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Chapter 615 Han Wenzhong's Foresight

Chapter 615 Han Wenzhong's Foresight
The second Ginseng Festival received a total of more than 300 enterprises across the country and 700 domestic and foreign merchants.

There are also more than 90 journalists from [-] news organizations in the capital and all over the country, and nearly [-] leaders and comrades from central, provincial and municipal departments.

All the guests celebrated the festival together with the people of the whole county, and the whole county has a strong festive atmosphere, which is comparable to the New Year.

During the auctions and native product fairs held during the Ginseng Festival, the economic and trade volume unexpectedly reached 1 million yuan, which greatly exceeded the expected turnover of [-] million yuan.

The successful holding of this ginseng festival has greatly improved the popularity of ginseng township.

Leaders at all levels, as well as relevant leaders of the National Calligraphers Association, Photographers Association, Dramatists Association, Artists Association, famous Pingju performance artists, famous writers and other celebrities from all walks of life in the country have painted inscriptions for the Ginseng Festival.

People's Daily, Provincial Daily, Provincial TV Station and other news units rushed to report on the grand occasion of the Ginseng Festival.

At the World Tourism Products Expo held in Hong Kong City and West Germany, a special booth for "Changbai Mountain Ginseng Festival" was set up, which attracted the attention of the world.

It can be said that this year's Ginseng Festival was held very successfully.

On September [-]th, all follow-up affairs related to the ginseng festival were over, and the county held a commendation meeting.

Leaders from the province and the city also attended, commended and distributed rewards to relevant staff.

The leaders highly praised the staff who performed outstandingly in this conference, including the members of the preparatory team.

Of course, Xu Shiyan, as the leader of the preparatory team and the leader of this ginseng festival, received commendations from the province and city.

As Xu Shiyan's assistants, Xu Shixian and Xu Shixiang also performed well at this year's Ginseng Festival, and their working ability has been recognized by many leaders.

On the Propaganda Department, Xu Shixian was sent directly to the Propaganda Department as the deputy section chief.

The Finance Bureau also lost no time in opening their mouths to the Xinglong Township Finance Office and transferred Xu Shixiang to be the chief of the budget section.

The other members of the preparatory team have also made appropriate job transfers, and they are much better than their original positions anyway.

For meritorious service, this cannot be rewarded in cash. Apart from some prizes, it must be compensated from other places.

Originally, many units also fell in love with Xu Shiyan and wanted to transfer him away.

But Lin Qiyue refused to let him go, and Chang Hongfa also insisted on refusing.

Xu Shiyan himself didn't like to join those departments.

He felt that his temperament was not suitable for entering an institution, so he might as well just concentrate on studying on the side of the field.

What's more, at the pharmaceutical factory, he was appointed by the superior to take care of it, so he should just stay in the field for a while.

In this way, Xu Shiyan successfully completed the task assigned by the leader, and returned to Donggang from the county with an honorary certificate and reward.

"Oh, that's such a pity.

Xiao Xu, why are you so stubborn?The leaders have told you to go to work in the county, but you won’t go.

If you enter the county, with your ability, you may not be able to enter the province in the future. "

Although it was a busy season, relatives and friends still organized a small celebration ceremony for Xu Shiyan.

Yu Shouguang also came, and after listening to Xu Shiyan's narration, he felt sorry for Xu Shiyan.

"No, that's not what it said.

You have to know that Shiyan is now the director of a participating field, and Secretary Lin and Shiyan are very close to each other, and the two of them discuss everything no matter what they do.

I heard that Shi Yan is in charge of all the pharmaceutical factories, how good is that?No one is in charge of the above, what he says has the final say.

If Shi Yan is transferred to the county, it is impossible to lead directly, right?Doesn't that mean you have to listen to others?
It's boring, it's not interesting, I don't earn much salary, I have a lot of things to do, and I have to listen to the boss talking in front of me all day long.

If you do a good job, the results are determined by the leader; if you don't do a good job, he will have to take the blame. "

Over there, Han Wenzhong shook his head. He felt that Xu Shiyan was right in not agreeing.

The job in the county is not easy to do, so it's better to just stay in the first field and be his field leader, which is better than anything else.

The two old men almost quarreled over this matter, Xu Shiyan hurriedly persuaded them.

"Uncle Yu, look at me, I'm straight-hearted, naive and stupid, and I don't have an exquisite heart.

I go to work in the county, if the insurance is not complete, one day the leader is not satisfied, and he can kick me back, why do you think I have to do it?

I have never had much ambition, so I just guard our Donggang, guard the field, and lead the big guys to do something, and I feel pretty good. "

When everyone in the room heard this, they couldn't help complaining.

"Well, don't say you're stupid, if you're stupid, you won't be smart.

I've seen it a long time ago, you boy, you look indifferent on the outside, but you are full of heart.

Anyone who believes you are stupid is a fool. "Yu Shouguang rolled Xu Shiyan's eyes angrily.

In his heart, he felt that Xu Shiyan had worked so hard and put in so much effort, but in the end he was not promoted or given any other rewards.

It's a shame to just get two honorary certificates back.

Xu Shiyan was not annoyed either, he still chatted with everyone with a smile.

The big guys chatted until after seven o'clock, and it was already dark outside.

At this time, every family was busy, and they were tired from going up the mountain during the day, so they all bid farewell and left.

Xu Shiyan went out to see them off, and before Han Wenzhong left, he whispered to Xu Shiyan.

"Shiyan, let me tell you, we don't want any position offered by the superior.

You can stay at the same place with peace of mind, there is no harm in keeping it.

I reckon, Secretary Lin will have to be reassigned if things go wrong at the end of the year, and then you will be the top leader in the field, and it's up to you.

How nice, why do we go to the county to be angry with others? "

"Hey, I know, Uncle Han, I'm definitely not going anywhere.

Just at the venue, take our team of attendees to live our lives. "

Xu Shiyan laughed as soon as he heard it, and he didn't say whether Han Wenzhong's guess was right or not, he just nodded in agreement.

Han Wenzhong was quite satisfied with Xu Shiyan's attitude, and then said.

"There is one more thing, Uncle told you in advance.

Next year, you should think of a way in advance and hide out early, and we won't help with the ginseng festival.

No matter who says this, don't take it again. If you do it again, it's easy to smash it, understand? "

This year's Ginseng Festival was so successful, even if Xu Shiyan organizes it himself, it will be difficult to surpass it.

At that time, everyone will place high hopes on Xu Shiyan, and if the effect is not as good as this year, the fault will be entirely on Xu Shiyan.

At Han Wenzhong's age, he doesn't understand anything.

He was afraid that Xu Shiyan's ginseng festival would be so beautiful this time that people would be lost, and he would continue to do it next year.

If that's the case, it's likely to be a thankless effort.

Han Wenzhong was protecting Xu Shiyan wholeheartedly, so of course he had to remind him, but don't make such a low-level mistake.

"Hey, thank you uncle for reminding me, I know, I know, I will remember this, I will definitely remember it."

Xu Shiyan didn't think so far ahead yet.

He felt that the possibility that the county would let him handle it next year was almost zero.

The success of this year's Ginseng Festival will make too many people envious, and next year, many people will definitely rush to grab it.

So whoever wants to grab it can grab it, Xu Shiyan is too lazy to take over.

He has been exhausted for the past few months, and the skin is almost peeled off. He doesn't want to suffer from this exhaustion again.

(End of this chapter)

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