Chapter 519
army division.

The map of Japan hangs high.

Xie Youcheng, Tao Jie, Wushun and others accompanied the general to describe the situation in Japan and the various countermeasures discussed in the fourth town.

For example, what to do if Tokugawa Iemitsu wins, what to do if Tokugawa Hidetada wins, and another example is the envoys sent to various countries.

"Japan's enfeoffment system has advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is the management of the local government by the shogunate. Once the situation changes, it is easy to lose control."

Tao Jie introduced the countries in the Edo area.

The forces belonging to the shogunate planted a white flag, the forces belonging to the opposition planted a black flag, and the forces maintaining neutrality planted a blue flag.

It can be clearly seen from the map that there are mostly blue flags.

More blue flags does not mean stability.

Expel the officials of the shogunate and strengthen its own strength. Even if the shogunate wins in the end, it will face a place that is out of control.

King Zhongshun took the expressions of his subordinates into his eyes, and then solemnly warned everyone.

No matter who is the final winner of this war, the victor will also be greatly injured, so neither side chose to eliminate the opponent first, but chose to eliminate the potential opponents around them first.

If they succeed in expanding their territory in Japan, they must be famous in history. How can they not be excited when they are promoted to the second in command of the military.

"There is no need to worry too much about this matter. It is not the time for the court to deal with Jinjiang Town. I believe King Zhongshun will not act rashly."

There are more white flags representing the forces of the shogunate than black flags of opposing forces.

What can really deal a fatal blow to Jinzhou is the sea trade of Jeju Island.

If there is a problem with the sea trade on Jeju Island, Jinjiang Town's finances will go bankrupt, and the armies will not be able to pay their salaries, which is the root cause of Jinjiang Town's overthrow.

Not only the imperial court, Lin Dan Khan, who annexed the right-wing Mongolia, is also a big threat, and the voice of North Korea's resistance to Jinjiang Town is getting louder, which should not be underestimated.

"Although the matter in Japan is important, it should not be delayed for many years."

If it succeeds, it will benefit Jinjiang Town, and if it fails, it will not hurt Jinjiang Town at all.

"Spain has a lot of influence in Japan. Although they were expelled by the shogunate, the Spaniards did not give up."

The navy of the Jinjiang Army is invincible in the eastern waters.

You don't need to have great skills, you just need to send them everywhere to strengthen your control and avoid bad things from happening.

According to Hamgyong-do and Pyongan-do, there are some Koreans who don’t want to live a good life, and there are also some barbarians who don’t want to live a good life.

This is also a kind of prosperity.

In the south of Edo, Kai, Suruga, Enjiang and other places are very dazzling surrounded by three white flags in the east, west and north, which also shows that the situation is dangerous.

"This king ignores the previous rules. Since this king is here, my rules are the rules. Anyone who is dissatisfied with the rules set by this king can tell this king."

Because of the lack of talent, the only thing that can be sold is qualifications.

Hearing Wushun's voice, the rest of the people did not speak, but looked at the general one after another.

The protruding corner of Edo in the Kanto region is solidly defended by virtue of its geographical advantage. At the same time, because of the terrain, Musashi and Sagami are the locks of Edo.

On Kyushu Island, where the army is far away, civil unrest will inevitably crush the feudal clans. Even if the army retreats, it will still face a chaotic situation.

Spain, which has lost its Armada, will be divided up by various countries in Europe.

This is impossible.

When the barbarians were not wiped out, King Zhongshun tried his best to go to war with the Jinjiang army. When the barbarians were wiped out, King Zhongshun changed his attitude.

The strength of the Tokugawa shogunate itself is sufficient to defend Edo and cooperate with the pro-vassal daimyos to fight against the rebels.

"If you tell me about your grievances, but you dare not say so, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

King Zhongshun had a cold face.

Not to mention the difficulty of delivery across thousands of miles, but the current war in Europe is enough to make the Spanish Armada not dare to go far.

Xie Youcheng nodded in approval.

Compared with the control of North Korea in the past, Japan has a larger territory and a large population, so it is impossible to have a perfect strategy.

We all know that Zhongshun Wang is ruthless, but I didn't expect to be so ruthless.

No matter how much the imperial court pays, it is not enough for the army to divide.

The civil unrest in Kyushu Island is inevitable, and the momentum is huge. The feudal clans of Kyushu Island assembled more than [-] troops, and the traitors in the rebellious army betrayed them, and it was difficult to eliminate the civil unrest.

Therefore, the next plan of the shogunate can be clearly judged.

With the rise of Lin Ruhai, because of his influence and win over, domestic talents enthusiastically joined Jinjiang Town.

Only mediocre people pursue seniority.

As for those who are dissatisfied, in the eyes of King Zhongshun, they are people with insufficient talents.

There are generals on both sides, some look angry, some are anxious, some are calm and indifferent, and there is a man kneeling in the hall, his head is full of sweat.

The military forces of the various vassals of Kyushu Island unite and go northward. If it is true that there will be civil unrest in Kyushu Island this year, as the general expected, then the fourth town will take Kyushu Island into the bag.

It's just that as a new force, it faces many problems.

The man cried bitterly and begged for mercy, but he dared not tell who the person above was, until he was dragged far away and his voice gradually disappeared.

Hearing what his cousin said, Wushun stopped asking.

For the more than [-] troops that entered Japan, food supplies were provided by Tokugawa Hidetada, and Jinjiang Town only contributed a little.

This is the advantage of occupying the Ryukyu country. Although the Ryukyu country is not big, the long island chain blocks the entire southeast coast, like the Great Wall on the sea.

In the decision-making at the highest level, he can start to have a voice.

Wu Shun at the end couldn't help but speak.

Whether it came from Tokugawa Tadaga's idea is not important, the important thing is that he adopted this strategy.

When the snipe and the clam fight each other, the fisherman benefits. The Japanese also understand this truth.

The court's establishment of the new army was one battalion, and King Zhongshun directly expanded it to the third battalion. According to the establishment of the Jinjiang Army, it was 9000 people.

Treat the inside first and then deal with the outside.

It can be seen that this person's patience is extremely strong, and when the opportunity is lost, he will wait for the right time.

Tang Qing'an said seriously.

It's a wonderful tacit understanding, making the same decision, which makes people have to sigh.

Too many unpredictable, Tang Qing'an frowned.

The Wu family is no longer just a dispensable force.

"How much did you take? You said you were innocent, so tell this king who you gave your filial piety to."

The army of the shogunate is sweeping the entire Gyeonggi, and they are making a big move to clear the public.

Some time ago, several well-known old men spoke against Lin Ruhai to the general, and left Jinzhou indignantly after being rejected.

Spain only needs to provide arms to the Japanese vassals, and it will cause huge losses to Jinjiang Town.

It was not until 100 years later that Britain officially began its plan to conquer the Mughal Kingdom. Now it is more about business cooperation, and its ambition for the Great Zhou disappeared with the defeat in the Guangzhou War.

As for the business between Jinzhou and Denglai, although the benefits are not small, they are not shaken enough.

Tang Qing'an laughed.

"That's exactly what it should be."

The superiors don't need to be too smart, but they need to know how to listen to others.

Miscellaneous sources are easy to fail. The more than [-] troops sent by the Jinjiang Army have more complicated sources, and everyone subconsciously avoided this topic.

If so, send it to Japan.

There are tens of thousands of veterans in Jinzhou, and the chaos in the country has not yet been settled. King Zhongshun will not act recklessly regardless of the situation. Even if there is a change, it will not be a fatal blow to Jinzhou.

Starting from Longshan Mountain, passing through Yangjiadian, Beiqu Mountain, and crossing the Dajing River, you will arrive at Jinshan Mountain, also known as Yuyu Mountain.

What's more, in the situation in Japan, who will win the game in the end will have the last laugh.

What was left was a blank sheet of paper, letting Jinjiang Town manage it was Tang Qing'an's plan.

Prove your heart on the battlefield.

When the integration of the shogunate was completed, combined with the pro-vassal daimyo around Edo, they went south to fight against Tokugawa Tadacho.

The new army trained from the three battalions chose Penglai Jinshan as its camp.

If he wanted to oversee the three battalions of the army and to train the new army, King Zhongshun had to ensure that at least [-]% of the food supplies were used by the soldiers.

Unless the King of Spain sent his European armada to the east, Tang Qing'an would not dare to act rashly.

The previous unhappiness between Jinjiang Town and Spain made Tang Qing'an worry that Spain would intervene in the situation in Japan.

King Zhongshun has the prestige of helping the country and the hope of governing the west of Liaoning. Today, the three major battalions of the warlords are really experienced and well-versed.

Not all people from China support Lin Ruhai, some even oppose Lin Ruhai and his new policies and ideas.

Brothers, sworn brothers don't mention it.

If you want to shake the sea trade of Jeju Island, you need to control Jinling, and Jinling is the hometown of the four great families, and it is also the place where most of the nobles in the country have their roots.

He has laid out plans for many years and cannot tolerate the destruction of outsiders.

"However, the main force of the navy is out, and Jinzhou's navy is not strong enough. If the imperial court rebuilds the Denglai Navy, if there is any change, I'm afraid it will be bad for us."

The three battalions of King Zhongshun's army, including the local guards, military forts, and water villages, are all under his management. This man has excellent ability and courage, so he must be guarded against.

As long as the island of Kyushu is firmly established, Jinzhou not only does not need to supply the fourth town, but can also be fed back, forming the situation in North Korea.

Xie Youcheng, Jia Jian, etc. are all elite figures, and they can't see through Wushun's thoughts, but everyone will not laugh at them.

"Both sides are accumulating strength and don't let outsiders take advantage of it. After all, they are brothers." Jia Jian sighed.

Zhao Hongfan, who was a small general at the beginning, became the head coach of the new army in just four months, and became a general in a short time.

Tang Qing'an said.

Tang Qing'an listened carefully to everyone's inferences and pondered over the next steps.

How to use the cousins, Tang Qing'an was cautious, let them accumulate experience from small officials, and it took ten years of hard work to let the family power gradually come to the fore.

"There was no reckless Northern Expedition, Tokugawa Tadaga made a smart decision."

With the prosperous business and trade between the two places and the influx of refugees, many things cannot be kept secret.

King Zhongshun scolded, and ordered someone to push it out and chop it up.

Tang Qing'an thought for a moment, and finally said to everyone.

Virtue is the only way to promote, and there is confidence to promote.

"Regardless of victory or defeat, Japan's chaotic situation is inevitable, and it is generally beneficial to Jinjiang Town and Kyushu Island."

Jinjiang Town has the situation it has today. It is no longer an ordinary town, and has the confidence and strength to swallow the world.

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don’t advance, and new problems will arise regardless of whether you advance or retreat.

[-]% of the supplies are left in the capital, [-]% in the provincial capital, [-]% in the local areas, and only [-]% in actual distribution.

Xie Youcheng affirmed.

This move shocked everyone, but also inspired many people, and many people were full of energy.

Kyushu Island experienced large-scale civil unrest, coupled with the attrition of the vassal soldiers, the local rule was completely destroyed, and neither the official nor the people had the power to resist the Jinjiang army.

But it does not prevent him from thinking that this strategy is indeed the best.




Tao Jie laughed.

Will the rebellious army agree to join the Jinjiang army? With the strength of the fourth town, how much will it cost to defeat the rebellious army?

The turmoil in Jinzhou cannot escape Denglai on the other side of the sea.

It is an inevitable truth that the plate is getting bigger and bigger, and the power is getting more and more.

Family power must exist.

Hearing King Zhongshun's question, he only kowtowed and dared not answer.

Originally, [-]% was given to the soldiers, but King Zhongshun thought that [-]% was the limit, otherwise everyone would oppose him.

"The matter of Japan is a long-term matter. After laying a good foundation in the early stage, you don't need to pay too much effort later."

How many nobles have profited from maritime trade, forming an unbreakable net, not a chain of interests that can be easily broken.

Not only Spain, but also the Netherlands and Portugal are also vying for Japan's trade rights.

Xie Youcheng didn't know that this was the old man of the Torii family, nor did he know that Tokugawa Tadacho's strategy of expanding the surrounding area by means of wooing and annexing came from this person.

But compared to Portugal and the Netherlands, Spain has greater potential. As for the United Kingdom, the current main strength is in the Mughal state.

Therefore, the rebellious army is very likely to defeat the Kyushu Fan army. How should Jinjiang Town deal with the rebellious army at that time.

It is really hard to resist such temptations with small things.

There must be hidden dangers under prosperity, and the two complement each other, just like the shadow under the sun.

This matter is not in line with the procedures and should be taken into custody for trial. Ordinary people would not dare to imitate King Zhongshun, and only he would dare to do so.

At present, because there are too many public forces in Edo, they have completely turned against the shogunate, and it has become a life-and-death conflict.

The lack of supply points for Spanish ships, coupled with the vigilance of the Jinjiang Army controlling the islands of the Ryukyu Kingdom, made it difficult for them to cross the sea to reach Japan.

His intention of interrupting just now was not to discuss one or two, but to show his existence to people.

King Zhongshun's butcher knife fell, and everyone in the hall looked serious, even those who didn't care about it just now, didn't dare to treat him slowly.

This is true of the government, and so is the army.

Whether to absorb it for your own use, or treat it as an enemy and destroy it.

Xie Youcheng's worries are not groundless.

"Compared to the shogunate army, Tokugawa Tadaga's army has too many sources, and the orders of all parties are different. If there is no change, the winner of this battle will eventually be the shogunate."

With the rise of the Netherlands, on the southeast sea, the Netherlands gradually encroached on the areas occupied by Portugal. Spain was held back by the resistance forces in southern Luzon, and its main goal was to completely conquer Luzon.

Governor's office.

Japan's national strength is not weak, and he will not support purely fighting by force, but the general's strategy is astonishing.

"The navy's center of gravity must be placed in the Japanese waters. As long as the Spanish ships that dare to appear are found, one is found and one is sunk."

Those who can accept this new rule of dividing interests are regarded as one of their own, and those who cannot accept this rule are regarded as enemies.

Been doing the same for months.

A few years ago, Tumen came to take office ahead of time, and asked him about the situation of the three battalions, and understood the temperament and style of each general. Coupled with several months of planning, King Zhongshun gained a firm foothold.

King Zhongshun, who had gained a firm foothold, began to rectify the accumulated malpractices in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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