Chapter 472

"Huh? Are you coming up?"

"What a powerful sword, isn't this the Xuanyuan Sword?"

Yan Nu stood where the black hole disappeared, curiously watching the sword light frozen in space.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he held Jianhui.

It didn't do any harm, but it was so powerful that it would shake Yan Nu away in an instant.

But Yan Nu didn't move at all, holding on tightly, the phantom of the Phoenix Emperor bloomed, directly symbiotic with it.

Xuanyuan Sword was trembling with anger and humming, Huang Di hurriedly put it back into its sheath.

"You are too strong, it is not worth your shot next."

Xuanyuanjian erupted with a power that surpassed all things, and then disappeared, as if fading into the netherworld, and the aura slowly retreated.

"Yannu, how are you?" Shen Leling pulled Zichen Sanren, and came to Yannu's side with a twinkle.

Others also greeted them one after another, very happy.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with Yan Nu.

Yan Nu smiled and said, "Sister, what's the matter? By the way, you came up so fast that I didn't even notice."

"Huh? Why did the Bezier army die so much?"

He was a little surprised, why in the blink of an eye, the space was filled with his own people, and the Bezier army suffered heavy casualties and was almost wiped out?
Everyone is speechless, how slow is time?

With Yan Nu's reaction, he didn't realize that he was trapped in the death star?
Everyone immediately explained the situation, Yan Nu was stunned: "Ah? I was sealed? When did it happen?"

"..." Everyone laughed.

The savage came forward to explain, and Yan Nu instantly understood: "Ah! This death star is so powerful."

In an instant, it slows down to almost stillness. In the time of one thought inside, the outside world may evolve into thousands of years later.

Conversely, if the death star is vaporized within a day outside, then Yannu seems to have never experienced time at all, and it is not known how many ten-thousandths of an instant it came out.

From his point of view, under the smallest unit of time, the death star has completed the process of shrouding and disappearing.

As a result, he has no memory of being sealed by the death star.

But there is no concept in the heart, but the body has faithfully recorded everything.

Yan Nu felt that his body was different in an instant, as if after baptism, symbiosis into a kind of particles that were too small to be seen.

It’s not right to use the word particle, it’s too small, it’s so small that it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist!
This should be the smallest thing in the world, nothing else, just a 'point'.

But it has weight, as if it has compressed a huge amount of things to prove that it really exists.

Even in Yannu's body, it can devour Yannu's matter and flesh and blood.

"The things I live with can't hurt me, but this thing can devour me?"

"Strange, I didn't fix it?"

Yannu is a high-dimensional life form at the moment, and every proton is 24 orders of magnitude stronger than the first quadrant.

Just think about it, a single proton in his body can bloom energy comparable to the annihilation of the entire Shenzhou planet.

However, after such a huge amount of energy was sent to the infinitely small particle to swallow it, there was no reaction at all. The latter was still as small as infinitesimally small, and it didn't grow any bigger, only heavier.

And he himself was even more bizarre, the flesh and blood that had been devoured did not regenerate.

"It's not hurt, I'm not missing... If this 'point' is counted as me, then I still have so much quality."

"So, is this transforming my flesh and blood into this 'point'?"

"Theoretically, I can swallow all my flesh and blood, what will happen?"

"Isn't there no me in this world? This point is me?"

Yannu's ascension brain thought about it, and tried a little.

Suddenly, there was a buzz.

Everyone saw that Yan Nu's head was gone!

It collapsed and disappeared, and the centripetal constriction was gone. Everything happened so fast that it was almost impossible to see the process clearly.

"Yan slave!"


Everyone was startled, looking at the headless flame slave, they didn't know what unexpected changes had happened.

Then I saw Yan Nu waving his hands, and a voice came out of his chest: "It's okay, I'm testing something, and I can't die."

"..." Everyone saw what power Yan Nu should have obtained.

But when the test comes up, just use your head to do it?Most people would instinctively protect the vitals of the head, but Yan Nu didn't have this instinct.

There is really no one else, only Yan Nu would do this, worthy of Xing Tian.

"Is this gravitational density... a tiny dark star?"

Sura and Chaoba both saw the clues and felt the abnormal gravitational depression on Yannu's neck.

They want to take a closer look, but can't see it.

It's very strange that miniature dark stars can be scanned no matter how small they are. With their detection methods, even miniature dark stars the size of an electron can be observed.

How small is the one in Yannu's body?How could it not be observed?Isn't it a tiny dark star?

"It may be the quantum limit length, our observation accuracy has not yet reached this scale..."

"Quantum limit? Isn't that the smallest dark star in theory, can such a small dark star really be formed?"

"But it's not right, Emperor Yan has swallowed so much matter for it, and it is extremely high-energy, why hasn't its radius of vision become larger?"

Chaoba and Sura are very strange.

But the savage suddenly had an idea: "The symbiosis in the dark star...can't be..."

Chaoba also thought of it: "Huh? Can singularities coexist?"

"That's the one that broke the quantum limit...the infinitesimal..."

Just as they were researching and discussing, a sudden mutation occurred.

Countless fighters in Shenzhou were suddenly wiped out by a huge force!
Come without a trace, go without a trace.

Even the true spirits disappeared, as if they never existed!
Before the savages could finish their words, they turned into nothingness.


This change made Yan Nu startled, and his consciousness swept across the space.

I saw hundreds of millions of troops, all gone.

Even the Zerg was no exception, wiped out from the world entirely.

In space, there are only dozens of people left to chat... about 99 people!
All the immortals fell, and Miaohan was the first to react, and said sharply: "It's Zeta's arrest warrant!"

The obliteration of this arrest warrant is very terrifying, but the ones left behind are all strong.

Miaohan, Luoyan, Yuyangzi, Shen Leling, Fatima, Sakyamuni, and many ancient emperors are still there.

The first immortal, the first demon, the first demon, the first Buddha, the first worm... and the emperor...

Those who survived were either the strongest or the ones with high status. It seems that the erasure of the arrest warrant will give priority to keeping the 99 people with the highest status in the 'criminal gang'.

As a result, Yan Nu did not suffer from such obliteration.


Yan Nu was very angry, although he had expected it long ago and had taken precautions in Shenzhou, he arranged for the people to be broken up into pieces and separated at a long distance.

But this crusade against Bethel, their army cannot be separated.

It’s just that he didn’t expect the arrest warrant to come so quickly, and Zeta’s reaction was quicker and more serious than he imagined.

"You don't even have a true spirit, you must find the red power as soon as possible!"

Yan Nu thought, two eyes grew out of his chest, and he spewed out a raging fire, instantly burning many Bezier army to death.

The marshal laughed in the flames: "Tear! Zeta's arrest warrant has been issued!"

"In front of Zeta, you are nothing but clowns!"

While speaking, the guiding beam of light descended again.

This time the marshal didn't show any humility, and he and many generals immediately accepted the guidance and returned to the upper realm.


With a sound of the sword, Yan Nu casually waved out the strongest sword energy that had been symbiotic before.

The white beam of light shattered on the spot and was cut off from the sky again.

Countless strong men were shaken away, like gravel being blown away.

However, the Beziers who were affected and blown away were fine, and the sword energy couldn't kill anyone at all.

All the power of Xeon Excalibur is based on zero damage to life.

"I can't go away..."

"But you don't even want to live! Destroy! Obliterate this three-dimensional world!"

The marshal growled, as if talking to his superiors.

If you can't leave, then die together!

"Quick dimensionality reduction!"

Sura screamed hoarsely, her body was so anxious that it melted.

"The light bather has time and space to annihilate weapons."

This is an artifact that can obliterate a three-dimensional world, time and space will disappear, and everything will cease to exist.

It's like, the dark void surrounding Xuanyuan Fourteen, those areas that have disappeared.

Without time and space, there is nothing.

"Oops, the dimension jump is blocked."

"It's a top-level space-time weapon, probably all made of Darkin alloy!"

Chao Ba was in a hurry, beating his head frantically.

They had a rehearsal of the Beziers' jumping over the wall, but they just overestimated their dimensional jumping methods.

"It's okay, use the teleportation cloud."

Miaohan was very calm, and ordered everyone to gather around Zichen Sanren.

Even though he is average in the Taiping Army, but his status is strangely high, he is the first Sanren recognized by Yan Nu.

His teleportation cloud is very convenient, although in terms of expressiveness, it seems to be no different from the great teleportation secret technique and the teleportation fairy technique.

There is even an additional restriction, it must be a place you have been to.

But no matter what, the absolute characteristics are the absolute characteristics, and there is an essential difference between the teleportation cloud and all laws.

Laws, rules, and the like seem to be quite absolute, but one is one, and two is two. The large teleportation technology cannot be used to cross dimensions, and it is not a concept at all.

The teleportable cloud is fine, it has only one condition, and that is the places it has been to.

Otherwise, all obstacles are ignored.

Even if it is another dimension, go as usual.This point has been tested in the following quadrants before.

According to Luo Yan, let alone another three-dimensional world, I am afraid that there are even four, five, nine, and ten dimensions. As long as you have been there, you can go back and forth at will.

"Yannu, let's go first."

Everyone gathered, but they saw that Yan Nu was still struggling with some kind of dimensional blockade.

He shook time and space, and pulled out a phantom of something with his bare hands, almost pulling it down from the upper floor.

"I want to go up!"

Yan Nu's words were categorical. He said that if he pierced through his Nine Heavens, he would penetrate his Nine Heavens, and he would never take a step back.

Once this fifth heaven is destroyed, there will be no way to go up.

So he must kill now, as an anchor.

"Master! I'll help you." Fatima couldn't leave alone, and immediately jumped off the teleportation cloud.

But at this moment, time and space shook, and everything was silent.

"Destroy it!" The marshal laughed wildly.

Zichen Sanren was so frightened that he teleported immediately, and everyone disappeared.

In the entire time and space, only Yannu and Fatima are left.

Then time and space annihilate each other, directly turning into nothingness.

It's the ultimate bust!This is most devastating...the world itself is obliterated!

The remaining Beziers gathered together, looking up at the extremely distorted world.

Everything is grotesque, colorful, and infinitely magnificent, as if witnessing the end of the universe.


Everything is gone, including spacetime itself.

Yannu died again and returned to the state of extinction, only the original self remained, and he couldn't even feel the artistic conception.

After all, the foundation of all energy and matter is time and space.

In other words, matter itself is a state of space-time.

Without time and space, there is nothing.

All things and sentient beings are like patterns and characters on a wooden board. The pattern is only a color difference to the wooden board.

If the boards are gone, the patterns will naturally disappear and cease to exist.

"It's nothing more than the loss of body and soul, which can't kill me."

When the non-female dies, he is left with only consciousness.

His immortality shocks the world, and time and space are shattered, and he cannot be killed.

However, everything was gone, and he wanted to resurrect or move, but he couldn't do it.

"Last time I had a seventh sense, I could feel microscopic particles..."

"There's nothing this time."

In the endless nothingness, Yan Nu exists somewhere.

This is obviously not good, there is not even time here, it is eternal nothing.

Only his id is thinking, to symbolize a kind of philosophical time.

Last time I was able to reshape my body by sensing microscopic particles, but this time I have nothing, so what can I use to restore my body?
Immortality is immortality, but he can't survive, after all, the world is dead!
"Huh? I still have material?"

Yannu can't feel everything, can't feel the existence of the world.

However, he didn't get nothing, he felt something...

Point, a heavy point, an infinitesimal point.

"Isn't this something I had in my previous symbiosis?"

"It's still there?"

That infinitesimal point, existing in nothingness, does not change.

Lonely and lonely, independent and unchanged.

Except for Yan Nu, no one knew of its existence.

Yan Nu had nothing to rely on, so he had to immerse himself in it consciously.

In an instant, that spot exploded!

big Bang!
Countless myriad phenomena erupted, turning into a rapidly expanding thing.

Yan Nu recognized it, isn't this time and space?
Time and space... exploded again!


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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