Chapter 481


Among the six divisions, those with the highest status are the official division, the censor of the Inspectorate, and the thirteen officials.

I met the emperor in the Wenhua Hall and waited for the emperor's will.

Everyone's faces were full of worry.


After the emperor came out, he accused them unceremoniously.

"You are all speech officials, and they take speech as their job. If the memorial is realistic, it will benefit the military and the country. I hope to speak out."

Looking at the officials in front of him, the emperor was extremely bored.

After he came to power, he had high hopes for the speaker.I hope they will play the role of monitoring the world and promoting clean government.


Things are often against him, and officials never do what he wants officials to do.

The tone became more and more severe.

"Since this is the case, why do you guys say that your words are blocked? Why do you say that it seems to be clear but is actually blocked?"

Everyone's eyes and nose are watching their hearts.

Lu Zhongheng stepped forward and quickly argued: "I dare not lie to the emperor because of my duty."


After the emperor heard the words, he sneered and looked down upon him extremely.

"You talk about it, and you don't care whether you can do it or not. You just have to write a book. There are also eunuchs who found out that they were only bribed for affection. How can they be officials?
Just like soldiers, horses, money and food everywhere, which one is not bad for you to check, why would you ever commit adultery?What's the use of waiting for you when something bad happens and you're outside of it? "

Having said this, the emperor was still angry and cursed again.

"In the memorabilia on weekdays, the words in it are erratic, and it seems to be talking about something, but if you look closely, you don't say anything.

Even if someone is impeached, it does not point to his actual faults; when he recommends a person, he just says that he has a good reputation, not what is good about his reputation.

You all do this on purpose, and the official who offended you is just a copy of the official, so that it is inconvenient for him to assess. "

After finally getting the chance, he returned to the capital from the local area, and after a year of stability, Lu Zhongheng didn't want to continue to sit on the bench.

The mentor was dismissed again, and now he is the most conspicuous person, not daring to bear the emperor's infamy, so he can only bite the bullet and explain.

"The ministers must tell when they hear about it. It is actually the ancestral system, and they dare not violate it."

Lu Zhongheng's explanation did not satisfy the emperor.

When the Supreme Emperor was alive, he was so suppressed that he didn't dare to breathe, for fear that he would abolish the throne, and he never dealt with government affairs.

Thinking of the mood when he was in power, the emperor felt bored.

"If you hear it, you must tell me. Did this sentence come from your heart, or from your mouth? Since you guys wrote a memorandum, there must be a reason, and it has nothing to do with what was said in the memorandum.

The officials are the eyes and ears of the imperial court. They are not smart, and everything is useless.

If you cheat yourself, you will say that others have cheated; if you break the law, but say that others have broken the law, how can you be an official?In the future, if someone manipulates, entrusts, or bribes, if you find out, there is the law of your ancestors! "

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and he pointed at everyone. :
"Since you are an official, you have an official position. You should worry about everything and plan for everything. The world can be peaceful. Don't use a false name to talk about it, it will only be annoying."

Lu Zhongheng didn't dare to argue anymore.Obviously, although the emperor was talking about them, he actually took the opportunity to complain about everything.

It was no longer an atmosphere for discussion, if the debate was forced to continue, the emperor would definitely be angered in the end, so Lu Zhongheng bowed his head and remained silent.


The emperor also felt bored and waved his sleeves.

"Nowadays the people are destitute and rich, and thieves everywhere start from money. The money and affairs must be balanced, and the people can be at peace. If you don't do this, how can you focus on the topic and make a name for yourself!"

This sentence surprised many people.

After everyone leaves.

Qiu Shi'an stepped forward to offer tea and comforted him. "Why should the emperor be angry with them? Instead, the emperor's dragon body was ruined."

Hearing the eunuch's words, the emperor's eyes flickered.

Having been in power for many years, he is no longer the person who had illusions about officials.

The benevolence, righteousness and morality that officials talk about are actually the groups that occupy the most acres of land in the world.Why does the court have no money?Why are the people unbearable?

Because the land of the squires has been merged too much, the people have less land in their hands.

The squires have great power in the local area, and the local government can only cooperate with the squires. In the end, they collude, and all taxes and corvee are transferred to the people.

The common people could not support themselves by farming, and had to serve in the military to survive life and death, so they had to sell their fields.

The more people who fled, the more acres the gentry annexed, and the last remaining people paid more taxes and served more.

If this continues, there will no longer be people in the world who will have their own fields.

in fact.

Most of the people have become tenants, that's all.The key is that the squires do not pay taxes and do not serve in the army. This is the key to the huge empire and all kinds of hidden dangers.

Thinking of this, the emperor frowned.

"Since the emperor took power, he has worked hard to revitalize the government, but the evils have accumulated deep, and the ministers are unwilling to do their best, which makes the emperor distressed.

The slaves and servants saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts. They hated the officials for making the emperor dissatisfied, and they were helpless and worried about the officials.At this time of internal and external difficulties, it is really difficult to be an emperor! "

Qiu Shi'an was full of worry.

He used to serve the Supreme Emperor, but he was able to survive these years under the pressure of the old eunuch Dai Quan, which shows that he is extraordinary.

Later, seeing the Taishanghuang's ship was about to capsize, he immediately took refuge in the emperor. Although he made contributions, he was not trusted, but despised instead.

But things are different.

As the emperor was disappointed with the officials, the eunuch finally entered the emperor's eyes.

"I have no choice but to activate the eunuch."

He doesn't trust the nobles, the ministers, or the generals now.

Several days passed.

The emperor appointed the prime minister, the inner court, and the eunuch Qiu Shi'an to inspect the nine gates of Zhengyang, the seven gates of Yongding, and the four gates of the imperial city, to patrol the city and point out the army.

The Jingying Jiedushi was originally a hereditary position in Jia's mansion, but later fell into Wang Ziteng, and was resigned by Wang Ziteng.

After turning around, it was in the hands of the second-class hereditary male Xie Fu, the grandson of the Marquis of Dingcheng.

Corruption has been prevalent for a long time, and the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp have been cheating to send out their salaries—they receive a generous salary in name, and A pays for B, and B pays for C.

It was still the list from the early days of the Supreme Emperor's reign. When it was in the hands of the Jia family, they encouraged it to maintain a little bit of content.

Later, it was handed over, and then it was in the hands of Wang Ziteng. For various reasons, the Beijing camp was not rectified, because at that time the nobles were suppressed, and no one dared to do anything.

Therefore, the actual errands are either idlers in the market, or servants of powerful families and evil slaves.

These rascals have no discipline at all, the Xie Mansion not only does not enforce restraint, but indulges in plundering, and it is not uncommon to see such aggressive and strange things as robbers during the day.

Qiu Shi'an arrested several places, told the emperor, got orders, arrested more than [-] people and executed the Fa on the spot, his power is getting bigger and bigger.

Xungui who moved first.

Civil servants look weak, but they are actually powerful.Xungui looks strong, but in fact he is strong on the outside and dry on the inside. Embroidered pillows.

Finally, he set his sights on Jia's mansion.

There is a good son-in-law in Jia's house, relying on his influence, he made a lot of money in Jinling.There are people in Jia's mansion in the palace, and there are people in Eunuch Xia who can handle it.


Jia Zheng is getting older, and he suffered political setbacks when he was released to the outside world a few years ago, so he no longer pays for himself like before.

Strange to say.

Now he no longer pursues the official path, but has been sent out again.

Before Jia Zheng took office, Mrs. Wang hurriedly asked about Baoyu's marriage. For a while, Jia Zheng couldn't make up his mind and couldn't find a suitable girl's home.

Those with high strength look down on them, and those with low strength look down on them.Before leaving, he simply pushed it to Mrs. Wang.

At first Mrs. Wang still thought about her niece, but now that her niece has gone to Jinzhou, she couldn't find a suitable family.

In the early years, Jia's mother matched Shi Xiangyun, a girl from the Shifu, but later met the opposition of the Shifu's masters, and Mrs. Wang was not happy, so the matter was considered abandoned.

Now that Jia's mother is getting older, she brought up the matter again when she saw this, but was perfunctory by Mrs. Wang.

Jia Baoyu was the happiest.

Nobody cares about him.

Either hang out with the maids, or drink flower wine with the children of the aristocratic family outside.

Occasionally, when I thought of Sister Chai and Sister Lin, I shed tears for a while, and was quickly persuaded by Xiren afterwards.

Another day.

Baoyu went back to the garden, undressed and had tea.Seeing that the pendant on the fan was gone, Xiren asked him where he had gone.Baoyu said, "I lost it while riding a horse."

While sleeping, Xiren only saw Baoyu with a sweat scarf with bamboo, green and dark flowers and silk around his waist, so he guessed eight or nine points.

Yin said: "You have good trousers, give me back my pair."

When Baoyu heard Xiren's words, he remembered that the sweat scarf belonged to Xiren.When drinking with others, I have long forgotten about it, and generously gave it to others.

Now that I wake up, I regret it in my heart, and I can't say it out of my mouth, so I can only smile and say: "I will pay you one."

After hearing this, Xiren nodded and sighed, "I knew I was going to do these things again! I shouldn't have given my things to that bastard. It's hard for you, I don't have a plan in mind."

If I want to say a few more words, I am afraid that I will vomit his wine, and I will have to sleep, and I will have nothing to say all night.

When I got up at dawn the next day, I saw Baoyu laughing and said, "I don't know if I lost it in the night. Look at the pants."

Xiren looked down and saw that Baoyu's sweat scarf was tied around his waist yesterday. He knew that Baoyu had changed it at night. Take it!"

Seeing her like this, Baoyu had to tactfully persuade her.Attackers can't, so they have to tie it.

After Baoyu went out, he finally untied it and threw it in an empty box, and changed another one to tie it himself.Baoyu is not theoretical, because he asked what happened yesterday.

Xiren then replied, "Second Mistress sent someone to call Hong'er. She was waiting for you to come, so I made up my mind and sent her away."

Baoyu said: "Yes. I already know, don't wait for me.

Xiren said again: "Yesterday, the imperial concubine begged Eunuch Xia to come out and gave 120 taels of silver. She asked to have a three-day safe offering in Qingxuguan from the first to the third day of the junior high school. It’s about worshiping Buddha. There’s also the Mid-Autumn festival.”

Then he ordered the little girl to come, and took out what was given yesterday, only to see two high-grade palace fans, two strings of red musk beads, two phoenix-tailed Luo Duan, and a collar of hibiscus mat.

When Baoyu saw it, he was overjoyed, and he had something to give away again.

Xiren didn't know what Baoyu was thinking, so he sighed.

"Once the young lady sends something home, eunuch Xia wants to get back ten times and a hundred times as much. That's all, and he often asks people to borrow money in various ways, asking for tens of thousands of taels of silver. If this continues, there will be a gold mountain at home." There are not enough silver mountains."

Hearing this, Baoyu was furious.

"He's a eunuch, he bullied him when he came to the house, Second Brother Lian doesn't care?"

Xiren told Baoyu what he heard from Wang Xifeng, how eunuch Xia gained power now, and how the Dingcheng Hou Mansion was rectified.

As soon as Baoyu heard that eunuch Xia was so powerful now, he immediately gave up, and didn't dare to continue to mention what he was going to do just now.

Seeing Baoyu's expression, Xiren just thought it was funny.

But didn't say much.

It's sad to say.

The Jia Mansion, which had been ransacked, is still safe and sound.The concubine Yuan in the palace was supposed to die of illness, which also changed the ending.


Although the relationship network of Jia's mansion is still there, Jia Zhen and Jia Amnesty, the former brought the children of the aristocratic family to fight cockfights, and Ningguo Mansion became the number one place to eat, drink and have fun in the capital.The latter was greedy and attacked the down-and-out nobles.

Jia Zheng, the only one, was all about currying favor with civil officials.

With all these things, the banner of Jia's Mansion was unknowingly not working very well.On the other hand, Wang Ziteng, although he has no real power, but relying on doing Jinzhou's business, he is in a mess.

When Jia's mansion was strong, Jia Lianxiong, the two sons-in-law in the mansion, stood up for a while.It didn't take long, but Wang Xifeng laughed and said the last.

The two had long been at odds, and Jia Lian was ready to go to Jeju Island once again.

"I'm going to hide from Eunuch Xia."

Before leaving, Jia Lian found a reason, and Jia Lian came back and told Wang Xifeng.Wang Xifeng didn't even look at Jia Lian, but just snorted coldly.

She had long thought that her man was dead and she was a widow.

If she didn't take care of her face, maybe she would learn from men and raise a few faces.It's just that the elders in the family are there, and Wang Ziteng must not allow this.

If I want to destroy the family style of the Wang family and implicate all the girls in the Wang family, I am afraid that I will have no good fruit to eat.

Seeing Wang Xifeng ignoring her, Jia Lian didn't say much, turned around and strode out of the house.

Ping'er hesitated to speak.

Want to persuade but dare not persuade, afraid of offending Wang Xifeng.

"What's the matter? Xiaolangtizi saw that the man was going to leave, so you're in a hurry?"

Although she gave up on Jia Lian, how could she not complain, Wang Xifeng couldn't help scolding when she saw Ping'er's behavior from the corner of her eye.

Ping'er was aggrieved and shed tears, so she could only encourage her to explain and solve it.

"How dare you talk back!"

Wang Xifeng became even more angry, and raised her hand to hit him, and Ping'er ran out of the yard aggrieved.

Until Li Wan came to the door, followed by Ping'er with bowed head, he smiled at Wang Xifeng, "You are such a confidant, why bother to make things difficult for her."

Wang Xifeng's anger also disappeared, and her temper also restrained.One is to vent his anger, and the other is to know that Ping'er is for his own good.

So Wang Xifeng smiled and apologized to Ping'er, but Ping'er didn't dare to accept it.

"You are a sensible person. Why did Feng girl wait for you on a regular basis? Today she is also in a hurry. She doesn't want to take it out on you, but can she take it out on someone else? You just need to make mistakes now, isn't your good in the usual days all fake? Is it?"

Ping'er cried: "I have served grandma for so many years, and I haven't even flicked my nails. I don't blame grandma for beating me today. I just feel wronged for grandma, and I can't blame grandma for being angry."

Sister Feng is ashamed and regretting her trip to vent her anger in the daytime. She doesn't think about her usual feelings, and becomes impetuous, embarrassing Ping'er for no reason.

Seeing her like this now, she felt ashamed and sad at the same time, hurriedly pulled her up and shed tears, the two of them cried pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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