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Chapter 586 Death Civilization

Chapter 586 Death Civilization
Luo Yan didn't care about super gravity and super distorted time and space.

Yan Nu must be fine, but if they go, it may be more troublesome. If they want to survive, they must activate the insect armor.

"It's just a super huge planet. It's indestructible so it won't be killed by this kind of physical force."

The Great Tengu looked at him: "In this extreme environment, for us, physics no longer exists."

"Once you step inside, even if you can't die due to your characteristics, you won't be able to move, and you won't even be able to use any technology."

Luo Yan asked: "What about metaphysics?"

Young Ensi said: "The power of metaphysics can be used, but in that extreme environment, everything is restricted and the suppression is too great."

"The total amount of matter in the dead star far exceeds all the known matter in the multidimensional three-dimensional universe, and the gravitational acceleration is too great to be measured."

"Even a speck of dust there is heavier than the giant source of attraction. With your strength, you may not be able to push a grain of gravel by using up all your energy, let alone yourself."

"Your weight will be greater than the weight of all the stars combined, which means that even the lord of the stars will be like a reptile there."

"Only the Lord of the Star Boundary can barely walk there. Only with the existence of the Star God can it be possible to control such a heavy body and barely fight there."

"On the other hand, the creatures on the Dead Star can move freely, just like the Dead Star has never grown in size."

Only then did Luo Yan realize how terrifying the Dead Star was.

A planet with a diameter of 1000 million light years, if you think about it carefully, this is terrible.

Even all the matter in the universe is not that big!

Using the Ascension Brain, I did a simple calculation and found that the Zeta Star Boundary has a volume of millions of galaxies, and there are a total of [-] observable universes in such a star world.

That is, 1000 billion galaxies are all aggregated according to the density of the Shenzhou planet. Then the diameter of this planet will be close to three hundred light years...

The diameter of the dead star is 1000 million light-years.

Not to mention that it has now doubled and become bigger... It is beyond imagination. It is not an exaggeration to say that it far exceeds all matter in the multidimensional three-dimensional universe.

And this is not its limit. As a strange object, there is no limit in theory.

This planet is expanding exponentially as its diameter doubles, and a huge amount of matter is born out of thin air to fill it, which becomes more and more terrifying as it goes on.

If its mass exceeds that of the entire ten-dimensional Taiyi Universe, it is just a question of whether it is willing or not.

This is definitely a forbidden strange thing, and what’s even more outrageous is that it also gave birth to life.

The creatures born on that planet are not affected by the celestial explosion and are uniquely blessed by nature.

It is difficult for outsiders to survive there. Yes, they have indestructible properties and can avoid being crushed to death, but this is only the basis!

A speck of dust falling on your body is like carrying a giant source of attraction.

Holding a pebble is equivalent to dragging a supercluster of galaxies.

Even if you have unlimited mana, you can't withstand this. You must know that magical power also requires mana.

Using the magical power of 'moving mountains and filling seas' on the Dead Star to shake a mountain is like gathering the entire universe of matter here to hit people.

Can you use supernatural powers to shake the entire universe?Luo Yan believed that it was impossible to do it. At most, he could swing a galaxy.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to do it on the Dead Star. At most, it can shake a rock on the mountain and roll it down.

This planet is extremely unfair to outsiders and native creatures.

The masters of the star realm and the star gods, who exist in the palm of the universe, can only spar with small animals there.

What about the intelligent creatures at the top of the food chain?What about the so-called Death God clan that killed Cang Tian in the beginning?

"How strong are the creatures above?" Luo Yan asked hurriedly.

Xiao Ensi said: "It is very strong, especially at their home court. Compared with outsiders like us, it is simply crushing and incomparable."

"A beast rushed over and hit you with a few pieces of gravel splashing to the ground. You can understand that it was hit by the stars in the observable universe."

"Of course, we can still deal with the beasts using our magical powers or characteristics."

"But facing the Death God clan, that would be too terrifying."

"They have successfully cultivated on their own planet and can easily make waves and level mountains."

"The Zetas once invaded them, but suffered great losses on the Dead Star. Except for the Gray Emperor, no one came back alive..."

Everyone gasped, he was worthy of being the number one Jedi in the universe.

Outsiders are at a terrifying disadvantage there, and ordinary animals are difficult to deal with, let alone cultivators.

Gai Yu added from the side: "Of course, once the Death clan leaves the planet and is on our home ground, it will be very ordinary."

"It's probably at the level of a constellation master."

Lusa couldn't help complaining: "The Lord of the Stars is not weak anymore."

Everyone was dizzy just thinking about it. In a ghost place like the Dead Star, what was the concept of facing the master of the stars?
They were subjected to the most terrible suppression, but their fighting strength was normal. One was going down, the other was going up, and the gap was too big.

Gai Yu said: "It's okay, they can't get out anymore."

"The people above are very ignorant and don't even know that there are dimensions."

"Even before the Zetas invaded them, they didn't even know there were alien planets!"

"So although metaphysics is very developed, even in the normal cosmic zone, the combat power is comparable to that of the star cluster, but the partiality is very serious."

"The Gray Emperor's superdimensional queen moved this planet to the ninth heaven of the Phoenix Star Group."

"In case this planet continues to expand and eventually destroys the starry sky."

"Now that the Death Star has reached the ninth level, the people on it will not be able to get out unless we bring them out."

Everyone nodded, it must be moved.

Leave a separate uninhabited quadrant to place this planet, otherwise this infinitely expanding strange object will be too threatening.

"So, the Zetas are hostile to them."

"Why do they help the Zetas to stop us? We may not go against the Death Clan."

Everyone was talking, but the young enemy Si said: "Although they did not surrender to Zeta, they even had hatred towards Zeta."

"But it was precisely because of Zeta's invasion that they hated all invaders."

"You have to think about it from the perspective of the Death God clan. The Death Star is their whole world, and they worship this planet very much."

"But outsiders are like extraterrestrial demons that are not recognized by the planet. They are completely unable to adapt and must use the power of strange objects in every move."

"Coupled with what Zeta did back then, they won't differentiate between us at all..."

"Any existence that is incompatible with the Dead Star is considered hostile."

Luo Yan understood that this was true.

Who cares what the outsiders are?It's all the same to them, they are all foreign evil gods.

"Can we communicate? Maybe we can try to get this civilization to recognize us."

"Let's all destroy Zeta together."

After hearing this, Xiao Ensi pondered and said: "We can communicate, but it's not like Void cannot communicate at all."

"However, their exclusiveness is too strong. Even internally, they exclude each other and live together."

"It's not true to say that they are civilized. The Death God clan is anarchic."

Luo Yan was stunned: "Anarchy?"

I thought it was right. It seemed that just after the writing was created, internal disputes started over the erasure of real names.

They cannot trust each other, and everyone becomes an enemy.Coupled with cultural ignorance, this is not a close civilization at all.

"So they will just fight on their own?"

Gai Yu shook his head: "You can't say that. Anarchy doesn't mean there is no unity."

You Ensi sent another piece of information: "If you are trying to get them to understand you, you'd better understand them first."

Luo Yan took a look and found out that it was like this.

Ever since they began to build civilization, they have experienced a battle royale-like era.

It was a dark, cruel and barbaric era.

Due to too many misuses of obliteration, the planet grew in size.

This has widened the distance between tribes, between families, and even between people!

There is not much population in total. Once the planet explodes, many people will never see other people in their lives and die alone.

Naturally, all disputes were washed away with the huge scale.

The era of great loneliness has arrived.

They began to miss society, the bustling past, and the era of interaction between people.

Because they are a social species, they cannot tolerate loneliness.

And if this continues, it will be difficult to reproduce.

Therefore, as time went by, they came to the same conclusion and jointly created some culture in the form of tacit understanding across the world.Everyone hopes to see each other, everyone hopes to find each other, everyone hopes to be able to communicate with each other, and everyone hopes to be able to fly quickly or even teleport.

Heart to heart, the relevant metaphysics system was quickly constructed and quickly developed to its peak.

Even though many of them have never met each other, they have established a common culture because of their shared loneliness... They thought about it together, triggering the birth of metaphysical laws.

For example, if they become successful in cultivation, they will be able to spiritually enter a common communication platform.

No matter how far apart we are, being able to communicate spiritually there is actually treating the way of heaven as a public channel.

There is even a metaphysical secret method called "divine intercourse can lead to pregnancy".

Because after experiencing the "Great Loneliness Era", everyone longs for love, and everyone begins to love "strangers" and is willing to express kindness and love.

I have never met him before and I don’t know his name, but I can speak freely and discuss the matter without any worries or worry about saying something wrong.

Each other is the best they imagined in their hearts.

Gradually, the Death God clan all thought of the same thing, that there would be no more disputes and they could understand each other.

This may be because "distance creates beauty". People who are far apart have built a society that can understand each other.

"A small country with few people... enjoys its food, wears its clothes beautifully, lives in peace and enjoys its customs."

"Looking at and hearing from each other, the people will not interact with each other until they grow old and die."

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, feeling shocked that such a world really existed.

However, the good times did not last long. Due to the abandonment of technological development, this civilization was completely specialized in metaphysics...

It can be said to be a rare pure metaphysical civilization in the universe. The only knowledge of physics is to boil water.

The combat power is getting stronger and stronger, but they are still hunting and gathering... I have never thought of using metaphysics to develop productivity.

Later, with everyone's joint efforts, powerful flight and displacement spells were also invented, and they began to gather together again.

Everyone couldn't wait to meet each other and experienced a wonderful time after getting together.

But this also paralyzed them, and disputes soon reappeared.

The first ruler to use hypocrisy and the trust of others to collect a large number of real names appeared.

On this planet, mastering your true name is equivalent to mastering your life.

And to control most people is to control the entire civilization.

This rule was very terrifying, and Shunchang perished.

That ruler ordered everyone to serve him and help him build the metaphysical power he needed. He possessed extraordinary power and was known as the Death King.

It was okay at first, everyone was kind and tolerated him.

But if you want to perish, you must first go crazy.A rule based on this threat is extremely fragile.

That ruler has no sense of security and is worried that everyone will jointly construct a law to obliterate him.

So he demanded that all new offspring must be named by him.

And they constantly use means to divide the crowd.It divides people's language and writing, making them unable to unite and hate each other.

Even if someone stood up and tried to eliminate the hatred between the tribes, they were still deliberately destroyed by him.

He wants everyone to be divided into many camps, unable to unite, and dependent on him.

It was okay at first, it really worked.

But as that ruler became more and more arrogant and self-centered, he eventually became unbearable.

And when there is oppression, there will be resistance, and wars will break out.

Taking advantage of the characteristic of true name erasure, one does not die immediately, but suddenly dies at a certain time within a day...

A horde of rebels, at their own expense, finally overthrew him.

But the era of the Death King ultimately destroyed the beautiful era of gathering between people.

The Death King, in particular, pioneered the magical power that allows rulers to see the true names of others.

As a result, this civilization can no longer accept...the existence of rulers.

As a result, they once again moved towards the 'anarchy' of ancient times.

Disputes and turmoil broke out again and again, causing them to experience a long period of chaos. During this period, those who fought and fought were 'wrongly erased' many times.

Doubling the size of the Dead Star continuously, it suddenly expanded to millions of light-years!
This scale is so terrifying. People living in different places are directly equivalent to living in different galaxies and different worlds.

Coupled with meeting each other, there will be conflicts.

As a result, the Death God clan completely gave up gathering together and turned to living their own lives.

It is developing in the direction of never interacting with each other until death. Not to mention, the disputes are gone.

Most of the time, they still stay in their respective territories to develop their own territory and practice their own abilities.

Because they are so far apart, the place where each person or family lives is uninhabited, but the materials are extremely abundant.

And because physics cannot develop, metaphysics is their only direction of progress.

Various magical powers, secret techniques, and practice systems were invented.

With resources and increasingly powerful metaphysics, they live a worry-free life.

Gradually, everyone becomes a powerful monk, who can live forever and destroy the world.

There is no need to meet or contact each other at all. Occasionally, spiritual communication can be used to satisfy social desires.

As for reproduction, in the end, most people simply didn’t bother to reproduce.

Today the population is fixed at about 800 million.

The appearance of huge stars must have alarmed the Zeta civilization.

They sent an expedition to invade, customarily enslaved, and attempted to exploit the wonder.

The Zetas, who initially had rare items per capita, caused a lot of damage.

But because the Death Star is too big, the Death clan is too scattered, so this gives them time to develop.

The stimulation of the Zetas forced the death clan's metaphysical development to accelerate greatly.

Finally, it developed to the point of 'Earth Immortal'. Yes, it is the realm of Earth Immortal similar to Shenzhou.

It sounds low, but due to the unique advantages, it is actually ridiculously strong.

This realm is called the Dead Immortal. As the name suggests, they place their souls on the earth and call upon the power of their mother planet.

And their home star is millions of light-years in diameter!
He is the biggest superstar in the universe!

Even if it is separated from its home star and can only borrow a small part of the power of the vast earth, its combat power is comparable to that of the star lord.

What's even more frightening is that it is a strange object. Except for the internal materials, nothing external can destroy it.

This leads to the fact that they will not die unless the mother planet dies and the soul is not destroyed.

So the big counterattack began.

The magnificent war to expel the invasion swept across the world, causing heavy casualties to the Zetas.

However, the Gray Emperor's strength still made it difficult for them to defeat him.

In order to deal with the Gray Emperor, they could only temporarily accept a victim as their leader, who would have the ability to see through the enemy's true name.

In the end, the Gray Emperor was written to death. Of course, they did not know that the Gray Emperor was not dead, but left there, gave up occupying the Dead Star, and later moved the entire Dead Star into a cage dimension after going into extra dimensions.

So after the war, the Death God clan deposed that leader.

Because they don't need a leader, they are a victim from the beginning. After the war is over, they must seal themselves... If you don't respect yourself, help him respect himself.

Who lets him know everyone's real names?The entire Death God clan is very taboo about this.

Nightmare Mirror lamented: "What a strange civilization, wary and distrustful of each other, but also united in a different way."

"They don't meet each other, but they build a harmonious society."

"Blessed by nature, if you develop slightly to the realm of earthly immortals, you will be comparable to the master of the stars."

"Hate all outsiders, and while being extremely xenophobic, they also internally reject the existence of leaders and rulers."

"And that poor leader, who led the entire clan to drive out the invaders, was about to be sealed."

Everyone lamented that this was truly an unprecedented and strange civilization.

Luo Yan paid attention to a detail: "This last leader..."

"Does he know the Gray Emperor's real name?"


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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