Chapter 128 Methods
"Xiao Xu, you just came back from the mountain? Why, something went wrong with the fermenting of bean cakes?"

When Yu Shouguang saw Xu Shiyan's body was covered in dirt, he knew that he had just left work and came here before he even came home, so he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"Uncle, it's not about bean cakes.

It's because the temperature is low these days, why do I feel that there should be night cream?

The No. [-] bridge is frost road. If there is late frost here, what will happen to the sticks on the mountain? "

Xu Shiyan was straightforward and expressed his worries.

When Yu Shouguang heard this, his expression turned serious, and he could feel the low temperature in the past two days.

But he really didn't think about the late frost, because it had been raining a while ago, but it has just cleared up these few days, and the temperature is a little lower, which is normal.

"Xiao Xu, this is not a joke, are you sure?"

The second brigade has more than 1 feet of sticks, all of which are at the end of the No. [-] bridge. If there is a late frost, all the stick seedlings will be frozen to death, and the loss will be too serious.

"Uncle, I said this myself, you definitely don't believe it.

If it doesn't work, Uncle ask some old people on our team to ask. "

Xu Shiyan knew that since he was young, it was normal for people to ignore what he said.

But he has to say that this matter is related to the income of a brigade or even a commune this autumn. If it is not fully understood, it will be hard for conscience.

"Yes, yes, let's go, let's go to the team headquarters."

When Yu Shouguang heard this, he nodded heavily, followed Xu Shiyan and went out to the team headquarters.

When he arrived at the team headquarters, Yu Shouguang turned on the loudspeaker and started shouting.

Call the other cadres of the Second Brigade, several veteran households, and technicians to discuss matters together.

When everyone arrived at the team headquarters, upon hearing Xu Shiyan's deduction, the technician jumped up before anyone else could speak.

"Impossible, when is it still frosty?
This was affected by the previous rain. We are too close to Changbai Mountain, and the temperature is already low. "

The technician was a worker, peasant, and soldier college student who was studying at the Agricultural University and was assigned to do an internship a while ago. He was a bit cultured and quite proud.

Yu Shouguang gave Xu Shiyan the matter of bean cake retting and fertilization, and also assigned him the matter of the experimental field, the technician was a little unhappy.

He felt that Xu Shiyan had robbed him of his errand, and he was a little emotional towards Xu Shiyan, so he jumped out to object before anyone else could speak.

On the other hand, those old farmers murmured in a low voice for a long time, but no one expressed their opinion hastily.

Seeing the expressions of those old people, Yu Shouguang knew that something was wrong, "Uncle Zhang, just look at it, what should we do about this?"

The man Yu Shouguang called Uncle Zhang is seventy years old this year, with gray hair, but in good spirits.

The old man stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, "I remember when I was young, maybe in my twenties.

One year around this time, the mallet seedlings came out of the ground and grew quite tall. When a frost came, they all froze to death.

Alas, at that time, they were all owned by our own family, and there were several large households. Because of this frost, they lost everything. "

The mallet seedlings will rot if they are frozen to death, and the germs will infect downwards, and even the mallets underneath will rot.

In order to reduce the loss, once the mallet seedlings are damaged by freezing, they have to hurry up to produce ginseng.

But at this time, the mallet is not starched, the scale is not weighed at all, and the goods are not produced. It is useless.

When Yu Shouguang heard this, his expression turned ugly, "Uncle, what do you do when you say this? Can it be prevented?"

Yu Shouguang is in his forties this year, has never experienced such a thing, and has no idea, so he hurriedly asked.

Mr. Zhang sighed and shook his head.

"It's not easy to fix, if it's a big field, you can try using smoke.

Ours is ginseng ground. The pool skewers are covered with sticks, boards and thatch. If there is a fire, even the sticks will be burned. "

Experienced old farmers will look at Shuangtou.

Before the frost comes, pile some branches and dry grass around the whole field, and when the first frost arrives, light it around.

By raising the temperature with pyrotechnic gas, crops can be prevented from being killed by frost.

But that is a big field, relatively open and easy to operate.What's the deal with this ginseng?

The pond strings are covered with thatch and thatch, if one is not done well, the fire will jump up to the pool strings, don’t resist frost, let’s set fire to the camp.

When Yu Shouguang heard this, his heart turned cold. How can this be done? "Xiao Xu, do you have any tricks?"

Yu Shouguang turned his head and looked at Xu Shiyan with hopeful eyes.

Xu Shiyan also shook his head, "Secretary, this matter is not easy to deal with. The key is that we can't find something suitable."

"What is it?" Yu Shouguang and the old men asked together.

"Cao Xiang, use this thing to stick it on the side of the pool, and arrange for people to wait.

Seeing that the head of frost has arrived, it is lit immediately, and the frost will not fall after the smoke is smoked. "

Xu Shiyan sighed as he spoke, they all did this in their previous life, but what is going on now?
A few years ago, the feudal superstition was broken, and burning incense and paper was not allowed. Where can I find grass incense?

Sure enough, when Yu Shouguang and the others heard this, they all shook their heads and sighed.

These things are really hard to find nowadays, the factories that produce burning paper and grass incense are all yellow, where can I buy them?
"What's the matter? Are we really just watching?"

Yu Shouguang was in a hurry, more than 1 feet of sticks, not to mention being beaten by Shuang, even if the damage was one or two hundred feet, it would be a loss of tens of thousands, who can bear it?

"Hmph, I'm just talking nonsense, I don't believe there can be frost. What kind of grass fragrance is used? I've never heard of such a method."

On the other side, the technician rolled his eyes and hummed.

Xu Shiyan pondered for a moment, "Secretary Yu, if it doesn't work, we can only take a risk.

At this time, the vegetation on the mountain is lush and thick, and when a fire is ignited, it only emits smoke.

Let's arrange more people to watch it, as long as it doesn't get out of hand. "

What should I do then?You can't really sit here, can you?
Waiting for the frost to freeze the club to death, and the whole brigade will cry at home?

"Secretary, I think what Xiao Xu said is reasonable, we can't just wait, if it's really frosty, there's no place to cry.

Hurry up and arrange people to go up the mountain, and prepare as much as possible while it's still not too dark. "

The captains of several teams also agreed with Xu Shiyan's words.

This thing is related to the livelihood of more than 300 households for three years. It is not a joke. Even if the inference is wrong, it is better than not preparing for anything.

"Yu Yu, hurry up and call someone on the radio, and some of us old fellows will follow up, helping to see when Shuangtou will come."

Those old men couldn't hold back anymore, the matter was too big, who could stay at home with peace of mind?

Yu Shouguang gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and immediately turned on the loudspeaker to call out.

"Every household, please pay attention. Each household sends out a strong laborer, bring a sickle, ax and matches, and report to the team headquarters immediately."

After shouting four or five times in a row, it stopped.

The time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so there must be a lot of people. There are more than 300 households, and one person from each household should be enough.

As soon as the loudspeaker yelled, they quickly informed each other when they heard it. It didn't take long for more than 300 strong laborers to gather in the open space in the backyard of the team headquarters.

Yu Shouguang personally explained to everyone that he would rather make a mistake than let it go.

Even if it is a waste of time, you must go up the mountain immediately, cut fresh branches and wormwood, and pile them in the open spaces of the ginseng. Once the frost falls, light the fire immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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