Chapter 476

Yannu switches to the death state, and the energy is not consumed.

In fact, as the universe is a closed system, there is no shortage of mass and energy.

Everything just changes from one form to another.

But this is different from Yannu's no consumption.

When he turns on the death state, no matter how much energy everyone draws from time and space to generate matter, the energy contained in time and space will not be less.

That is to say, we can use the energy of a star to create a star, and then the energy is not less, so the universe gains the energy of an additional star.

By analogy, everyone only needs to seize the power of heaven and earth to create various things, and the total mass energy of the universe will continue to increase.

However, the efficiency of everyone's means of creation is still too low.

First of all, they can't transform 100%, only about [-]-[-]%. Secondly, it is very difficult to seize the power of heaven and earth, not everyone can extract the energy of time and space.

Only a few people present, such as Miao Han, Luo Yan, Lu Hongxiang, Yu Yangzi, Shen Leling, Xiao Yaomu, etc., could do it.

In the end, it's up to Yan Nu to make the big head.



Yan Nu can be said to explode like himself, blooming with infinite light.

In fact, it is unnecessary to create matter, because the time and space itself lacks the foundation.

A complex thing like the Great Desolate Continent is created, and it is also smashed and sucked into a vacuum.

So he quickly stopped creating, and directly transformed into the state of the sun fire.

You know, his body now is the entire time and space.

And the huge stars composed of countless early universe matter, although they look like Yannu, are actually more like meridians.

So at this moment, everyone is actually looking at Yannu's meridians and talking.

And Yan Nu is like looking inside, just imitating his own appearance in the body, forming a kind of energy baby-like existence.

At this moment, this baby is located in the center of the universe, and its power covers time and space, like a holy spirit, radiant and radiant!

Back then, the sun god of the Roman pantheon turned Yannu's body into pure sun fire, constantly blooming the sun's energy.

But now he is the body of time and space, as if the whole world is blooming with sunlight.

Time and space are constantly burning themselves and releasing energy, but they can't burn themselves out!There is no end to it!Live forever!

Magnificent, vast, and extremely blazing, everyone felt that everything had turned into raging fire and red light.

However, everyone was not harmed.

"Yannu is here, the control of energy has reached perfection!"

"That's right, it's perfect, everything is like an arm and a finger."

Everyone saw the clue and was extremely shocked.

Yannu is the universe, and the universe is Yannu. This is the universe completely transformed from his matter.

At the same time, it also inherited various characteristics of Yan Nu. This is the most terrifying body of Yan Nu so far.


The shock that cannot be described in words continues.

Yan Nu didn't even maintain the huge silhouette like a holy spirit, and it exploded directly, like a giant falling down.

Turn into billions of substances and spray to every corner of the world.

All kinds of well-known substances were born, and stars gradually appeared, which were aggregated under Yannu's control.

He seems to be in everything!

"How is it? Does it look a little better now?"

I don't know how long it took, everyone did rough mental calculations, and after about seven days, the world became very clear.

Yan Nu no longer bloomed with infinite light, but gradually explored a more obscure way to generate energy secretly.

Coupled with the emergence and aggregation of countless substances, the world gradually began to have dark and empty places, and places where stars are shining.

It has gradually looked like the starry sky of their original universe, but it is very strange.

"I see, I can generate invisible energy."

Yan Nu transformed into a new body and came to the crowd.

He doesn't need to take care of it deliberately, and can let his subconscious continue to slowly generate energy in a way that is almost entrusted to the body.

So the universe gradually stabilized and continued to expand at an accelerated rate, like an inflated balloon.

"Dark energy! Yannu, you created dark energy!" Chao Ba excitedly said, a little crazy.

Yan Nu was very calm: "What dark energy? I just think it's not good to bloom with infinite light and fill every inch. You can't do anything."

"So I thought about other ways, and finally found that I just need to use brute force like a human body."

Chaoba, Sura and the others were all surprised: "Brute force?"

"Hiss, do you mean that dark energy is the mechanical energy of the universe's self-motion?"

What Yan Nu said was simple and direct, and everyone could easily understand it.

What is brute force?That is muscular power, the mechanical energy of the movement of life itself.

And this force is invisible, but drives the body.Burning cells allows people to walk and punch, just like the universe burns time and space and expands itself.

If the flora in the human body has a heart, they can't see and touch the energy of the world's own movement, they can only understand the energy extracted from their own decomposition of food.

Similarly, when Yannu incarnates into the universe, and time and space are the body, he activates his 'muscle power' as usual, and a kind of dark energy invisible to ordinary people will appear.

It is different from light and fire, but it fills the world.

Chaoba was lost in thought at this moment, and murmured: "Dark energy is actually the energy produced by the universe's own movement? Why does it move by itself? Does it also have a heart?"

Yan Nu asked: "What's wrong? Don't you know how the dark energy in our universe came about?"

Chaoba tapped on the volute: "I don't know, it's always been a mystery."

"The universe began as a singularity, containing everything, infinitesimally small."

"Suddenly it exploded, and space-time erupted, and everything came into existence."

"In a very short period of time, a period of skyrocketing occurred."

"This kind of space-time expansion will pull space-time to a 'thinner' energy level state, so it won't last long."

"Your universe was born for a while before it began to shrink suddenly, but it is already very strong!"

"You must know that the mass and energy of our mother universe is so large that it is difficult to calculate, beyond imagination."

"Its initial explosion only lasted a very short moment. How short is it? Taking your breath as the standard, it only skyrocketed by multiplying one breath times 10 to the negative 34th power."

Yan Nu was startled: "So short? Then I can hold on for quite a long time."

Chaoba said: "The greater the mass energy, the faster the inflation rate and the shorter the duration."

"And the initial mass-energy of your singularity is too little, and the power of the big bang is not so abundant."

"So the skyrocketed slowly, and then lasted for a long time."

"This is the same as stellar fusion. The larger the star, the more violent the reaction, and the shorter the life. And the low-mass star has an extremely long life..."

Yan Nu nodded: "I understand this, but is it possible that the mother universe will die in less than a breath after its birth?"

Chaoba shook his head and said, "That's not the case either. Stopping the skyrocketing doesn't mean it will suddenly shrink."

"Instead, it continues to decelerate until it does not expand at all before shrinking suddenly."

"This is the same as flying. There is always a process of decelerating to stop and then backing up."

"The faster the initial inflation, the longer it takes to decelerate."

"In addition, the mother universe has a lot of time and space, and has a lot of mass and energy, so it has slowed down for a long time, and it has never shrunk."

Everyone nodded, completely understanding.

"So, our mother universe is in a slowdown right now?"

"It's so strong, it's been born for 130 billion years, and it hasn't slowed down yet..."

Everyone sighed, but Sura and Chaoba looked strange.

Chaoba said, "No, it's speeding up now."

"Eh?" This time, Miaohan and the others were completely puzzled. They also said that the period of inflation was so short that it was far from even a breath.

Why is it still accelerating?
Chao Ba said solemnly: "The kinetic energy of the universe's original big bang has indeed been used up long ago, and the deceleration period lasted about 50 billion years."

"During this period, various fundamental forces were born, various particles were born, and even various stars were born macroscopically."

"But no matter what, the inertia of the expansion of the universe is declining, and it will always die. 88 billion years ago, it should have entered a period of sudden contraction."

"But at this time, something amazing happened, the second inflationary period appeared, and the universe began to accelerate its expansion."

Everyone scratched their heads, some couldn't understand, two-stage explosion?
I was really amazed, it was like an arrow, shot out very fast at first, then slower and slower, exhausting my strength and about to hit the ground.

Suddenly it stiffened and started to pick up speed again, moving on... faster and faster...

"Why?" Yan Nu asked.

Chaoba sighed: "I don't know. We call the initial explosion of the universe the 'first event'. There is an initial first force that causes it to explode."

"And the influence of this first force lasted for 50 billion years, and it should have ended."

"At this time, the second force appeared! Space-time has been injected with a new power, which we cannot see, so it is called dark energy."

"And dark energy accounts for 70.00% of the total mass energy of the universe, so this second inflation was extremely strong and long, and lasted for 88 billion years, and it is still accelerating the expansion of the universe until now."

"This event greatly prolongs the 'adolescent' of the universe."

"Well, about... Maybe it can continue to expand for another 35 billion years."

"If you calculate the time, you can know that from 88 billion years ago to the present, it accounts for 60.00% of the total age of the universe."

"In another 35 billion years, it will account for 70.00% of the total age. At that time, the push of dark energy will also wear out, and the expansion will start to slow down."

"...Well, if there is no third strange event."

Everyone pondered, there are really too many mysteries in the universe.

88 billion years ago, dark energy was suddenly born in the universe, and this force was so huge that it gave the universe a second spring.

why?Everyone couldn't help looking at Yan Nu.

They witnessed the birth of the universe and the birth of dark energy with their own eyes, and they couldn't help thinking about it.

Su La murmured: "In the past, we didn't know where dark energy came from. We believed that it was born by coincidence. Like elements and stars, it was naturally generated. It just so happens that dark energy can continue the life of the universe."

"But seeing you now, I suspect that everything may be because the mother universe suddenly gave birth to consciousness 88 billion years ago and understood the 'self-driving'."

Everyone was in awe, and they thought so too.

They don't know what's going on in the mother universe, but what's going on in Yannu's universe, they can witness it with their own eyes!

Comparing the two, one can't help but suspect that the mother universe also has will!
It's just that it took 50 billion years for the mother universe to conceive and give birth to consciousness, but Yannu has it from the very beginning.

Therefore, some crises were resolved as soon as it came up, and its evolution was accelerated. In just a few days, the universe was promoted to a very mature state of starry sky.

"The mother universe is also a living person with wisdom?" Yan Nu asked in surprise.

Sura waved her hand: "I didn't say that, maybe it's just a self-driven instinct."

"It's like the subconscious mind in the budding stage of life, like your ability to breathe, heartbeat, blood flow, self-development, and organs to drive themselves."

"The mother universe may be 'alive', but that doesn't mean it's intelligent."

Chaoba also said: "This is just a guess after seeing your situation, maybe it's something else."

"For example, in the early days of the universe, civilizations were born, and even a great existence appeared."

"They discovered that the universe was about to shrink suddenly. In order to save the universe and protect themselves, they created a way to save the world with unimaginable means, stimulated the birth of dark energy from time and space, and radiated the secondary development of the universe."

"In fact, this possibility is more convincing than the spontaneous birth of consciousness in space and time in the universe."

"Because it's as if the flora in your body, by decomposing substances, provides energy for the body, and even affects various organs."

Everyone sighed, this is indeed a possibility.

Whether it is the spontaneous birth instinct of the universe, or the indirect result of ultra-early civilization.

In short, the universe is full of vitality now, and this vitality can last for another 35 billion years.

After 35 billion years, it will stop developing and begin to age.

This is still based on the fact that the proportion of dark energy will not increase any more. In short, everything is still early, so there is no need to worry at all.

"Well, so my cosmic vitality... is infinite?" Yan Nu smiled.

Isn't everyone saying it's infinite?As long as Yan Nu is alive for a day, this universe will not age.

Even he can make the mass energy to be born continuously, and the universe will continue to grow!

Yan Nu smiled and spread her arms and said: "The mother universe must never age, I will make her young forever."

Sura was shocked: "Emperor Yan, do you want to keep creating dark energy?"

"Don't do that! Dark energy and dark matter have bred a powerful dark-born life system, and they are sworn enemies with creatures transformed from starry matter like us."

"In fact, they are constantly destroying the starry sky and changing the proportion of dark energy in the universe."

"As long as the dark energy reaches [-]%, that is, all the star matter in the universe is turned into dark energy, the universe will expand infinitely."

Yan Nu tilted his head and said: "I can create things out of thin air, only create dark matter, and not destroy the starry sky."

Sura shook her head: "The second accelerated expansion is not the same as the initial inflation."

"The former is a ratio, and has nothing to do with the total amount of matter. As long as there is still a grain of starry matter, the dark energy will not reach [-]%, and the second expansion period will come to an end sooner or later."

"In fact, even infinite expansion is not a good thing. Time and space will be infinitely thin, and the energy level will decrease infinitely. In infinite time, the energy level will continue to tend to be infinitely small."

"A universe like that would be completely dark and empty and dead, at least for us."

Everyone can understand that the expansion of the universe is not consuming energy.

Energy doesn't disappear, it just changes state.

Yannu keeps creating dark energy, that is to make its ratio keep increasing, and the expansion of the universe will accelerate for a long time.

If it reaches [-]%, the universe will only have dark energy, and it will expand infinitely.

"I see, it's kind of like my situation in the Styx."

"I sink forever in the River Styx, only the gas in the River Styx can rise, and if I change the proportion of my own gas, I will float up."

"But even so, I still can't completely escape from the Styx, unless I completely turn myself into the Styx gas."

As Yan Nu said, he already fully understood the principle of the secondary expansion of the universe.

But then he smiled and said: "It's okay, I will have other ways! Back in Styx, I didn't completely transform myself into Styx gas."

"Just to the extent that one hand floated out of the water, I forcibly climbed up!"

Everyone was speechless, and said in their hearts: That's not right!How tyrannical you are!Born to defy all common sense.

Sura's expression froze, and he said with emotion: "Yes, Emperor Yan, the common sense of the universe cannot restrain you."

"You are destined to create impossible!"

Just when they were delighted that Yannu created a universe that could avoid the influence of heaven.

Suddenly, a light descended out of nowhere in the distance.

A group of Beziers appeared, and the leader held a huge starlight drill in his palm, and hundreds of millions of eyes were full of determination.

They emit terrifying fluctuations, their bodies are filled with high-frequency substances, and their power is vast!
As soon as it appeared, it turbulent the entire time and space, as if it was going to squeeze the world into pieces!

Miaohan drew his sword on the spot, and the emperors snorted coldly: "How dare you! How dare you kill this universe?"

They can discover Genesis here, and the upper layer can naturally discover it, even earlier.

However, everyone is not afraid, what a joke, this is Yannu's universe.

The Beziers on the upper floor dare to come down?

"Emperor Yan, I...puchi!"

I saw that their prestige did not last for an instant.

As soon as the leader opened his mouth, his whole body swelled like a crack.

It's not that Yan Nu made a move, but that they have a problem themselves!

I saw that every one of the Beziers was in extreme pain and sluggishness, and a lot of metaphysical energy in their bodies was shattered on the spot, which dealt them a great blow!

"My heart is broken!"

"My thousand-eyed body is splitting apart..."

Many people felt as if they had been struck by lightning, their aura suddenly weakened, and various tragedies appeared on their bodies, which were very horrific.

There is no heaven here!Metaphysics... doesn't work!

As for the Beziers, many of them have used metaphysics and energy to transform their god bodies, which are already different from their original original bodies.

Coming to this 'Wutian Universe' now, I can't get used to it at all!

All of a sudden, countless problems appeared, the Dao heart was broken, and the fairy-like body split open!

"Haha! They are in decline!" Yu Yangzi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhuanxu said: "This is not the five declines of heaven and man, but the direct loss of all the support of one's own way, and falling into a mortal."

Everyone couldn't help but smile, this is the Wutian Universe!
There is no doubt that it can be called a forbidden place for those who follow the sky!
Thanks to the fact that these Bessels are high-dimensional life forms, even if they lose all kinds of power, they can still survive in this harsh cosmic environment.

In addition, they are not completely metaphysical creatures. Long before the birth of the Heavenly Dao, they had strong racial abilities, so their dependence on the Heavenly Dao has not yet reached the point where they would die if they lost it.

So at this moment, although they were severely injured one by one, they also relied on powerful technology to repair themselves, but all the secret methods were gone, and they became so-called 'mortals'.

"Huh? That person is fine!" Miao Han stared at the tall creature headed by him.

All the Beziers were miserable, but the leader seemed to be fine.

Although he was very uncomfortable at the beginning, some abnormalities appeared and he vomited blood.

But soon he stabilized, and unexpectedly burst out another mysterious dao rhyme, maintaining his metaphysical part.

Yan Nu's eyes froze, this is his way of life!

He has adapted to many metaphysical rules of Bessel, and together with what the Zerg has absorbed, it can be said that [-]% to [-]% of the system of Bezier civilization has been obtained.

And whatever he knows, there will be in Yanming Avenue.

Although the way of heaven is gone at this moment, the guy in front of him has actually realized the heaven-defying system.

Relying on the power related to Bezier in "Flame Road", he stabilized all his abilities.

Not only did it not become weaker, but it became stronger!

"Sure really is a universe without the way of heaven."

" life is up to me! If I want to go against the sky, I will go against the sky! There is no punishment from heaven!"

That Bezier man looked ecstatic!

 PS: sorry.The update time is gradually cheating.In addition, I know that the age of the universe has changed, doubled, and now it is said to be 267 billion years.But just look at this, there is no spectrum.From Hubble to the present, the age of the universe has been changed dozens of times, and it has continued to lengthen... Various doublings... Maybe in a few years, it is said to be more than 500 billion years.Therefore, based on the setting, the civilization period of the universe and the earth in the book is 138 billion years.

(End of this chapter)

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