emperor are one each, and the rest is all empty universe!

Countless void fish travel through various universes and swim around the creation plot, which is extremely lively.

But his mind and the Gray Emperor's universe were silent and inconspicuous in the sea of ​​universe, standing like minions.

"Is this still the frustrated void civilization?"

Yan Nu was a little shocked. He felt that after the void became superdimensional, the sky was so high that birds could fly, and the sea was so wide that fish could leap.

On the contrary, although I can move here, I feel like I am in an endless sea, flopping in place.

He can only see the four-dimensional universe, but cannot touch it.

Everything in the Creation Land is self-contained, and everyone has their own rules.

The rules of the universe are that they only interact with 'objects within the universe' and cannot be touched 'outside'.

There is not even space between us, the distance is considered infinite.

Of course, this also depends on who sees it.

If it is a lower one-dimensional universe, then it follows the rules of the four-dimensional Yannu. If the Yannu thinks it can be touched, it can be touched.

Therefore, Yan Nu can only encounter two types of things now, one is four-dimensional creatures, and the other is three-dimensional or lower-dimensional universe time and space.

However, the three-dimensional universe is completely gone.

He couldn't rely on his own imagination. Everything on the void side was upgraded to a four-dimensional universe, leaving only the three-dimensional universe under the Gray Emperor's banner, but there was only one, which was suddenly destroyed just now.

Suddenly looking back, there is no three-dimensional universe that can be touched.

As for the four-dimensional creatures, there are quite a lot of them, and a bunch of voids are swimming there.

But Yan Nu found that he still couldn't treat the distance between himself and other void creatures as zero...

Obviously, the other party is also a living creature and has thoughts, and they also have their own idealistic cognition.

Moreover, it was even more powerful than him.

No matter how focused Yan Nu was on trying to close the distance between them, he still felt that all the void was moving away from him.

It seemed as if all the voids were concentrating on...constantly distorting the distance from him, and expelling him in a direction that was contrary to all the voids.

"Are you all showing up in so many voids and swimming around in the Creation Land to banish me?"

Only then did Yan Nu react. He immediately became more focused and concentrated, and his cognition distorted the distance.

However, he couldn't win this kind of idealistic belief.

At most, it is moving away slowly, but it is impossible to get closer.

"It's very strong, but I'll teleport it directly."

"Hey! Void!"

As he thought, he teleported and came to the top of a void fish.

A huge Darkin creature was wrapped around the Void Fish, with a spoon bang bang bang on its head.

This was clearly a Great Lord of the Void that he had locked onto with a spoon.

"Void Void Void, let me borrow your fish to live together for a while, and I promise to pay you back a hundredfold."

"I'm too lazy to fight with you guys. I just want to find the Gray Emperor, the guy who sealed the dimension."

Yan Slave conveyed his meaning in various ways, and at the same time stepped on the void fish that he was entangled with. However, the other party reacted extremely violently, bursting out a powerful spiral force and slamming Yan Slave.

That power was full of morbid colors, beautiful and strange, and it was like being drilled by a powerful drill bit.

It also comes with a series of terrifying characteristics such as material obliteration, energy elimination, and life disintegration.

However, Yan Nu took it easy and his skin was not broken.

Is the Dzogchen of Resistance a joke? As soon as he grabbed it with his big hand, red electricity flashed on his body, and he tightly grasped the terrifying power in his palm, refining it in an instant.


Yan Nu felt something was wrong there, but when he saw Lord Void running away, he immediately chased after him.

The top priority is to get a Void Fish as a mount.

He looked enviously at this thing, knowing that it would be a good mount for roaming around the Creation Land.

He wanted to search for the Gray Emperor in the cosmic sea, but he had nowhere to rely on. However, the Void Fish could swim freely, so he had to live with him no matter what.

"Don't go!"

The Great Lord of the Void, riding a fish, wanted to get into a universe.

Yan Nu could only teleport the spoon and catch up again.

"Look, look, I can coexist with all things, I'll give it back to you!"

He tried his best to communicate, and at the same time, he kept replicating and displaying the spiral power he had just received.

But the Great Master of the Void just refused to listen and was extremely wary of Yan Slave.

Seeing Yan Slave following the spoon and teleporting over again, he actually jumped off the void fish and floated in the endless nothingness like Yan Slave.


The fish flew away by itself. Yan Nu hurriedly tried to catch it, but failed to catch it. He was immediately annoyed.

His spoon was locked to the Great Lord of the Void. Now that he saw that the other party would rather stay by himself and fall into the hands of Yan Slave than give him the symbiotic void fish, he knew that he was deliberately targeting him.

"Why? Are you afraid of me?"

"Then, I can become you too!"

Yan Nu blasted out with a palm and shot a ball of blood into the body of the Void Master.

But the other party seemed to be familiar with this move. The majestic Void Master suddenly turned into a sickly and slow-moving Void monster.

The energy fell out of thin air, as if it had switched to an ordinary beast, and it was only three-dimensional.


Yan Slave can steal the opponent's life information, but this is obviously meaningless.

What's even more shocking is that the spoon is still beating on his body, which means that the Void Beast in front of him is actually the Void Lord just now.

It's the same thing, but everything like realm and ability has changed.


Yan Nu was shocked by the unique mechanism of this 'Cloud Void', and then instead of devouring the opponent, he stepped on it with all his strength.

In an instant, Yan Nu's terrifying physical fitness finally exploded with power.

Like a red lightning in the void, catching up with a void fish.

But that void fish is too flexible.

When he was about to be caught, he turned at a sharp angle to avoid it. Yan Nu had no leverage point, so he could only miss it.


Here, Yan Nu's abilities are useless, and all the voids are still focused on exiling him.

"Order it for me!"

Yan Nu used Hou Yi's gaze to lock, but this characteristic gaze was based on the speed of light.

It's not as fast as Yan Nu himself!

He used the holy fire of mathematics again, but it was of no use because he couldn't understand what the void fish was. Secondly, there was no environmental distance at all here.

Everything is metaphysical.

Seeing the void fish getting further and further away, Yan Nu scratched his head and planned to retreat into the universe first.

But right now.

A brand new three-dimensional universe appeared near a group of void fish in the distance.

Then came the second one, the third one... These were all under the banner of Gray Emperor's Four-Dimensional Universe.

"Okay!" Yan Nu was overjoyed. As soon as his thoughts came to his mind, he stepped on the spot and stepped forward.

He seems to be infinitely far away from all four-dimensional universes, but not the three-dimensional universe.

As a four-dimensional creature, Yan Slave can act directly and treat distance as zero.


Yan Nu stepped on a multi-dimensional three-dimensional universe, and suddenly turned at an acute angle to pursue.

Then came the second, and then the third.

There are three-dimensional universes constantly appearing at Yan Nu's feet for him to blast through the sky.

Its terrifying, supermodel power shows off its might.

The idealistic distortion and confrontation are at a stalemate, so what if we can't close the distance? After all, the distance is not infinite, you can reduce it by ten with one force!

Yan Nu stared at a void fish, which turned into red lightning and refracted in various ways.

Countless universes burst like bubbles.

In order to prevent any living beings in the universe from being affected, Yan Nu unfolded his artistic conception while thinking.

Sure enough, an energy race was quickly received.

Yan Nu didn't pay much attention and concentrated on chasing.

"Huh? Did you miss the mark?"

Just as he was about to catch a void fish, Yan Nu suddenly stepped on the ground.

The three-dimensional universe that was supposed to appear under my feet was a little off.

"They separated several voids to fight against me, stretching the pedal of the universe away!"

Yan Nu reacted immediately, although he could regard the distance in the three-dimensional universe as zero and appeared directly under his feet.

But other void creatures can also be specifically targeted to distance them from the three-dimensional universe.

In such a confrontation, deviations will occur.

"It's you, isn't it!" Yan Nu immediately locked his eyes on one of the troublemakers.

Although the idealistic thoughts of the void darkborn creatures are powerful, the flame slaves are not vegetarians.

Just pulling Yan Slave is very difficult, and if he is distracted to distort other distances, Yan Slave will have the opportunity to go straight to Huanglong and bring the distracted void closer at once.


Yan Nu just tilted his head, and with a thought, he drew closer to the troublesome void, his eyes sprayed fire, and instantly burned it to ashes.

At the same time, continue to step into the universe and chase the fish under its crotch.

The distance was very close, but a distant Lord of the Void interfered again.

It was clear that anyone who interfered with Yan Slave could be killed, but they still acted like they were risking their lives.

"You risk your life to stop me!"

The Yan slaves were covered in fire, killing and chasing them, and the dark descendants of the void kept dying.

But the Dark One didn't care at all, it seemed that he wanted to stop him from catching the Void Fish at the cost of his life.

"A little bit, just a little bit!"

Yan Nu frowned, it was a little bit closer every time, but this point was the gap.

The Darkborn of the Void don't care about life at all, and the superiors seem to be able to force the inferiors to die.

No matter how many times you die, the number of strong people will never be reduced, and knowledge, realm, and abilities will always be inherited by Void.

Void insists on stopping him, and if he wants to catch a fish, it will be a protracted battle.

And protracted war is what Void is least afraid of, as energy consumption will last forever.

"Yan slave!"

Suddenly, Yan Nu's body flashed with purple light, and a person appeared.

Yan Nu raised his eyebrows: "Xue'er? Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Miaohan. She teleported directly to Yan Nu, but her face was extremely ugly.

"Are you OK?"

Yan Nu was afraid that she couldn't bear it, so he immediately stopped chasing and hugged Miaohan.

Miaohan looked pale and shook her head: "I'll be fine, it's just... so painful..."

The absolute person, combined with the immunity of the insect beetle, allows her to exist here forcefully, transcending the 'limited domain of materialism'.

However, the extreme pain, the terrible sense of emptiness, nothingness, depression, and constriction that a mortal mind could not bear, violently impacted her mind.

Absolutely human beings also have absolutely human emotions and physiology.

Feelings that transcend the universe and the physical realm are beyond the reach of humans.

This is different from Yan Nu, so although she has an absolute mental wall that prevents her from collapse, it is like the observer in the white cloth space. She can endure it, but it is really unbearable!

"Uh-huh!" Miaohan felt like going crazy every moment, but he couldn't. She can be defeated at every moment, but she cannot be defeated.

"Xue'er, you can't bear it here, go back quickly." Yan Nu said.

But Miaohan held him tightly: "No, I can bear it."

"Really?" Yan Nu scratched his head.

Miaohan looked at Yan Nu who was taking it lightly: "It's okay, isn't this how you feel? I finally understand."

Her voice trembled, and at this moment she was in the same pain as Yan Nu.

"I want to help you... idiot, don't be distracted during the battle. Where is the Gray Emperor?"

Yan Nu spread his hands and said, "I haven't found that guy yet."

"Huh? What's the situation now?" Miaohan didn't expect that Yan Nu had been fighting for a long time and was not fighting against the Gray Emperor.

Yan Nu immediately explained the situation, and at the same time Miaohan gradually found the trick and began to understand how to move in this magical place.

Self-knowledge, self-causation, self-existence.

There is no worldview at all. The only thing that supports me is my own worldview, and I can do whatever I want.

"The void is ruthless. There is no one else in my heart, only myself. The cognition of self-centeredness is as solid as the bedrock."

"No wonder you can't fight it."

Miaohan immediately saw the key. In this idealistic realm, Void was simply invincible.

Yan Slave can fight against the Will of the Void until it is almost a tie, which is already very powerful.

"I was almost there just now." Yan Nu was unwilling to give in.

Miao Han shook his head and said: "You are always a little bit behind. Void is just playing with you, deliberately making you feel a little bit behind."

"They actually want to use this method to allocate a group of troops to 'slowly exile' you here. If you are immersed in it, the main force in the void universe can take the opportunity to break through to the fifth dimension."

Yan Nu pondered: "I see, but if I catch a fish and can wander here, I will definitely be able to find the Gray Emperor."

Miaohan looked around, but just by sensing like this, he couldn't sense the Gray Emperor at all.

Gray Emperor has information blocked, so it's not that easy to find.

So Miaohan thought for a while and suddenly said: "Idiot, since there is no time and space here, it means that your body has lost the objective time constraints and is only linked to 'subjective time'."

"Then there should be no restrictions on your refining, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Nu was stunned.

Just a word woke up the dreamer. Yan Nu clapped his hands and finally realized what felt wrong before.

"Ah yes!"

"I instantly refined Void's ultimate move before. I thought it was because the depth of his characteristics was low!"

Yan Nu was overjoyed. The biggest limitation for his refining characteristics was time.

The higher the depth, the more time it takes to refine it.

But in the creation plot, environmental time disappeared...and he did not stand still, because time standing still is also the nature of time.

There is no concept of time at all here. His movement has to be corresponded to a scalar quantity. There is only some kind of philosophical ideal time.

In layman's terms, he can distort the time required for his own refining.

"Refining the spoon, idiot!" Miao Han curled his lips.


As Yan Nu thought, a fire ignited above his head, burning the spoon completely and melting into his body.

After refining, he actually refined the life-killing spoon in an instant.

Its characteristics are completely integrated with the Yan slave, becoming one of his natal characteristics, and can even be controlled at will.

"Hahaha! Look where you are running!"

Yan Nu hugged Miao Han with one arm and took a step forward. In an instant, a universe appeared under his feet to help him step on!

Bang! The universe was annihilated, and he was like red lightning, piercing the void.

Approaching a void fish at extremely high speed, the latter dodged deftly, but Yan Nu smiled.

As soon as he had an idea, he looked directly at the target and locked onto the void fish!

"Lock me!"

Yan Nu had a feeling in his heart and knew it was locked, although theoretically Miaohan was closer to him, in his arms.

However, this is already the characteristic of Yan Slave, he can refuse!

He is a spoon, but not just a spoon. He is more flexible than a spoon. He is a living spoon.


The knocking that ignored all obstacles appeared, Yan Slave crossed the countless ideal distance, and instantly got closer!

His smiling face suddenly appeared and hit the Void Fish's face.

"Hey hey hey!"

Yan Nu hugged the other person like lightning, turned over immediately, held Miao Han in his arms and sat astride him.

The red lightning in his hand was like a chain, sucking the void fish tightly, and rode it to swim in the creation land.


 PS: sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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