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Chapter 523 Galaxy Palace

Chapter 523 Galaxy Palace
Yan Nu slapped the savage and laughed loudly: "Who told you to call your name savage!"

The savage curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

"What, Emperor Yan, that's not my name."

Yan Nu asked: "Then what is your name? I don't know yet."

The savage shook his head: "My name is Luan Xing, and it is the name of Suodi'ao culture..."

"I grew up in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. I was born with the characteristics of being invisible and formless, so I was specially trained as a lawless Wanqu citizen. The purpose is to provide the truth for the Yellow Emperor's plan and ensure that there will be those who defy the will of God until the end. And it is not affected by the law of heaven.”

Yan Nu recalled: "I remembered that you can also get close to Xuzhou Ding without being killed by anyone who is not a female."

The savage nodded: "Yes, formless and formless, which means I have no innate gender or image."

"What I am now is what I was born with."

"Don't talk about transformation, even if you put a scar on my face, it is equivalent to having a scar since I was born."

Yan Nu grinned: "Isn't this also an absolute transformation? You become a watcher. Isn't it as if you have been a watcher since you were born?"

The savage shook his head: "No, no, no, in that case, it will just be a big eyeball when I am born, and I will not have any abilities from it."

"Just another person who looks exactly like me."

"Unless there is a characteristic that means someone in the universe will gain power if they grow into something."

"Otherwise, this ability is very useless. At most, it will exempt the non-female from death."

"Chaoba discovered this characteristic of mine by checking historical records, because the video of my birth showed me wrapped in swaddling clothes and born from my mother's womb."

"Then I got older and it was the same thing. The footage showed me wearing clothes and earrings from birth."

"In short, I don't have past or future tenses, only my state at this moment. No matter how I change myself, everything will end up in my current state."

"If you were to look up the circumstances of my birth now, you would find that I was born as an adult woman who looked like a savage, holding an imperial weapon, fused with insect armor, and in the realm of the stars..."

Yan Nu asked: "But in my memory, I still remember your appearance before."

The savage smiled: "Yes, of course the memory is not affected."

"Because memory is actually unreliable. Essentially, it's just a matter of making up what you see in your head and then writing it in your memory."

"So it is actually 'edited' subjectively, rather than the scene being objectively imprinted directly in the mind."

"This is fundamentally different from space-time information and optical recording. It is not a 'direct inscription' of the past."

Yan Nu understood that it had nothing to do with whether he looked like him or not.

With his memory, it can actually be exactly the same as the facts, but it is still a compilation in nature.

Just like the two children arguing about the sun written by Li Yukou, if some kind of magical object tampered with the innate nature and changed all historical information, causing the record to become "Confucius slapped two children when he saw them coming up".

That does not prevent Lie Yukou's fable book from being written about two children arguing about the sun, because that book is not historical information, even if it is exactly the same as the real information in the past.

Memory is also something of this nature.

"So what's your name?"

The savage sighed: "I joined the Wanqu Kingdom shortly after I was born. I was educated by Luan Xing and learned the metaphysics and knowledge of Suo Di'ao."

"Luan Xing got me the first name. The transliteration of that name was really ugly, so I won't say it anymore."

Yan Nu was curious: "Oh? The transliteration is ugly? Indeed..."

Chaoba's name is quite unpleasant. In Qingzhou dialect, it means fool.

"What does that mean?"

The savage drank a pot of wine, and the waves roared: "Backlight!"

"Backlight?" Yan Nu raised his eyebrows.

The savage sighed: "Yes, it means the light of civilization that defies heaven."

"My name carries the good expectations of our ancestors, including the people of Wanqu."

"But I feel that this name is too big. I am just a gravekeeper, a person who watches for the light of true civilization."

"So after I went out, when people asked me what my name was, they didn't dare to tell me my real name. They only dared to call me a savage."

Yan Nu laughed and said, "What's so daring about this?"

"Does the light of civilization also have a kind?"

"I think all those who have worked hard for this ideal throughout the ages are worthy of such a name."

"The light of civilization shouldn't just be a certain person. You can also be the light that goes up against the sky."

The savage looked back, but he didn't expect to be lectured by Yan Nu.

"Is everyone a light of civilization?" she became excited.

Yan Nu grinned: "Of course, I'm just taking the lead and charging into the battle."

"And you actually integrated the Void Spirit technology and successfully turned the Zerg into a mecha, integrating it with everyone."

"This achievement shocks the past and the present."

"It's really possible to make everyone in Shenzhou like a dragon."

His evaluation was very high, which made Niguang very happy.

Niguang has carried the eternal mission of guarding the imperial mausoleum for 500 years, just waiting for Yannu, whose worship of Xingtian has already reached its peak.

His eyes immediately became solemn and he said boldly: "What Emperor Yan said is that you should leave these guys alone and leave them all to me."

She is definitely considered a top expert in Shenzhou, but she has not participated in any battles.

Because in addition to her fighting ability, her talent and talent are number one.

The fusion of Shenzhou culture and Void Spirit culture confirms each other technically and complements each other metaphysically.

Even the integration and application of technology, metaphysics, and magical objects are unparalleled.

The Taixu War Boat, Yanming Arms, and Zerg Mecha were all developed by her.

This is not easy, it's not as simple as rubbing them together. After all, the Zerg's abilities are too overbearing, and merging them into people is like killing people.

Therefore, in addition to the need for Yan Slave to order the Zerg to cooperate, Niguang also had to work hard to adapt to the Zerg in terms of technology and metaphysics.

There are many problems here, but in just one month, Backlight has overcome them all.

Simply a wizard.Therefore, Yan Nu even felt that her achievements were greater than his own.

"Okay! Just fight!"

"I can't be the only one who can change the world in Shenzhou, I want all of you!"

Yan Nu shouted, seeing that she had taken this trouble, he would avoid getting entangled with a large group of cloud ghosts, and immediately led Luo Yan and others to quickly kill the Yinxin Palace.

On the way, there are also blind star spirits who block them, and they don't want their lives at all.

"Your opponent is me!"

Backlight strikes directly, a terrifying blow that shakes the protoss.

The place of collision was like a supernova explosion, filling the air with a brilliant glow of purple and red.

Relying on the Zerg mecha on her body, she was not afraid at all, and even sprayed out a large piece of fungus carpet. Using the method of the star spirit, it actually expanded into a huge fungus carpet nebula, hovering over the palm of her hand, like a star swivel flying knife.

This is more powerful than any antimatter nebula, like a huge rag in the starry sky, swallowing up the energy of many stars.

"You are not worthy of wasting Emperor Yan's time."

"You are so loyal to Zeta that you risk your life. Should I send you into the pale space to reunite with those who are watching?"

Backlight fought against tens of thousands of star spirits. Although they were all weaker than her, this number was still difficult to deal with.

However, Yan Nu was very relieved about her, and suddenly, hundreds of light years had passed.

Luo Yan asked him: "Are you so trusting of the savages?"

Yan Nu smiled and said: "As long as you dare to fight, it doesn't matter if you die in battle?"

"Even if you are exiled and sealed like Aweng, I will take you home no matter what!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and their hearts were opened.

Yes, things are different now.

In the past, they were too weak, and their enemies were too advanced. The gap in between could not be made up by numbers, but by crushing them in all directions.

Against the true powerhouse of the universe, even if you go all out, it is meaningless, just like an ant.

Therefore, in the previous battle of Shenzhou, so many people died, and Yan Nu would be very angry, because the scene was like an immortal massacring civilians, and he was annoyed when he saw it.

But now, everyone’s basic means and abilities have caught up.

Advance by leaps and bounds, replacing shotguns with cannons.

Each of them can be considered a strong person in the universe.

So, who are they weaker than?Even if you are weak, don't be afraid, just fight.

With Yan Nu here, you are not afraid of death, so what else are you afraid of?
Especially with the development of the Zerg mecha, this is a qualitative improvement, and everyone has a set of comprehensive wonders.

Let each of them have super high potential!
He can continue to hone his skills and grow on the battlefield through battle. He can be called a small zerg.

In this case, even if you face a stronger person, there is still a chance of reversal. The more you fight, the stronger you will become.

If he died in battle, he would probably die with a smile on his face!

Everyone sighed: "They all have super high potential and immortality. As long as they dare to fight, they can continue to become stronger."

"It's just...just..."

"I think everyone in Shenzhou will turn into a mad dog."

Luo Yan said: "How unpleasant it is to hear a mad dog... I, Luo Yan, should be regarded as a mad devil."

As they spoke, they moved at a strange speed and had already crossed another two thousand light-years and arrived in front of a vast palace.

It may be called a palace, but it is made of dense stars.

Each star is like a brick, with different colors and sizes, built into a magnificent building.Just looking at it makes people feel shocked.

"This is the palace of the Lord of the Galaxy!" Sula said with difficulty, his tone full of fear, and he was already holding his head in panic and screaming.

"They say you shouldn't follow us. The galactic center area is densely populated with stars and is too unfriendly to you," Luo Yan said.

In the previous battle between the Watchers, everyone on the other side was afraid, and it infected too many people in Shenzhou.

This still hasn't been eradicated, it's just the iron will that allows everyone to persevere without collapsing.

The key point of iron will is here. Fear is fear. As long as you don’t give up in your heart, you can persist in being yourself.

Of course, it also has the effect of psychic resistance, and the sword fetuses are all symbiotic creatures, and now they have deep overcoming.

It is equivalent to saying that no matter what kind of mental distortion, it is only a matter of time before it is exorcised.

But the problem lies in this time, a month has passed, and the sword fetus has not surpassed the fear of all living beings.

So much so that Surana's fear of the planet is still not getting better.

Originally, no one would take him with them on this trip.

But Sula and Chaoba both insisted on coming.

Because the Lord of the Galaxy is the guy who killed the most members of Galaxy Falls.

They want to avenge their partners with their own hands.

"Why is there no one in such a big palace?"

Yan Nu immediately saw through the huge palace of stars, which was full of the power of law and the power of unity.

There are countless interstitial spaces. In Yan Nu's field of vision, the surface of each 'star brick' is a dense cave world.

The entire huge palace seems to only cover an area of ​​ten light years, but in fact the combined internal capacity is huge.

What's even more mind-numbing is that every room or cave world contains the same palace of stars!

And every room in those star palaces contains the same star palaces.

Repeatedly, layer upon layer, a total of one hundred and five layers were applied before Yan Slave finally saw the end.

"What is this thing for?"

Chaoba saw that Sura was so frightened and uncomfortable, so he came forward and explained: "I heard that it is used by the Lord of the Galaxy for training."

"Most dominator-level star spirits hope to be directly promoted to Star Lord."

"Theoretically, there is no essential difference between master-level star spirits and star gods. Therefore, galaxy master is the lowest threshold for becoming a star master."

"As for Star Lord, his body is a true 'continuous space-time body' that runs through the multidimensional three-dimensional universe."

"This is too difficult, so start with something simple, create a multi-space nested structure, and then try to fill all the caves with your body at the same time..."

"First achieve the 'continuous plane of time and space' and penetrate the multidimensional cave."

Yan Nu groaned, and the whirlpool of Jiuxi Convinced Qi expanded visibly to the naked eye.

In order to speed up, he activated the Sudden Kendo.

I saw that the whole person became blurred, and the huge whirlpool was as beautiful as a kaleidoscope.

It grew bigger and bigger, eventually swallowing up the entire palace of stars.

Then Jiuxi Convinced disappeared, the palace also disappeared, and a large empty area suddenly opened up in this bright area.

Yan Nu actually took the multi-space nested world into his dantian in one breath.

In this way, there is one more layer of nesting, reaching one hundred and six.

"Isn't it just that Dongtian encompasses Dongtian?"

"Is this thing difficult?"

Chaoba said: "It's very difficult. It requires a very high understanding of time and space."

"But it seems you don't need..."

Yan Nu smiled, looked inside and applied two more levels to his backhand, reaching the one hundred and eightth level.

Not to mention, on the 1th floor, the entire palace collapsed and shattered, and all the space barrier fragments unfolded and merged into one large one.

However, he had already lived in the symbiotic palace, and it was repaired again.

In this way, when 1 layers are nested, they will no longer collapse and will be forcibly stabilized.

"I can nest it without limit, not even limited to Dantian. I can completely open up a space in every acupuncture point in my body to accommodate this palace."

"Then the palace will accommodate the palace again. It won't collapse anyway, but so what?"

Chaoba shook his head: "I don't know. I really don't understand how to step into the Star Lord."

"I only know that this kind of thing is related to the achievement of the 'pseudo four-dimensional body'."

"Mostly, through it, we should pursue a kind of 'wholeness' and make ourselves a complete three-dimensional creature."

"Complete? Are we not even complete in three dimensions?" Yan Nu asked.

Everyone shook their heads, they really didn’t understand.

Yan Nu curled his lips. He also asked the observer how to transcend dimensions. Obviously, this was a secret that could not be told.

"Then don't worry about it, kill him first and then talk about it."

He immediately started the dimensional jump with his backhand, and suddenly, everyone arrived at the second heaven.

As expected, everything here was empty, and there was only a huge palace of stars alone.

But the structure is different, using another nesting technique.

They are no longer simply one within the other, but a form that is similar to but different from each other, crazily repeated yet full of beauty, like a complex kaleidoscope.

"Chaos fractal." Everyone exclaimed.

Yan Nu still couldn't find the person, so he took him back casually.

Then he jumped again and reached the third heaven.

It's still the same, there is only the palace and not even a single person.

You're welcome, Yan Nu, take it back again, and then go up.

Repeatedly, he even reached the sixth heaven, and the situation was different.

After all, starting from the sixth heaven, the energy level difference appears. The matter in the high-frequency quadrant is 24 orders of magnitude smaller than the matter in the low-frequency quadrant.

The multiple nested palaces suddenly became more beautiful.

Yan Nu exclaimed: "It's really interesting that he can think of so many ways of nesting."

"Nothing is the same."

It was also the first time for Chaoba to browse the lair of the Galaxy Lord like this and face the secrets of existence at this level.

He banged his head and said in shock: "Is he going to create all the multi-space nesting modes?"

"Exhausting all mathematical possibilities?"

Yan Nu blinked and said, "Oh? Exhausting all possibilities?"

Chaoba nodded and said: "Theoretically, there are many structures, but finding one is as difficult as climbing to the sky."

"Because we can't find a complete solution in mathematics, and we still don't know how many kinds there are."

Yan Nu said: "The Zeta civilization must have complete knowledge."

"After all, the emperor must have finished looking for it long ago, or he must have stolen the results of others."

"So this galactic master is just a small speck in the universe."

"But the road to the Star Lord is smooth. He knows much better than those strong people with no background."

With that said, they continued upward.

Nine heavens, tenth heaven...twenty heavens, thirty heavens.

Until the 33rd heaven, Yan Nu had harvested 33 different multi-space nested models.

And the more you go on, the more complex and bizarre it becomes, beyond description in words.

In comparison, the simple matryoshka model of the First Heaven is too easy to understand.

Chaoba and others could only express the first dozen of them mathematically, while the latter ones were extremely profound and full of incredible topological beauty.

The last few, they simply couldn't even read.

"No.30 Fourth Heaven...Huh? It's gone?"

Yan Nu jumped to the 34th level. This place was no longer a palace of stars, but a simple, natural and natural galaxy environment.

I immediately understood that it was over.

However, just in case, Yan Nu continued to ascend, until he reached the fiftieth level, which was all natural scenery without any man-made traces.

"No more? Where are the people?"

Yan Nu frowned, he was not here to pick up things, he was here to dominate the galaxy.

But he has already overlooked the entire galactic center, and even searched up to fifty quadrants.

Not even a single figure was found.

Not to mention the Galaxy Master, not even a Zeta was seen.



 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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