The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 549 Golden State Wolf General

As soon as the memorial inscription of Tang Qing'an, the Duke of Baoguo, came out.

In addition to commemorating the official who committed suicide to defend the country, it also clearly pointed out that the Jinjiang army followed the emperor's order, punished the people, stabilized the place, and should not resist.

in Shandong.

Along with Dien Wen, more than 70 officials arrived in Denglai by boat and went to various places.

And finally the transfer was completed, so that they still brought a large amount of food, totaling more than [-] stones of corn, sweet potatoes, rice, dried salted fish, etc.

The officials called together the local big households and strictly ordered them not to stockpile grain and grain merchants not to raise prices. The two-pronged approach, together with the grain shipped from Jinzhou, suppressed the ever-increasing grain price in Shandong in just half a month. .

What is the human heart.

It cannot be seen or touched, but the human heart exists.

The common people have steelyards in their hearts.

What Jinjiang Town did was first to ensure the lives of the people, and then to send a large number of hard-working officials to organize the place.

All the necessary conditions have been fully prepared.

The whole territory of Shandong.

Without any surprise, it was brought under the rule of Jinjiang Town.

However, Tang Qing'an's memorial text not only did not arouse the resistance of the rest of the officials, but instead made the officials of the imperial courts in various places give up their preparations.

"The sky is changing."

"What the destiny belongs to, it cannot be resisted by manpower. We are ashamed to the emperor."

"Tang Qing'an has accumulated [-] years of accumulation, and he has accumulated a lot of money. This kind of concentration is really very human."

There are 89 counties in six prefectures and fifteen prefectures in Shandong.

Gu Daochu, the second-in-command of officials in Jinjiang Township and the envoy of the right branch, arrived in Jinan Prefecture and began to reorganize the government.

"The original officials will keep their old positions. After three months, they will take the big exam, and they will be ranked according to their governance achievements."

Step by step.

Jinjiang town encroached on Shandong, and finally directly showed its ambitions and assessed officials by itself.

But the tide is gone.

Even if someone is dissatisfied, they can't resist.

Compared with the situation of the refugee army in Henan, the background of Jinjiang Town is too rich, and anyone with a discerning eye knows it.

This world will eventually fall to Duke Bao.


The head of the Kong family went to Jinzhou by ferry in person to meet with the Duke of Baoguo in order to keep the lintel.


Enter Shandong from Chengwu.

Only a distance of more than three hundred miles can reach Kaifeng Mansion.

Kaifeng and Shandong are separated by the Yellow River.

Therefore, the forces of the refugee army did not jump over the Yellow River and enter the territory of Shandong. Instead, their control was only in Lanyang, Yifeng and other cities that stayed on the west side of the Yellow River.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantages of the Yellow River, several cities defended Kaifeng.

It shows that Long Zaiqian has scruples about the Jinjiang army in his heart, but he doesn't even control the small frontier county on the other side of the Yellow River, which also belongs to Henan.

It also shows that although there are scruples, there are not many scruples.

It can only show that Jin Jiangzhen is too well prepared.

It has greatly carried forward the essence of the art of war that is as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as aggressive as the fire, and as immovable as the mountain.

When the refugee army was stabilizing Henan, the Jinjiang Army only sent a small force to stabilize Penglai City by the sea.

It not only concealed the movements of the Jinjiang Army, but also paved the way for the main force of the Jinjiang Army.

Troops and horses move ahead without food and forage.

Relying on the large amount of food and grass piled up in Penglai, the Jinjiang army can attack quickly as soon as it crosses the sea.

When Zhu Xiu arrived at Xiaosongji in Shandong Province and collected boats to cross the Yellow River, the general of Kaifeng learned of the urgent military situation from Yifeng.

The refugee army did not have qualified officials and talents, so it could only rely on the original local government forces.

Although they accepted the rule of the refugee army, they were not firm in their hearts.

When encountering the Jinjiang army flying the imperial banner, no official dared to resist, nor did he have the intention to resist.

There are only a few important cities.

For example, cities such as Yifeng and Lanyang are important military locations, so the refugee army sent their own troops to garrison them.

Otherwise, Jin Jiang's army can reach Kaifeng without any effort.

Talk and go.

The military division's strategy is too perfect.

The city of Kaifeng was too close to Shandong, which gave the Jinjiang army a chance to make a surprise attack.

plus various factors.

Just talking about the current situation of the Jinjiang army and the refugee army, in fact, the refugee army should not set up its base camp in Kaifeng.

It belongs to exposing one's own heart to Jin Jiang's knife.

Mindful and careless.

Kaifeng is an ancient capital with a great reputation, and it is also the capital of Henan. In this regard, Long didn't think carefully before.

In fact, he deserves to be caught in this situation.

Jinjiang Town is full of talented people, and the three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. What's more, the strategy conspired by countless talents is not something that Longqian, who has just gained a foothold, can deal with.

If it is not as well prepared as Jinjiang Town, it will be at a disadvantage everywhere.

"Tell Old Heigan that if he dares to let the Jinjiang army cross the Yellow River, don't blame me for disrespecting brotherhood and beheading him."

Yu Youpeng cursed angrily with red eyes.

The Jinjiang army is famous, but it has never appeared in China.

The refugee army is not strong enough.

It is impossible to deal with the Jinjiang army while expanding their territory, and the paralyzing actions of the Jinjiang army made them choose to expand their territory.

However, the refugee army had just fallen, and the Jinjiang army attacked them later and hit their heads.

Yu Youpeng, who was well aware of the critical situation, knew that unless he relied on the benefits of the Yellow River to prevent the Jinjiang army from crossing the river, he would not have time to wait for rescue.

"Jinjiang's army is powerful. I heard that there are no fewer than one hundred thousand troops. I'm afraid it can't be stopped by Lao Heigan with more than a thousand troops."

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it. Let him tell the old brothers that death must buy time for the new king to lead the army back."

Taking nicknames is the tradition of the generals of the refugee army.

During the rebellion, no one dared to reveal their real names, for fear of implicating relatives in their hometown.

With a nickname, it means that he is an old thief for many years.

And he can rest assured that he is entrusted with important tasks, and he is an old army in the new king's army.

"How long will it last? Do you want to send some reinforcements?"

"Block to the last person."

Yu Youpeng did not agree to send reinforcements.

Kaifeng City is more important, and he only has more than [-] troops, and the old, weak, sick and disabled are mainly left behind.

The rebels fought for nearly 20 years.

Many young people who were in their prime at the time are now very old and can no longer run.

And brothers who were disabled by the war.

Yu Youpeng gave the order to die, but he knew that the old black pole would not be able to stop it for long.

One is that the old black pole has too few troops, and the other is that the Jinjiang army is too famous.


Zhao He transported the light wheeled artillery to the large ship, a total of seven ships, mixed with the other 230 ships of various sizes, and two battalions of [-] soldiers attacked the city on the other side of the Yellow River.

The upstream of Yifeng is Lanyang, and the downstream is Kaocheng, both of which are guarded by the city.

Detours also require strong attacks.

Lanyang City is far away from the Yellow River, and the artillery can't be powerful. Kaocheng is far away from Fengyuan, and the gain is not worth the loss, so it is better to attack Yifeng directly.

"Whoosh whoosh."

"Bang bang bang."


Both sides are elite soldiers, and no one is afraid of the other when you come and go on the battlefield, but the refugee army has the upper hand with the advantage of the city.

The remaining two places where the terrain is flat and where the river can be crossed, the refugee army has also built fortifications and is ready.

What Zhao He attacked was a beach in the south.

Here is a gentle slope. After the soldiers disembark, they can run up directly. Of course, the guards on the opposite side must be dealt with first.


Twelve cannons on seven large ships made a deafening sound.

The ship shook violently with the recoil of the cannon.

The artillerymen endured the turbulence and reloaded the shells with great difficulty, while the ship was still shaking.

The draft is shallow and the boat is light.

Not to mention loading a dozen or even twenty or thirty cannons like a sea-going ship, even two cannons are difficult.

The Jinjiang Army's artillery now is not the large firecrackers of the previous Ming Dynasty, and the recoil of the two is very different.

It cannot be like in the early Ming Dynasty that a river boat can hold several firearms.

Only one shell fell into the position of the refugee army, and the rest hit the open ground.


Second salvo.

The third salvo.


The refugee army of more than two hundred guards not only destroyed the fortifications, but also suffered heavy casualties.

"The gunfire of the dog soldiers is too sharp, I'm afraid the brothers can't stop it."

Old Black Rod was furious.

King Zhongshun was defeated. Among them was the new army of Dazhou, which also had new artillery, but was taken to Huguang by the new king, preparing to fight Cheng Zhixin.

And in terms of proficiency in using artillery, no one can compare to the Jinjiang Army.

When the Jinjiang Army was still the Jinzhou Army, it began to equip a large number of bird guns and Frang machines.

"If the fight continues, the brothers will die. The idea is hard to deal with, let's talk about it."

The brothers persuaded.

Old Black Rod shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, it's that he can't run.

It’s different in the past.

The refugee army finally gained a foothold in Henan. With today's prestige, he can run, but the consequences are too serious.

Fleeing and fighting, Lao Heigao didn't want to run anymore.

Just like the thousands of people in Kaifeng City are old and weak, they can't run.

Hei Gan, who was chased by officers and soldiers and ran for 20 years, also didn't want to run.

When is it a head?

The old black pole is old.

And for the sake of the new king, he can't run.

"The refugee army's combat effectiveness is not weak."


Li Bosheng put down the binoculars and sighed.


Golden State craftsmen have been able to polish it out.

Soon there will be concave-convex mirrors.

The monocular binoculars came out accordingly, became the equipment in the army, and was deeply loved by the sailors.

than on land.

In the endless sea, the role of the telescope is even greater.

"According to the information, the person opposite is an old thief from the refugee army. This performance is just as it should be."

Beside General Li Bosheng, Battalion Chief Li Chengcai, Zhao He and others waited for the general's order.

"If Long's former subordinates were all such soldiers who dared to fight to the death, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome in the future."

Li Bosheng was worried.

Li Chengcai and Zhao He are both veteran generals of the Jin Jiang Army.

He fought with the general in his twenties, and he is now over middle-aged.

The older generation of the refugee army can't run anymore, hoping for peace.

The old, middle-aged and young of the Jinjiang Army relayed from generation to generation.

The older generation of generals who stayed behind could not only run, but also systematically learned military knowledge, complemented the theory, and increased the pattern.

For example, the generals of the Middle and Young Dynasties were represented by the Five Tigers.

He has become the commander of the battalion and leads a battalion of troops to fight.

In a few years or more, these people will be guerrillas, divided into guards, and generals, who can lead a large army to fight alone.

There is also a younger generation who created the so-called Ten Wolf Generals.

The ten wolf generals are all graduates of the Military Academy.

The fighting was extremely brutal.

Not only did he not take his own life seriously, but he was proud of his sacrifice.


When Li Chengcai and Zhao He were drinking in their spare time, they would feel puzzled.

The more you read, the more refined you should be.

How come the military academy is full of people who cultivate tigers and wolves.

Both Li Chengcai and Zhao He found Lao Shizi's ten-wolf generals' style of play unbelievable, and felt unbearable.

It is also proposed that soldiers do not wear armor, which is more convenient for combat.

The bayonets are lined up, approaching the enemy twenty steps before firing, even if the enemy's artillery fire is on the way forward, they will not waver.

The private soldier in front died, and the private soldier in the back made up.

Officers die, veterans make up.

The whole army can only shout, move forward, move forward!
Such a brutal style of play.

It smells horrible.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation replaces the old.

Li Chengcai and Zhao He often feel that they don't think they can compete with the new generation of young people.

They are not afraid of death or suffering, and they are proud of the battlefield.

Military discipline is life.

Be so harsh on yourself.

The honor is engraved to the bone marrow.

Without faith in your heart, you can't do it.

their beliefs.

The light of the sun and the moon is all Han soil!Wherever the rivers and rivers go, they are Hanchens!
The slogan from the ancestors of the Han Dynasty was dug out by the military academy, engraved on a stone tablet, and erected in the square.

Everyone who passed the military academy could see the huge stone tablet with big characters carved on it.

military academy.

It is already an extraordinary force in Jinjiang Town.

And the general respected Mr. very much.

Under the general's respect, some gentlemen from the military academy dared to run in front of the general and insisted on protecting the military students.

Even the general had no choice but to back down.

It was the two hundred soldiers from the military academy who had an accident in Penglai at the end of the year before last.


"Zhu Xiu has besieged Kaifeng."

Newsletter after another.

Golden State is used to it.

No one thought that the Jin Jiang army would fail.

Without him.

Ten years of flatness, ten years of development.

20 years of work.

It is the confidence of Golden State.

"Are there any hidden dangers in Shandong?"

Tang Qing'an said with concern.

There were only a thousand refugee troops stationed at the mouth of the Yellow River, and Zhu Xiu led an army of one hundred thousand. Such trivial matters could not attract Tang Qing'an's attention.

The three major battalions originally used by the imperial court to defend Jinzhou surrendered to Jinzhou without a single soldier, and the garrisons from various places in Shandong made Jinzhou gain tens of thousands of soldiers for nothing.

And the surrendered Beizhen Army and Liaoxi Army.

The Jinjiang army prepared 16 soldiers, but after entering the customs, it easily increased to [-] soldiers.

Compared with the military, Tang Qing'an cares more about local governance.

Originally prepared 25 shi of food for disaster relief, but because of the rapid expansion of troops, the military commander tried his best to withhold [-] shi from Gu Daochu's hands.

The reason is to prepare for a rainy day.

Although there are enough supplies in the army, excess food needs to be left to deal with unexpected emergencies.

Lin Ruhai has to manage internal affairs and take care of Shandong at the same time.

The hair is all gray.

However, he was full of energy and kept smiling.

"Jinjiang's soldiers entered the Central Plains without bloodshed, and they will surely leave a name in history and be admired by all generations!"

Tang Qing'an smiled, but said nothing.

There are many places where the people's army of later generations will be peacefully liberated.

Yue Wumu's Northern Expedition.

The Han people in all parts of the north were not equally unresisting.

It's just that Yue Wumu failed in the end.

Seeing that the general didn't take it seriously, Lin Ruhai changed the subject.

"For the people who have no land and no savings, they can become civilian husbands and serve in the logistics of the army, or they can organize slave labor, distribute free grain seeds, farm tools for farming, and tax exemption for ten years."

"So in less than two months, Shandong not only restored peace, but also recruited [-] to [-] peasants, and organized [-] to [-] people without food."

The emigration to Nurgan was a plan that Tang Qing'an personally participated in formulating.

Every year, over [-] refugees flood into Jinjiang Town, a large number of young and middle-aged people. Before they are completely resettled, the government organizes the construction of roads and water conservancy projects.

Not to mention the dense ditches all over the place, the straight road has also been built to Nuergan.

One is from Tieling to the northeast, passing Siping, Tongyu, and arriving at Duoyanwei, and the further Fuyuwei is still under construction.

One goes from Fushun to the east, passing through Jianzhouwei, Huifacheng, Jihewei, Wuyewuwei, which is Jilin in later generations.

The two straight roads meet at Ciluwei, which is also the end point of the two straight roads.

Ciluwei is the Harbin city of later generations.

Slave did too much.

The farther east and north you go, the colder the weather is. As far east as Sakhalin Island, it snows for eight months a year, and there is only two or three months without snow.

Now in the Little Ice Age, it is frozen all year round.

The same goes north.

It is accompanied by frost all the year round, and people and animals are rare.

Therefore, according to the current plan, the population who immigrated to Nuergan is mainly in these two areas, that is, Jilin and Heilongjiang in later generations.

As for more places, the current situation can only be based on the situation of military settlements, with 200 people as one settlement, and moving slowly.

The military bases in the extreme north are all supplied by Jinzhou, and they are still not self-sufficient, and it will take at least three years.

However, all the savings of Jinzhou were involved in the country, which led to the interruption of this plan, and it will be resumed when the country is calm.

"Mr. Zhou, do you have any ideas for making up for the leak?"

Tang Qing'an looked at Zhou Shichang.

The most practical official in Jinjiang Town, all matters related to ditches, water conservancy, fields, acres of grain, and crops were all planned by him, a great sage invited from China by Lin Ruhai back then.

He is also Jia Huan's father-in-law.

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