Basketball starts with breathing

Chapter 240 Well, useful... [Chapter 2, please subscribe]

Chapter 240 Well, useful... [Second update, please subscribe]

Kidd took the ball over half court, and he was not in a hurry to attack in the face of Richardson's defense. He had watched Richardson's defense video and knew that the opponent's defense was very good.

Kenyon Martin has a good position in the paint, and the basketball is directly in his hands.

Keith Van Horn took Artest from the baseline to the other side to make room for Martin, who dribbled in and squeezed in, shaking his shoulders, ready to turn and hook.

At this time, Miller immediately came to help.

This is the Bulls' strategy. Release Kidd from the outside and let him attack, and let him offense on the inside. He has no offensive ability. When the ball is in the hands of the other three players, there will be more partial defense and less defense.

This is similar to Kidd's formation of local multiplayer by passing the ball.

Just a spear and a shield.

Martin could only pass the ball when he saw being defended. Van Horn received the ball and forced a breakthrough, but his soft body met the tough Artest. The farther he went, he could only pass the ball out again. Kidd had already used McCluchy's cover to get rid of Richardson's defense. Miller couldn't keep up, and Kidd made a three-pointer.


The MC at the scene shouted Kidd's name. In the first round, the Nets' tactics did not come out, but they still relied on Kidd's good touch to score the ball.

The fans only saw the goal, and the Nets coach Scott felt a tinge of unease in his heart.

At this time in the domestic men's basketball training center, the players are also watching the game.

Zhu Fangyu sighed: "The Nets' tactics are really not covered. Everyone is not greedy for the ball, and people move the ball. In the end, Kidd's shooting was also very stable."

Yao Ming nodded: "Yes, when I watched the Bulls' game live for the first time, I was amazed at their tactical execution. Each player has his own responsibilities. Maybe some players on the field are not easy to use when they get CBA to play foreign aid. , but the fact that they can find jobs in the NBA shows that functional players have their own uniqueness."

CBA's foreign aid needs to have the ability to score independently. If a pie-eating player like Kenyon Martin comes to the CBA, maybe it's better to do well in the NBA.

Only Yi Jianlian frowned slightly.

He plays in the United States, and usually the team will discuss some specific play styles of various NBA teams, such as the Nets, which is rarely completed by Kidd, especially the first offense.


"Is it possible that the Nets' tactic this time was actually not played, and Kidd forced the shot?" Yi Jianlian asked cautiously.

Yao Ming and Zhu Fangyu looked at each other, they really didn't expect this possibility.

Only head coach Wang Fei glanced at Yi Jianlian in surprise and sighed in his heart: "Maybe Yi Jianlian has never played in the professional league, and his professionalism may not be as good as Dayao and Zhu Fangyu, but Yi Jianlian, who came out of an American university, is exposed to different tactics. Comprehensiveness, as well as vision, has far surpassed several other people today."

Even Yao Ming is estimated to have to wait until he has some experience in the NBA before he can improve in these areas.

This is the limitation of domestic leagues.

There is no way to look at the world, and the United States, as the palace of world basketball, naturally gathers the most diverse tactical changes in the world.

Richardson ran out of the space with the help of two positioning screens, and the ball arrived. Lu Yu found Richardson's position in the gap between the people. Richardson caught the ball and made a three-pointer. The basketball crossed a perfect line. Arc, fell firmly into the basket.


Zhu Fangyu couldn't help but envy, if he moved like this and received a pass from Lu Yu, would he be able to hit?

He didn't know, but he knew that this style of play would definitely enter Coach Wang Fei's tactical manual.

He has been practicing hard shooting and dribbling, especially the three-point shot, because he understands that as long as he can run out of space like Richardson, Lu Yu will definitely pass the ball to himself, and he can't wait to be with Lu Yu. Playing the World Championships.

"If the Bulls lost, Lu Yu would have come back sooner..." He was amused by his own thought.

However, the Bulls were obviously not having a good time at this time. Kidd's hand was too smooth. After he used a positive movement to pull out the receiving space, he suddenly made an emergency stop and got rid of Lu Yu who was following him. Everyone thought that When he was about to shoot, he suddenly started to accelerate again, wiped away from Lu Yu, who had swung back to defend, and broke into the inside line with three steps. Before everyone could react, he scored the ball with a cricket.

So everyone saw him blowing kisses to the audience on the big screen.

Lu Yu sighed: "I just don't know if Cartwright will stick to his style of play."

Lu Yu has a feeling that if this style of play persists, maybe he can really win, because Kidd can't be so accurate all the time. When the others are completely locked, the Nets really have to count on Kidd. Scored with McClouch?

When Lu Yu turned back and looked at Cartwright, after receiving Cartwright's signal to continue this tactic, he put his heart back in his stomach.

The coaches have nothing to fear.

Just play the game yourself.

This is a matchup, a game of defensive psychology. Artest, Lu Yu and Chandler have been very successful in defending the Nets' striker. Except for Kidd and McCluchy, the Nets have few points. the poor.

In the last 3 minutes of the first quarter, Scott replaced Richard Jefferson. The Nets needed someone else to attack with the ball. Cartwright immediately replaced Trenton Hassell.

Against such a strong player in possession of the ball, Hassel's candy defense was the most effective, and Jefferson felt terrified when he saw Hassel in the end.

The single quarter was tied 24-24.

In the second quarter, Miller led the substitutes to debut, namely Crawford, Hassel, Mercer and Oakley. The Bulls strengthened their inside attack and quickly defeated the Nets inside, and the score difference was quickly widened. to double digits.

Nets coach Scott saw that the situation was wrong, and quickly changed to the main lineup, hoping to use the main lineup to recover the score. As a result, the Bulls saw the move and sent the main lineup. Kidd's hit rate began to drop, and the Bulls Given him the opportunity to open, he didn't dare to shoot easily, because he couldn't make the shot.

The point difference continued to widen in the second half, and the Bulls led by [-] points in the third quarter and entered garbage time.

Scott couldn't do anything on the sidelines, and he couldn't prevent the Bulls' offense. Originally, the Nets were not a team that started with defense. There were a lot of attackers in the team, and none of them could be used to defend, let alone restrictions. Lu Yu is gone, and even restricting Brad Miller is quite difficult.

In the final 112 to 89, the Bulls beat the Nets to get a good start in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Cartwright laughed from ear to ear as he shook hands with Nets coach Scott, thinking he was too smart.

Before the game he called to ask his former head coach, Phil Jackson, the coach of the Western Lakers, how to beat the Nets.

The old Zen master told him that if it was the Lakers, just use O'Neal to pierce the inside line of the Nets.

Cartwright: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If I had O'Neal, I would ask you?"

Zen master also told him that if there is no O'Neal, he should take the main defense of the opponent's scoring points, let go of the organizer and the non-scoring points, and use the method of zone attack to defend.

This gave Cartwright enough inspiration.

And it's too easy to play like this. I'll change the opponent, and I won't move if the opponent doesn't move. It's equivalent to sitting on the sidelines without even thinking about it. Nets coach Scott stomped back and forth on the sidelines. Constantly adjusting tactics, the results are useless.

The Bulls are all about changing things.

This is impossible. The Nets have no absolute offensive strengths. All the Bulls do not have to guard a certain player and have enough energy to dismantle the Nets' tactics.

This is like the 73-win Warriors team of Lu Yu's previous life. The tactics are very subtle, but there is no absolute strength. The Cavaliers can still be dismantled one by one.

But when the team has the absolute strength of Durant, dismantling tactics has no way to solve the problem, because when the game is not smooth, it is enough to give the ball to Durant to swing the scythe.

This is the role of absolute strength.

The Nets don't have absolute strengths, but the Bulls have. When other teammates can't score, it's time for Lu Yu to step up and solve the problem.

On the outside of the Nets, no one can guard Lu Yu.


The three combined for 81 points.

After the first game, experts have predicted that the Nets will also be swept by the Bulls. Only the two teams in the West can prevent the Bulls from winning. Lu Yu said at the press conference that he would win the championship. Not ranting.

The Eastern team can't beat the Bulls and can only look to the west.

The Western Conference finals were very intense, and there were some surprises.

Series G2, Kobe Bryant's food poisoning before the game, the Lakers lost, the score was 1:1
Before Game [-], there was an event that countless Lakers fans thought was by no means an accident—the night before Game [-], Bryant got food poisoning at the hotel he was staying in.

This situation is not the first time in NBA history. In the 97 finals, Jordan played ill with food poisoning and hit a lore.Everyone remembers the classic scene where Pippen walks back to the locker room with his helper.

At this time, the young Kobe was not Qiao Shen, although he insisted on playing for 40 minutes, it was difficult to prevent the defeat.

The Kings, who are bound to win the second game, opened the scoring as soon as they came up and blew the horn of the total attack. In this game, the entire Kings team were passers, and the flow of the ball was more harmonious.

Although the Kings got 23 free throws in the first half, the Lakers only got 5, but relying on O'Neal's killing in the interior, the Lakers clenched the score 50:52.

In the second half, the two sides interacted with each other. At the decisive moment, although Kobe relied on Kobe's key 3-pointer to chase the score to 90:93, O'Neal failed to score a free throw, Fox failed to score a three-pointer, Fisher made a three-pointer, and the Lakers lost 90:96. bitter fruit.


If Bryant hadn't channeled hope, maybe the result of this game would have been different.

After all, when Shaquille O'Neal was cut, the Lakers relied on Kobe to kill the game. When Kobe's feet were soft, do they really expect Fox to kill the game?
Xiaoyu's three-pointer can't be a lore every time.

He also lore that classic once in his life.

Maybe Horry can.

After all, he is the key man, but Horry did his best in this game. Horry, who scored 20 rebounds, can you expect him to do better?

Obviously, this is not possible.

The Bulls' second game was obviously not as easy as the first game.

There was no smile on the face of Nets coach Scott in this game. Although the Nets had been leading from the beginning of the game, he still did not dare to slack off.

If it is said that which team has been researched the most during this time, Scott can tell you without hesitation, it is the Bulls!
Even more than he studies his own team tactics.

He knew how terrifying the Bulls' iron-blooded defense was, and how targeted the Bulls' defensive tactics were, but he had to make the players stay motivated. He thought about countless offensive routines, and finally let him find an effective one method of attack.

Move the ball!
The Bulls' regional attack will inevitably form a situation of more defense and less defense on the strong side. Only by speeding up the transfer of the ball, shifting the ball to the weak side for the first time, and finding an opening for projection, can this situation be solved.

Fortunately, the players have done a good job, and Kidders and Van Horn's outside hit rate is also very high.

He thought that the Bulls would make adjustments in time, but he did not expect that the Bulls would still adhere to the defensive strategy. He knew that the Bulls were betting on the Nets' hit rate, and he was also betting that his players could maintain this feeling.

In the second quarter, the two sides had a tacit understanding and replaced the bench players. Miller was also replaced after leading the bench lineup for a few minutes. Although the Bulls, who had a full bench lineup, attacked well, they still did not stop it. Nets' offense, the Nets extended the score advantage to 11 points at halftime.

At halftime, Cartwright was not too frustrated, but encouraged the players with a smile: "Everyone played well, we have won a victory away, the task has been completed, it would be great if we can win today, if not. If you win, you can only blame your opponent for being too accurate."

The players were stunned. They did win easily in the last game, but this time it was obvious that the opponent had adjusted, and the Bulls had been lagging behind. Although the Bulls' defense had not made many mistakes, this was not the reason for falling behind.

"Their offense relies on their super high hit rate, but they can't have such a hit rate every game. They lead in the first half, but they may not be able to maintain this hit rate in the second half, even if they still maintain the hit rate in the second half. Stop the touch, but they can't have the next game, or even every game... We will definitely win the game at the end."

The crowd cheered up and shouted in unison, "Understood!"

At the beginning of the third quarter, Scott felt the difference in the Bulls' offensive firepower. Lu Yu continued to attack the Nets' inside line, and soon approached the score.

When the game hits this point, especially for the two teams that haven't changed that much, the tricks are almost the same. Even if there are tricks, they will be reserved for the final match, not in the series. the first two games.

Once Lu Yu can't be defended from the outside, he needs constant help from the inside.

Every Bulls player on the court had a basket, so he saw Richardson and Miller's frequent firing on the perimeter, making the Nets' perimeter panic.

When Scott replaced Kidd to rest, the Bulls changed their tactics. Chandler kept going up to the high post, pulling Martin out of the paint completely, and then other players rushed into the Nets' penalty area again and again. .

Martin didn't come out or make up for it, and Chandler played his free throw trick at the free throw line.

During this period of time, Lu Yu forced him to practice free throws every day.

Tell him that O'Neal is his negative teaching material. If he can't make free throws, in the future when others hit the Bulls, they will not be slashing the shark, but the boxing champion.

After several waves of attacks, the Bulls even tied the score.

Scott called a timeout with a livid face.

"How do you defend the opponent's No. 10? Resist him, don't let him break through, don't let him go inside, defend! Do you want me to teach you again about defense? It's difficult for him to make breakthroughs, how much compensation does his breakthrough cause us? Do you understand that as much as you make up, as much as you miss?"

Kidd lowered his head and didn't say anything. Even he could not limit Lu Yu's breakthrough, let alone his substitute. In addition, Lu Yu was too accurate today, and he couldn't help but guard the shot. This guy broke through, as smooth as a loach who can catch it?

And... His hand gently rubbed his chest, how could this No. 10 be so strong, his chest hurt like a broken bone, is this the strength of the defender?
Scott had walked over to Martin, who was gulping water: "Kenyon, don't entangle with Chandler at the basket anymore, pick up more pick-and-rolls, and after the run down, you get in position and hit the opposing No. 10. If you defend against you alone, hit him, and if the other side hits you, it will come out..."

What worries Scott the most now is, can others guarantee the hit rate if it comes out?
His eyes fell on the players who were feeling hot in this game, maybe he could only hope that they could keep the feeling all the time...

It's just that this game can maintain the feel, what about the next game?

In the next two attacks, both Lu Yu and Miller missed the basket, but Cartwright was not worried at all, because he could see that the players had more and more chances. This shows that the Nets' defensive intensity began to decline.

"The defense has dropped, can your offense work?" Cartwright's mouth curled up.

Since the Nets are now shifting their defense to the outside, the inside has a lot of opportunities. Richardson and Miller rushed to the inside after the pick-and-roll, Kenyon Martin returned to defense, and Richardson did not hesitate. Throwing the ball into the hands of Miller, who was waiting in the high post, Miller made an easy hit.


Kenyon Martin finally found a chance to hit Lu Yu, but he was attacked by Miller. He wanted to find his center teammate Mike Loach, but found that there was no chance to pass the ball.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he turned over and hooked, and hit.

He couldn't help but secretly celebrate that luck was really good.


Richardson reflexively slipped the bottom line and passed the ball to Chandler at the basket under the opponent's double team. Chandler didn't make a shot under the interference of Kenyon Martin, just when several people wanted to win this When rebounding, Lu Yu made a high-speed cut from the outside line and took the rebound off several heads.

Half of the rebound was due to Chandler, who stuck Kenyon Martin.

Lu Yu, who took off the rebound, threw the ball to Richardson, who was standing at a zero-degree angle on the left, at the moment of his fall. There was no one in front of Richardson.

Richardson stretched his arms lightly, flicked his wrist, and hit!


The Bulls' offensive firepower came as fast as the tide. Compared with the Nets, they completely relied on Kidd's shooting and Kenyon Martin's piecemeal mid-range. Although they never gave up, the score was already in the first half of the fourth quarter. Was pulled to 16 points difference.

This is also the highest point difference in the game.

Lu Yu easily hit the ball from Richardson, and before he knew it, his score had reached 37 points, obviously setting a new high for his playoffs.

The end of the game whistle sounded, and the Bulls won G114 98:2.

The highest scorer in the game was not Lu Yu, but Kidd of the Nets. Kidd made 25 of 14 shots, including 11 of 6 three-pointers, and scored a game-high 39 points with a super high hit rate.

It is unbelievable that Ji Bu's attack was forced to score such a high score.

It's just that his faltering after the game made fans worry about whether his physical strength can still play in the next game?
And even if Kidd played like this, didn't the Nets still lose?

The whole arena was silent.

Lu Yu sighed.

Is it useful to get so many points, except to tire yourself into a dog?On second thought, I also scored 37 points, um, useful...

 The days are ten thousand, and that's it for today. I will try to write more tomorrow.Thanks to book friends 20220623202741682 and book friends 20220630030529449 for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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