Basketball starts with breathing

Chapter 126 3 Jiang He Book Friends Group

Chapter 126 Sanjiang and the Book Friends Group
At 11:30 on Wednesday night, the editor sent me a message, asking me to revise my profile and prepare to pk Sanjiang.

On Thursday afternoon, I asked nervously, did you get on?Edit Answer: On.

Friday, here comes the station short.

This is the second time I went to Sanjiang. The mentality of the two times was completely different. The first time I didn't think about it at all, I closed my eyes and wrote. One day, I suddenly received an editor's message.

The results this time are actually good, maybe because I have higher expectations in my heart, so the whole person seems very anxious.

Anyway, it's finally up.

Thank you Shanhai for giving so many recommendations along the way!

Thank you Fireworks Bright, the author of "America's Big Hero", for persuading me to come back and write about basketball so many times!
Thank you Jinyin for giving me a chapter push in "Tough Waist", and let me rub against your Sanjiang strong push editor-in-chief for a best-selling set of recommended benefits!

Thanks to Xiafei Cheeks who have always liked to read my book, some old readers have read her "Long Live the Summoning", and there is a great god who likes to read his own book, which is a great feeling!

Thanks to my big readers, without your collections, without your perseverance in voting for me every day, I believe that I might really have jumped to the bottom of the Yellow River this time.

It was you who encouraged me to write down with one recommendation ticket, monthly ticket.

When I wrote this book, I was still earning milk powder money for my children. In a blink of an eye, this book should earn tuition fees for my children.

I can only say to myself:
Mao Mao, 95 oil is so expensive, let's fuel ourselves!

Tell me about the book friend group number,
It's the same book group from the previous book, the Seattle locker room.

Group number: 124795631
The old rules, you can go in, don't bring a knife into the group to urge changes, Mao Mao will run away.

This group is a serious book group.

There is also an irregular... ahem, an irregular group.

Mao Mao and his friends V group.

Group number: 470082627
I need 1000 fans for any book I write, and enter it with a screenshot of the fan value.

This group was just created, because some readers said they wanted to see Liu Bei, I thought about it, I am a serious author, how can I write that stuff.

But...I can ask my friends to help me write.

After my friend finishes writing, I post it in this group, of course it depends on how much free time my friend has.

When she doesn't have time, everyone chats in the group. For writers like me, the threshold of 1000 fans is set here, and there shouldn't be too many people in the group.

Wouldn't anyone really want to see Liu Bei?

Two groups, feel free to join.


Don't forget to vote...

Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, whatever...

(End of this chapter)

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