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Chapter 538: Living is always useful

Chapter 538: Living is always useful
Yan Nu's face was calm. The body was here, but there was no ghost information about the death state. There were many possibilities.

Everyone looked at the dense shadows around them and speculated: "Perhaps it represents the true form of the Miao Zun race?"

"There are many phantoms of the Miao Zun civilization here. Maybe one of them is her."

Yan Nu nodded, and the vitality filled the sky, constantly resurrecting the shadows of the dead near the huge golden body.

"There are so many. The number of dead in this area is at least over [-] million!" Everyone was surprised.

If you look closely, you can see that there are countless shadows superimposed on the golden body, which are densely packed.

This number is a bit abnormal. Can so many people die in one place?

Lusa solemnly said: "It's all the people whose souls have entered the virtual universe. When Miao Zun died, his body was shattered. Naturally, they all fell and their souls dissipated."

"Let's help and revive them all."

But soon, they discovered something strange.

The resurrected person flickered, shattered like a dream bubble, and died again!

"Huh? It's the body of an illusion." The sword-wielding immortal exclaimed.

The Huashan Sword Immortals all saw the situation.

"Before these people died, their souls were in a special state and could not exist in this world."

Yan Nu nodded, this is natural, they all belong to the virtual universe creatures.

The sword-fighting immortal shouted: "This is easy to say, we can also find a virtual world, put them in it and resurrect them."

"I carry the virtual network domain of Bessel Civilization with me. Even if it doesn't work, I can easily open up an illusion world with my own Tao Fruit."

As a virtual researcher in Shenzhou, Immortal Zhanjian is a professional, and it was he who created the illusory universe of Huashan Immortal Sect.

Lu Sa shook his head and said: "I'm afraid not. In the era after Miao Zun's death, the virtual technology in the entire galaxy was far inferior to what it was before. It can be called a huge setback."

"What about Bessel civilization? Can that thing be called a virtual universe?"

"Even if they are called that, they are actually more than one era apart. The computing power and algorithms are so different that they may not be compatible."

The giant ape shouted: "You can't say that. Most of the key points in the current virtual universe rely on metaphysics."

“In terms of computing power, it’s actually not bad at all, it’s even stronger.”

"I can only say that there are different versions."

The once glorious Miao Zun fell, and everything became ancient.

As a result, the network that once covered the entire galaxy is gone, and virtual universe technology has greatly regressed, but the times are moving forward and will not really fall behind.

Each civilization that followed relied on the way of heaven to develop back, but in a different direction, relying on laws and metaphysics rather than physics.

In fact, it is more powerful in some aspects, but in this case, it will not be compatible with these virtual remnants of the old era.

"So the pure virtual world of Miaozun has been lost?"

"Now, we can't find a place that is compatible with them?"

Yan Nu frowned: "Then how about I reincarnate them all the moment they were resurrected and become a new human being."

"No, no, no..." Lu Sa smiled and said, "Emperor Yan, there are still people who can accept the creatures of the Miao Zun universe, such as the mechanical tribe of the 'Compliance Agreement'."

"The other Nine Gods should also be able to do it. He is a Taiwei Chinese. When Miaozun was able to dominate with this golden body, it was actually with the help of Taiwei Hua's technology."

"Even if Jiu Shen loses his previous Taiwei Hua skills, with his ability, it is still easy to repair some of the equipment in this golden body."

5000 years ago, Taiweihua was the leader of the entire galaxy group.

Miaozun, a civilization that specializes in virtual networks, can become a top existence in the galaxy because of the support of Taiweihua.

Yan Nu suddenly realized: "Then please bring the Nightmare Mirror."

Just as he was talking, suddenly a purple light flashed around him.

A group of strong men arrived here. They were all wearing insect armor and exuding amazing momentum.

The leader is none other than Zichen Sanren.

He looked happy and what he said shocked everyone.


"Emperor Yan, Juechen civilization and the observance of the agreement have all surrendered."

"Civil strife has also broken out in the remaining civilizations. Some have had regime changes, have cut off their own heavenly laws, and have whole countries joined the order of the Divine Continent."

"The Human Emperor is taking people over and will bring them to see you soon. I will inform you first."

Yan Nu was shocked when he heard this.

What?Are all civilizations spontaneously starting to kill the sky?

I couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Why? Didn't you say that those two are at odds?"

"Why did they fall before I even took action?"

Zichen Sanren immediately explained the situation and finally said: "...the Human Emperor's propaganda has been very effective."

"In fact, if it weren't for the consciousness of obeying the will of heaven, most people would have longed for our life when they heard about it."

"It's just that due to the suppression of heaven, class is welded to death."

"Now Emperor Yan, you have spiritually purified the entire galaxy, allowing them to think freely. You have completely ignited this fire, and naturally the whole world is convinced."

Yan Nu raised his eyebrows. He also planned to go to the Phoenix Star Cluster to find a few galaxy masters to fight, and then come back to conquer the galaxy.

It's like when he couldn't control the human world, he simply overturned the world of immortality, coerced the supreme divine power, and then came to control the human world.

Who would have thought that it was not necessary at all, just showing them the good days of Shenzhou, the Milky Way would turn upside down.

"Why is this? I didn't do anything." Yan Nu scratched his head.

Zichen Sanren smiled and said: "No, you have already done a lot, Emperor Yan."

"Conquering the world is never just about violence."

Everyone present was in a daze, not only Yan Nu, but Lu Sa and the others were also shocked.

But soon, I figured it out.

After all, even they can't sit still in the paradise opened up by Yan Nu, so why talk about other people?
This greatness can be seen from the fact that Lusa prostrated himself and cried, expressing his willingness to do anything for his subordinates.

"Don't say you didn't do anything, idiot, you just didn't conquer them one by one yourself."

Suddenly, another group of people arrived.

This time there were so many people, overwhelming.

The leader is Miaohan, and behind him there are rebels from all races.

There is a majestic glass giant, a muddy man with a golden volute on his head, and a young boy who is like a wax statue burning with fire.

Thousands of golden crows are arranged neatly, as if ten thousand suns are shining together.

Various forms of light and mist lifeforms emit astonishing fluctuations, as if a large nebula is floating towards them.

There are also hundreds of millions of densely packed machines that all look the same, rolling in like a tide.Their jet black metal outlines the secret lines of silver light.

The most eye-catching thing is the rapidly expanding and stretching billions of hyphae, which are blooming with colorful brilliance and gorgeous colors.

Because the color is too bright, it looks like a huge group of poisonous mushrooms...

Secondly, there is a large group of majestic creatures with high aura, standing proudly and swaying long tails. They are clearly dragons!
Lusa's eyes widened, his whole body was shocked, and he exclaimed: "Jialon!"

He recognized one of them, was extremely excited, and flew over.

When Lu Sa shouted, everyone looked over and noticed that the dragon clan was resurrected.

Among them, the dragon named Jialong is very heroic, standing upright in the void, playing with a star as big as the moon in his palm, and the whole body is flashing with lightning.

The aura he exudes is full of pride. It can be seen that he is roughly equivalent to the Star-Lord level and can master the proton level.

However, this kind of strength is no longer enough in this era.

There were many star spirits present, and they all regarded him as an ant.

But no one dares to underestimate this dragon, because he is one of the heroes of the galaxy.

Facing Lusa's approach, Jialon took a defensive posture: "Who are you?"

"..." Lusa was so angry that he formed a flaming bone sword on the spot!

Then he thought that after he fused with the insect beetle, he looked ferocious and no longer looked like before.

So he turned the insect beetle into a hidden state and bloomed his soul breath.

Only then did Jialon recognize him: "Oh, it's this birdman, and you're actually still alive?"

Lusa shouted: "How can I die so easily! I have never died even once, unlike you, who still needs to be rescued!"

Jialong's tall head and horns exuded a white aura: "What's wrong with being saved? Saving my Dragon Clan is a great favor to our Dragon Clan, and my whole clan will naturally repay you." "You bird-man has never died? Ha, Do you have the nerve to say this?"

"All the brave Jinwu died in battle, and those who survive will be slaves of the Zetas. You..."


Lusa was furious: "You're such a scumbag for laughing! If Emperor Yan hadn't appeared, your dragon clan would have perished too! Everything has been ruined!"

"And I am still alive and have been locked up in prison, but I have not been enslaved..."

He tried to speak, but Garon just laughed.

"You are not enslaved? So you are of a high class?"

"Yes, yes, you are from the Golden Crow royal family. Maybe the Zeta people miss you."

His mocking words left Luza speechless.

Lusa could not refute, because his class was indeed still a slave.Otherwise, when he escaped from prison, he would not have been wiped out by the Zeta jailers.

"I live for revenge and to save my people. Only by living can I have hope. It's not like you, who brought the whole clan to extinction!" He could only refute from this point.

But Jialong was proud: "Our dragon clan fought until extinction and shed the last drop of blood. Because we knew that taking a step back would lead to an abyss. The most promising opportunity to defeat the enemy was at that time... but it was a pity that we failed."

"Then I would like to ask this surviving royal family, what have you accomplished in the past 5000 years?"

"..." Lusa's pupils were shaking, and the despair and humiliation in prison over the years flooded into his heart.

What did he do?He seemed to have accomplished nothing because he had no chance or enough ability.

So after seeing the greatness of Emperor Yan, he almost went crazy.

But what does the situation created by Emperor Yan now have to do with him?

Luza could only say anxiously: "You have the nerve to blame me after you are exterminated!"

Jialon squinted and said, "We are extinct without giving Zeta a single technology or star!"

"The first wave of Zeta's rise was based on the resources and technology provided by the Golden Crow, right?"

Lusa pointed his sword directly: "No! He grabbed it!"

"What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference, don't use your culture to measure me, Jinwu!"

"Ha! What a birdman."

"Bedbug, I'm going to tear your mouth off! Come on, let's have a fight!"

The two quarreled, and Lusa broke through the defense, exuding terrifying power and suppressing Jialon.

The two of them used to be about the same strength and often fought, but Jialong died early, and now their strength is too far apart.

Many dragons behind Jialong immediately wanted to take action, but Jialong waved his hand and held them down.

I saw that Jialong also responded, passed Lusa, and said to Yan Nu in a loud voice: "The Lord of the Dragon Clan pays homage to Emperor Yan."

Lusa was stunned. He didn't dare to interrupt the words, let alone fight in court. He could only withdraw his weapon, feeling very frustrated.

Yan Nu was surprised by their quarrel and said with a smile: "Even the dragon clan has been resurrected?"

"Why do you start making trouble when we meet? Aren't you brothers civilized?"

Lusa and Jialon said in unison: "Who is civilized with this bug brother?"

"Who is civilized with this birdman brother?"

It turns out that these two civilizations were incompatible in the past. They were rival civilizations that opposed each other in every aspect.

Yan Nu scratched his head, and regardless of their relationship, he spread his aura and suppressed them all.

This power shook time and space, full of domineering power.

All the tribes who came to see him immediately became obedient.

"Xue'er, where did you find the dragon clan's resurrection point? I have tried to revive them before, but I never saw their shadow at all."

At this time, Miao Han came out: "The recovery of the Dragon Clan is more troublesome."

"They were completely wiped out from the universe, both in terms of territory and genes. Even their physiological knowledge was wiped away with a white cloth, rendering them incomprehensible."

"The resurrection of the red trend requires 'civilized memory' as a medium."

"But the collective memory of the Dragon Clan has disappeared, all the population has been exterminated, and all territories have been wiped out, so their resurrection point cannot be found anywhere in the galaxy."

Everyone was shocked, it turned out to be so.

In fact, Yan Nu wanted to resurrect the Dragon Clan very early on, but he couldn't find it anywhere because the Dragon Clan's civilization had disappeared too completely.

For ghosts to appear, there are several conditions, the most important of which is that people need to remember.

And the person who remembers it cannot be just anyone, it must be from the same civilized collective.

Although the mother civilization of Nomu and Golden Crow died, they joined the new civilization and became part of the new civilization collective, so as long as they are the compatriots they remember, they can be resurrected.

But the Dragon Clan is different. There is no slave who has subjugated the country, and they have not joined any new civilization.Therefore, it has no roots and no basis, and it is completely impossible to resurrect.

"Indeed, how did you resurrect them, Xue'er?" Yan Nu was curious.

Miaohan smiled: "The civilization of the Dragon Clan perished too cleanly, but the collective memory of another civilization firmly remembers them."

"Although that other civilization also perished, there were slaves who had subjugated the country, and the population has not completely disappeared."

"So even the way of heaven still exists, but it is curled up in the hearts of every subjugated slave."

"These subjugated slaves collected a large number of dragon relics, remembering their art and culture, their history and each person."

"This is actually the soul of a civilization."

"And a certain civilization has remembered all this and accepted it all. It understands itself better than the Dragon Clan itself."

"They have successfully imprinted the soul of the dragon civilization into their own civilization and passed it on."

"So when this civilization is rebuilt, the dragon clan's resurrection points will be projected."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Some people don’t understand and are still asking which civilization is so good?Pass on the dragon culture that has completely disappeared.

This was spontaneous and without any benefit, because no one from the Dragon Clan really died, and they still belonged to the Sin Clan, so there was no benefit at all from doing so.

The projection that can trigger the red trend seems to be the same civilization group, which means that this inheritance is very sincere.

Indirectly, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to culturally pollute oneself, making oneself civilized. The original culture is not so pure.


Some people are asking, but some people already know the answer.

They all looked at the Golden Crow group.

Miaohan said: "Who else can they be? They are the Golden Crows who are slaves of the subjugated country all over the place."

Everyone in the Dragon Clan was silent and looked at the Golden Crows in shock.

Jialong, who was still bickering just now, suddenly had his pupils trembled.

Lu Sa's eyes widened, but he actually didn't expect that the behavior of the Golden Crow's subjugated slaves could be of such great use.

They didn't think too much, they just wanted to remember this old enemy and pass on its culture and history.

It turns out that without their actions, Yan Nu's general trend would not be able to resurrect the Dragon Clan.

"How dare you say we didn't do anything! How dare you say we didn't do anything!"

"What are you dragging! Bedbugs! Without us, you would have completely disappeared from the universe!"

Lusa roared wildly, and by the time he finished speaking, he was crying, covering his face and losing his voice.

Different cultures come with different choices.

There were many slaves in the Jinwu who had subjugated their country, and they were enslaved everywhere. They were extremely miserable. It can be said that the prestige of the Jinwu in the past was completely lost.

Lusa had been depressed, very painful, and very confused for so many years.

That’s why I couldn’t refute the arguments with Jialon several times before.

Only now can I finally take a breath.

Miaohan's words finally justified Jinwu's choice.

"As long as you live, you are always useful!"


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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