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Chapter 355 Heroic Spirit of Han Dynasty?

Chapter 355 Heroic Spirit of Han Dynasty?

On April 22, Julu City had already changed its appearance.

The begging army repaired the city wall and rebuilt the houses, working in full swing.

The people scattered to the nearby countryside to reclaim fertile fields, with smiles on their faces.

They all feel safe with a strong army protecting them, and it's their own army.

With a root of grass in his mouth, Yan Nu helped carry heavy objects in the city, doing the work of hundreds of people by himself.

Miaohan, as before, planned everything in an orderly manner. Although the begging army has good combat power, it lacks scribes.

For this reason, she specially recalled more than 100 monks from the practice circle and asked them to act as clerks, and thousands of Qing hermits were responsible for guiding farming, animal husbandry, raising medicine, smelting, salt making and other industries.

Those monks laughed at themselves, let Yan Nu reshape his cultivation base, transformed into a heaven-defying monk, and integrated into the begging army to work.

All of them have acquired great abilities in the Dao realm. They never thought that it would be useless to learn so many Dao scriptures. In the end, they still did some work such as measuring fields, registering books, and tutoring various industries.

"My lord, the seven-day appointment has come, we should go to Guanzhong."

Zhang Pijiang came out of the cave, saw Yannu was also running around in the countryside with two cows on his shoulders, couldn't help smiling, and grabbed him.

"Oh? Oh oh oh, I almost forgot there is business."

Yannu knew that the matter of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum could not be delayed any longer, so he put down the two cows immediately.

They went to Miaohan, and the group put down the stall here, and rushed to Yongzhou in an instant.

The begging army has already occupied the entire Julu County, and everything is waiting to be rebuilt. Yannu used Shennong Ding to provide sufficient supplies. After the Yuwen army was defeated, the begging army once again 'captured' a large amount of supplies.

It can be said that now the big guys can develop with peace of mind and rebuild their homes.

Putting it in danger, in this troubled world, there are indeed enemies from all sides, but the documents left behind are all masters... The worst is the longevity period.

In addition, Xiuyanggong rebuilt the demon country, and the group of demon soldiers and generals headed by Zhu Jingang are also quite powerful.

At the critical moment, if you recruit the Xingtian army that dominates the practice world, not to mention the mortal world, the entire sun world will be able to move freely.

In short, there is basically no need to worry about the threat of the extraordinary level, only the disputes in the mortal world.

If the two secular armies were to fight normally, it would have to rely on the begging armies themselves.

Fortunately, the current strength of the Qihuo army, let alone the world's most powerful army, is not a problem for the top three armies.

Soon, Yannu, Miaohan, Huang Banyun, Zhang Pijiang, Yuyangzi, and Xiuyanggong came to Yongzhou, the land in Guanzhong.

Here the Qinling Mountains are dense, the passes are dangerous, and there are patches of plains separated by fertile land.

In the past, the king of Zhou lived here, and he went east to cut off the merchants of Dayi.

Qin State came out of this pass and annexed the six countries.

Liu Bang ruled the world based on this place.

This is the absolute place where dragons prosper, and the dragon veins established by Qin Shihuang in Zhang Bijiang's mouth probably also refers to this place.


Zhang Bijiang overlooked the Weihe River Basin not far from the foot of the mountain, where many farmlands were abandoned and most of the rural villages were dilapidated.

The people were pale and emaciated. Although they were not in the situation of Jizhou where there were no people for thousands of miles, it was obvious that life was not easy. In many places, there were still traces of the destruction of the war in the past, as well as bones that were left unattended in the wilderness.

"Pijiang, this is your hometown..." Yuyangzi sighed.

Zhang Bijiang said in a raving voice: "The Guanzhong was so prosperous in the past, it was unparalleled in the world, but today it has fallen into such a state."

He lowered the cloud and led the crowd to a city outside Chang'an.

Chang'an City is very large, and it is not a city in essence, but an urban agglomeration.

A large number of people do not actually live in the city of Chang'an, but in the tombs on the opposite side.

Like Changling, Anling, Baling, Yangling, Maoling, Pingling, and Duling, the population of these satellite cities is no less than that of Chang'an, and they are also important military towns, which can defend the capital.

In the early and mid-Western Han Dynasty, almost every emperor built a city next to Chang'an, and moved to the Guandong rich and common people, saying that it was to guard the mausoleum, but in fact, it was to gather the world's rich and powerful families under the eyes of the emperor.

This suppressed the wealthy family so that they could not be emperors in their hometown.

Moreover, for their own livelihood, the rich families would bring abundant materials, population and technology from their respective lands. In this way, all parties in Kyushu continued to transfuse blood to Chang'an, creating the greatest and most prosperous urban agglomeration in the past and present.

It can be said that in the entire Western Han Dynasty, there was no such thing as a wealthy family controlling the government and dominating the local area.

If it hadn't been for Emperor Guangwu relying on the family to win the world, changing the national policy of "relocating the powerful families to the Guandong to defend Chang'an" and making the family grow bigger and form a powerful family, there would never have been the situation where Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and other local tycoons recruited their own troops to separate themselves.

"When I left Shenzhou, there was only Wuling. At that time, I went back to my hometown to see how prosperous it was."

"Liu Che chose to choose a young man from Wuling, a son of the Han family in the six counties of Guanzhong, to chase death and chase north, and beat up the Xuanyun family, so that there was no royal court in Mobei."

Zhang Bijiang took everyone on a tour of the major Han tombs, and kept telling everyone about the prosperity inside and outside Chang'an in the past, the prosperity of the people in Guanzhong, and the prosperity of Yinma Hanhai.

Although at that time, he was already a hundred years old and had already left the secular world, he was still full of pride and passion.

Miaohan sighed, of course he knew the strength of Han Dynasty.

And because the best of the world is in Guanzhong, when recruiting soldiers, you only need to recruit young heroes from the satellite city next to Chang'an, called "Wuling Boys".

The Daxiong family also expanded to the six counties of Guanzhong at most, and only Liangjiazi, that is, the children of wealthy farmers, were called "Liujun Liangjiazi".

Relying on these five tombs and six counties, they will fight all over the world and establish a strong Han prestige.

No one can develop a stronger force than the central government in places other than Guanzhong.

When the imperial court controls Guanzhong, it can control the world.

However, Wang Mang usurped power from within, and Emperor Guangwu untied the shackles of the local wealthy families, and the big man still fell.

First, it lost the prosperity of the capital, and then experienced the destruction of Dong Zhuo, Li Que and Guo Si at the end of the Han Dynasty, until the Qiangqu Human rebelled not long ago and invaded Chang'an to loot.

Guanzhong no longer has the old scene, and it is dilapidated everywhere.


"What! How dare they steal the imperial tomb!"

Suddenly, Zhang Pijiang's pupils shrank, and he rushed to another mausoleum in an instant.

Everyone hurriedly followed, only to see a group of Qiangqu soldiers digging the mausoleum in full swing.

They have destroyed the buildings on the ground and have cut open the seal.

"This is Ba's Tomb, the tomb of Emperor Wen..." Zhang Bijiang murmured, the sword in his hand had been unsheathed automatically.

Yu Yangzi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately pressed it up: "Pijiang, with your current status, if you slash this sword, it will be no different from Yannu's own slash, and the world will definitely be turned upside down."

"We are about to get the quota of Emperor, it's not worth it for a mausoleum."

Yan Nu didn't feel much when he saw the grave digging.

Of course he knows the importance of going to the ground to be safe. A Weng always told him that there is nothing to look forward to in his life. If he can live well, and finally the fallen leaves return to the roots and be buried in his hometown, he will be content.

However, ordinary poor families don’t have any burial objects. Yannu saw a group of barbarian soldiers. Behind them were many horse-drawn carts and ox carts, filled with gold and silver. Many things still had soil on them, and the payment system was different from today’s. Obviously, they were buried with them. It was just dug out of the mausoleum.

He couldn't help being puzzled: "Put so many valuable things in the grave, isn't it owed to people to dig?"

Zhang Pijiang frowned and looked at Yan Nu: "You don't know the achievements and greatness of Emperor Wen."

Yan Nu scratched his head: "No, what does this have to do with his achievements? No matter how rich he is, if he puts so much in the grave and buries it underground, he will be dug up sooner or later."

"It is stopped now, and someone will dig it in the future. If he is like the common people, these soldiers will not spend so much trouble."

"..." Everyone was speechless, how could they explain the meaning of culture and etiquette to him.

But there was really no way to refute, so he had to remain silent.

At this time, a black shadow sprang out from the ground, and everyone took a closer look, it was Luo Yan and others.

This time to go to Qinshihuang's Mausoleum, one must have such a wide knowledge of the devil, who is proficient in the way of counting organs.

Luo Yan obviously heard everyone's discussion, and he said as soon as he came out: "Yannu is right, wealth is buried in the soil for nothing, and it is useless to the people and waste money, which is of no benefit to the country. It is better to use it sparingly."

"Even if you want to bury it, it's better to bury some books."

Zhang Pijiang curled his lips: "Your magic way comes from the Mohists, of course you think so,"

"And let me say it again, this is Ba Ling!"

Luo Yan was taken aback, and suddenly fell silent.

Yan Nu asked strangely, "What happened to Ba Ling?"

Miaohan explained: "Because Emperor Wen was the emperor who was buried the least in the Han Dynasty."

Zhang Pijiang said solemnly: "Emperor Wen pursued frugality and simplicity all his life, and rested with the people. He worked hard to govern, and realized the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people."

"During the 23 years of his reign, he did not newly build any palaces, gardens, buildings or halls, nor added a single piece of clothing for carriages and horses. He usually only wears clothes made of thick silk, and the long skirt worn by the most favored Mrs. Shen will not be dragged No embroidery on the floor, on the drapery."

"Even to repair the terrace, when we learned that it would cost a hundred gold, we also said, 'One hundred gold is the property of the ten families of the people, and I entrusted the late emperor's palace.

"He was frugal and loved the people all his life, so naturally he would not bury him generously. When repairing the mausoleum, he said, 'Nowadays, Shi Xianjia hates death. I don't take heavy burials to ruin his career, and heavy clothing to hurt his life.'"

"It was ordered that only pottery products should be buried with them, and precious metals such as gold, silver, copper and tin should not be used for decoration. Even the graves were not treated, that is, high graves were not allowed to build large ground pavilions, which meant to save people's resources."

"Before he died, he said, 'I have heard that all things in the world are born, and there is no death. The principle of the world and the nature of things are the dead, and Xi Ke is very sad'."

"He said that he would take the lead in breaking the trend of heavy burials, and ordered that his sacrificial ceremonies should not exceed three days. After three days, the people of the whole country must take off their filial piety, and the people's weddings and funerals must not be prohibited. And keep the Baling mountains and rivers as they are, without any changes. Bury it so naturally."

"I have seen with my spiritual sense that there is nothing valuable in this mausoleum at all. They are all pottery, iron, and pottery, mostly for their private use during their lifetime. The only gold and silver jewelry are also very small, but Jewelry of its queen."

After he finished speaking, Yan Nu understood why Zhang Pijiang said to himself before, 'You don't know the achievements of Emperor Wen'.

Yan Nu originally thought that his achievements were too great, so he buried him generously, but he didn't expect that it meant that he was frugal all his life and took the lead in resolutely opposing the generous burial.

"No, where did these precious treasures of gold and silver come from?"

Yan Nu pointed to the bountiful harvest of the large carts and carts of the group of Humans of the Qiangqu family.

Zhang Bijiang gritted his teeth and said, "These were dug from Maoling, which is the mausoleum of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty."

He is a fairy who can tell cause and effect at a glance.

Yannu scratched his head, it turned out that this area is full of imperial tombs, and the Qiang Qu clan mobilized tens of thousands of people to dig everywhere.

So much wealth was dug from other tombs, but Ba Ling has just started digging here, and the mound has not been dug up yet.

"It's nothing more than stealing other Han tombs. I have already become a fairy, so I can still sit still."

"But there is no gold and silver in the Baling Mausoleum that can be used as military funds. Even the Red Eyebrow Army and later Dong Zhuo knew about this matter. Whoever robbed the tomb did not steal the tomb of Emperor Wen. They understand that laborers will only be disappointed if they start work."

"But this group of barbarians are greedy and ignorant! They dared to dig the tomb. Seeing that the tomb has nothing to gain, they might vent their anger on the remains of Emperor Wen and disturb his rest in peace."

"Emperor Wen and I are close friends, and I know that he is a rare wise emperor in the world."

"Even if the big man is dead, I can't stand a group of barbarians who dare to teach him to kill him in the wilderness!"

Zhang Pijiang had no deep feelings for Emperor Wen, after all, he swung his sword without thinking about the consequences.

Regarding Zhang Pijiang's behavior, Yan Nu did not stop him.

He was also indignant when he heard that Emperor Wen was a good emperor.

But Miaohan quickly took Zhang Pijiang's sword light and shouted: "With the emperor, we can clean up the rivers and mountains, expel the fishy smell, and finally completely eradicate the way of heaven."

"If you go down with this sword, all previous efforts will be wasted. Under the infinite destruction and chaos, maybe we will not lose, but the way of heaven will never lose."

Yan Nu gritted his teeth, he is not afraid of the way of heaven, but there is only one way to destroy the way of heaven, and now he will send someone to Huanglu to make it up.

"Then drive them away!"

Miao Han nodded: "Don't worry, I'll come!"

She is not a person who likes to charge into battle with one person and one sword, and kill thousands of people.

But now only she can expel these barbarians without starting the final battle in advance.

Immediately, the red-clothed horse swung out a stream of sword energy, spanning hundreds of feet, beheading an old man who was obviously the leader.

This immediately aroused commotion, and the Hu Man who were digging pulled out their weapons one after another and gathered in formation.

"The king is dead! The king is dead!"

"Damn it, there is a knight from the Central Plains! He assassinated the king."

"Damn woman, grab her!"

Hu Man of the Qiang Qu clan yelled and yelled at the bitch, all of them had red eyes, and came fiercely to kill them.

They were not frightened by the terrifying sword light that spanned hundreds of feet.

And Yannu and the others didn't expect that Miaohan slaughtered a leader-like person with a sword, and he turned out to be the king of the Qiangqu clan!
"Monkey, give me a million soldiers!"

"Okay!" Huang Banyun's monkey responded.

Miaohan is riding on a horse, standing with a horizontal sword, and his red clothes are like blood.

The Qiang Qu clan rectified their troops and was about to charge forward when they suddenly looked behind Miao Han with frightened faces.

There, there were countless cavalry rushing up from behind the hillside.

All of them are heavy armor, with a terrifying air of murder.

There are all over the mountains and plains, and there are about [-] cavalry!

There is a strong flag waving, and the big character "Han" is written on it.


"Where did so many cavalry come from, they went deep into the hinterland of Chang'an!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The Qiang Qu family panicked. Although they had tens of thousands of people, their lineup was scattered, and the horses were all pulling carts to load treasures.

In addition, as soon as the king came up, he was slaughtered by Miaohan, the dragons had no leader, and the command was chaotic.

Immediately, there was no fighting spirit, and the desire to retreat emerged.

"Those who dare to steal the imperial tomb will be killed without mercy!"

Thirty thousand cavalry screamed and killed, and they swooped down the hillside. The scene was extremely shocking!
What's even more frightening is that there is a domineering and murderous aura, mixed with awe-inspiring righteousness, roaring towards him.

Taking a closer look, a young man in fierce armor stood on the top of the mountain with a horizontal gun, watching them with overwhelming power and shocking hundreds of miles.

"Whose soldier is this!"

"Look at the banner...it's Han."

"What? The Han army? Is it the army of the Xunxuan family that has finally entered Guanzhong?"

"No, this is not a soldier of the Xuanxuan clan. Looking at the attire, it looks like the terracotta figurines that were buried with us in the imperial tomb that we stole..."

"What! Could it be a big man?"

The Qiangqu clan's army was stunned. They were already in chaos, but they recalled the awe they had once been dominated by a big man.

They have been ruled by the great Han for hundreds of years. Even at the end of the Han Dynasty, they also served under the command of Dong Zhuo, Ma Teng and others, and respected their orders.

Today I suddenly saw the iron cavalry of the Han army, and they were robbing the tombs of the Western Han Dynasty, and I suddenly felt terrified.

Could it be that the imperial tombs left unimaginable designs, and their excavation alarmed the heroic spirits who guarded the imperial tombs in the early Han Dynasty, and revived the Han cavalry?
They just dug the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!Could this be the army of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?Could it be possible that the Liejia young general is the champion?

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

"It's a big man! It's a big man!"

Unbelievable, the Qiangqu cavalry in Zonghengguan were so guilty that they fled frantically.

They turned into several groups of troops one after another, and fled to the west scatteredly.

Immediately the morale collapsed, the army was defeated like a mountain, and the army was defeated!

Even the funeral objects in his arms were thrown away, and the fully loaded carriage was abandoned directly. He was afraid that he would be entangled by some curse and be hunted to the ends of the earth by the Han army with these belongings from the Han Mausoleum.


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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