The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 508 I am Marquis Ping Liao

Chapter 508 I am Marquis Ping Liao

"Although Xiaozhi is playful, the general often praises him. Madam, there is no need to be impatient. There are people watching outside, so there will be no trouble."

Zhou smiled.

As the old saying goes, a beautiful woman ages easily, but my wife hasn't changed much in the past ten years. Looking at Qin Keqing, Mrs. Zhou thought enviously.

Qin Keqing wore a snow-green bomber ink peony Shu brocade petticoat, lined with pale pink brocade wrapped around the chest, and a cardigan with a pair of pearls and peacock patterns with blue clouds and clouds pattern on the outside.

The hem of the fancy horse-face skirt was exposed under the big cardigan, and the whole body was half-wrapped by the long-sleeved gown with smoke and flowers.

The cuffs are embroidered with delicate golden butterflies, a few strands of lace are hooked on the front of the chest, and a gold belt is tied around the waist.

Lying quietly in front of the neck is a bottle-shaped silver needle pendant, which adds a touch of elegance. The earlobe flower-basket style gilt silver earrings, and a silver hairpin with enamel colored miscellaneous treasures is used to hold the black hair, coiled into a The delicate willow-leaf hairpin, pinched with a magnolia, looks fresh, beautiful and elegant.

The willow eyebrows are light, the cherry lips are unstained and red, and the whole body exudes a sweet fragrance of orchid grass, which is delicate and charming.

Exuding a graceful atmosphere, with a hint of charm, it is extremely attractive.

Since ancient times, heroes have loved other wives. Today's Qin Keqing, with bumps and bumps, waving a light-yellow handkerchief in her hand, is even more charming.

"I can't control him anymore. Wait for the master to come and let him teach him a lesson."

Qin Keqing cursed bitterly with red lips and white teeth.

"You are an older brother, so you can't be led astray by your younger brother."

Turning her head to look at Tang Yanqian, who was well-behaved, Qin Keqing said worriedly.

"I will not."

The child's eyes were black and white, Tang Yanqian raised his head halfway, looked at his mother seriously, and spoke clearly.

"If I want to go out, I will tell my father in advance. If my father is not around, I will tell my mother. I will only go out with my consent."

"I won't make mother angry. Mother doesn't need to be sad. When my brother comes back, I will teach him not to do this next time."

Speaking is a learning.

How to speak slowly, without haste or impatience, so that people can listen with emotion and not feel boring is a great knowledge.

Father said.

Words are people's most powerful weapon. Mastering words means gaining invisible power, which can move countless people around you.

Tang Yanqian's speech speed was fast when it should be fast, and slow when it should be slow. With the agile eyes, it really made Qin Keqing feel proud.


Qin Keqing lowered her voice unknowingly, and said in a soft voice.


Tang Yanqian nodded vigorously.

"The last few times I went out, I didn't play around. I was with my classmates. My father said that as long as I behaved well and didn't disturb the people, he wouldn't stop me from going out."

"But to repay the favor."

Zhou smiled.

The eldest son has been intelligent since he was a child. Since he went to North Korea, he has become much quieter since he came back. He thought he had suffered a lot, but at some point, he became cheerful again.

This kind of child, not to mention the honorable family, even if it is placed in the common people's family, is the result of the virtues accumulated by the ancestors.

Sitting on the couch, Qin Keqing couldn't help pulling her son in front of her into her arms, stroking his little head.

The Qin family can't compare to the Jia's mansion, nor can it compare to the Wang's mansion. There is no natal family to rely on behind them.

Younger brother Qin Zhong has been running around outside, and his situation has not been very good in the past two years, although she didn't say anything, how could she not know.

That is to say, for her sake, she can still stay in Jinzhou, otherwise she would have been dispatched to a wild place thousands of miles away like Xue Scorpion.

Everything is supported by her alone, she is a woman, and she is nameless, who can understand her suffering.

Jia's mansion is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and Wang's mansion is a man-eating tiger.

Without the influence of her natal family, Qin Keqing really felt miserable.

Sometimes she envies Qingwen instead. Qingwen's situation is different from her own, and she doesn't have so many worries.

Since her son is the eldest son and the second son, Qin Keqing doesn't have so many retreats.

She doesn't expect too much hope, she only hopes that the family will be healthy and healthy, but with her husband's career outside, Qin Keqing, who has studied, has to plan ahead.

Not for himself, but for his sons.

At least.

Let the two sons start a family and start a business.What she was afraid of was that her simple wishes would not be fulfilled, and the more she was afraid, the more unwilling she was to wait passively.

When Tang Qing'an came in, he saw his son Tang Yanqian reading at the desk and Qin Keqing sitting outside.

"Why are you still studying? I've been studying with me for an hour. Be careful not to damage your eyes."

Tang Qing'an said with a smile, walked behind his son and watched him read the Tao Te Ching.

Who said children have no mind.

I taught Tang Yanqian the Tao Te Ching last time. These days, Tang Yanqian often reads the Tao Te Ching.

Just like the children of the later generations playing with their mobile phones in different ways, hiding with adults, there are so many inner thoughts that even adults are hard to guard against.

"I hope it is natural. Therefore, the wind does not end the court, and the rain does not last all day. Who is for this? Heaven and earth. Heaven and earth cannot last long, let alone people? Therefore, those who practice Taoism are the same as Tao; those who are virtuous are the same as virtue; those who lose Those who are the same as loss. Those who are the same as Dao, enjoy the Tao; those who are the same as virtue, enjoy the acquisition of virtue; those who are the same as the loser, enjoy the loss. Belief is not enough, and there is disbelief!"

Tang Yanqian didn't get up. His father had taught him to concentrate when studying, and not to disturb his rhythm because of red tape.

Reading needs to be immersed in it. After being interrupted by foreign objects, if you want to continue to study efficiently, it will take a lot of time to re-invest.

"Those who are engaged in virtue are equal to virtue, and those who are engaged in loss are equal to loss. Dao is also happy to have a person who is equal to virtue..."

Tang Qing'an patted Tang Yanqian on the shoulder. Today's study time is over, and it is not easy to continue to study hard, so he interrupted his son and continued to tell him with a smile.

"If the rulers lack integrity, the governed will not trust the rulers."

"This is an eternal and unchanging natural principle. You are still young and don't understand the mystery, but you should keep it in mind."

"Yes, father."

Tang Yangan stood up and bowed his head respectfully.

"Go outside for a while, relax, and wait for my family to come for dinner."

Knowing that his father would stay with his mother and eat with them, Tang Yangan's smile became brighter.

After sending away his son, Tang Qing'an looked at Qin Keqing. The two had been married for ten years and had two sons and a daughter for themselves.

"What makes you unhappy."

"No way."

Qin Keqing vetoed it.

Looking at the beautiful and delicious Qin Keqing, Tang Qing'an took her hand.

"We haven't walked together for a long time. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. It's better now. I just happen to be free today."

Just like that, Qin Keqing was held by Tang Qing'an's hand. At the door, Tang Qing'an took the initiative to remove Qin Keqing's brocade-studded fur cloak and tie it on for her.

The two walked all the way to the back garden. Although they didn't speak a few words, the old couple, just holding hands like this, was enough to understand each other's mind.

When they came to a dead tree, the two stopped.

Qin Keqing looked at the clean branches, thinking that eight or nine years ago, she and the master were under this tree. At that time, there was only herself in the house, and the master was careless.

Thinking of the embarrassing thing, Qin Keqing felt hot.

Suddenly, a warmth came from behind, Qin Keqing thought that Tang Qing'an's old ways had sprouted, and hurriedly tried to stop him.

It’s different in the past.

There are many people in the family, and there are many children, how can they still act like they used to.

"do not move."

A gust of hot air came from my ears, and my intuition was numb, and my whole body was sore and limp.

Tang Qing'an hugged the soft fragrance like jade, with clear eyes.

"Don't think too much, no matter what happens in the end, or where I go in the end, I will never let you down in the future."

Will the Khalkha tribe betray and choose Lin Danhan, whether the honored ministers of North Korea are honest.

Whether the local forces in Liaodong can accept external talents obediently.

Jia's mansion, Wang's mansion.


Even he, Tang Qing'an, couldn't stop thinking wildly.

When future generations become teachers.

The number of students has decreased, and the number of new students in a grade has dropped from more than a dozen classes to seven classes, which is a full reduction of half. There is no division of teachers in the establishment...

No one can live without worry.

The smarter a person is, the easier it is to worry, because he knows too much, and if he knows too much, he will learn from it and take the initiative to attack.

Tang Qing'an can't guarantee what step Jinjiang Town will take in the future, but he can guarantee that he will live up to his family.

With a large number of people in the family, a lot of thoughts have been consumed outside, and it is impossible to take care of everyone.

"Even if I become the emperor in the future and there are thousands of concubines in the palace, I will always have you in my heart."

Tang Qing'an said in a dignified manner.

His ambitions are lofty.

Aim for the world.

Then it is inevitable that there will definitely not be only one woman in his palace, as time goes by, there will be more and more women.

For internal stability.

Ke Qing has no other advantages besides having the eldest son for herself.

There is only one younger brother, Qin Zhong, in her natal family. Even if Qin Zhong reaches a high position, what can he do by himself, not to mention that it is still uncertain.

Compared with the children of the Wang family, they will definitely form a force in Jinjiang Town in the future, unless Tang Qing'an does not accept the help of the Wang family now.

Even the Jia family is the same.

Since he chose to accept the other party's funding and obtained the other party's political interests, and the other party did not do anything to harm Jin Jiangzhen, then he could not turn his back on him.

Breaking a promise is tantamount to turning the table, and it is your own table.

It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang of the former Ming Dynasty slaughtered the heroes, but in fact, the families of the heroes were all retired with the country. If they were not called the emperor, the power of the heroes would still be the most powerful force in the Ming Dynasty.

The world was not fought by Tang Qing'an alone.

Without this awareness, no one is willing to follow him. Even if he is forced to do so, there will only be a bad ending in the end.

If he killed Wangfu for no reason, even though Wangfu could not resist in Jinzhou, other people would notice it and feel worried, which would shake the stability of Jinjiang Town.

This is the natural truth.

Going against the natural truth is going against the trend, and you will be backlashed by it in the end.

Tang Qing'an couldn't promise Qin Keqing too much, but he wanted Keqing to understand his intentions.

Qin Keqing didn't turn around, she held the master's hand in both hands.

"It used to be true that the husband was good to the concubine. The concubine never regretted being with the husband, and hoped that the husband would not regret having a concubine."


Tang Qing'an was startled.

My heart felt a little lost, a little pity.

Since ancient times, it has been the most ruthless emperor's family.

Not because the emperor is ruthless, but because the world is too heavy.

The incident in Seoul in the first two years, in order to appease the king of North Korea, tried his best to put the eldest son in danger, leaving a thorn in Qin Keqing's heart.

Yesterday for the purpose, he could disregard the life of his beloved son, and the same will be the case when there is a need in the future.

Cao Cao's recklessness killed his son, and his wife Ding resolutely bid farewell to Cao Cao with a firm attitude.

in case.

Tang Yanqian's death in North Korea was caused by his own arrangements back then. I'm afraid Qin Keqing today will not let it go.

Tang Qing'an hugged Qin Keqing vigorously.

He understood Qin Keqing's intentions.

It's a pity that since ancient times, it has been the most ruthless emperor's family.

If there is a real need, like the situation in North Korea, he will still make the same decision, even if Qin Keqing has already expressed her attitude.

The responsibility of the world is greater than everything else.

Qin Keqing shed tears behind her husband's back.

How could she not understand the attitude conveyed by her husband?

Tang Qing'an withdrew her arm, patted Qin Keqing on the shoulder, and led her back, one in front and one behind.

When reading the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty, most people will feel sad and indignant, and everyone will grit their teeth when they see the slaughter of alien races.

Because they are both Han Chinese.

When foreigners raise their butcher's knife high, they never tell where you are from, only whether you are Han Chinese.

Although we know that the end of the Ming Dynasty is not good, the Han people should never die at the hands of foreigners. After hundreds of years of time and space, there is still a cry of grief.

Tang Qing'an took firm steps.

Back then, he was full of confidence and persuaded everyone to follow him upstream because of this mourning, which could not be eliminated even through time and space.

In today's world of great strife, Tang Qingan shoulders the responsibility of the world, does something and does not do it, and when sacrifices are necessary, he will sacrifice.

Afraid of death, he never came to Liaodong back then.

If he didn't have a sense of national responsibility, he would have led the Jin Jiang army into the customs long ago, and choleraed the world for his own ambition.

"Over the years, although I have held a high position, I have never dared to forget that I came from a humble background in private."

Snowflakes fluttered from the sky.

The first snow in Liaodong is coming.

"Because of my humble background, I always give people three points first in everything I do."

Tang Qing'an said calmly.

Just like when the Xue family's housekeeper insulted him in front of everyone, he didn't resist, but chose to accept it and resolve the other party's difficulties.

"Keep, you should understand me, the burden on me is too heavy."

"I've been through so much along the way, and I've shouldered too many people's expectations. I'm no longer alone."

"I am Tang Qing'an, and I am no longer Tang Qing'an."

The city wall of Jinzhou back then.

At the most dangerous time, countless people stepped forward to block the knife for him. What else is there after death?Why are they not afraid of death and are willing to give their lives for themselves, because they all think that they are their hope.


The 700 million Han people in Liaodong are counting on him, the name of General Gao Nian.

People from all over the world gathered together, people experienced unspeakable hardships, and hoped for a new life.

"I am Marquis Ping Liao."

Tang Qing'an finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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