Chapter 430
On the Great Desolate Continent, people of all ages watched this shocking war.

It was completely one-sided, and it was coming to an end at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, the people on the ground became more honest.

On a rocky mountain, Huang Di captured Chi You again.

Panting heavily, Chi You stared at Huang Di with scarlet eyes: "Wuji, you have been alienated. In order to defeat me, you accepted the alienation from the sky!"

From Chi You's point of view, he lost twice in a row.

After all, thousands of years had passed since the resurrection, and the Yellow Emperor was already a fairy, and his strength was far from the same.

The Yellow Emperor said seriously: "From now on, alienation doesn't matter anymore."

"The Yan Emperor of the last generation can restore everything. This is the era that I will not hesitate to compromise with the sky, and I want to see it."

Chi You was once a favorable contender for the title of Emperor Yan, and he has met the standards no matter his status, status or strength.

However, he is too extreme.

Chi You is a stubborn traditionalist. He completely disapproves of Xingtian's plan, and believes that the way of Emperor Yan, that is, the way of fighting against the sky, must be carried out all the time.

And when he learned that Kuafu Yandi was defeated by Youxiong Wuji, he was persuaded and accepted the method of using the way of heaven to change.

It was decided not to inherit the name of Emperor Yan from now on, but to recreate a kind of Yellow Emperor.

Chi You was suddenly furious, thinking that this betrayed the tradition, and that all this was a conspiracy of heaven.

So he rebelled, defeated Kuafu Emperor Yan, and conquered all tribes, wanting to establish himself as emperor, and not allowing the world to fall into the hands of Huangdi.

However, he was victorious in all battles throughout his life. The Yellow Emperor was hunted down by him and survived several times, but in the end he was defeated.

Chi You only lost that one time, and he was completely defeated.

"If it wasn't for the heaven to protect you, if it wasn't for those weak tribes who were bought by you, how could you be my opponent!" Chi You was extremely annoyed.

Huangdi defeated him with the power he got from Tiandao, which made him even more unconvinced.

At this time, Miao Han's voice sounded in his heart: "The heavens protect him because they seek common ground while reserving differences with the heavens and use his power."

"Countless tribes follow him because he knows what the people who have been fighting for many years need more, and brings them a better life."

"The Dao of Heaven is just a tool, but it is so strong that it is difficult for people to control it."

"But as long as the times are advancing, one day, civilization will have the power to master it."

"Now is such an era."

"Take a look at the world after your death."

As he spoke, huge information poured into Chi You's heart.

Miaohan's consciousness penetrated hundreds of millions of people, connecting everyone's thoughts.

She persuaded people to pile up their memories, and then send them out as a whole under the guidance of spells.

The memories of countless people were gathered for Miaohan to integrate, and a huge spiritual network, as well as a civilized memory bank, was established.

All life and truth from ancient times to the present are gathered together.

Huge amounts of knowledge and data rolled in Miaohan's heart, and she then selectively distributed them to others.

Not only her, but all the sky-defying people who had previously obtained ascension brains also did this together.

Hundreds of schools of thought, ancient immortals, and sages, nearly a thousand ascending thinking bodies, connected in parallel, are enough to handle hundreds of billions of complicated things at the same time.

"Is this... the life of Xiong Wuji?"

At this moment, Chi You seemed to be substituted into the perspective of the Yellow Emperor, and his mind quickly flowed through his life.

His father was Lord Shaodian, and that was really a small and inconspicuous tribe. 'Dian' means the writings of sages, and Shaodian Kingdom is a place where a small amount of knowledge of sages is preserved... At that time, sages usually refer to Nuwa Fuxi.

So what they are best at is counting, and making tortoise shells that can be engraved, and providing them to the big tribes in exchange for materials they are unable to make.

The Youxiong clan is even more backward, and is one of the many clans vassalized by the Shaodian Kingdom. The biggest specialty of that place is the presence of bears.

Lord Shaodian had a wild marriage with a daughter of Xiong's family, and they gave birth to a boy named Wuji.

Ji is the pillar that supports the beams of the house. The name Wuji comes from the fact that the place where he was born was a shack without pillars.

As an illegitimate child, he is almost a product borrowed from the Shaodian Kingdom by the Youxiong family, and he is indeed very smart.

His childhood life was extremely difficult, or the whole clan did not live well.

At that time, planting could not ensure that everyone was fed, and hunting was necessary to increase food sources.

Every year, people starve to death or die from hunting injuries.

And this is commonplace, almost axiomatic: that is, if a tribe wants to continue, some people must sacrifice for food.

Tribes of different sizes have death indicators of varying degrees of acceptance each year.

As long as it does not exceed this number, it means that the ethnic group is continuing to develop, and people will even sing praises and celebrate this auspicious day.

But Wuji doesn't recognize this at all.

He witnessed too many people who went into the deep mountains in winter to hunt down hibernating bears and were injured, and died after returning.

So he improved his mother's witch doctor skills, invented many kinds of medicines, and created the theory of meridians of the human body.

However, such progress was rejected by the tribe, because he invented new knowledge, and he began to alienate!
In that era, people rejected alienation, so they also rejected the development of new technologies.

Even while learning the knowledge of the sages, they deliberately learn less. After all, if they learn the peak of an era, they will be completely alienated and reduced to a monster.

But Wuji believes that improving better tools and carrying forward the knowledge of the sages will allow them to grow more food and obtain more prey.

But people think that as long as they inherit a little of the knowledge of the sages, they can survive.

Each tribe inherits a little bit, and then unites to trade what they need and exchange what they need.

As long as everyone has their own strengths and performs their own duties, they can all continue.

Isn't Shaodian Kingdom just growing?Just very slowly.

The era of defying the sky has lasted for a long time, and killing the sky is the only way, and people are waiting for Emperor Yan to succeed.

Although it has failed for a dozen generations, it is already a tradition, and it is already an authority.

But Wuji decided to challenge this authority.

He resolutely improved his medical skills, and also began to learn more knowledge. He left You Xiong, took a few good friends, and traveled to various clans to learn different techniques.

As his knowledge and knowledge continued to grow, he began to imagine how to use alienation and how to use the sky to bring people a better life.

In the age of stagnation, it is never possible to defeat the sky, and failure will only continue indefinitely.

Only by moving civilization forward can we have a broader future and more possibilities.

During the exploration of Wuji, the alienation became more and more serious. The frontal bone protruded, shaped like the sun, and the face had the appearance of a dragon, and its hands and feet resembled dragon claws and dragon toes.

But he also developed and brought in a lot of like-minded people.

In order to avoid complete alienation, he created a metaphysics theory, separating life skills from the alienation system.

He succeeded, and he succeeded in making several tribes form a trend of metaphysics.

Life and metaphysics are completely separated, and people who join his system, learn technology, and create new knowledge will no longer be alienated.

Such an advantage allowed Wuji's power to rapidly expand.

They are tribes, learned all over the world, and surpassed the sages, have enough food to help other tribes, and continue to produce clothes and pottery.

For the world at that time, it was almost crushing productivity.

Locomotives, carts, boats, ladders, bows and arrows, horns, tripods, bronze mirrors, textiles, plows, rakes, hoes... as well as calendars, medical skills, and yin and yang.

Many people who follow Wuji say that he invented these things.

But in fact, he is just a porter of knowledge.

When tribes who could not make pottery joined in, he taught them how to make pottery.

Tribes who don't know how to make bows and arrows join in, and he teaches them how to make bows and arrows.

He passed on the knowledge of the clan best at making farm tools to the clan best at making boats.

He passed on the knowledge of the most advanced clan who knew the calendar to the clan who didn't have a calendar and didn't know astronomical phenomena.

Wuji didn't invent many things, but he was the promoter of all technologies.

Making characters, making clothes, building boats, raising silkworms, making compass carts, knowing celestial phenomena, and building palaces are no longer just the specialty of a certain tribe.

Tribes without these things naturally thought that it was all invented by the Yellow Emperor.

In fact, any of these inventions will not be the credit of one or two people, but the result of many people's long-term exploration and practice.

Wuji broke the monopoly of different tribes, broke the old system, and built a more complex society.

The brand new country embraces everything, just like the earth that carries everything.

So people wore similar clothes, hoisted the banner of Huangdi, and praised his achievements, forming a force to shake the era of Emperor Yan.

He is not good at governing government affairs, but he has a queen who is good at governing government affairs.

He is not good at dealing with floods, but he has Ying Long who is good at dealing with floods.

He is not good at formation, but he has Li Mu who is good at formation.

He is not good at charging, but he has Chang Xian who is good at charging.

Chiyou's army was so powerful that the Yellow Emperor won nine battles.

But people just want to wait for the day when the Yellow Emperor wins a big victory, no matter how many times he loses, they will support him as always.

Because people who have lived a good life can no longer return to the old life.

Without making sacrifices, the whole village can be fed. Everyone can wear the clothes of the Xin family, the jade of the Yu family, and the car of the Xuanyuan family.

All of this broke the cognition, even though it was a common day in later generations, but at that time, it was already the supreme prosperity.

Chi You, who only knew force, was finally defeated.Lost only once, it was a complete defeat.

"There is Xiong are not as good as me in everything, but you are worse than me in everything."

From the perspective of the Yellow Emperor, Chi You finally understood why he lost.

He even felt that it was unreasonable for him to be undefeated.

In the past, he always felt that the sky was helping the Yellow Emperor, this lackey of the sky, who won by compromising in exchange for the destiny.

Only now do I know that the destiny is the weapon of the Yellow Emperor, and he controls the sky.

Scenes of memories continue to flow.

Huangdi didn't take the initiative to want to become a fairy, but as the founder of metaphysics, he was bound to become a fairy.

So he left this civilization and chose to guard it silently.

When the spiritual shackles are released, when countless knowledges begin to merge, civilization develops explosively, and the life after that is beyond Chi You's imagination.

"How many fields can one family cultivate? Can they be self-sufficient?"

"Women can weave enough common clothes for the whole family at home, what's left? I'm only willing to wear this clothes during festivals."

"Ordinary people can actually build a courtyard? Isn't this a palace?"

"Why do you have to peel off the rice shell? Because it tastes better? It's too extravagant!"

"The tall waterwheels and canals are found in every village. Isn't this a miracle project?"

When Chi You saw the era of the Five Emperors, he felt that the era of the Yellow Emperor was extremely beautiful.

However, when he saw Qin Han's life all the way, his mind was stunned, it was like a fairy day!

He didn't question all of this, because it was all a personal and true memory, which made him feel the same.

And when these good lives encounter wars, everything enters the scene he is familiar with.

The war burned everything, people were displaced, killed or looted.

The 'palace' and miraculous projects in Chi You's eyes were destroyed casually.

Famine and plague, and then filter all life again.

He has fought countless battles in his life, and he has never seen such a terrible war.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the struggle between Chu and Han, and the chaos at the end of Han Dynasty.

As the God of War, Chi You couldn't even comprehend why there were so many wars, even though the basic necessities of life were enough to keep everyone alive.Don't you have enough to eat?

Enough to eat, why grab others?The richer you are, the more you will plunder, which is completely contrary to Chi You's cognition.

Seeing that the tyranny is fiercer than a tiger, Chi You wished he could lift his big axe and split the heads of those rulers.

For the ancient kings, even if they were as cruel as Chi You, they could not understand the cruelty of later generations.

Any king must reasonably allocate all resources to his clansmen.

Because if it is a little unreasonable, the population of the tribe will drop and it will not be able to continue.

"There is more food, but people are starved to death at will. Is it worthless?"

Chi You gritted his teeth. He conquered the world, but he didn't dare to kill so many people. He mainly conquered with prestige.

Otherwise, the Yellow Emperor's tribe would not have the opportunity to revive it again and again.

Good guy, in the following wars, tens of thousands of people died at every turn, which was beyond his cognition.

He suddenly felt that he was called the 'Master of War', he was at a loss.

And when he saw Wei Jin, he was even more numb.

"Is this what you said, the broader future?"

"With Xiong Wuji, you have entrusted civilization to the way of heaven. No matter how good your life is, you will not be blessed with civilization. You will fall into endless wars and tricks!"

Chi You cried, he is a descendant of Emperor Yan's lineage, he is the most extreme guardian of tradition.

If the final result is just an endless war, then no matter how well the civilization develops, he cannot accept it.

But at this moment, he saw the world created by Yan Nu.

Yinghuo Paradise, the richness there, not to mention Chi You, even the princes and generals of later generations were shocked when they saw it.

"This...this is..."

He couldn't describe in words what he saw, the inexhaustible food, the endless resources.

There is also knowledge, as long as you think about it, you can learn all kinds of knowledge and do what you want to do.

How to make food more delicious and how to enjoy one's own life are what people worry about.

Even life seems to have no end, because the underworld is in the hands of Yan Nu.

"Is this Xing Tian?" Chi You felt a great longing.

The Jiuli people are very warlike, unless food and shelter are included.

Huang Di smiled and said: "We did it, Chi You, the real peace is only now beginning."

"Taiping..." Chi You felt relieved.

Then he looked at Huang Di coldly: "What if Xing Tian is not here?"

Huang Di didn't answer, but said again: "We did it."

"..." Chi You curled his lips, but in the end he could only be convinced.

"Understood, I also want to step into such a peaceful world. After going to the underworld to bear my sins, I can enter, right?"

"I will persuade the Jiuli people to enter the underworld. Where is the way? I can't wait."

Huang Di pointed to the sky: "It doesn't matter if you don't persuade, we are at the same time conveying the truth of this world to everyone."

"The victim will witness the pain of the victim. The superior will witness the suffering of the poor."

"All man-made disasters stem from mutual incomprehension. When they understand each other, they will also know their own sins."

"We will show them the beauty after washing away their sins."

"No one can refuse Taiping. If there is, Taiping must not be good enough."

Huang Di's words made Chi You sigh.

The technology, or ability, is beyond his imagination.

Open up the underworld, build fertile soil, punish and kill the sky, and establish peace.

The greatest Yandi is there, and he has witnessed it.

Witness that above the sky, the emperors battle the gods, the light of Emperor Yan, the great beauty is in the sky.

Under the sky, all people looked up, and a fire yearning for peace seemed to be ignited.

This is the era he longed for for a long time, and his heart has been completely subdued, and he only wants to sacrifice himself in it to gain its light.

"What's his name?"

Huang Di said, "Yan slave."

"Yan Nuer? What a bull." Chi You described Yan Nu as the highest praise in ancient times.

The cow is the symbol of the noblest person in the Yandi tribe.

Calling a person a "true cow" is like saying a person is a "good man" in the era after the Han Dynasty.

They all use the title of the greatest nation to praise a person.

"Wuji, I don't want to miss the battle of killing gods and punishing heaven."

"Let me do my part, and then die in battle, and go to hell."

Chi You sincerely prayed, he was already willing to go to hell on his own initiative, but he wanted to sacrifice himself under the banner of Yizi even more.

Huangdi looked at Miaohan, and Miaohan had already felt something.

In fact, not only Chi You, countless people from ancient times to the present, spanning thousands of years, have begun to understand this era.

They know the struggle and efforts of the ancestors in the past, and the suffering of wars and man-made disasters in the past.

Many people, even those who have experienced it.

From different perspectives, witness different lives, and even across the long river of history, experience the rise and fall of the entire civilization.

Introspection and remorse, excitement and longing, appeared in their hearts.

Knowing his own sins, seeing the bright future on the fertile soil, and the torture of hell, it seems that there is nothing to refuse.

And those who have no sins realize that the past is meaningless.

Their life is over.

Emperor Yan revived them and gave them another chance. They had to be brand new selves.

In an instant, strands of pure power blessed many Human Sovereigns.

But the Human Sovereigns found that their Human Sovereign Qi was disappearing, and their Human Sovereign status was falling, and soon disappeared.

Yes, in the same era, there can only be one Human Emperor.

When they condensed the hearts of the people at the same time to form the treasure of the emperor with different settings, no one could condense it in the end.

"Nowadays there have been hundreds of millions of people in the past and present, and all of them are united. Why didn't they unite as one? Let the hearts of all peoples be one?"

"Who is the emperor of this era?"

The Yellow Emperor asked Miaohan and others, Miaohan shook his head, there is no human emperor in this era.

In fact, at this point, there is no need for Zulong Qi, because Zulong himself is alive.

The Five Emperors, Dayu, Empress Xia, Zulong, these human emperors are all here, but who can be the contemporary human emperor?

"We are all emperors of different eras, and we have fallen behind the times."

"In this era, there should be its own emperor."

"It is impossible for any of us to be compatible with all the people throughout the ages."

The emperors said in the spiritual network that they can all do it, but they just can't do it either.

No one can be compatible with so many people, the thoughts are too complicated.

The emperors of all dynasties have been brewing for a long time, traveled all over the world, and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Then use a certain set of beliefs to unite everyone, and each era is different.

However, this is countless people spanning 3000 years, all dynasties and dynasties have been here.

At this moment, although everyone is willing to unite in their hearts, they are not thinking of the Five Emperors, nor the Empress Xia, nor the Zulong.

Everyone looked up at Yan Nu's phoenix-like figure, and everyone knew that people of different ages longed for peace.

It is their common desire for peace that gathers the hearts of countless people at this moment.

But Yan Nu can't be the emperor.Even if he has a deep overtake, he forcibly symbiosis and merged all the emperor qi.He is not the emperor, because he is Xingtian, and all his actions will be regarded as a violation of order by Tiandao.

Forget it, although it is hard for people from ancient times to the present to unite, but all peoples attacking the sky together is a tactic they have imagined in the past.

Yan Nu was stronger than they had imagined, without the Human Emperor's beheading, he might be able to kill the sky.

"Can it carry all the beliefs of the past and present? I can."

Miaohan is the core of countless people's spiritual network at this moment, and her heart has already been connected with countless people, going through one era after another, witnessing one kind of life after another.

She is an absolute person, also has the original self, and is the second personality released by Yan Nu.

She drew out her sword and gathered everyone's beliefs in her heart.Countless information can't affect her steadfast pursuit of peace. Instead, all kinds of things, history, and all memories are condensed into one way.

She is compatible with all people's beliefs in different eras and trends of thought.

"Since ancient times, the gods have acted on behalf of the heavens, and the princes have punished the people..."

"But if God is guilty, why cut him down?"


"Lift! People! Cut! God!"

Miaohan's voice resounded through the prehistoric world, and he raised his sword high.

How can there be no people at the moment of punishing the gods and cutting down the heavens?A truly heaven-shattering blow should be jointly created by everyone from ancient to modern times.

In an instant, the sword that cuts off the heavenly road, the blade of Gaoxin, Hetu Luoshu, Dayu Dinghai Needle, the image of Zulong... all kinds of images of the gathering of people's hearts were born.

In the heart of Miaohan, which has integrated thousands of years of civilization and historical memory, more things that gather people's people are born.

Shennong tasted the grass, Xuanyuan climbed the mountain, Yao sent the world, Yuwang opened the mountain, Shun danced with relatives, Shang Tang prayed for rain, Shiwang raised the whip, Chijing cut the snake, Wuwang swung the spear...

Miaohan was able to condense images that were no less than the treasures of the emperor from the long river of civilization.

Its heyday is unspeakable, beyond any moment in history.

After all, at this moment, people throughout the ages are here, even if not all of them are united, as long as some of them join, the fire will be enough to burn all gods!

She pointed her sword at the gods, opened the emperor's treasure house, and lowered all kinds of power.

A kind of battle song resounded throughout the prehistoric world, and the endless stream of people's hearts made this song-like thing condense into a solid body.

"I was starved, and the people suddenly went into exile. Why are the people born, the emperor said burning!"

"His life is like flames, and his life is like a prairie fire. It is obvious that he is below, but he is above!"

"Min Tian's disease is powerful, and Tian Du's mourning. Why cut down the sky, the emperor called Zhao Zhao!"

"The emperor of the phoenix is ​​flying, his feathers are flying, and the dragon is fighting in the wild, his blood is black and yellow!"


 PS: sorry.She actually has a lot of plots in the human world, but I skipped it.I will write this kind of protagonist next time, I am a dog.The protagonist of the next book is directly 'absolutely poor', and it takes such rubbish gold fingers to write flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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