Tiandao is not working today

Chapter 213 Idealism and Practicalism

Chapter 213 Idealism and Practicalism

Miao Han glanced at the crowd, then looked at Wu Tan: "Why did Emperor Yan lose?"

Everyone also looked at the witch altar. Judging from the present, Emperor Yan had cured the root cause. If the Yellow Emperor hadn't defeated him and ruled the world, I'm afraid there would be no way of heaven now.

Luo Yan also wondered: "Why didn't Emperor Yan succeed? According to what you said, he is the co-lord of the world, and the way of heaven should be punished and killed by Emperor Yan according to the power of the people's wishes... There is no need for the Yellow Emperor to establish the later system. "

"Didn't Emperor Yan unite the hearts of all people?"

Wu Tan lamented: "Haotian rejects legends that are not good for him, and only accepts those that are good for him..."

"Emperor Yan ordered the world to destroy the sky, and the hearts of the people of all generations have aspirations, but what should be alienated is still alienated, and it is useless."

"It wasn't until the birth of the Yellow Emperor that he was indomitable, invincible, saw through everything, down-to-earth, and established a new system, which changed everything."

Everyone was in an uproar, it turned out to be like this!

The two emperors of Yan and Huang have very different concepts.Emperor Yan insisted on defying and destroying the sky, intending to kill Haotian forever and completely, and restore everything to the original appearance of Wanmin Wuyou.

However, the alienation system will change according to people's hearts... but the way of heaven itself will not!Destiny also has its own bottom line.

Systems, beliefs, rules, etc., as long as all peoples are of one mind, love can change as it pleases.

Constantly enriching the system is actually beneficial to the Dao of Heaven.

Everything is just as Luo Yan said, the way of heaven is constantly interfering with reality and stealing natural authority. If it is beneficial to this, it will definitely be realized.And when people want to torture and kill it, Tiandao directly ignores it, and it is impossible for Tiandao to commit suicide.

In this way, although destiny will conform to the influence of people's hearts, there is another side of the sieve.

As long as the Dao of Heaven exists, it will not lose, and it only has two states, 'The Mandate of Heaven' and 'On the way to the Mandate of Heaven'.

Even if it uses a stronger strange object and goes against the general trend, it will continue to correct mistakes, endlessly, until it wins.

Miaohan sighed: "The Yellow Emperor's strategy was perfect in that era, but he will die sooner or later, and the successors will at most suppress the way of heaven one by one."

"As for Emperor Yan, what he wanted was to completely solve this problem...but it's not realistic."

Everyone felt that Emperor Yan had cured the root cause, but it was pure fantasy with no practical plan.

He wants to kill the heavens, and the way of heaven may not be realized, which means nothing has changed.

The Yellow Emperor was down-to-earth and actually solved the problem, at least for 2000 years.

The monks listened dully, sighing inwardly.

Yan Nu said in a deep voice: "No matter how many people want to punish Tiandao, Tiandao won't pay attention to such people..."

Miao Han sighed: "This should be true."

"As far as I know, Emperor Yan was passed down from generation to generation, while Emperor Huang appeared almost in the last generation."

"That is to say, generations of Yan Emperors have fought against the sky and destroyed the sky for a long time. If it wasn't useless, how could the Yellow Emperor stand up and take other methods..."

Everyone thought yes, it can cure the root cause, who wants to only treat the symptoms?
Both Yan and Huang are against the sky. In fact, they both want to completely destroy the way of heaven, but Huangdi is more realistic, while Yandi is more persistent.

Yan Nu asked curiously, "Are there many Yan Emperors?"

"That's right, according to the pre-Qin historical records, the lineage of Emperor Yan is extremely ancient, and the name of Emperor Yan has been passed down for more than ten generations, not to mention the ancient Shennong clan, which preceded Emperor Yan." Miaohan said.

She read a lot, no matter what unique inheritances of the Demonic Immortal Sect, anyway, she has read all the secular records about the ancient times.

""Tianfu Lun" records that Shennong cultivated Changyang, moved the ants, and gave birth to Chidi Kuicha. "

"The Emperor Yan Shennong's family, whose mother is Nv Deng, traveled in Huayang. There is a dragon head, and the daughter ascended Changyang Mountain, and gave birth to Emperor Yan. The human body and the head of a cow have great virtues."

"The "Shan Hai Jing" says: Yan Emperor's wife and Chishui's son Tingxu gave birth to Yanju, Yanju gave birth to festivals, festivals gave birth to opera instruments, and opera implements gave birth to Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong descended into the river and lived together to work together."

"Gonggong gives birth to the art tool, and the head of the art tool is upside down. It is the restoration of the soil and is used to catch the river. Gonggong produces the back soil, and the back soil produces the choke, and the choke is born at the age of twelve."

""The Great Wilderness Northern Classic" also mentions that later natives beget faith, and faith begets Kuafu..."

""Da Huang Dong Jing" also mentions: Ying Long is in the South Pole, killing Chi You and Kua Fu..."

She eloquently revealed all the lineages of Emperor Yan that she knew.

This makes Yan Nu very fond of it, even though he has a lot of personality memories, he has never read these books.

He himself has never read a book, so he likes Miaohan's full of knowledge.

It is said that Huaxia Wanmin is a descendant of Yan and Huang, but he knows very little about what is going on.

Only now did I understand: "It turns out that Emperor Yan is not alone..."

Luo Yan said in a daze, "He is a human being."

Miaohan glanced at Yannu and said: "This is a name passed down from generation to generation, and when the Yellow Emperor appears, he should already be the last Yan Emperor..."

"Huangdi fought with Emperor Yan, and finally, together with Yinglong under his command, killed Chiyou and Kuafu..."

"From then on, there is no other emperor with another name in the world, and only one emperor is respected. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor does not inherit the name of the Yellow Emperor. Each has its own name. It is only called the word 'Di'. Put the emperor in front of the name, such as Emperor Zhuanxu and Di Ku. , Emperor Yao."

Yannu understood that the world was divided into many clans at first, and everyone lived in their own way.

Later, the Shennong family separated from the lineage of Emperor Yan and became the co-lord, which has been passed down for a long time.

It was not until the end that the Yellow Emperor appeared.He swept across the world, cut off the inheritance of Emperor Yan, established a larger country, changed the system, and changed the system.

"It turns out that Zhurong, Gonggong, Houtu, and Kuafu are all Emperor Yan, so Kuafu is the last generation? They mistakenly think that I am Kuafu?" Yan Nu asked in a low voice.

Miaohan murmured, Kuafu is said to have died of thirst, and traveled a long distance before his death. It can be understood as the last Yandi tribe, who refused to accept the rule of the Yellow Emperor, experienced a long migration, and finally died in a foreign land.

Absolutely no book says that Kuafu was beheaded.

"Could it be the descendant of Kuafu? There is a descendant of Emperor Yan, but no name has been handed down."

"But because he was obsessed with immortality, unwilling to give up the dream of passing on from generation to generation, he returned to Changyang Mountain, the ancestral land of Emperor Yan, and was beheaded in the end, so later generations called him "Xing Tian" .”

Miaohan guessed, and everyone sighed.

Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the case. Emperor Yan ordered Xingtian to help the plow. This is not a courtier, but a son.

At least it is also a successor. After all, making ritual music in ancient times is very sacred.

In the society at that time, composing the music of "Helping the Plow" and composing the chant of "Harvest Years" was to record people's good life, celebrate the harvest, and praise the hard work of the people. The status of the people who did this was unusual.It must be an ancient sage, but he didn't leave his name.

"That's right...Xing Tian competes with the Emperor of Heaven, is this something ordinary people can compete for?"

"Based on this judgment, Xing Tian is Emperor Yan's subordinate and general, and it's not reasonable at all to avenge Yan Emperor."

"Revenge means revenge. Why is it recorded as 'Xing Tian and the Emperor contend for the throne'?"

"The background is that Yan and Huang are fighting. Why should a subordinate compete with the Emperor of Heaven? Unless he is the successor of Emperor Yan."

"It's just that people don't remember his name. Even the Yellow Emperor has won a complete victory. That nameless person has not officially inherited the title of 'Emperor Yan'."

"So he chose to be martyred and returned to Changyang Mountain to inherit the ideals of Emperor Yan and wave his tribute to the destiny."

"It's a pity that Emperor Yan's idea cannot be realized after all, and was finally defeated by reality."

"The lineage of Emperor Yan originated from Changyang Mountain, and finally ended in Changyang Mountain."

Everyone chattered and finally figured everything out.

Unexpectedly, when Wutan heard this, he was laughing, smiling, and crying.

"What? Isn't it right?" Miao Han was surprised.

What they said is completely reasonable. Why is the Wutan reacting in this way?
Wu Tan asked: "Outside...does everyone still remember the legend of Xing Tian?"

"Of course, this is a very well-known legend. Although Xing Tian didn't leave his name, everyone remembers Xing Tian's deeds." Miao Han said.

Wu Tan laughed even louder: "That's right, that's right, so Emperor Yan... is back."

He looked at Yan Nu fanatically, his eyes were fiery.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, Yan Nu finally didn't want them to continue to misunderstand, and asked directly: "Who do you think I am? Kuafu? Or Houtu?"

"Actually, I am not your Emperor Yan, you have mistaken me."

"However, I have the same thoughts as Emperor Yan. What he failed to do, I will definitely do!"

"Today... I'm coming!"

Yan Nu stood proudly on the spot, his tone firm and loud.

The monks were shocked, it turned out that this is not Xing Tian?However, he has the same ambition as Emperor Yan.

But Emperor Yan's ambition is a fantasy, and the Dao of Heaven will never realize it.

"Do you have a way to destroy Haotian?" Wu Tan excitedly asked.

Yan Nu firmly said: "I will definitely do it, if the way of heaven is not in line with people's hearts, I will make it to be in people's hearts!"

Miao Han, Luo Yan and the others smiled, but they were also very confident.

The ancient Yanhuang, after all, were mortals, ignorant and backward to a certain extent... They could only use the rules of the way of heaven, and they were determined from generation to generation.

But Yan Nu is different, he doesn't need to rely on the power of Heaven, he can seize the power of Heaven!
He himself is a strange thing stronger than Heaven!

"As expected..." Wu Tan lowered his body and said respectfully, "Then you are Emperor Yan..."

"Who do you think I am?" Yan Nu was curious.

Wu Tan said with tears: "There is no misunderstanding, I know you are not an ancient ancestor... This is the first time we meet, please tell me your name..."

"What!" Everyone was in an uproar.

Both Miao Han and Luo Yan were dumbfounded, what do you mean?Co-author without misidentification?

"What's going on? You know he's not an ancient man, and you call him Emperor Yan?"

Not only were they at a loss, but even many mountain and sea citizens behind Wutan were puzzled.

Wu Tan wiped away his tears and said: "The struggle between Yan and Huang is a cooperation that spans endless years. Some truths can only be passed down among witches."

"I thought I would have to wait for many years, but I didn't expect to see you in 3000 years. It's time to say it."

Everyone widened their eyes and listened attentively.


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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