Chapter 127


The more Zhao Yu cried, the more uncomfortable he felt, as if there was endless pain in his heart, and his expression was extremely sad.

Even with her eyes closed, the noodles couldn't stop flowing down.

Soon the bowl couldn't hold any more, and she couldn't eat any more, letting the noodles overflow.

With noodles in her mouth, she couldn't swallow them in grief, so she bit her chopsticks and cried loudly, trying her best to vent the depression and sadness in her heart.

"Wow wow wow..."

Yan Nu hurriedly took a bowl to catch the spattering noodles, walked over and patted her on the back: "Okay, okay...don't cry."

Yake couldn't help staring at her, dazed.

The woman was crying very sadly, but her face was full of noodles and it was very weird and funny.

After a while, Zhao Yu stopped the noodles, sobbing, she wiped the noodles on her face.

He also gently rubbed his eyes, rubbing off a small section under the corner of the eyes.

He was still sobbing from time to time, and wiped his nose with a handkerchief tactfully: "Just kidding..."

"..." Yake was dumbfounded.

Then when he saw the woman staring at her, he immediately avoided his gaze and looked elsewhere with an exploring expression, as if there was some scenery outside the window.

Yan Nu was very cheerful, laughed and said: "It's really funny!"

Then he gulped down a large bowl of noodles, or 'drank'.

He wiped his mouth and patted the bowl.

If one ignores Yan Nu's current girlish figure, that posture looks like a very bold man.

"It's the first time I've seen such an interesting feature. Can everything be changed? Will it hurt your eyes?" Yan Nu's face was full of excitement, like a curious baby.

Zhao Yu calmed down, smiled lightly and said, "It's not 'change', but these are my tears."

"No matter what it is, even if it's poison, I won't feel the pungent taste."

"Because at the level of characteristics, it is equivalent to my tears, so it flows down so smoothly and won't hurt me."

"Of course, after leaving my body, this relationship will be broken, and I can eat it as food."

Yan Nu nodded, he can understand this, because Xiaodao is also like this.

It seems that he is a mortal, but there are all kinds of power in the dark, and if he doesn't show it, it's as if he doesn't have it.

And the so-called "in the dark" is probably the "characteristic level" in Zhao Yukou's mouth.

There are also all kinds of things that he coexists with. For others, the source is the source, and the true energy is the true energy.

But for him, it is his origin and his true energy.

This is the so-called 'No matter what the natural level is, it can also be equivalent to another thing in the dark'.

Zhao Yu continued: "Most strange things will be like this..."

"This feeling of 'equivalent to' and 'forcibly regarded as' is like the superposition state that nature is forced to forcibly accept various contradictory manifestations."

Yan Nu muttered: "I think your ability is the strangest, much stranger than our characteristics... It feels... very groundless..."

Zhao Yu smiled: "I understand your feelings, it seems completely inexplicable."

"Actually, strange things are like this. They don't know where they come from, and they don't know where they are going. The effects are all kinds of strange, and everything is possible."

"You just see less of it."

"In other words, what you that it can make people stronger, and even spells can achieve similar effects, and then people have an illusion that can be explained."

"I see..." Yan Nu thought with his arms crossed, and many strange things felt out of harmony.

But after seeing Zhao Yu's characteristics, this sense of disobedience reached its peak.

Even though he has seen so many strange things, the 'different tear effect' still makes him feel outrageous.

If you think about it carefully, it is because the characteristics you have seen before have similar abilities, spells, and supernatural powers, and can also achieve similar effects.

For example, immune to damage, there are also spells such as invulnerability that can correspond to it. Although it is not the same thing at all, at least on the surface it can be interpreted as a more absolute golden body, and then the sense of disobedience is eliminated in the heart.

Another example is himself, eating grass and soil can refresh his 'physical energy', which is actually very inexplicable, but it is very acceptable, because people can also eat pills.

And isn't it normal in form to 'eat to supplement physical fitness'?
"But in fact, the strange thing is far more than that, it can completely surpass all reason and intuition?" Yan Nu said.

Zhao Yu said with emotion: "Yes, it even subverts the concept, subverts all your cognition..."

"Actually, how can strange things have a purpose?"

"My characteristic is to make my tears appear in the form of food. It is neither to make me stronger, nor to make me immortal..."

"There are some strange things that don't exist at all. They just exist in this world and are devouring history."

"There are other strange things that exist silently, constantly rotating, nothing can hinder or destroy them, and seemingly endless rotation is the meaning of their existence."

"A friend of mine once said: the so-called strange thing, it is that kind of thing, it simply exists, absolutely realizes its own characteristics, nothing more, all meanings are given by people."

"If you don't subjectively determine the 'for what' it exists, you can truly open your mind and understand the various unknown effects of strange objects with the most calm and intuitive heart."

"The significance of the existence of a strange object depends only on the person who uses it."

Yan Nu felt that his understanding of strange things had deepened.

Because in the past, people always described it in terms of 'power against the sky', 'strange power and sorcery', and the spells are also very magical, so even if they know the uniqueness of strange things, they are still bound within a framework.

But now, he jumped out of this framework and began to look at strange things from a more detached perspective.

Abrupt existence, independent and absolute.

People may be able to use them and give them various meanings, but in essence, strange things and all "non-wizardous things" are not things under the same concept.

"What devours history? What endless rotation? Have you seen so many strange things? Where are they?" Yan Nu asked in surprise.

Zhao Yu didn't answer, but smiled lightly, and asked back, "Do you trust me?"

"Eh?" Yan Nu was startled.

The corner of Zhao Yu's mouth rose: "You can still treat me as a fake ghost, but at least you have believed my words, right?"

"I said that I have the characteristics of a different tear, and then I showed it to you. Is this true?"

"How do you 'disbelieve' this kind of thing?"

Yan Nu is thinking, thinking about absolute characteristics, whether fake ghosts can also pretend.

Although the crying of noodles just now was just an appearance, it can be explained by hallucinations.

But Yan Nu didn't think so, because the people in the town depended on these foods for a living, if they regarded Zhao Yu's ability as fake, they would face more problems instead.

Seeing him thinking, Zhao Yu continued, "It doesn't matter if what the fake ghost said is true or not."

"If the fake ghost says, the weather is really nice, don't you have to make yourself feel that the weather is bad?"

"If a fake ghost points at you and says you are a fake ghost, do you 'believe' or 'don't believe'?"

"With regard to the fake ghost effect here, we have made countless attempts, and finally confirmed that as long as you don't believe that the fake ghost is a person, you will have no problem listening to anything the other party says."

Yan Nu nodded: "That's true...I understand."

He scratched his head, thinking it through.

What you can believe and what you can't believe, in fact, as long as you live here for a long time, you can look at it rationally and analyze it, and you can slowly get rid of it.

"You said...'we' have made countless attempts?" Yan Nu asked suddenly.

Zhao Yu looked outside the inn and smiled bitterly: "Yes, there are many people who came in with me. But now... only me is left."

Yan Nu pursed his lips and said, "Have they all been killed by fake ghosts..."

Zhao Yu took a deep breath, and noodles appeared in the corner of his eyes: "They still exist, don't they? Maybe we can't think that this is death."

"I can still make friends with them, even if they have changed their appearance and personality... It's like becoming another person."

"But we agreed, we will still be partners in the next life."

Yan Nu looked at this woman deeply, feeling that her eyes were full of countless emotions.

If he thought it was a fake ghost in disguise, his simple heart would be full of awkwardness.

Because he always believes in the most straightforward feelings.

At this moment, two more people walked in.

One of them, a martial artist, asked Zhao Yu directly for noodles. Zhao Yu called out his name and got up to serve him.

Wu Zhe looked at her vigilantly: "You don't need to cook, just give me ten catties of noodles and two catties of meat."

Zhao Yu was not angry at all, he brought it to him with a smile and said, "These noodles are lumpy, do you want to take them back and press them to eat as cakes?"

The warrior ignored her, took his things and left.

In comparison, the other person was much more kind: "Xiao Zhao, I just love to eat your noodles."

Zhao Yu giggled and cooked himself, making him a big bowl of noodles with rich ingredients.

"Old Yao, didn't you say you wanted to get married last time?"

The man stared at Zhao Yu closely, and smiled shyly: "...I haven't told her yet, I'm afraid she won't want to."

"How do you know if you don't tell me?" Zhao Yu said meaningfully.

The man lowered his head to eat the noodles, hesitated for a while and said: "Yu'er, let's get married, although I'm stuck here, I can't give you anything...but..."

"It's okay, I promise you." Zhao Yu said happily.

"Really...really?" Lao Yao stood up in surprise.

Zhao Yubai glanced at him: "If you said it earlier, I would have agreed."

"Then I'll go back and prepare..." Lao Yao said anxiously.

"Don't bother so much..."

"Everyone needs to be here." Lao Yao happily ran out of the inn.

Yan Nu was confused and asked, "Is he a fake ghost?"

"Yes." Zhao Yu had a smile on his face.

"Ah?" Yan Nu was stunned: "You want to marry a fake ghost?"

Zhao Yu said indifferently: "Why not? There is no difference between him and Lao Yao."

Yan Nu believes that she has many friends in the town, not to mention friends, even lovers...

They are planning to get married and have children.

"Is it true that you will never be able to get out?" Yan Nu murmured sadly.

Zhao Yu said calmly: "If you can't get out, you can stay at ease. Just treat me as a fake ghost, it doesn't matter, we can still be friends."

Yan Nu lowered his head and thought hard.

Zhao Yu asked him, "I don't know your name yet?"

Yan Nu said: "My name is Jiang Yan'er, I'm 15 years old, my family didn't give me a name."

"Huh? Like a girl's name." Zhao Yu laughed.

Yan Nu's eyes widened, and he said in a heroic voice, "What's wrong with the girl? I'm still riding a horse to fight!"

Zhao Yu was startled: "Are you a girl?"

"That's right? Hehe, can't you tell? I always wear men's clothes." Yan Nu was still carefree and spoke frankly.

But he completely considered himself a girl.

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes: "Didn't you treat everyone as fake ghosts..."

"Huh?" Yan Nu said: "There are fake ghosts in the town, I understand, and I also regard you as a fake ghost in my heart, but this doesn't hinder our communication."

Zhao Yu pouted and said, "I didn't mean that I..."

She thought to herself: This Jiang Yan'er was obviously a man before, but he has forgotten it, and his memory has been tampered with.

Apparently, he always believed that someone was not a fake ghost, without knowing it.

Who is the one?He must not believe anyone who told him about the situation in the small town before...

and so……

Zhao Yu looked at Yake who was cramped aside, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, this is not real Yake."

"The real Yake, I'm afraid there is a fake ghost beside him, which is constantly being changed."

Yan Nu asked curiously: "What are you thinking? What's wrong, is there any problem?"

Zhao Yu said: "It's nothing... have you ever separated from Yake?"

Yan Nu blurted out: "No, what's wrong?"

Zhao Yu struggled for a while, but finally did not remind Yan Nu.

A characteristic like absolute adaptability is too scary, maybe it would be better for An Ran to be a fake ghost girl in this small town outside the world.

Similarly, Yake is even more so, she hopes that Yake will quickly become a boy who has forgotten his baldness.

Otherwise, if these two people fight again, the whole town will be destroyed, and no one can live in this space except them.

Seeing that Yan Nu was deep in thought, Zhao Yu turned and said, "Don't you want to know about the bone-clothed man? The 'bone-clothed' feature, as the name suggests, all his clothes and decorations are his bones."

Yan Nu was stunned: "Huh? No wonder there are so many sharp knives on his body."

"Could it be that he can control everything on his body like manipulating his fingers?!"

Zhao Yu was a little surprised, and then nodded approvingly: "Jiang Yan'er, you react very quickly..."

"That's right, even if there are no flesh and blood meridians connected at all, he can manipulate them like an arm and a finger."

"Then what else can you think of?"

Yan Nu sat sideways on the table, his baggy clothes were slightly stripped.

He stroked his chin ponderingly and said, "Why is it called the bone garment? If it's just for manipulation, there's no need to call it a bone, it could be a 'hand-clothed man'."

"Could it be that his clothes are damaged, injured, and will hurt to the marrow?"

Zhao Yu sighed and said, "That's right, tearing off a pendant on your body is as painful as pulling out a bone."

"Cutting clothes is like tearing bones... That's why they are called people in bone clothes. In fact, more strictly speaking, it should be 'clothes are like flesh and blood'."

"Every time the bone-clothed man fights, it is an unimaginable pain for ordinary people."

"But they still wear various things on their bodies in order to enhance their abilities."

"Because anything hanging on the body can be manipulated, even if it is a silk thread that stretches for hundreds of feet, the end of the thread is extremely flexible and has a sense of touch, which is infinitely magical."

"And apart from the pain, there's no cost to that feature."

"Even if all the clothes are destroyed, you won't die. After all, it's an extra bone."

Yan Nu observed her: "You really know these people, right? Are you with them?"

The corners of Zhao Yu's mouth curled up slightly: "That's right, we all belong to the Demonic Way."

Yan Nu excitedly said: "So it's the way of the devil."

Afterwards, he became depressed. Zhao Yu and the person who moved the stele were all in the same group. That is to say, if he could get out, Zhao Yu should also know how to get out.

However, the reality is that Zhao Yu plans to stay here forever, and even wants to get married and have children.

"Is there really no way to leave? Where did the bone-clothed man go?" Yan Nu said unwillingly.

Zhao Yu said: "It should be that his appearance has been changed."

"This is a feature-level appearance tampering. It will not affect any original abilities. Whether it is appearance, gender or even soul image, it has changed. Of course, you will not be able to recognize it."

"Maybe he's wandering around town right now, and you guys think he's a stranger too."

Yan Nu let out a sigh: "You mean, he deliberately believed in a fake ghost to change himself, without hiding it from us?"

Zhao Yu spread his hands: "Maybe."

"In this case, is it possible to find him through the characteristics? No matter what he changes, the bone clothing characteristics still exist?" Yan Nu thought.

Zhao Yu nodded: "Yes, a fake ghost can perfectly imitate a person, but its personality is weak, and it can only be superficially disguised."

Yan Nu excitedly said: "Then I'll go and tear everyone's clothes off, whoever feels the pain is the one!"

"Yak! Let's go!"

Zhao Yu quickly said: "What's the use of finding it! There is no way to get out..."

Then he whispered: "Yan'er, you should give up... You should figure it out, you belong here."

Seeing that Yannu was still calling for Yake to go together, he knew that he still believed that the person in front of him was Yake.

Wanting to go out so urgently, the fake ghost should tamper with the memory again to make it forget itself more completely.

Unexpectedly, Yan Nu shouted firmly.

"No! I haven't brought peace to the world yet!"

In an instant, he felt all kinds of memories continuously appearing in his consciousness, covering his original memories.

But all these information formed a personality called 'Fake Ghost Girl·Jiang Yan'er'.

"Eh? Am I already being tampered with memory?" Yan Nu scratched his head in astonishment.

He felt that he had three personalities, 'the original self', the 'middle man', and the 'false ghost girl'.

One of the passages, which had been inserted into the memory of the original self, was automatically classified into the fake ghost girl.

Seeing that he realized it on his own initiative, Zhao Yu couldn't help but startled: "Who are you?"

"Ah? I am Jiang Yannu."

"..." Zhao Yu repeatedly reminded himself that the person in front of him was a fake ghost, and at the same time calmly realized that he was absolutely adapting and tampering with the memory to adapt.

"It's so scary, can you even adapt to mind distortion?"

"What mental distortion?" Yan Nu said, also realizing that he thought he was a woman named Jiang Yan'er just now.

"Ah... this memory tampering is too scary, I don't feel it at all."

"Who can change me? I didn't believe you..."

Zhao Yu's mouth twitched.

Good guy, I haven't realized who the fake ghost is until now, but I'm already dazed and fearless of the assimilation of the fake ghost.


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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